Brexit: Driver's 'illegal' ham sandwiches seized at Dutch border under EU rules

Started by papasmurf, January 12, 2021, 01:16:39 PM

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Quote from: Thomas on February 15, 2021, 08:04:32 AM

It is a fact of the matter 62 % of the electorate , the electorate being a fluid thing that changes all the time due to turnout and eligibility , is greater than 55 % of the electorate.

62% of 3,988,600 is 2,472,932
55% of 38,371,400 is  21,104,270
That's based on last known "fluid" electorate.

Actual figures in 2016
62% Scotland:
Remain 1,661,191

Leave 15,188,406

Baff was quite right to say 62% is greater than 55% because he clearly quoted the context.

Did someone mention ham sandwiches?  ;D
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Baff on February 14, 2021, 07:07:15 PM
If you say so.
12, 14.

is that true baffy you famously said 5 out of 4 people struggle with fractions?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry on February 14, 2021, 05:27:36 PM
No, it's an example of you taking a quote out of context to score a childish point.

No it isnt. In your opinion of course , because you can't back up your earlier childish points and semantics about northern ireland remaining in the eu.

The point has been explained many a time.

It is a fact of the matter 62 % of the electorate , the electorate being a fluid thing that changes all the time due to turnout and eligibility , is greater than 55 % of the electorate.

Only a complete feckin imbecile counts and compares  the individual votes. How many times did the likes of remainers on this forum , pappysmurf , quackquack javert et al , count the fact only 37 % of the eligible electorate , or 17.4 out of 46.5 , from a multi national state of 67 million , voted brexit in 2016 so therfore it shouldnt happen? Didnt you dismiss these numbers as irrelevant while now arguing the opposite ?

You can't have it both ways barry. If 2 million outweighs 1.6 million , then 29.1 million outweigh 17.4 million , so lets cancel brexit?

Now to score a childish point off the back of this biffo dimwit , you jump on the bandwagon try and turn it around , and tell me the opposite , becuase you can't accept scotlands remain vote  arguing black is white while telling me you are "ambivalent"?

What next are you going to tell me neil kinnock was a more popular labour leader than tony blair , despite tony blair winning three elections , because neil kinnocks labour votes in 1992 and 1987  outnumbered blairs labour votes in  2001 and 2005 , with the similar arguments about the electorate all being different?

Its a crap point and you know it , and shows the standard of debate on this forum at times and how far it has fallen when we are reduced to scraping the bottom of the barrel and attempting to debate with a numbnut who readily admits he doesnt normally take part in democracy , has only ever voted once in his entire life , and can't feckin count.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 14, 2021, 03:02:33 PM
Where does the 12 years come from biffo?

Is this random pick a number thread for the mathematically challenged?

The snp have been in power since may 2007 as a minority government in scotland at holyrood , so you do the maths if it isnt beyond you baffy . That will be 14 years this may , not 12.

We have held the majority of scottish seats at westmisnter since may 2015 , again 6 years in may not 12.

If you say so.
12, 14.
Happy to accept your correction.

Where did I get the number 12? I think it was Andrew Neil in his latest SNP critique.
(The bloke is very unionist I think. Probably lives in England).

So, by your count, 14 years.

Hasn't really done much for the cause has it?
Set it back a generation.

Scotland doesn't want what you want for Scotland.
That is a pill you will have to swallow.

Adjust your ambitions accordingly or spend an entire lifetime in frustration shouting at your TV.

For myself obviously it's been a very easy adjustment to make.
That's just not an issue in my life I deeply care about.
I can see that for others more deeply vested in it, that saying is easier than doing.


Quote from: Thomas on February 14, 2021, 12:04:54 PM

( barry is this an example of baffys great debating)?
No, it's an example of you taking a quote out of context to score a childish point.
† The end is nigh †


QuoteWith Brexit complete, fervour for Scottish independence grows

Centuries of union between Scotland and England are straining amid the UK's departure from the EU
New poll finds growing gulf in support for EU membership between Scotland and England

As a result of the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020, British people have lost their rights as EU citizens.  Do you think it should be a priority for the Scottish Government to regain these rights for the people of Scotland, such as being able to live and work in any EU country?  (Scot Goes Pop / Survation poll, 11th-13th January 2021):

Yes 52%
No 30%

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


You have to feel sorry ...almost ......for northern irish unionists.

While we are being told in scotland your 62 %remain vote doesnt matter as the uk voted leave , northern ireland is being told different from westmisnter , that they have to be treated different.

Arlene foster " the uk government position on the protocol is an incredible state of affairs."

and in scotland meanwhile , brexit and boris johnsons conservative parties tortured twisting position on treating different parts of the uk differently in respect to leaving the eu is having the desired effect of printing out more and more yes votes for scottish indy.

Make that TWENTY-ONE in a row: Savanta ComRes poll gives Yes a six-point lead

Should Scotland be an independent country? (Savanta ComRes, 4th-9th February 2021)

Yes 53% (-4)
No 47% (+4)

Unionists.......lets just ignore scot indy and hope it goes away. :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Robert peston to arlene foster...

Quote"just give us a sense of how separated you feel in northern ireland from the rest of the united kingdom?!"

::) Barry and biffo....brexit ws a uk vote , we all have to leave....except ...except ..where it suits..... ::) :)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Northern irelands first minister arlene foster , who obviously knows far less about northern ireland situation of being left in the eu than either barry or my mathematically challenged friend biffo , calling for northern ireland to be freed from the protocol.

What does she know barry and biffo dont on the subject?
Arlene Foster #WeWillMeetAgain
12 Feb
Northern Ireland needs freed from the Protocol.
We must have unfettered trade between GB & NI.
It's time for the Government to step up & protect this part of the United Kingdom with permanent solutions, not sticking plasters.
EU must recognise the absence of unionist support.

Arlene foster ...."part of the united kingdom is being treated differently from the rest"

Not according to barry and biffo.


Arlene foster "it is up to our government ( westmisnter ) to challenge the european union on the fact that northern ireland is being treated differently from the rest of the united kingdom." " i dont believe the european union is respecting the fact that the sovereign territory of the united kingdom is one."
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Baff on February 14, 2021, 01:37:37 PM
I wonder if you know how to use that mate.
Frankly you have given me reason to be unsure.

Probably a good idea for you to consult some one to check your work.
Just saying. You really do suck at maths and you really do suck bad.

I say that in jest of course, because the truth is you know full well what a percentage is, you were just lying and thought me so dumb as to go for it.
And still think me that dumb. As your each continued post reinforces.

Whats funny in this thread , apart from your mathematical issues biffo , is the fact you , a guy who clearly admits to knowing nothing about democracy and more to the point you admit you never take part in it with the exception of once ,lecturing others on that very democracy you know nothing about.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Baff on February 14, 2021, 01:36:45 PM
12 years is the SNP reign.

Where does the 12 years come from biffo?

Is this random pick a number thread for the mathematically challenged?

The snp have been in power since may 2007 as a minority government in scotland at holyrood , so you do the maths if it isnt beyond you baffy . That will be 14 years this may , not 12.

We have held the majority of scottish seats at westmisnter since may 2015 , again 6 years in may not 12.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 14, 2021, 12:59:48 PM

here biffo this might help .
I wonder if you know how to use that mate.
Frankly you have given me reason to be unsure.

Probably a good idea for you to consult some one to check your work.
Just saying. You really do suck at maths and you really do suck bad.

I say that in jest of course, because the truth is you know full well what a percentage is, you were just lying and thought me so dumb as to go for it.
And still think me that dumb. As your each continued post reinforces.


12 years is the SNP reign.

It brought you your referendum.
Unfortunately for you, the referendum conclusively answered the the reasonable doubts you had been casting about the democratic will of the Scottish people.

And now that we know it, we also know not to pay so much attention to all your bold claims.

I'm sorry but like it or not, you are step further away from independence and not a step closer.


Quote from: Baff on February 14, 2021, 12:58:46 PM
It hasn't got you anywhere in the last 12 years. (Except further away than before you started, lol.)
I doubt it's going to suddenly start working for you now.
But carry on. Enjoy yourself. It's a free country.

We had a referendum in 2014 , a mere 6 years ago. Jesus biffo you really struggle with numerical terms dont you.

6 is half of 12 , and 55 is smaller than 62.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Baff on February 14, 2021, 12:57:29 PM
Do you need an O level in something?
Or perhaps 11+ would be a better place for you to start.

here biffo this might help .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!