We're OUT

Started by johnofgwent, December 31, 2020, 11:02:21 PM

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Quote from: Nick on January 02, 2021, 12:22:05 PMYou say 80%, but only 56% is exported to the EU. And the bit you don't mention is that 51% Service import is from the EU, so they will be itching to get it sorted also.
Only 56%, minor so.

51% of UK services is from the EU, which the EU is repatriating. Thats the issue I'm highlighting. 80% of the UK economy is service based and its not part of the FTA. The EU is stating to pull that back into the EU, using EU service providers to provide the service, this has been highlighted in Financial service but its not limited to just that.
But you're right the EU provides service for UK customers which will be pulled out of the EU over time, whats the value of that ?


Quote from: Borchester on January 02, 2021, 01:05:33 PM
I suspect that the detail is that both sides want a deal and anybody who points to the small print will be politely told to f**k off.
So saying you have a deal is all that matters, but the details of the deal are not important, is that your position then ?


Quote from: GerryT on January 02, 2021, 12:05:45 PM
... what is the detail of the new relationship...

I suspect that the detail is that both sides want a deal and anybody who points to the small print will be politely told to F@@@ off.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: GerryT on January 02, 2021, 12:05:45 PM
Firstly happy new yr to all. Brexit is done and now dead, long live brexit. Now comes the time, over the next couple of mths to see how trade will be shaped between the UK and EU, obviously things will change but where will it find a new balance.

So what do we know.
We have a FTA working.
NI has a special relationship (in the EU&UK)

What do we not know (well i dont)
How was the level playing field sorted
What happened to governance
What was agreed on product standards/rules
Whats happening with Services (80% of UK trade)
What was the ginal deal on fishing.

The UK has passed the deal into law, im sure someone has the answers to these long standing red lines. Im thrilled theres a deal done as it will greatly soften the blow for both the EU and UK. But what is the detail of the new relationship, is it brino or just a zero tariff and nothing else arrangement, does anyone know ?

You say 80%, but only 56% is exported to the EU. And the bit you don't mention is that 51% Service import is from the EU, so they will be itching to get it sorted also.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Firstly happy new yr to all. Brexit is done and now dead, long live brexit. Now comes the time, over the next couple of mths to see how trade will be shaped between the UK and EU, obviously things will change but where will it find a new balance.

So what do we know.
We have a FTA working.
NI has a special relationship (in the EU&UK)

What do we not know (well i dont)
How was the level playing field sorted
What happened to governance
What was agreed on product standards/rules
Whats happening with Services (80% of UK trade)
What was the ginal deal on fishing.

The UK has passed the deal into law, im sure someone has the answers to these long standing red lines. Im thrilled theres a deal done as it will greatly soften the blow for both the EU and UK. But what is the detail of the new relationship, is it brino or just a zero tariff and nothing else arrangement, does anyone know ?


Quote from: Sampanviking on January 01, 2021, 04:06:20 PM
No Thomas, I was not thinking of the SNP at all. I have in my minds eye, The Remainer establishment in England, who will do all in their power tp frustrate matters and rub the hands in ersatz woe at everything and object to every way forward, by citing every WOKE cause in the book.

I have no issue with what an Independent Scotland might decide to do, it would be Scotland's business and I would also simply wish you all well.
All I would say is that if you did rejoin the EU, beware of mischief makers from afar bearing gifts.
Well they have all moved to Scotland now, well not literally, but from the hidey holes they call journalism, which is really just a front for political meanderings, gawd help the Scots.
They don't take rejection well. So they decided the Scots have said they want them.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sampanviking on January 01, 2021, 02:47:33 PMTo this though, we will need to leave WOKE sensitivities behind

Does this mean all the liberals will get a fecking good shoeing? Where do I sign?


Quote from: Sampanviking on January 01, 2021, 04:06:20 PM
No Thomas, I was not thinking of the SNP at all. I have in my minds eye, The Remainer establishment in England, who will do all in their power tp frustrate matters and rub the hands in ersatz woe at everything and object to every way forward, by citing every WOKE cause in the book.

I have no issue with what an Independent Scotland might decide to do, it would be Scotland's business and I would also simply wish you all well.
All I would say is that if you did rejoin the EU, beware of mischief makers from afar bearing gifts.

just let me clarify sampan , im not making a pro or anti eu argument .

The eu is settled for now in uk terms , we are out , and scotland knows if we stay part of the uk , we are out the eu .

In scottish terms , this is something we need to discuss and debate among ourselves, and as i said im not sure i would vote to join the eu.

What  im saying is the british are trying to deny us a say. They are telling us we are englands prisoner , and cant choose  , and westmisnter , which is 82% english mps and constituencies , will decide our fate for us.

So its time to choose. No one can  say the constitutional status quo of 2014 is the same , nor  the arguments and promises the british made to us.

Being part of a so called union where one country calls the shots over the other four unlike the euroepan union , where any country can vote to leave , isnt a union , its an english prison.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


No Thomas, I was not thinking of the SNP at all. I have in my minds eye, The Remainer establishment in England, who will do all in their power tp frustrate matters and rub the hands in ersatz woe at everything and object to every way forward, by citing every WOKE cause in the book.

I have no issue with what an Independent Scotland might decide to do, it would be Scotland's business and I would also simply wish you all well.
All I would say is that if you did rejoin the EU, beware of mischief makers from afar bearing gifts.


Quote from: Sampanviking on January 01, 2021, 03:30:20 PM

What does interest me though is whether or not, after going to all the trouble to get Scottish Independence, would you want to go your own way as an Independent state or simply leave the UK to rejoin the EU?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sampanviking on January 01, 2021, 03:30:20 PM
Speaking to wrong bloke Thomas, I never had an issue with Scots Independence. If Scotland wants to Sail with us, great and glad to have old friends along, if you want to go another way, then Au Revoir and Bon Voyage.

ok thanks for that sampan , i didnt think you did as we havent clashed on this issue all the time i have known you on this forum.

I was simply picking you up when you said this..

Quote from: Sampanviking on January 01, 2021, 02:47:33 PM

In short, it is not over yet and while you party, the Blairs of this world are still plotting to make it all go tits up!

if i have picked you up wrong , i apologise , but i thought you were referencing the snp hence my response.

QuoteWhat does interest me though is whether or not, after going to all the trouble to get Scottish Independence, would you want to go your own way as an Independent state or simply leave the UK to rejoin the EU?

Well you have probably read my posts to sheepy today , and of course many times in the past , when i have dealt with this.

On a personal level i have many times now said i was a lukewarmremainer , and not really that bothered about joining or leving the eu. I voted remain in 2016.

Scotland voted 62 % remain , and like brexiters in subsequent elections with anti eu parties  in england , have voted overwhelmingly for pro european parties in scotland , so i think  scotland should now have the choice which union it wants to stay with. EU , or UK , or none.

If we get independence , then as far as im aware there is talk of holding a referendum to join the eu , EFTA , and scottish brexiters will have their chance to vote out then.,

Wihtout independence , england wont give us a choice , which i find completely utterly anti demcoratic and a massive own goal not to mention cowardice from westmisnter politicians.

Finally having spent three hundred ingloriuos years part of a union where we haevelittle or no say , i think you are going to find it difficult trying to tell scots eu membership is as bad or worse than uk membership , for all the reasons i have given before.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


All these inconvenient promises lies threats and half truths that us scottish were told to make us vote to stay in the uk in 2014 are all sitting there at the touch of a button.

The conservatives were just as bad as labour , and used membership of the eu as a stick to beat scots to voting to stay in their union , and now england has voted to leave , its coming back to haunt them big time.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 01, 2021, 03:00:49 PM
by the way sampan , the snp arent plottin to make englands brexit go tits up. They are plotting to take scotland out of the uk.

did you think that would be it , uk leaves the eu and the snp go back in their box and the jocks go back to voting labour and we all walk off hand in hand into the brexit sunset?

I am voting snp and scottish indy every single election till it happens , with the same determination and intensity you brexiters did in trying to leave the eu.

So im not sure what the surprise is.

Speaking to wrong bloke Thomas, I never had an issue with Scots Independence. If Scotland wants to Sail with us, great and glad to have old friends along, if you want to go another way, then Au Revoir and Bon Voyage.

What does interest me though is whether or not, after going to all the trouble to get Scottish Independence, would you want to go your own way as an Independent state or simply leave the UK to rejoin the EU?


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Lets just remind ourselves what scottish conservatives told scotland before the referendum to leave the uk in 2014...

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!