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Reason To Take Vaccine

Started by Scott777, January 10, 2021, 05:24:45 PM

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Quote from: cromwell on November 26, 2021, 10:44:29 PM
No of course they didn't

As I said, you have no evidence.  Your report describes nothing about direct threats of hanging, only trials in which people would be hung, which is not the same.  No one said they will hang him.  And obviously saying nooses are ready is nonsense or metaphorical, unless he actually had nooses ready.  Yes, he may have been angry, and potentially intimidating, but you would need to show video evidence of that.  Still no comparison to medical tyranny, but you only want to argue about this, to avoid talking about compulsory vaccination.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: Scott777 on November 26, 2021, 10:29:14 PM
Yes to the latter.  But there is no hypocrisy.  You are comparing two completely different things.  No one threatened to hang people.  Yes, Nuremberg trials may have been threatened.  What's wrong with that?  No one intimidated kids (you showed no evidence of that).  Now you compared that to compulsory vaccination, which is a crime under European law and the Nuremberg Code.  But the truth is, you don't have any argument, but you defended Toots opinion anyway.
No of course they didn't and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on November 26, 2021, 09:51:23 PM
No I'm clearly highlighting your hypocrisy.

So look at that in bold and the parallels,annoying Tw** aren't I?

Yes to the latter.  But there is no hypocrisy.  You are comparing two completely different things.  No one threatened to hang people.  Yes, Nuremberg trials may have been threatened.  What's wrong with that?  No one intimidated kids (you showed no evidence of that).  Now you compared that to compulsory vaccination, which is a crime under European law and the Nuremberg Code.  But the truth is, you don't have any argument, but you defended Toots opinion anyway.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: Scott777 on November 26, 2021, 09:24:18 PM
The fact that you bring up the protesters (again), in response to a post that has nothing to do with it, shows your attempt to justify Toots comments, in other words, you are attempting to say Toots comments are okay compared to the protesters, so precisely that two wrongs do make a right.  Then you pretend you are not doing that.  🤣 
You clearly are defending Toots comments, exposing your opinion on compulsory vaccination.  And by not admitting it, yes, you are hiding.
No I'm clearly highlighting your hypocrisy.

Look at this post back in April long before you'd even thought of your post.

Quote from: cromwell on April 18, 2021, 11:00:17 AM
Use fake money? You mean George Floyd? Well of course yes they do need looking at,but don't need to die in the process.
Well I suppose most people support the arrest of thieves too,it's in the human condition to suppose you or your peers are better than others.
I don't know you only your online persona (or anybody else on here) so this isn't aimed at you or anyone else on here.

Like I  say its the human condition,occasionally had these conversations at work,somebody would be reading about this or that or discussing some thievery and say "chop their bloody hands off......won't do it again"

And I've said " Yeah but how are you going to do your job?"........."What do you mean?"
Well says I "You're a thief so you'll be stuffed" and there's the look of annoyance,hurt, incredulity,want to break your nose.
"I'm no bloody thief"......."Well says I that stuff you borrowed from work (and didn't pay for or bring back) to do this or that"

"I'm no thief......perk of the job"
The logic that you didn't ask the employer or pay for it it and decided in your own mind it was a perk but was whichever way you look at it theft was lost on them and I had some never spoke to me again.

It's the same with Derek Chauvin,the policewoman who shot the bloke instead of using the taser,the cop who shot the 13 year old who dropped the gun,someone lost a life and all these cases are different and it's for a jury to decide.
I have my thoughts on all these cases,and I'm no saint.

Things happen,people lose their lives,you cannot just ignore it,as again with work situations,I've known machine operatives bypass safety gear to make the job go faster (but haven't told the one on the next shift using it) or bosses ordering machinery to be altered for similar reasons,and if someone's injured or dies well they have to be looked at.......don't they?
So look at that in bold and the parallels,annoying T@@@ aren't I? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Sheepy on November 26, 2021, 04:24:27 PM
And that is Scott why you shouldn't waste your breath and time on these people, they are already long gone down their path.
In some cases.  The smurf is long gone, and we would need to watch out for those brownshirts.  For not everyone is like him.  People do change.  If they didn't, we would be in deep sh** by now.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: T00ts on November 26, 2021, 08:35:21 PM
So although someone presents as fit eg we have a scientist and a builder here who both succumbed with nasty long covid symptoms, the safest way is for all to take the precautions offered ie the vaccine.
But yet, you make a giant leap from saying you think we should all take it, to saying we should all be compelled to take it.  They are very different things.  I had Covid twice.  There is no reason for me to get the vaccine.  So when you say it is safest if we all take the vaccine, that's your opinion that I should be included in that, but I feel there is no need for me to take it, so why jump to the belief that I should be compelled against my will to take it?
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Nice try but still bollox, I have had it and so has several of my family, you don't hear any of us screaming for forced vaccination because of awakened psychological fears of vulnerability. Purely selfish. My grandson almost died because of your lockdowns and vaccinated nonsense, once he went back to school, he caught two viruses on top of each other at the same time because the schools being closed for so long that he had built no natural immunity, all I said was I knew because the doctor told us. ventilated for a week in a forced coma.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: cromwell on November 26, 2021, 08:03:50 PM
In my posts as an ordinary member I don't have to be impartial it's the mod bit that counts,you're not very well up on this are you?
Do I, post a few examples

where did I say they do
You suggested someone's thoughts disgusting,I just decided your hypocrisy as illustrated by the numerous times you've shown your support for those people I quoted needed highlighting since you decided to highlight another's thoughts disgusting.
Heat,kitchen and all that.
I already justified my reply,hiding from you lot?  :D :D

The fact that you bring up the protesters (again), in response to a post that has nothing to do with it, shows your attempt to justify Toots comments, in other words, you are attempting to say Toots comments are okay compared to the protesters, so precisely that two wrongs do make a right.  Then you pretend you are not doing that.  🤣  
You clearly are defending Toots comments, exposing your opinion on compulsory vaccination.  And by not admitting it, yes, you are hiding.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: T00ts on November 26, 2021, 08:02:22 PM
It is comments like this that prove how obsessive and indoctrinated you have become.
Says the person supporting compulsory vaccination.

Quote from: T00ts on November 26, 2021, 08:02:22 PM
I will excuse you since you have evidently little reason remaining to you.
Says the person who supports compulsory vaccination for no reason.

My goodness, have a look at yourself.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: Scott777 on January 10, 2021, 05:24:45 PM
It's a short and sweet question.  Why would a healthy person, with no significant health conditions, take a Covid vaccine, and in particular, the mRNA one, which is categorised as experimental.
I just saw this post of yours at the beginning of this year. There are many if not most people, who generally feel fine. They nor their doctor has any inkling of what might or might not be wrong with them that may leave them at the risk of serious illness with Covid. That is essentially the problem. 
If it was feasible to give everyone a full medical including blood tests for antibodies etc, Xrays and scans etc to double check their fitness then hopefully they could be sent out to catch Covid and be fine. Herd immunity might follow and we would learn to live with Covid. That is obviously not possible. So although someone presents as fit eg we have a scientist and a builder here who both succumbed with nasty long covid symptoms, the safest way is for all to take the precautions offered ie the vaccine. 

No-one is disputing that we were driven to use these vaccines before the normal testing period but my perspective at the time was that they did their damnedest to get it right as far as they could. Without it I still believe we would be far worse off and if you remember BJ was all for herd immunity until he got Covid himself. It begs the question have you had it? Has anyone you love had it or sadly died? I still believe that we are being asked to work together to protect all. I don't actually think that is too much to ask of a civilised society.


Quote from: Scott777 on November 26, 2021, 07:40:05 PM
Your not doing a very good job of impartiality. 
In my posts as an ordinary member I don't have to be impartial it's the mod bit that counts,you're not very well up on this are you?

QuoteYou take every opportunity you can to take sides, and yet won't address the point being made. 
Do I, post a few examples

Quote Two wrongs don't make a right,
where did I say they do

Quote Why don't you address the disgusting belief that people should be forced to vaccinate or be ostracised?  The fact that you take sides suggests that you agree with it. 
You suggested someone's thoughts disgusting,I just decided your hypocrisy as illustrated by the numerous times you've shown your support for those people I quoted needed highlighting since you decided to highlight another's thoughts disgusting.
Heat,kitchen and all that.

QuoteSo, are you just going to sit on the sidelines, make a few jabs at anyone you disagree with, without justification, and then go back into hiding?
I already justified my reply,hiding from you lot?  :D :D and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Scott777 on November 26, 2021, 07:29:52 PM
Yes, you should explain yourself, when you confess that you are quite happy for the state to commit crimes against humanity, by totally sh*tting on the Nuremberg Code.  You are confessing that, under circumstances that were represented by the Milgram experiments, you would be happy to have people electrocuted to death, if people in authority tell you it's justified.  And yet, you won't explain your reasoning for compulsory vaccination, which means you have no good reason, and are a fool to yourself.  It's shows a lack of education, of morality, and empathy, and is disgusting.  If I said I want people to be murdered if they don't agree with me, I'm sure I would be given a moderator warning.  If you can't justify yourself, you should apologise.
What a load of complete rubbish. It is comments like this that prove how obsessive and indoctrinated you have become. I will excuse you since you have evidently little reason remaining to you. Perhaps you should try looking at other subjects to discuss. It is you who are bordering on dangerous I'm afraid.


Quote from: cromwell on November 26, 2021, 07:28:05 PM
Is it?

And is self styled resistance groups with fake legal papers,threats of hanging people and nuremberg trials all whilst trying to intimidate teachers,parents and kids ever so civilised behaviour ?
Your not doing a very good job of impartiality.  You take every opportunity you can to take sides, and yet won't address the point being made.  Two wrongs don't make a right, Cromwell, so why even mention it?  Why don't you address the disgusting belief that people should be forced to vaccinate or be ostracised?  The fact that you take sides suggests that you agree with it.  So, are you just going to sit on the sidelines, make a few jabs at anyone you disagree with, without justification, and then go back into hiding?
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: T00ts on November 26, 2021, 07:06:48 PM
I'm sorry for your faux anger, it seems a bit of a waste of your energy. I don't have to explain myself to you or anyone and I guess it suits your agenda to demonise anyone with a different view to you. I take it that you would be very happy that anyone deemed vulnerable should be isolated until you are content. For me and the many others like me that would mean 3 years until your declared date of 2023. Thanks.

Yes, you should explain yourself, when you confess that you are quite happy for the state to commit crimes against humanity, by totally sh*tting on the Nuremberg Code.  You are confessing that, under circumstances that were represented by the Milgram experiments, you would be happy to have people electrocuted to death, if people in authority tell you it's justified.  And yet, you won't explain your reasoning for compulsory vaccination, which means you have no good reason, and are a fool to yourself.  It's shows a lack of education, of morality, and empathy, and is disgusting.  If I said I want people to be murdered if they don't agree with me, I'm sure I would be given a moderator warning.  If you can't justify yourself, you should apologise.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.