French Commissioner Says We're Being Spited Over Brexit

Started by Dynamis, December 22, 2020, 08:30:42 AM

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Good old

Quote from: Thomas on December 24, 2020, 01:12:42 PM
Well thats the standard reply you would expect from a labour supporter like yourself.

Dismiss the left  and cenrtrist political opponenets as losers , and demonise the tories , while saying only a vote for laboiur can stop the tories is standard mind dumbing stuck in a rut labour party thinking.

Thats might have worked years ago , but withthe snp rise in scotand , showing how it is possible to win in the towp arty FPTP system and destroy the old political parties , and the recent rise of ukip/brexit party in england , so much so they forced through a referendum much to labours dismay and the tories terror , you can clearly see why this thinking doesnt work in labour favour any longer , and will carry on breakig down till eventually labour are pushed into fourth place in england as they are in scotland.

rubbish. Fear oif the FPTP system is what has kept the status quo largely in england up to recent years , the fear of the party you hate getting in so you vote the party you hate a bit less while holding your nose isnt a recipe for long terms success for labour or tory , and the system has broke down as we said in scotland ,and is breaking down in england.

Labour similarly dismissed the snp in scotland years ago until the voting public had enough and hammered them. Dont count your status quo chickens.

aye yae , and yet you spend most of your time on this forum championing the status quo that has the uk  in pieces currently and the vast majority pissed off at the two main parties?

How long do you think this will continue ?

The whole system is breaking at the seams , and about the crash down. Farage and the brexit party werent far off , and like the snp , if brexit turns out to be a damp squib and the tories renege on the trust the public put in them , it wont be labour people turn to in desperation , it will be farage.
I totally disagree.

Labour are the tired worn out party which cannot put forth nmew and progressive ideas , and finds it extremely difficult to change.

The toires are opportunists who have been over the course of political history and election winning machine , and change when the need arises , brexit being an example where they went from a majority remain supporting party to a leave party in recent years  to win elections and crush labour while labour floundered under starmers strategy and couldnt adapt to brexit just as they can't adapt to scottish indy.

Outside of bleating about the poor and nhs , labours traditional comfort zone , they have nothing to offer in the modern world.

If labour can't offer the public the wares that the public want , as we have seen in my country , the public simply go elsewhere to get them.

I see we need a party that , that  speaks to ancient wishes for independent government,  whilst dishing out great chunks of socialist goodies . That ain't going to happen in a hurry in England mate. Once your gone we will be independent. Farage is such a solid Tory, in every respect outside of an uncompromising hatred of the EU that if we are left with him or  the Tories , nothing will change that competes with the little treats to be had in Bonny Scotland.
Look you keep telling us what  is happening in a country that is hell bent on rejecting all politics  English. The Poll you show has huge limitations for giving an all round assessment of how Englishmen and women, will be thinking in coming years.
Anyway, Happy Christmas, and a better New Year Thomas,


just for you to reiterate my points good old , heres the latest you gov scottish subsample

QuoteYougov UK Scots sample:
57% SNP
18% Con
13% Lab
2% Brx
2% Grn
2% Oth

Look where starmer the cunning strategist has labour, down to record lows.

He has been the leader now for nearly a year , so you cant keep blaming corbyn for all labours current woes.

On top of that , you keep telling us the mess the tories allegedly  have the uk in , yet the tories are still polling top in england and wales , however slight , and if a general election was held tomorrow , starmers labour would still be unable to form a majority government .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on December 24, 2020, 12:50:55 PM

LDs  Greens, Brexit,P   I rest my case, a bunch of losers, the lot of them.

Well thats the standard reply you would expect from a labour supporter like yourself.

Dismiss the left  and cenrtrist political opponenets as losers , and demonise the tories , while saying only a vote for laboiur can stop the tories is standard mind dumbing stuck in a rut labour party thinking.

Thats might have worked years ago , but withthe snp rise in scotand , showing how it is possible to win in the towp arty FPTP system and destroy the old political parties , and the recent rise of ukip/brexit party in england , so much so they forced through a referendum much to labours dismay and the tories terror , you can clearly see why this thinking doesnt work in labour favour any longer , and will carry on breakig down till eventually labour are pushed into fourth place in england as they are in scotland.

QuoteIf any of them  had viable alternatives to anything to be had in either a Labour, or Conservative vote people would be queuing up.

rubbish. Fear oif the FPTP system is what has kept the status quo largely in england up to recent years , the fear of the party you hate getting in so you vote the party you hate a bit less while holding your nose isnt a recipe for long terms success for labour or tory , and the system has broke down as we said in scotland ,and is breaking down in england.

Labour similarly dismissed the snp in scotland years ago until the voting public had enough and hammered them. Dont count your status quo chickens.

QuoteAnd I would be more than glad if our politics here in England took a turn for the better, no matter who gave it to us.

aye yae , and yet you spend most of your time on this forum championing the status quo that has the uk  in pieces currently and the vast majority pissed off at the two main parties?

How long do you think this will continue ?

The whole system is breaking at the seams , and about the crash down. Farage and the brexit party werent far off , and like the snp , if brexit turns out to be a damp squib and the tories renege on the trust the public put in them , it wont be labour people turn to in desperation , it will be farage.
Of course things should not stay the same as ever, but I'm afraid the Tories, play by far the biggest part in making sure Change slow and tedious.

I totally disagree.

Labour are the tired worn out party which cannot put forth nmew and progressive ideas , and finds it extremely difficult to change.

The toires are opportunists who have been over the course of political history and election winning machine , and change when the need arises , brexit being an example where they went from a majority remain supporting party to a leave party in recent years  to win elections and crush labour while labour floundered under starmers strategy and couldnt adapt to brexit just as they cant adapt to scottish indy.

Outside of bleating about the poor and nhs , labours traditional comfort zone , they have nothing to offer in the modern world.

If labour cant offer the public the wares that the public want , as we have seen in my country , the public simply go elsewhere to get them.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on December 24, 2020, 12:10:36 PM
of course there is a viable alternative. Not only the liberals and the greens , but many labour voters voted brexit party in recent elections so what are you talking about?

You dont want a viable alterantive , and you hope none appears you mean.

The idea things will politically stay the same forever is of course nonsense , and shows how closed your mind is.

LDs  Greens, Brexit,P   I rest my case, a bunch of losers, the lot of them. If any of them  had viable alternatives to anything to be had in either a Labour, or Conservative vote people would be queuing up.
And I would be more than glad if our politics here in England took a turn for the better, no matter who gave it to us.
Of course things should not stay the same as ever, but I'm afraid the Tories, play by far the biggest part in making sure Change slow and tedious.


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 07:23:35 PM
There is no viable alternative to Labour .in England. So I'm perfectly entitled to consider it a wasted vote  to vote for deposit losers.
Not very good you say. Good enough to to have you constantly explaining yourself.  And you are completely welcome to ignore me.

of course there is a viable alternative. Not only the liberals and the greens , but many labour voters voted brexit party in recent elections so what are you talking about?

You dont want a viable alterantive , and you hope none appears you mean.

The idea things will politically stay the same forever is of course nonsense , and shows how closed your mind is.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 07:23:35 PM
That's it ,Thomas, The SNP is not England,

using the quote tags quote me where i am saying they are?

Its within the lifetime of everyone on this forum where the snp werent "scotland" either , back in the days when the british labour party were the party of scotland. A similar party or other parties could and will arise in england , so dont count your chickens for the old status quo.

QuoteYou always retreat into Scots politics when your questioned, knowing dam well Scots politics is quiet distinct from the rest of the country

I am scottish , and scottish politics is my main area of concern. ( unlike the kid on irishman on this forum who diesnt have a clue about his countries politics.)

Your trouble is you want the perfect world of labour tory tennis , and no other parites or political thought to intrude o that perfect world where you get to define labour as good and benign , the tories as evi land corrupt , and force the voters to choose while bleating about the poor the  poor etc etc.

As soon as something new comes on the scene , something progressive that upsets the tired old applecart of lab tory tennis , you dont have a clue how to deal with it and handle it.

Thats your problem. New ideas and new parties require labour to perform new ways to deal with them , and as soon as they are out theri comrofrt zone of crying about the poor and nhs they are fecked.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

patman post

In reality, the UK probably imports 80% of its food.
Any lower number defines all food processed in the UK as UK food, even though the ingredients may have been imported. For example, tea is processed in the UK, but the UK grows no tea — it is all imported.
When imported ingredients are I counted, the real figure is likely to be over 80%...,as%20imported%2C%20the%20real%20figure%20is%20over%2080%25.%22
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Nick on December 24, 2020, 01:27:59 AM

The old maths genius response when you're unsure of your facts.

Less of the bollox Gerry, if you don't agree with the figures I taken from the internet provide a link that shows something different.
This report in the news section says we import 30% of our food from the EU.
Which is pretty close to what you said, Nick.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Nick on December 24, 2020, 01:27:59 AMThe old maths genius response when you're unsure of your facts.

Less of the bollox Gerry, if you don't agree with the figures I taken from the internet provide a link that shows something different.
It's your take on the numbers, misleading. UK food imports, going from your numbers are 58% from the EU.
It's not a problem, well then why is the UK now flying in fruit and veg. Flying it in !! it's only been a couple of days.

Whats hard to understand is the UK being self sufficient for 55% of its consumption.
From this report the UK imports 80% and not 45% of its food, so unless you can show where the internal 55% comes from we can call bull on it. You made the claim and it's not up to me to disprove your claim, it's up to you to prove it.


Quote from: GerryT on December 24, 2020, 12:22:04 AM
Agh Nick the maths genius. That suggests 45% of your food is imported as 55% is from internal avenues. That I don't believe but working with it. Of your food consumption using the numbers above 26% from EU and 19% from others that would mean of your imports nearly 58% come from the EU, is it really that high ? I thought it was down about the 40% mark, your in a worse situation than I thought.

The old maths genius response when you're unsure of your facts.

Less of the bollox Gerry, if you don't agree with the figures I taken from the internet provide a link that shows something different.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on December 23, 2020, 01:29:19 PMRegion   Percentage supplied to the UK
UK.                   55%
EU                   26%
Africa           4%
North America   4%
South America   4%
Asia                   4%
Rest of Europe   2%
Australasia   1%

Only 26% comes from the EU and I wouldn't be surprised if this has already been dropped to below 20%, if not practically, then certainly the logistics will have been sorted.
Agh Nick the maths genius. That suggests 45% of your food is imported as 55% is from internal avenues. That I don't believe but working with it. Of your food consumption using the numbers above 26% from EU and 19% from others that would mean of your imports nearly 58% come from the EU, is it really that high ? I thought it was down about the 40% mark, your in a worse situation than I thought.


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 06:58:38 PM

There is no reason communism can not succeed, it merely embraces capitalism by ruling it. Didn't you tell me what a wonderful example China, was not so long ago. Of course success is not to be only measured in financial success.. Something I feel our own government needs to understand.

I may have told you what a shining example China was at keeping its benefit bill down was.
If you don't get up and make some money for food you die!!
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on December 23, 2020, 07:06:28 PM

How is advocating voting snp doing feck all?

That feck all has put them into government and gained a referednum over the last thirteen years.

labour were in power in my own city like glasgow , and over 80 years did feck all , except drage glasgow from the second city of the empire into one of the worst cities in the western world.

thats labours legacy.

The snp have done more in thriteen years than labour did in nigh on the best part of a century.

as for england , look what farage did by not even managing to get elected to westmisnter.

Labour and tories sat on eu membership for forty years , did feck all but lick european arse to a lesser or greater degree , and as soon as farage looked like upsetting the apple cart of labour tory tennis at westminster , frightened the tories that much they ran to give him a dnengland a referendum on eu membership , which labour of course opposed , and the rest they say is history.

So you tel me again voting for other parties other than labour and their tory sideckicks is doing feck all.

you arent very good at this debating malarkey good old are you?

Stuck in a rut as i said , all labour and their supporters want is two party politics and no progression where the bleat is the poor the poor and the toies are evil and they have nice safe comfrotbale benchwarming seats in westmisnter.

As soon as other parties wade in , labour are caught like rabbits in headlights.

That's it ,Thomas, The SNP is not England, and  and you are constantly telling anyone that will listen what  us English, should not do. You always retreat into Scots politics when your questioned, knowing dam well Scots politics is quiet distinct from the rest of the country. There is no viable alternative to Labour .in England. So I'm perfectly entitled to consider it a wasted vote  to vote for deposit losers.
Not very good you say. Good enough to to have you constantly explaining yourself.  And you are completely welcome to ignore me.


Quote from: Good old on December 23, 2020, 02:40:30 PM

You in essence advocate doing F all.


How is advocating voting snp doing feck all?

That feck all has put them into government and gained a referednum over the last thirteen years.

labour were in power in my own city like glasgow , and over 80 years did feck all , except drag glasgow from the second city of the empire into one of the worst cities in the western world.( despite promising home rule for the best part of a century and needing the eu to drag them kicking and scremaing to implement it)

thats labours legacy.

The snp have done more in thriteen years than labour did in nigh on the best part of a century.

as for england , look what farage did by not even managing to get elected to westmisnter.

Labour and tories sat on eu membership for forty years , did feck all but lick european arse to a lesser or greater degree , and as soon as farage looked like upsetting the apple cart of labour tory tennis at westminster , frightened the tories that much they ran to giveengland a referendum on eu membership , which labour of course opposed , and the rest they say is history.

So you tel me again voting for other parties other than labour and their tory sideckicks is doing feck all.

you arent very good at this debating malarkey good old are you?

Stuck in a rut as i said , all labour and their supporters want is two party politics and no progression where the bleat is the poor the poor and the toies are evil and they have nice safe comfrotbale benchwarming seats in westmisnter.

As soon as other parties wade in , labour are caught like rabbits in headlights.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Nick on December 23, 2020, 06:45:56 PM
Quote from: Nick on December 23, 2020, 06:45:56 PM
How do you know I'm not one of these companies partaking in Tax avoidance?

Show me a period in time where Socialism or Communism actually worked and I may consider abandoning my Capitalist values.
Quote from: Nick on December 23, 2020, 06:45:56 PM
How do you know I'm not one of these companies partaking in Tax avoidance?

Show me a period in time where Socialism or Communism actually worked and I may consider abandoning my Capitalist values.
Quote from: Nick on December 23, 2020, 06:45:56 PM
How do you know I'm not one of these companies partaking in Tax avoidance?

Show me a period in time where Socialism or Communism actually worked and I may consider abandoning my Capitalist values.
Quote from: Nick on December 23, 2020, 06:45:56 PM
How do you know I'm not one of these companies partaking in Tax avoidance?

Show me a period in time where Socialism or Communism actually worked and I may consider abandoning my Capitalist values.

There is no reason communism can not succeed, it merely embraces capitalism by ruling it. Didn't you tell me what a wonderful example China, was not so long ago. Of course success is not to be only measured in financial success.. Something I feel our own government needs to understand.