We're OUT

Started by johnofgwent, December 31, 2020, 11:02:21 PM

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Quote from: DeppityDawg on January 03, 2021, 04:45:20 PM
I'm beginning to think all that money I spent on accros has been wasted to be honest, Thomas. The sky hasn't moved even a bit.

Not entirely true. The earth has completed one more sharp right hander, the geostationary satellites have been thrown their annual curveball and once again the sunrise and sunset times go a bit loopy between the solstice (before which the sun was rising a little later and setting a little earlier daily, as you might expect, making the days shorter as we approached 21/12) but it will be about twelfth night before the sun rises a little earlier and sets a little later each day.

Between the solstice and twelfth night, approximately, the fact the earth is pulling that right hander around a celestial marble arch like some crazed deliveroo moped rider means the sun continues to rise LATER each morning, but SETS later too, and my an extent that the day length is increasing.

All this was of course know plainly to the shamen of my Viking ancestors.

But it did their heads in

Which is why they went out, ordered the fit strong men of the village to cut down a stuffing great log, drag it into the long house, and promptly demanded the whole village get severely pissed until these mad antics passed off and the sun started to behave normally ...
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: GerryT on January 03, 2021, 08:32:47 PM

Page 260 for those that don't want to read

page 260 what?

Page 260 is an appendix at the end of the document on the storehouses of kilkenny barracks.

Whats this got to do with you claiming there were 200 000 british soliders in ireland and borkie correcting you and calling you out over it?

As for gibraltar and the falklands im not sure the spanish or argentinians have a leg to stand on over these areas gerry. Im all for criticising when its due , and im a vocal critic of the british elite , but you are just coming across as spitefull now that england has left the eu.

Maybe your friends in the labour party under that muppet starmer might get elected and take the english or uk back in under some sort of BRINO.?

As far as im aware , most irish are happy with the brexit deal , and are moving on in both the north and the south , so im not sure the purpose , outwith more whinging from english remainers , of someone who claims to be irish coming on here and throwing his rattle out of his pram further about brexit.

QuoteIrish economy dodges a bullet as Brexit trade deal agreed
Trade deal between the EU and UK means damaging tariffs will be avoided


QuoteThe Taoiseach has described the Brexit deal as a "good compromise and a balanced outcome".


Democracy has been enacted gerry , and that is never a bad thing.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on January 04, 2021, 12:58:02 AMI don't know the hostory of the falklands, so i don't know how the brits fuc*ed that up

Fucked up? You don't know the first thing about it but you use that term. If you took 1 minute to read something you would know that the Falklands was inhabited by the British long before Argentina was even a country. And just like the Rock it voted to be part of the UK with a majority in the high 90%.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: cromwell on January 03, 2021, 11:20:36 PM
Another post that reveals your true thought pattern,Gibraltar back with Spain? You actually don't give a toss about what the Gibraltarians want do you Gerry they voted to stay out of Spain,doubtless you feel the same about the Falklands.

For all your  the peace process must be honoured and talk of how this or that treaty be honoured you are as transparent as a clear window pane you hate the English for the past and want to humble them now.

Suffice to say I could say more of what I think........but I'll leave it there
The british took gibralta 300yrs ago from the Spanish, it wasn't your's to take. Its a strategic position and thats why it was held. Doesn't make it right.
I don't know the hostory of the falklands, so i don't know how the brits fuc*ed that up, but what in gods name is the UK doing holding territory half way around the world, isn't it about time you left and fixed up with the original locals.
At the time most of the Spanish fled back into spain, obviously the people that moved in are pro UK. But Gibralta is now joining the Schengen area so you'll need your passport to go there soon enough and what i said is Gibralta will be back with Spain. Thats what you say when somthing is taken and its given back. Obviously this will require the concent of the locsls, we're not talki ng of doing it the old fashion way of taking it. But its bound to happen now that the UK is out of the EU.
Cromwell you need to stop thinking im attacking the Brits, if you took an apologetic position rather than defending the good old empire and its shitty past it wouldn't get to you so much.
I've family and friends in the UK, lovely people, its not the 1700 or 1800's any more, thank god.


Quote from: GerryT on January 03, 2021, 08:32:47 PM

I should have said 200,000 troops were stationed in IRL over the famine years, which they were.

Which they weren't actually.

Gerry, this is cyber space and no one minds a few porkies. But yours are really cack handed. You have taken the number of troops in Ireland for every year from 1840 to 1849, added them together and reached a total of 200,000 and indicated that was the regular garrison, when in fact it varied between 15,000 and 32,000. And that was barely enough to fill the public bar of the Ordnance Arms in St John's Wood. And worst of all, you didn't think anyone would notice.

Remember that old saying of our Russian friends. Better a clever lie than the foolish truth. Unfortunately, you seem destined to always get matters the wrong way round.

Mod edit to fix quotes....Crom
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: GerryT on January 03, 2021, 11:03:20 PM
How do you make that out, im thrilled with the WA, it backs up the GFA. im also thrilled about the trade deal, its not as good as it was but its far better than no deal. It'll be ratified in the coming years, in the mean time each of the 27 will cherry pick one thing or the other to get some finer points of the deal changed. But its all good. Gibralta seems to be outside the deal also, so wont be long before its back with Spain, if not politically it will be in any real sense.
Over a third of the british regular army plus RIC in IRL , the arme being twice what it was 5yrs previously, only one reason. Rob the food, kill the locals.
Another post that reveals your true thought pattern,Gibraltar back with Spain? You actually don't give a toss about what the Gibraltarians want do you Gerry they voted to stay out of Spain,doubtless you feel the same about the Falklands.

For all your  the peace process must be honoured and talk of how this or that treaty be honoured you are as transparent as a clear window pane you hate the English for the past and want to humble them now.

Suffice to say I could say more of what I think........but I'll leave it there
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


How do you make that out, im thrilled with the WA, it backs up the GFA. im also thrilled about the trade deal, its not as good as it was but its far better than no deal. It'll be ratified in the coming years, in the mean time each of the 27 will cherry pick one thing or the other to get some finer points of the deal changed. But its all good. Gibralta seems to be outside the deal also, so wont be long before its back with Spain, if not politically it will be in any real sense.
Over a third of the british regular army plus RIC in IRL , the arme being twice what it was 5yrs previously, only one reason. Rob the food, kill the locals.


Told you it was all lies, Gerry in Dublin don't give a flying one about the EU or the Good Friday agreement.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Borchester on January 03, 2021, 04:21:17 PMWhere they ate all the spuds.

In 1838 the British regular army totaled just over 91,000.

Nothing wrong with a few cheerful lies Gerry, but yours are really obvious.


It's a long read if you really want to know what went on. But you prob don't. I should have said 200,000 troops were stationed in IRL over the famine years, which they were. It went to 32,000 personnel in the height of things in 1848 and that didn't include the RIC members who were also used to guard food and police evictions. Up from 15,000.

Thats why its more a genocide and not a famine, it was a policy to starve the Irish while food was been removed.

Page 260 for those that don't want to read


Quote from: Borchester on January 03, 2021, 05:14:51 PM
And there you are.

When I was a lad and at a time when such things were a bit of a luxury, my dad would come home with a couple chicken. He got them, he said, from a friendly American at a nearby American Airbase. And the Airbase had the chickens deep frozen and flown in directly from the US.

We loved the old fella and he could tell a fine tale, so we never asked why the chickens were still warm.  :)
It did cross my mind years later, the wily old squire who was also chair of the gold club, thought it better getting the golfers clubbing in a few quid towards keeping the rabbits down on the golf course, while we were there a few more Pheasants made it to the shoot.  ;)
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 03, 2021, 04:56:32 PM
Who don't love a twisted history lesson to rev up the thick? When I were a lad, while the Anglo Saxons were busy stabbing each other in the back couldn't learn to read and write, we were being taught how to survive if need be by poaching a few of the local squires Pheasent and Rabbits, in fact we were so good at it the local golf course used to pay us 5 bob a rabbit. So we couldn't lose, local butcher used to pay us another half a crown per rabbit. With working weekends had my first brand new racing bike by the time I was 13. but then we didn't have to grow up being confused about what gender we were or think it all grew on trees. The old and infirm never went without a bit of Pheasent either.

And there you are.

When I was a lad and at a time when such things were a bit of a luxury, my dad would come home with a couple chicken. He got them, he said, from a friendly American at a nearby American Airbase. And the Airbase had the chickens deep frozen and flown in directly from the US.

We loved the old fella and he could tell a fine tale, so we never asked why the chickens were still warm.  :)
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on January 03, 2021, 04:21:17 PM
Where they ate all the spuds.

In 1838 the British regular army totaled just over 91,000.

Nothing wrong with a few cheerful lies Gerry, but yours are really obvious.
Who don't love a twisted history lesson to rev up the thick? When I were a lad, while the Anglo Saxons were busy stabbing each other in the back couldn't learn to read and write, we were being taught how to survive if need be by poaching a few of the local squires Pheasent and Rabbits, in fact we were so good at it the local golf course used to pay us 5 bob a rabbit. So we couldn't lose, local butcher used to pay us another half a crown per rabbit. With working weekends had my first brand new racing bike by the time I was 13. but then we didn't have to grow up being confused about what gender we were or think it all grew on trees. The old and infirm never went without a bit of Pheasent either.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


I tell you what im really disappointed in gerry pappy and the bhoys.

How do they expect anyone to take them serious when they cant get their catastrophies correct?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 03, 2021, 04:40:43 PMnyone anywhere reporting any signs of the sky falling in or anyfing like that?

I'm beginning to think all that money I spent on accros has been wasted to be honest, Thomas. The sky hasn't moved even a bit.


Quote from: Thomas on January 03, 2021, 04:40:43 PM
anyhow the thread has wandered a bit , but what i want to know is....are we still out the eu or what?

Anyone anywhere reporting any signs of the sky falling in or anyfing like that?

I think it should. Most Brexiters were expecting some sort of catastrophe and it would make Pappy happy. :)
Algerie Francais !