The return of Tony Bliar?

Started by cromwell, January 10, 2021, 12:10:27 PM

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Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 31, 2021, 11:27:54 AM

you can't tell good old . Head in the sand la la la hes not listening.

this paragraph summs up what ive been hearing for a long time now abour keith..

A year he has been in charge sheep , and he can't go through the next 3 years blaming corbyn for his parties woes.

Its all starting to wear a bit thin now his excuses , and as i keep saying the majroty of flak starmer receives isnt fro mnasty scot nationalists or tories , its from his own side who can't forgive him for stabbing corbyn in the back.

It seems you would have to tell Jeremy Hunt, that Starmer and of course Labour ,are a lost cause.
Only this morning , on Sophie Ridge, Sky,  he says Starmer is a distinct threat to the Tories in his neck of the woods . As much so as Blair was ,and he caused a major upset there. Where is that? The leafy suburban idle of Tory saturated  Surrey.
He knows there is going to be mess to clear up, and when that happens the electorate will be listening closely to all options. The people who have handled the making of the mess, blameless in real terms or otherwise, tend to be on the back foot.
I keep telling you Thomas , you can not compare Scotland, to England. Regarding a nationalist party. Simply because unlike Scotland a nationalist party in England, can not throw out the call for freedom from a foreign powers influence.


Quote from: johnofgwent on January 31, 2021, 11:37:12 AM

To be fair, Thatcher, Blair, Cameron May and Boris did not "win"

this is part of what im saying to good old about the old system he is so desperate to keep  , being part of the overall problem in uk politics , where the likes of tony blair and labour can win an outright majority governemnt  in the 2001 election on something like 20 % of the electorates votes.

No wonder good old wants to keep the status quo of the FPTP two party stitch up. As i said , how can they not have a good chance of "winning" ( if thats the right term) in such a lamentable two horse race where a few marginals couple with a load of benchwarming seats decide the government of 67 million people?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on January 31, 2021, 11:37:12 AM

To be fair, Thatcher, Blair, Cameron May and Boris did not "win"

Callahan, Major, Brown, Ed and his Stone, and finally and most miserably of the lot Corbyn LOST and lost spectacularly..

Corbyn in particular was the gift that kept on giving. Which was a pity in the sense he seemed more honest about the disaster he was promising to bring

Too true John,the problem is those who made it and those that didn't still think we want to hear their lofty thoughts and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on January 31, 2021, 09:43:59 AM

Labour are involved in a two horse race with the tories every election , how can they not have a chance to get into government?

To be fair, Thatcher, Blair, Cameron May and Boris did not "win"

Callahan, Major, Brown, Ed and his Stone, and finally and most miserably of the lot Corbyn LOST and lost spectacularly..

Corbyn in particular was the gift that kept on giving. Which was a bity in the sense he seemed more honest about the disaster he was promising to bring
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


QuotePolitics For All
· 15h
Which of the following people do you think would be the best prime minister?

Boris Johnson: 33% (+4)
Keir Starmer: 29% (-3)

Via @OpiniumResearch, 28/29 Jan
Changes w Jan 15

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 31, 2021, 10:03:22 AM
LOL obviously they do need a knight in shining armour then. Beats the spiteful politics hands down. Mind you, I guess bringing it down to the lowest common denominator is only to be expected.

you cant tell good old . Head in the sand la la la hes not listening.

this paragraph summs up what ive been hearing for a long time now abour keith..

QuoteThe figures – showing the Tories on 41%, up four percentage points compared with two weeks ago, and Labour down three points on 38% – are a blow to Labour and will raise questions about whether the party's progress has stalled under Keir Starmer.

A year he has been in charge sheep , and he cant go through the next 3 years blaming corbyn for his parties woes.

Its all starting to wear a bit thin now his excuses , and as i keep saying the majroty of flak starmer receives isnt fro mnasty scot nationalists or tories , its from his own side who cant forgive him for stabbing corbyn in the back.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

LOL obviously they do need a knight in shining armour then. Beats the spiteful politics hands down. Mind you, I guess bringing it down to the lowest common denominator is only to be expected.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on January 30, 2021, 08:49:34 PM

Another all round the houses , piece to explain how you find it  hard to agree with anything that is not prepared to believe in your  constant promotion of the idea that Labour can not pose a threat to the Tories, no matter how much crap the Tories ever throw up.

Where have i said this?

Labour are involved in a two horse race with the tories every election , how can they not have a chance to get into government?

Im saying i think it unlikely in the near future for all the reasons i have given , and i point out constantly the very two horse race system that you support is part of what is the current problem in politics.
You  it seems are prepared to write Labour off with no distinct alternative offered.

What are you talking about?

Do you actually read and consider what you are posting? I have not only offered an alternative to labour , i have voted that alternative into power in my country , for the last 14 years and counting. So what are you talking about?

There is an alternative to labour  , and im saying the english are more than capable of voting into power an alternative too. Its just that status quo types like you cant contemplate that fact , as it would mean your beloved labour getting pushed further into obscurity.
I said to you  before it may take a coalition, but if it did Labour would without doubt carry the biggest stick. It's not impossible by any means. Just unpalatable for you.

We will see what happens. Ive offered my opinion and starmer and this latest reincarnation of new labours faults , you disagree , so lets see what the next three years bring.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 30, 2021, 07:40:54 PM
What a strange thing to say. The uk was desperate for GE2019 , to break the log jam in westmisnter that duplicitous remainer politicians in both lab and tory had caused in their refusal to implement brexit as per the promise in 2016  , and  both their manifesto promises of 2017.

On top of that , you make it sound as though the tories and johnson did something wrong ! Every prime minister in history and every political party wants elections when it best suits.

Of course johnson was desperate for the election......he knew and the tories knew fine well the absolute state labour were in and remain in over brexit.y

It was , and thats labours tough luck they couldnt deal with the major issue of the day as i keep reminding you. Labour can't do politics , and are very poor at dealing with anything out of thier comfort zone of screaming about helping the poor and the nhs.

All the big issues of the day , doesnt matter what it is , brexit scot indy immigration etc , labour are left floundering in a pile of manure of their own making time and again.
We have spent the last five years or so talking about corbyns failings , so no need to go over them again. Whatever else you say about the man , he had brexit spot on as a long time eurosceptic , and the blairites in your party led by starmer shafted the man time and again at every opportunity , from the moment he was elected right down to starmer forcing him down the pro remain corridor , against corbyns personal better judgement , against the majority of labout constituencies wishes , and against the wishes of the english nation that makes up 82% of the seats in the commons.

It didnt take a political expert to work out where the labour party were headed in that election.........and only the pro european blairite clowns in labour and their supporters were the ones who were living in cloud cuckoo land and believeing their own lies about the silent mythical remain majority that once again never appeared when it came to voting.

Well thats some spinning of reality . I would say there was a massive amount between labour and tory , you only need to look at the result to see that , and doesnt matter where labour thought they were on the small trivial issues  , they were a complete failure where it mattered.

Well thats labours problem they arent trusted on the economy , and rightly so as we have discussed time and again over issues like PFI and many others.

Labour nearly bankrupted my city after 80 years in charge , never mind the mess they made at holyrood or westmisnter , and you have the cheek to bleat about not being trusted when it comes to spending?

I wonder why that is good old?
Too bad , the majority supported it against starmers and labours wishes , hence the absolute humping in  GE2019 . When labour pick a cause they really pick a lost one dont they?

You hope you mean as ever.

Brexit will still be an issue for starmer with all his remain baggage going into the next general election in three years time , which isnt that far off to be fair.

You also said the same thing about the snp in scotland in 2007 , and how the honeymoon would soon be over and labour walking back into power , and fourteen years later and countless whippings , labour are at their lowest ebb in scottish political history.

What is it with you labour supporters and your never ending tactic of burying your head in the sand and talking about jam tomorrow? maybe this falure to come to terms with issues lies at the heart of your consistent failure to win elections.

Now you want sturgeon to do your dirty work because starmer is inept?

Whatever else happens with scotland and the uk continuing , i can't see how it helps labour in any way. The tories are seen as the party of the union , and if the union ends , they are seen as the party of england. Labour are a liability for both the union and england , and no wonder when  the likes of thronberry puts down the englishman for waving his england flag and supproting the english nation , something labour  time and again fail to do.

You need one now for labour to climb out of the pit of irrelevance you find yourself in under starmer.


Thats what labour have become , the party of the london woke and south east english middle class champagne socialists.

The majority of their membership is from in and around london , time and again we hear the same argument of how out of touch london centric labour in their bubble are with the rest of england and wales , and in scotland , labour wont even tell us how small their membership is.

Another all round the houses , piece to explain how you find it  hard to agree with anything that is not prepared to believe in your  constant promotion of the idea that Labour can not pose a threat to the Tories, no matter how much crap the Tories ever throw up. It's just the same old reiteration , of  the Thomas, reason to hate and consider Labour defunct recital .
The past is the past, and the future looks after its self.  The Tories, have every chance to fail, Or succeed , but so do Labour,.  There is never a party without baggage , and just because you can only highlight Labours,  doesn't alter that fact , and the Tories are the ones in position to make the biggest most meaningful gaffs right now. You  it seems are prepared to write Labour off with no distinct alternative offered. .
I said to you  before it may take a coalition, but if it did Labour would without doubt carry the biggest stick. It's not impossible by any means. Just unpalatable for you.


Quote from: Good old on January 30, 2021, 06:39:13 PM
Boris, was desperate for that election.

What a strange thing to say. The uk was desperate for GE2019 , to break the log jam in westmisnter that duplicitous remainer politicians in both lab and tory had caused in their refusal to implement brexit as per the promise in 2016  , and  both their manifesto promises of 2017.

On top of that , you make it sound as though the tories and johnson did something wrong ! Every prime minister in history and every political party wants elections when it best suits.

Of course johnson was desperate for the election......he knew and the tories knew fine well the absolute state labour were in and remain in over brexit.

QuoteBecause getting Brexit done for good or bad was the number one issue.

It was , and thats labours tough luck they couldnt deal with the major issue of the day as i keep reminding you. Labour cant do politics , and are very poor at dealing with anything out of thier comfort zone of screaming about helping the poor and the nhs.

All the big issues of the day , doesnt matter what it is , brexit scot indy immigration etc , labour are left floundering in a pile of manure of their own making time and again.
Other than a fear many people even within the Labour fold had for Corbyn.

We have spent the last five years or so talking about corbyns failings , so no need to go over them again. Whatever else you say about the man , he had brexit spot on as a long time eurosceptic , and the blairites in your party led by starmer shafted the man time and again at every opportunity , from the moment he was elected right down to starmer forcing him down the pro remain corridor , against corbyns personal better judgement , against the majority of labout constituencies wishes , and against the wishes of the english nation that makes up 82% of the seats in the commons.

It didnt take a political expert to work out where the labour party were headed in that election.........and only the pro european blairite clowns in labour and their supporters were the ones who were living in cloud cuckoo land and believeing their own lies about the silent mythical remain majority that once again never appeared when it came to voting.

QuoteThere wasn't actually anything much else between the parties

Well thats some spinning of reality . I would say there was a massive amount between labour and tory , you only need to look at the result to see that , and doesnt matter where labour thought they were on the small trivial issues  , they were a complete failure where it mattered.

QuoteIn fact just to tidy up Boris, Or was it Cummings , was promising  a spending spree taken straight out of Corbyns cupboard . You know the one that would have made  the U.K. bankrupt.

Well thats labours problem they arent trusted on the economy , and rightly so as we have discussed time and again over issues like PFI and many others.

Labour nearly bankrupted my city after 80 years in charge , never mind the mess they made at holyrood or westmisnter , and you have the cheek to bleat about not being trusted when it comes to spending?

I wonder why that is good old?
Starmer, believed Brexit to be unnecessary. But then so did 16+  million others when it was put to them as just a possibility.

Too bad , the majority supported it against starmers and labours wishes , hence the absolute humping in  GE2019 . When labour pick a cause they really pick a lost one dont they?

QuoteIt's history the scene is going to change  over the next few years and Boris, will have to find something beyond Brexit, in particular if Brexit is proving problematical .

You hope you mean as ever.

Brexit will still be an issue for starmer with all his remain baggage going into the next general election in three years time , which isnt that far off to be fair.

You also said the same thing about the snp in scotland in 2007 , and how the honeymoon would soon be over and labour walking back into power , and fourteen years later and countless whippings , labour are at their lowest ebb in scottish political history.

What is it with you labour supporters and your never ending tactic of burying your head in the sand and talking about jam tomorrow? maybe this falure to come to terms with issues lies at the heart of your consistent failure to win elections.

QuoteEven little Mrs Crankie, might add to his woes

Now you want sturgeon to do your dirty work because starmer is inept?

Whatever else happens with scotland and the uk continuing , i cant see how it helps labour in any way. The tories are seen as the party of the union , and if the union ends , they are seen as the party of england. Labour are a liability for both the union and england , and no wonder when  the likes of thronberry puts down the englishman for waving his england flag and supproting the english nation , something labour  time and again fail to do.

QuoteAs said the biggest problem is likely to be exactly what the size of the job might be . That's the only time we might need a genius.

You need one now for labour to climb out of the pit of irrelevance you find yourself in under starmer.

QuoteThe London bubble. Is a joke,  the only parties that could rightly claim to not be in such a bubble, are the NI unionists, and the SNP.. the city of London, loves a Tory .


Thats what labour have become , the party of the london woke and south east english middle class champagne socialists.

The majority of their membership is from in and around london , time and again we hear the same argument of how out of touch london centric labour in their bubble are with the rest of england and wales , and in scotland , labour wont even tell us how small their membership is.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 30, 2021, 05:41:49 PM
you tell me good old.

Your man keith doesnt appear to have the credentials to outwit that so called bumbling boris.

Need i remind you of keiths  disasterous general election strategy that took labour to their worst defeat in  a century against that very same bumbling boris? Keith didnt have the necessary nous to outwit him there did he?

So aye , i think you need to look for some machiavellian genius to save labour ,cause your man starmer in his london bubble certainly isnt it.

Boris, was desperate for that election. Because getting Brexit done for good or bad was the number one issue. Other than a fear many people even within the Labour fold had for Corbyn. There wasn't actually anything much else between the parties. In fact just to tidy up Boris, Or was it Cummings , was promising  a spending spree taken straight out of Corbyns cupboard . You know the one that would have made  the U.K. bankrupt.
Starmer, believed Brexit to be unnecessary. But then so did 16+  million others when it was put to them as just a possibility.
It's history the scene is going to change  over the next few years and Boris, will have to find something beyond Brexit, in particular if Brexit is proving problematical . Even little Mrs Crankie, might add to his woes. As said the biggest problem is likely to be exactly what the size of the job might be . That's the only time we might need a genius.
The London bubble. Is a joke,  the only parties that could rightly claim to not be in such a bubble, are the NI unionists, and the SNP.. the city of London, loves a Tory .


Quote from: Good old on January 30, 2021, 05:21:01 PM
Is that what you think it would take to outwit  , bumbling  Boris?

you tell me good old.

Your man keith doesnt appear to have the credentials to outwit that so called bumbling boris.

Need i remind you of keiths  disasterous general election strategy that took labour to their worst defeat in  a century against that very same bumbling boris? Keith didnt have the necessary nous to outwit him there did he?

So aye , i think you need to look for some machiavellian genius to save labour ,cause your man starmer in his london bubble certainly isnt it.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 30, 2021, 12:21:15 PM
So who is the labour partys current "machiavellian genius" then good old?

Own goal specialist sir keir? :D

I'm not looking for a Machiavellian genius right now. Is that what you think it would take to outwit  , bumbling  Boris?
As you know with the reduced prize being England  and Wales,  it's really a case of how bigger mess the Tories get into.
It will not take a genius to pick up the might take one to put the pieces back together.  ;)


Quote from: Thomas on January 30, 2021, 12:21:15 PM
So who is the labour partys current "machiavellian genius" then good old?

Own goal specialist sir keir? :D
Dunno Thomas, I am still contemplating Good old statement that his crew have kept the lunatics out of the lunatic asylum for a 100 years or so, because it sure seems filled with them despite their no doubt meaningful efforts. Whereas once the lunatics are ejected it seems we have a lot of rabbits caught in the headlights. Maybe a sign of the times.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!