French Commissioner Says We're Being Spited Over Brexit

Started by Dynamis, December 22, 2020, 08:30:42 AM

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Quote from: Nick on December 23, 2020, 06:45:56 PM
How do you know I'm not one of these companies partaking in Tax avoidance?

Show me a period in time where Socialism or Communism actually worked and I may consider abandoning my Capitalist values.

It always works for the rulers and their supporters while the rest are impoverished enough to believe their equality rubbish.  Look at any Communist or Socialist country - the result is always the same.


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 06:30:25 PM
You mean you like being lied to on a regular basis.And having a good deal of your taxes poured into large companies trying to be Jack's of all trades, their only real qualification for much of what they do being their access to enormous  funds. Most of them significant donors to the party. Whatever turns you on Nick.

How do you know I'm not one of these companies partaking in Tax avoidance?

Show me a period in time where Socialism or Communism actually worked and I may consider abandoning my Capitalist values.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Good old

Quote from: Nick on December 23, 2020, 05:08:45 PM
Go to Tesco and buy a tin of Tories, open it and you'll get what it says in the label.
No one has a clue what's inside a tin of Labour. This seems to be the bit you just don't get: It doesn't matter how nice it sounds you're not going to be served it.

You mean you like being lied to on a regular basis.And having a good deal of your taxes poured into large companies trying to be Jack's of all trades, their only real qualification for much of what they do being their access to enormous  funds. Most of them significant donors to the party. Whatever turns you on Nick.


Quote from: Nick on December 23, 2020, 05:08:45 PM
Go to Tesco and buy a tin of Tories, open it and you'll get what it says in the label.

I would not open a tin of Tories because of the smell of corruption.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 02:40:30 PMWe know the Tories are crap ,let's live with it. Which you intimate is better than finding out if Labour has any change to offer and could be a lesser form of crap.

Go to Tesco and buy a tin of Tories, open it and you'll get what it says in the label.
No one has a clue what's inside a tin of Labour. This seems to be the bit you just don't get: It doesn't matter how nice it sounds you're not going to be served it.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 02:40:30 PM

You in essence advocate doing F all. I advocate realising nothing's perfect but, changing the record reminds everyone we are always looking for better. Now that is progressive compared with . We know the Tories are crap ,let's live with it. Which you intimate is better than finding out if Labour has any change to offer and could be a lesser form of crap.
Wales as you well know is trying as best it can keep in step with the broader picture in the U.K.. and that may well be there biggest mistake as the the bigger picture is being run by a bunch of people without a frigging clue. But maybe it has always been the weakness, for Labour, in the whole country as the electorate always expects them to remain true to the requirements of a capitalist establishment. Then when they do , kick them where it hurts  when the capitalist establishment have sabotaged any real progress.
Look Thomas, in most respects you high jacked the OP with another  anti Labour tease. We will never agree on these issues , I suggest you have the last word , which I know you would insist on anyway and then let the thread return to its actual subject.
To be fair, Thomas is just pointing out why he will never trust or vote Labour ever again and that goes for best part of the UK as it happens.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 12:50:58 PM
It is  a truism.
I think that was a saying very much on the minds of those that started the move to a United Kingdom, and  a United Europe. A shame some can not learn the lessons those people had learned.
The lesson is simple.
Every time they try to unite Europe we end up in a massive war.
Every single time.

And here we go again.

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 01:47:26 PM
Nick i was once a labour party member as i may have told you before , and left many many years ago.

Labour spent years telling people not to judge them on their past record , in fact dont judge us at all , but merely vote for us because your father voted for us.

The mindless tribal vote .

Now they tell us tony blair is all in the past ( despite starmer modelling his whole strategy and the new labour party on tony blairs labour) and dont judeg us on our past terrible mistakes , but lets wipe the slate clean.

At the same time good old talks about others not being progressive while he himself is advocating doing the same thing over and over again and again unprogressively? ;D

You couldnt make up this drivel.

Labour should never be allowed anywhere near the reins of power ever again.  Their record across the uk nations as we all know is lamentable , not to mention they are still currently in power in deovled wales and ask john of gwent the mess they are making of wales.

We dont need to dig up the past for labours lamentable record , we are seeing it in action in taffydom today.

You in essence advocate doing F all. I advocate realising nothing's perfect but, changing the record reminds everyone we are always looking for better. Now that is progressive compared with . We know the Tories are crap ,let's live with it. Which you intimate is better than finding out if Labour has any change to offer and could be a lesser form of crap.
Wales as you well know is trying as best it can keep in step with the broader picture in the U.K.. and that may well be there biggest mistake as the the bigger picture is being run by a bunch of people without a frigging clue. But maybe it has always been the weakness, for Labour, in the whole country as the electorate always expects them to remain true to the requirements of a capitalist establishment. Then when they do , kick them where it hurts  when the capitalist establishment have sabotaged any real progress.
Look Thomas, in most respects you high jacked the OP with another  anti Labour tease. We will never agree on these issues , I suggest you have the last word , which I know you would insist on anyway and then let the thread return to its actual subject.


QuoteFrance's Dover Blockade Has Hit up to €100 Million of Irish Freight Already

As the chaos at Dover continues amid talks between the UK and France, Westminster isn't the only seat of government feeling Anger towards Macron. Stats from the Institute for Government last month revealed the UK is also the Republic of Ireland's main route into Europe, with 150,000 truck crossings from the Republic to the continent via Dover every year. An estimated €18.2 billion of annual trade now ground to a halt...

Averaged out, Dover could expect to see €50 million of Irish trade per day – €100 million over the two days France has had the border closed. The alternatives via sea take at least twice as long for the roll-on roll-off route, and the load-on load-off sea route takes 60 hours compared to the 20 if driven through England. This is the third time in a month the French have shafted Ireland: firstly for threatening to veto the UK-EU negotiations, and secondly for laying claim to most of €5bn Brexit compensation fund Ireland had hoped they'd get to cushion a no-deal outcome...
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick on December 23, 2020, 01:41:00 PM
Labour have alienated virtually everybody one way or the other.

The youth will latch onto Corbin in what ever guise he pops up in.
The core Brexiteer's have left due to confusion.
The Jewish vote, well we all know where their loyalist isn't.
Leaving the adenoid appreciation society vote.

This isn't the past, this is the now.

Nick i was once a labour party member as i may have told you before , and left many many years ago.

Labour spent years telling people not to judge them on their past record , in fact dont judge us at all , but merely vote for us because your father voted for us.

The mindless tribal vote .

Now they tell us tony blair is all in the past ( despite starmer modelling his whole strategy and the new labour party on tony blairs labour) and dont judeg us on our past terrible mistakes , but lets wipe the slate clean.

At the same time good old talks about others not being progressive while he himself is advocating doing the same thing over and over again and again unprogressively? ;D

You couldnt make up this drivel.

Labour should never be allowed anywhere near the reins of power ever again.  Their record across the uk nations as we all know is lamentable , not to mention they are still currently in power in deovled wales and ask john of gwent the mess they are making of wales.

We dont need to dig up the past for labours lamentable record , we are seeing it in action in taffydom today.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 12:24:57 PMAll the usual sitting on past results as if they are the blueprint for evermore.

Labour have alienated virtually everybody one way or the other.

The youth will latch onto Corbin in what ever guise he pops up in.
The core Brexiteer's have left due to confusion.
The Jewish vote, well we all know where their loyalist isn't.
Leaving the adenoid appreciation society vote.

This isn't the past, this is the now.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 01:35:38 PM

You are  a propaganda machine, in the most basic sense.

Thank you , i do try. ;D

QuoteMore often opinions seriously distorted by members of our dominant press.


Another old labour party propaganda lie that the press are brainwashing the public.

The uk press is the most least trusted in europe , and by and large the only ones who actually read papaers are the elderly.

We in scotland have discussed for years  , and looked into labours fall from grace , and press brainwashing is feck all to do with it. ( the uk press in scotland being largely pro union , and pro labour)

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 01:17:55 PM
shoot the messenger rather than engage the message how very typical labour of you.

I have given you quite a selection of differing rags to read articles from ,including one from labours very own politicians.

We on this forum have also read posts from stauch labour supporters like steve moementum srb  in plymouth , who occasionaly posts on here  , and he displays his vast hatred of england and all thing english , including calling his fellow english racists and anti european xenophobes for voting brexit.

You are a laugh a minute good old.

Unlike you I can accept that Labour as a party and  at times some of its members will and have in the past made mistakes for others to record and you to cherish.  I dare say  some source out there  has a dossier on the Tory party as long as yours. .
We can all do the what about thing just by googling up a few facts , or. More often opinions seriously distorted by members of our dominant press.
I repeat your offerings are totally  distorted , even where they contain a truth. You are  a propaganda machine, in the most basic sense.


Quote from: GerryT on December 23, 2020, 11:14:24 AM
No but Ireland did. Do you know how much food the UK imports today. It's around 80%, that covers finished product and ingredients for UK manufacture. Back in the day you just took the food from smaller nations, as much as you wanted. IRL was effectively the UK's back garden for growing food.

There is no European domination. The EU is not Europe. The EU is not a country. It is 27 countries that pool resources and the EU can only do what the 27 give it competence in.

Region   Percentage supplied to the UK
UK.                   55%
EU                   26%
Africa           4%
North America   4%
South America   4%
Asia                   4%
Rest of Europe   2%
Australasia   1%

Only 26% comes from the EU and I wouldn't be surprised if this has already been dropped to below 20%, if not practically, then certainly the logistics will have been sorted.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: papasmurf on December 23, 2020, 01:19:46 PM
I do, or rather collectively and collated by a largish number of people I do.  In paper format detailed evidence  the equivalent of over a 40ft container load and still growing if it were all in one place.
it is being collated as evidence, not for putting in dribs and drabs on internet forums.

stop trolling the thread please.

if you want to discusss yourself , and what you possess , start a thread on it for those who are remotely interested. Otherwise bolt.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!