The return of Tony Bliar?

Started by cromwell, January 10, 2021, 12:10:27 PM

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QuoteWhat's absolutely clear is that British voters are not fooled by Starmer. Despite the Tories complete mishandling of the COVID crisis and despite the immense loss of life that resulted from their blundering, the Tories still maintain a lead in the polls and if Starmer can't win a stonking lead at a time like this then when will he?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on January 31, 2021, 01:09:14 PM
He won't do that. He is a barely concealed tartan Tory.


Howling steve.

Sour grapes mate , thats all you have and a big petted lip.

Quite clear the voting public arent fooled by starmer and the reincarnation of new labour.

Your hypocrisy on the matter is astounding , good old wont have read years of your posts criticising new labour and refusing ever to vote for them ever again  and here you are yet again , like a fly around shit defending the very man and faction in your party who stabbed wurzel in the back .

Your silence on starmer is deafening.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on January 31, 2021, 12:44:06 PM

If you are saying someone has broken the rules say so, but you better investigate the Tory crowd , as well.
He won't do that. He is a barely concealed tartan Tory.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Good old on January 31, 2021, 01:03:49 PM
All you highlight is the fact that a Labour  rep, is happy to admit the vacation  rollout has gone well.
Have ever heard say what a balls up test and trace has been how stupid it was to allow school meals to become a stick to get hit with. How silly to send kids to school for one day, and send them home the next day..
Now if they did wouldn't that be something.

and quite clearly sophy ridge is making the point on how labour were wrong on vaccination strategy  .

Why is no one surprised? :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 31, 2021, 12:49:32 PM

Poor auld labour .  :D

Tell you what good old , i fink you are right . Labour should stay out the way , not give any car crash interviews and statements  for the next three years , and maybe , just maybe , the dodgy FPTP stitch up might just enable them to fall over the winning line in some remarkable political miracle. :D

All you highlight is the fact that a Labour  rep, is happy to admit the vacation  rollout has gone well.
Have ever heard say what a balls up test and trace has been how stupid it was to allow school meals to become a stick to get hit with. How silly to send kids to school for one day, and send them home the next day..
Now if they did wouldn't that be something.


Just throw this in for srb steve now we know he hasnt got me on ignore like he claims. These are the tory types in the labour party steve is trying to get elected into power , despite all he clamins to stand for , as ever , cult like party loyalty to labour is more important than his vacuos principles.

Labour will be tougher than Tories on benefits, promises new welfare chief

Rachel Reeves vows to cut welfare bill and force long-term jobless to take up work offers or lose state support

labour back doing the old triangualtion trick that blair tried a quarter of a century ago in vastly different circumstances thinking its a vote winner.

The stupidity of this party know no bounds.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on January 31, 2021, 12:53:47 PM

That is as maybe. Try replacing the image with one of Boris, saying we will have a world class test and trace. Egg on face or what.
You are  the only one that seems to think only one side can get it wrong . I certainly don't . If anyone is going to catalogue doubts as Spotlight did, and claim independence then they better do more than dissect one individual.

Many people , myself included , as well as forum conservatives like barry and borkie , have criticised the current uk government handling of covid 19. So what are you talking about?

When people look across to the labour party and ask what would you do different to the tories in england or snp in scotland , we are met with a wall of bullshit and innuendo. Labour can criticse , but can't offer any soultion , except when captain hindsight talks about what should have been done after the event.

In the few areas he has come out and not straddled the fence like on the eu vaccination programme , he has been left looking like a complete can't on the subject.

This is what he is like three years from a general election l imagine the mess he is going to be in running up to a general election when he finally has to display his wares to the public for their perusal.?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 31, 2021, 12:37:43 PM

Dont shoot the messenger just because you have no answer to the message good old.

You simply can't accpet the fact starmer is extremely unpopualar not just among the ordianry voter ,but especially among the left who despise him.

Anyone who goes off message and criticiese your dear leader is castigated by you for not blindly following the cult.

Laughable so you are good old.

another starmer belter that has come back to haunt him big time.......

That is as maybe. Try replacing the image with one of Boris, saying we will have a world class test and trace. Egg on face or what.
You are  the only one that seems to think only one side can get it wrong . I certainly don't . If anyone is going to catalogue doubts as Spotlight did, and claim independence then they better do more than dissect one individual.


QuoteSophy Ridge on Sunday
"Do you accept that Labour was wrong to call for the UK to join the EU's vaccine programme last summer?" - #Ridge

Shadow Cabinet Office minister @RachelReevesMP
says she "gives credit" to the govt for the "fantastic" job of procuring vaccines.

Poor auld labour .  :D

Tell you what good old , i fink you are right . Labour should stay out the way , not give any car crash interviews and statements  for the next three years , and maybe , just maybe , the dodgy FPTP stitch up might just enable them to fall over the winning line in some remarkable political miracle. :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


What was it blair said famously about corbyn if im not mistaken....any other labour leader would be twenty points ahead by now? :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 31, 2021, 12:09:39 PM

same old same old...

Scrapping the barrel. Or what
Maybe they should travel by hitching lifts , paying for all other niceties , out of  donations from party funds,.
You will be expecting them to flagellate regularly next.
If you are saying someone has broken the rules say so, but you better investigate the Tory crowd , as well.


Quote from: Good old on January 31, 2021, 12:32:54 PM
Spotlight is independent.  ??? That's alright then. If the BBC put out a piece on the Tories , as independent as that, their independence would never be believed. Maybe Spotlight would like to do a similar piece on the Shambles presently in control of the country. If they did we could only conclude ,that in their opinion, this country is finished.
But I suspect they would sooner use their independence in one direction. The the thing is we are luckily all independent to have an opinion. As with so much so called independent opinion, they don't give any clear indication of how to succeed in bringing the Tories down.  Let alone explain why they should be brought down. Calling yourself independent doesn't make you right.


Dont shoot the messenger just because you have no answer to the message good old.

You simply cant accpet the fact starmer is extremely unpopualar not just among the ordianry voter ,but especially among the left who despise him.

Anyone who goes off message and criticiese your dear leader is castigated by you for not blindly following the cult.

Laughable so you are good old.

QuoteCOVID-19 vaccination doses per 100 people:

13.05 UK
  8.42 US
  3.50 Romania
  3.27 Ireland
  3.15 Spain 
  3.02 Poland
  3.00 Italy
  2.77 Germany
  2.58 Greece
  2.47 Sweden
  2.45 Belgium
  2.32 Turkey
  1.99 France
  1.58 China
  1.32 NL

Source: Our World in Data

another starmer belter that has come back to haunt him big time.......

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 31, 2021, 11:56:46 AM

No one is comparing england to scotland in this article , and from what i see  , the author is clearly in a long line of people questioning labours very continuance and existence under keir starmer and the latest reincarnation of the red tory blairite project.

Spotlight is independent.  ??? That's alright then. If the BBC put out a piece on the Tories , as independent as that, their independence would never be believed. Maybe Spotlight would like to do a similar piece on the Shambles presently in control of the country. If they did we could only conclude ,that in their opinion, this country is finished.
But I suspect they would sooner use their independence in one direction. The the thing is we are luckily all independent to have an opinion. As with so much so called independent opinion, they don't give any clear indication of how to succeed in bringing the Tories down.  Let alone explain why they should be brought down. Calling yourself independent doesn't make you right.


QuoteLabour's Shadow Cabinet have claimed thousands of pounds in expenses since first nationwide lockdown in March on first class travel, TV licences and HAND GEL, figures reveal

    Labour's Shadow Cabinet charged thousands in expenses during lockdown
    Deputy chief Angela Rayner has spent £1,600 on 23 first-class trips since March
    Shadow Foreign Secretary Lisa Nandy spent £20 on hand-sanitiser gel
    Lucy Powell put the £157 TV licence fee and £35 in parking fares on expenses
Labour's Shadow Cabinet charged thousands in expenses during lockdown, billing taxpayers for first-class travel, rent, TV licences - and even hand gel.

Deputy leader Angela Rayner, who boasts of 'standing up for working people', claimed £30,952.98 including £1,600 on 23 first-class rail tickets between London and her Manchester constituency since March.

Shadow Foreign Secretary Lisa Nandy spent £23,083.44 which she chalked to her expenses, including £8,883.35 on non-office rent and £475,67 in council tax - and £20 on hand-sanitiser gel, new figures reveal.

same old same old...
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on January 31, 2021, 11:54:00 AM
It seems you would have to tell Jeremy Hunt, that Starmer and of course Labour ,are a lost cause.
Only this morning , on Sophie Ridge, Sky,  he says Starmer is a distinct threat to the Tories in his neck of the woods . As much so as Blair was ,and he caused a major upset there. Where is that? The leafy suburban idle of Tory saturated  Surrey.
He knows there is going to be mess to clear up, and when that happens the electorate will be listening closely to all options. The people who have handled the making of the mess, blameless in real terms or otherwise, tend to be on the back foot.
I keep telling you Thomas , you can not compare Scotland, to England. Regarding a nationalist party. Simply because unlike Scotland a nationalist party in England, can not throw out the call for freedom from a foreign powers influence.

QuoteIs labour in a death spiral under Starmer?

Honestly, the Labour Party might do well to ask itself if Starmer is indeed the right person to be leading the party. He's clearly not connecting with voters, he has lost the support of a large section of the Labour membership (not to mention their subs) and he's even angered a number of trade unions. Not only that, Starmer's battle with Corbyn is about to get messy and embarrassing and more so for Starmer, as a Judge recently found that Corbyn's legal team have more than enough evidence to move forward to a more substantive case. The judge even recognised that the GLU report presented to the NEC Disputes Panel did not find that Corbyn had engaged in prejudicial conduct and that the Disputes Panel did not find that Corbyn's conduct was 'grossly detrimental'. In fact, she was satisfied that there was a clear arguable case of procedural unfairness. Given that there is every likelihood that Corbyn will win the legal case, either Starmer needs to back out of the challenge now (and at least save some face) or suffer a deeply embarrassing defeat, which could focus attention on how certain factions of the party appear to have weaponised anti-Semitism against their political opponents within the party and further damage the party's prospect of winning over voters.

No one is comparing england to scotland in this article , and from what i see  , the author is clearly in a long line of people questioning labours very continuance and existence under keir starmer and the latest reincarnation of the red tory blairite project.

Haemorrhaging members, ditching policies, teetering towards bankruptcy ...
"Is Labour in a death spiral under Starmer?"
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!