Brexit: Seven things changing on 1 January

Started by GBNews, January 01, 2021, 01:12:46 AM

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Quote from: T00ts on January 01, 2021, 09:34:41 AMIt seems that the media is running around like rabbits  in a the headlights in a frantic search for disasters.

I dropped Mrs Dawgs morning coffee on the kitchen floor this morning. Do you think it might have anything to do with Brexit?


Quote from: papasmurf on January 01, 2021, 11:51:49 AM

Based on many years of personal experience It is a lot cheaper in Brittany per day to day living costs than in the UK. Eating out is way cheaper in Brittany as well. Menu Ouvrier is around €12.50 for three courses  wine and coffee included.

rubbish. The cost of living in france has traditionally been cheaper than in the uk , as england alone could fit inside france five times over and they have much more land that is cheaper.

The cost of holidaying in france has been massivley increasing over the years. France was much cheaper than the uk decades ago , but not now with all the taxes and eu expense many of the french i know moan about.

France has  neve ever in my lifetime been a country where it is regarded cheap to eat out.

New data on the cost of living in Europe shows that prices in France are above the EU average in every area - except phone bills.

The data from Eurostat compares 10 key areas of life, from housing costs to food, meals out to transport, against other European countries and an EU average.

And the bad news for people living in France is that the costs are higher for everyday essentials in nine out of the 10 categories.

Mention of food brings us to restaurants, one of France's greatest delights.

On average, restaurants and hotels are 17.9 percent above the European average but on the foodie scene there's huge variation. Dinner at Mirazur in south east France - officially the best restaurant in the world - will set you back a cool €260, without wine. On the other hand the generally high standard of food in France, and the terroir tradition, means that even basic restaurants will generally provide you with a delicious dinner.

just because you tend to constantly stay in one small north west part of france doesnt mean the price you are paying is the average or normal for eating out compared to elsehwere in europe.

France is a great country to visit , but its expensive , and more expensive than many other countries.

So what are you talking about?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 01, 2021, 10:45:52 AM
one thing that will never change is that france is the most visited country inthe world , and the frenchman will still desperately want the englishman or scot among many others travelling there spending their cash.

I have driven the length and breadth of france cromwell over the last two decades or so , and all you see on the french roads  in summer are english and scottish vehicles. I bet you anything you like it doesnt change much at all despite what the doomongers will have you believe.

In a way though , if the eu does make it difficult for uk travellers , i can see it having the oppostie effect to what remoaners think , it wont make us want to rejoin , it will simply make european countries angry with brussells and their red tape.

The uk has left , like it or lump it , and time for everyone to get on with things and make the best of it.

Yeah have visited France a good few times,I like the Charente and my missus loves her cognac 8)  and the tours of the various cognac makers :).
The French in general like to see us houghts they do smile at ze old Englishman who wears socks with his shorts and sandals. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on January 01, 2021, 11:38:24 AM

Always has been. France has become a very expensive country to holiday in

Based on many years of personal experience It is a lot cheaper in Brittany per day to day living costs than in the UK. Eating out is way cheaper in Brittany as well. Menu Ouvrier is around €12.50 for three courses  wine and coffee included.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on January 01, 2021, 11:21:08 AM
I am cheerful it is you making very stupid assumptions about me that have no basis in fact.

im not making any assumptions , im calling what i see when i read your constant moanig and doomongering in your daily posts.

QuoteWhen it comes to travel into Europe there are a lot of extra regulations to be complied with, and extra expense.

Always has been. France has become a very expensive country to holiday in , and taking a touring caravan to france is not a cheap way of holidaying.

Regulations come and go , expence is ever growing. Life goes on pappy , you need to accept this and stop moaning .

QuoteIt will be very easy to fall foul of those regulations if you and your vehicle are searched at the port of entry.


Vehicles have been getting searched regualrly long before the uk left the eu.

There was massive hold ups two and more years ago at calais and the reverse with all the terrorism and migrant hysteria.

If you comply with the regulations whatever they are , as i always do , whats the problem. You are moaning for the sake of moaning pappy , and trying to invent ghosts because you are a miser who cant see any happiness in life.

QuoteIf you are not aware of that, ignorance is bliss.

obviously you are too busy moaning that you arent reading my posts. I already said earlier in the thread any new regualtions ,and organisations like the /caravan club etc will make us aware as they always do.

Ferry companies make you aware before you board of what is required , and anything you dont have can be purchased to comply.

Maybe cornwall needs and earthquake or flood or some apocalypse to make you happy pappy? You seem to wallow in doom and gloom and misery , and only seem happy when you are unhappy.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 01, 2021, 10:49:16 AM

So cheer up and stop being so miserable or you might give yourself a hernia.

I am cheerful it is you making very stupid assumptions about me that have no basis in fact.

When it comes to travel into Europe there are a lot of extra regulations to be complied with, and extra expense.
It will be very easy to fall foul of those regulations if you and your vehicle are searched at the port of entry.
If you are not aware of that, ignorance is bliss.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on January 01, 2021, 10:41:43 AM
That may explain why so many Scots have left Scotland.

More english living outside england than scottish with scotland , so maybe english officials arent that good either smurf ?


Good and bad everywhere , not just england france and scotland.

So be happy ,and cheer up. You are alive arent you?

You have survived brexit , the world hasnt ended , and you are about to be vaccinated from the chinese sniffles. You will be in your brittany caravan in no time pappy , enjoying the sun.

So cheer up and stop being so miserable or you might give yourself a hernia.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on January 01, 2021, 10:37:12 AM
Whilst the thread title is seven things changing in January one never alters

On here we have the eight dwarf .......Doomster

The fifth horseman of the apocalypse ........Give it time

Really should give it a rest. :-[

one thing that will never change is that france is the most visited country inthe world , and the frenchman will still desperately want the englishman or scot among many others travelling there spending their cash.

I have driven the length and breadth of france cromwell over the last two decades or so , and all you see on the french roads  in summer are english and scottish vehicles. I bet you anything you like it doesnt change much at all despite what the doomongers will have you believe.

In a way though , if the eu does make it difficult for uk travellers , i can see it having the oppostie effect to what remoaners think , it wont make us want to rejoin , it will simply make european countries angry with brussells and their red tape.

The uk has left , like it or lump it , and time for everyone to get on with things and make the best of it.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 01, 2021, 10:38:08 AM
They are no worse than scottish officials.

That may explain why so many Scots have left Scotland.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on January 01, 2021, 10:35:23 AM
I have a French bank debit card a lot less hassle. If you have not learned by now French officials can be complete and utter bastards, you have been very lucky.

They are no worse than scottish officials.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Whilst the thread title is seven things changing in January one never alters

On here we have the eight dwarf .......Doomster

The fifth horseman of the apocalypse ........Give it time

Really should give it a rest. :-[ and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on January 01, 2021, 10:31:15 AM

When i go to france , i have cash in the hip , and the french want me to spend it. Im not sure they are going to take kindly to anyone stopping me doing so.

I have a French bank debit card a lot less hassle. If you have not learned by now French officials can be complete and utter bastards, you have been very lucky.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on January 01, 2021, 10:20:53 AM
Well you need to study the new regulations VERY carefully, or you won't be let on the ferry. (Seriously.)
Normally when I get off of the ferry the French side I wait in the terminal car park to let all the caravan draggers go first. It is a lot less scary.

I personally coudnt give a feck smurf.

Anything out of the ordinary , and im sure organisations like the caravan club etc will let us know.

When i go to france , i have cash in the hip , and the french want me to spend it. Im not sure they are going to take kindly to anyone stopping me doing so.

QuoteIt is a lot less scary.

The world is scary to you pappy. If you spent less time worrying about impending apocalypse , and more time being happy , you wouldnt be such a miserable barsteward whose glass is always half empty.

Be thankfull for what youve got .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 01, 2021, 10:15:04 AM
Ive been across that ferry dover to calais so many times ive lost count. We tow a large family touring caravan , and normally pop over to see family and friends on a regualr basis in France.

Well you need to study the new regulations VERY carefully, or you won't be let on the ferry. (Seriously.)
Normally when I get off of the ferry the French side I wait in the terminal car park to let all the caravan draggers go first. It is a lot less scary.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on January 01, 2021, 10:08:41 AM
You are still being an idiot, today is a holiday, there is little cross channel freight traffic for the first two weeks of January anyway.
Officially a single incident is not a disaster until there are at least ten dead.

Ive been across that ferry dover to calais so many times ive lost count. We tow a large family touring caravan , and normally pop over to see family and friends on a regualr basis in France.

There is always some issue somewhere  , or some hold up  , people deal with it , they survive and life goes on.

I would imagine like anythng else the new rules and regualtions will take a wee while to get used to , and in a couple of year if not less , it will be the new norm .

So stop moaning.

Glass half empty all the time with you , i bet you could empty a room full of people quicker than a suicide bomber with all the moaning you do.

Do you moan when the sun rises in the morning pappy?

Be thankfull for what you have and live your life happy in stead of being a miserable doom and gloom merchant.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!