A perfect political party

Started by T00ts, January 15, 2021, 09:49:11 AM

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An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on January 25, 2021, 01:58:35 AM
There are those for whom any political party being perfect would be impossible even in theory because they themselves hold idiotically contradictory positions.

Eg defending Scottish independence as a matter for Scots, yet defending Brexit as a matter for the British, even though the Scots rejected it massively, whilst all the while still claiming to be Scottish nationalists. Such Scottish nationalist Brexit supporters seem happy enough to piggy back off the votes of the English when the Scots don't vote their way on something.

Quite contemptible.

A typical anal post. Scotland is a country. "Britain" (even though many of us mistakenly call it our country) is a Union.
It's not hard to figure out.


Quote from: Borchester on January 25, 2021, 08:07:49 AM
That's show business.

According to the Sunday Times, most of the UK expects an independent Scotland within ten years. And since we are no longer in a position to hire the Campbells to keep order north of the border, it is a matter best left to the Scots to decide.

Its how his mind works borkie.

While he is on here punting the line im somehow piggy backing off brexiter votes , the real bleat every single english labour supporter and politician have is that they want to piggy back off of scottish voting fodder to get seats in westminster , and aside from that , have no real use for us.

They have been in a non stop bleat since 2007 , and 2015 respectively , about losing their scottish fiefdom and voting fodder , and this is just the latest whinge on that matter.

We havent had it so good since we kicked them out in scotland , everywhere labour get in power they reduce down to a cesspit.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on January 25, 2021, 01:58:35 AM
There are those for whom any political party being perfect would be impossible even in theory because they themselves hold idiotically contradictory positions.

Eg defending Scottish independence as a matter for Scots, yet defending Brexit as a matter for the British, even though the Scots rejected it massively, whilst all the while still claiming to be Scottish nationalists. Such Scottish nationalist Brexit supporters seem happy enough to piggy back off the votes of the English when the Scots don't vote their way on something.

Quite contemptible.

That's show business.

According to the Sunday Times, most of the UK expects an independent Scotland within ten years. And since we are no longer in a position to hire the Campbells to keep order north of the border, it is a matter best left to the Scots to decide.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: srb7677 on January 25, 2021, 01:58:35 AM
There are those for whom any political party being perfect would be impossible even in theory because they themselves hold idiotically contradictory positions.

Eg defending Scottish independence as a matter for Scots, yet defending Brexit as a matter for the British, even though the Scots rejected it massively, whilst all the while still claiming to be Scottish nationalists. Such Scottish nationalist Brexit supporters seem happy enough to piggy back off the votes of the English when the Scots don't vote their way on something.

Quite contemptible.

I voted remain in 2016 , as a lukewarm europhile. What part of this statement do you not understand?

You must have been feeling pretty petulant and upset to come on here at nearly 2 am in the early hours to write that steaming pile of horse manure. Are you back on the funny fags again steve? Or was it the link to paul emberys complete evisceration of the modern left that did it?

You seem to be unable to come to terms with losing steve in 2016 , yet you are in all respect a serial loser . If as you say you dont support the blairites , then you probably have to go back to pre 1979 the last time a left wing labour party were in power , meaning you havent won an election in over 40 years.

For my part , doesnt it compute in that brain of yours there are people who actually believe in democracy , and think that referendum results hould be enacted?

Deppity dawg on this forum similarly was a remainer , and similarly thought the result should be enacted.

Didnt you get some form of feeling about the strength of the english publics dislike about eu membership , when your party stood against an eu referendum in 2015 , when even the liberals mocked labours cowardice , and the tories wiped the floor with you in that election?

You then lost the 2016 referendum to much bleating , then , (as you oft go on about 2017) both labour and conservative stood on a brexit ticket in 2017 , and even then , labour couldnt beat the worst tory pm and tory GE campaign in history , again brexiters winning.

Didint you get another sniff of what was to come when the eurosceptic parties won the EU election in 2019 , so much so the bbc were reduced to punting graphics claming remainers had won?

Then ,finally , Decemeber 2019 , brexiters patience snapped and wiped the floor with labour and remain.

Even today , you still dont understand how people get angry when you disrespect their vote.

QuoteEg defending Scottish independence as a matter for Scots, yet defending Brexit as a matter for the British, even though the Scots rejected it massively, whilst all the while still claiming to be Scottish nationalists. Such Scottish nationalist Brexit supporters seem happy enough to piggy back off the votes of the English when the Scots don't vote their way on something.

Another incoherent whinge from you.

Piggy backing off english brexiter votes doesnt make any sense in the context of this deabte.

I voted remain , and for four years or more i supported scotland and northern ireland having a vote to leave the uk to remain in the eu as per the demcoratic vote , so how am i piggy backing off brexiter votes?

More cry baby nonsense from you. What i wont do is get behind labour scum like you  , bearing in mind labour and their acolytes were running around scotland doing the tories dirtty work telling us in 2014 to vote to stay in the uk to stay in the eu.

You sided with the tories in 2014 , did their dirty work , and now can't understand why scotland despises you .

It really does get tiresome listening to the labour party and their supporters like you  behave ostrich like when it comes to labours past behaviour and record  , especially in scotland , then try and feebly turn the tables and play the victim in all this.

You are your own worst enemy , both personally and politically with your party , and really are now in tantrum mode because the vast majority of people in scotland and england see right through you.

What do you think of blairite sir keir steve? Or is radio silence o nthe matter being resumed? :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


There are those for whom any political party being perfect would be impossible even in theory because they themselves hold idiotically contradictory positions.

Eg defending Scottish independence as a matter for Scots, yet defending Brexit as a matter for the British, even though the Scots rejected it massively, whilst all the while still claiming to be Scottish nationalists. Such Scottish nationalist Brexit supporters seem happy enough to piggy back off the votes of the English when the Scots don't vote their way on something.

Quite contemptible.

We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Regardless of actual policies, I would just love a party that sticks to its manifesto rather than goes off on any course it fancies after being elected.
My second wish would be a party that speaks the truth and fires people who deliberately lie and mislead the public.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: johnofgwent on January 23, 2021, 04:59:52 PM

My word. I just thanked HDQQ for a post that seemed to make perfect sense. I'm must go and lie down in a darkened room somewhere ...


Well when you have lost as many political battles as quackers has , misjudged the mood of the people time and again on things like brexit , and your predictions have a 99% fail rate , sometimes the law of averages say you will eventually post something that makes sense to somebody john.

After the beating his liberal party took last december , and another drubbing from brexiters into the bargain , i think quackers has been contemplating defeat non stop since .

The one crumb of tiny comfort he can take is some republican american president getting booted out of power , though he cant tell me why it matters. ;D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: HDQQ on January 23, 2021, 11:40:33 AM
I suppose that, in theory, there could be a perfect political party for those who support its philosophy and policies. But if that party gets elected to government it would never be able to please all of the people all of the time and over time the number of people unhappy with it grows.

Just look at our current government as an example. The Boris-led Tory Brexit machine was elected to power by a substantial majority in December 2019. The Covid-19 struck and the government dithered before eventually taking drastic action. The dithering upset mostly those who were already anti-Tory, but when the government eventually started to do what was necessary, such as lockdowns and enforcing mask wearing, they upset a lot of people on the "libertarian" right too.

My word. I just thanked HDQQ for a post that seemed to make perfect sense. I'm must go and lie down in a darkened room somewhere ...
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Im in shock quack quack . that you have been on these political forums with me for ten years now and you have never ever heard the term "red tory" that left wingers invented to describe the right wing blairite section of labour , and that you are on here describing it as alt right speak?


This more than anything just goes to show what i have always said about you. You arent on these forums to deabte , you arent listing to anyone else , you merely want to write dear diary posts to yourself , and talk to yourself about your zany politial predictions which 99% of the time go wrong.

I think even pappy smurf had a better prediction record than you , and he normally gets everything wrong.

Imagine never hearing the term red tory before. What a plonker you are. :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: HDQQ on January 23, 2021, 01:58:35 PM
So I was right and I did't even get told off for posting a reply on a discussion forum although some raw nerve from yonks ago still seems to be troubling you like a stuck record.

Right about what? Raw nerve about what?

You know quackers , you really are quackers. I have read this twice over now and cant tell you a thing about what you are talking about. I will wait for you to explain what you hieroglyphics mean.

QuoteAs for "red tory blairites", I thought you meant Boris Johnson and his cabinet. Perhaps you were - one never knows when dealing with alt-right-speak

alt right speak?

Where to begin ?

Red tories is a phrase used by fromer labour party supporters from the blair years. Im surprised you havent heard this before and describe it as "alt right speak" , as

1. Red tory has been around since the late nineties.

2. Its not an alt right invention quack quack , it was a left wing invention by those who felt betrayed by blairism , so what are you actually going on about?

Stick to bleating about brexit and trump quackers , and eating muesli .

anyhow hows your party the libs getting on ? :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 23, 2021, 01:01:15 PM
Lovely speech , but it does nothing to detract from your hypocrisy in supporting the red tory blairites , despite your oft repeated wails to the contrary.

At least forum members like good old make it quite clear they will support starmer and his blairites , while you try and straddle the fence and fail to find a balance between your questionable morals and cult like support for a party that is currently nothing more than a small c tory party in all but name.

Borchester proudly wears his conservative ideology on his sleeve , you hide behind left wing morals while are more than happy to see blairites like starmer in power  offering policy a fag paper to the left of the tories on most issues.

You are right , there will never be a perfect party , but some are more perfect than others.

So I was right and I did't even get told off for posting a reply on a discussion forum although some raw nerve from yonks ago still seems to be troubling you like a stuck record. As for "red tory blairites", I thought you meant Boris Johnson and his cabinet. Perhaps you were - one never knows when dealing with alt-right-speak.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Quote from: srb7677 on January 23, 2021, 12:02:24 PM
There can never be any such thing as a perfect political party that pleases everyone, because we all have different values, priorities, circumstances, beliefs, morals, creeds, ideologies, etc.

In theory we might all as individuals have some conception of what a perfect political party would look like to us, and it would pretty much be one that totally mirrored our own values and preferred policy agenda.

I know what my perfect political party would like like. I am certain that - for example - Borchester's  perfect political party would look very different. Any party that we both thought was perfect is almost certainly impossible.

All any of us can do is weigh up the pro's and cons and support whomever we find most agreeable and least disagreeable, and perhaps add our own voices to any calls for changes we approve of.

It is highly unlikely that any party out there is going to be perfect in the eyes of anyone.

Lovely speech , but it does nothing to detract from your hypocrisy in supporting the red tory blairites , despite your oft repeated wails to the contrary.

At least forum members like good old make it quite clear they will support starmer and his blairites , while you try and straddle the fence and fail to find a balance between your questionable morals and cult like support for a party that is currently nothing more than a small c tory party in all but name.

Borchester proudly wears his conservative ideology on his sleeve , you hide behind left wing morals while are more than happy to see blairites like starmer in power  offering policy a fag paper to the left of the tories on most issues.

You are right , there will never be a perfect party , but some are more perfect than others.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


There can never be any such thing as a perfect political party that pleases everyone, because we all have different values, priorities, circumstances, beliefs, morals, creeds, ideologies, etc.

In theory we might all as individuals have some conception of what a perfect political party would look like to us, and it would pretty much be one that totally mirrored our own values and preferred policy agenda.

I know what my perfect political party would like like. I am certain that - for example - Borchester's  perfect political party would look very different. Any party that we both thought was perfect is almost certainly impossible.

All any of us can do is weigh up the pro's and cons and support whomever we find most agreeable and least disagreeable, and perhaps add our own voices to any calls for changes we approve of.

It is highly unlikely that any party out there is going to be perfect in the eyes of anyone.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


I suppose that, in theory, there could be a perfect political party for those who support its philosophy and policies. But if that party gets elected to government it would never be able to please all of the people all of the time and over time the number of people unhappy with it grows.

Just look at our current government as an example. The Boris-led Tory Brexit machine was elected to power by a substantial majority in December 2019. The Covid-19 struck and the government dithered before eventually taking drastic action. The dithering upset mostly those who were already anti-Tory, but when the government eventually started to do what was necessary, such as lockdowns and enforcing mask wearing, they upset a lot of people on the "libertarian" right too.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!