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You're a Nazi

Started by cromwell, January 16, 2021, 06:05:20 PM

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Quote from: Good old on January 17, 2021, 06:46:15 PMNo I'm not saying that only Labour voters have kept extremists out of government. I'm saying all voters that have supported the parties as we know them, have kept extremists out of government. It could be considered self congratulating  because I would congratulate every one that has ever supported parties of all hews that can be considered moderate in the grand scheme of things.
I  do not believe anyone has to be stuck in a particular groove . I personally did not give my vote to a Corbyn, led party.
Some did for the reasons you suppose. But it has to be remembered the vast majority of potential Labour voters are nothing like the majority of the actual party members.
One of the reasons for the existence of what is called New Labour is the recognition , even within the party and certainly its supporters that the left of the party has more potential to throw up extremist attitudes.

Ok, sorry, I maybe misconstrued your meaning. I'd largely agree with that.

Good old

Quote from: DeppityDawg on January 17, 2021, 05:15:42 PM
Thats a bit of a self congratulatory post isn't it? Are you saying that labour voters "like you" have exclusively kept extremists of all hues out of government in this country? If so, it's a rather elitist view to infer that only people "like you" know the difference between an extremist form of government and a conventional democratic one?

Had it been left to "labour voters", we'd have had an extremist in No10 right now, since he drove most of the moderates out of the party. In fact, it could be said that it was mostly "ex labour supporters" who kept him out of office by refusing to back the party at the last election. Albeit, the alternative was a conservative government, but given the choice most former labour supporters could see the kind of person that Jeremy Corbyn was plain and clear

No I'm not saying that only Labour voters have kept extremists out of government. I'm saying all voters that have supported the parties as we know them, have kept extremists out of government. It could be considered self congratulating  because I would congratulate every one that has ever supported parties of all hews that can be considered moderate in the grand scheme of things.
I  do not believe anyone has to be stuck in a particular groove . I personally did not give my vote to a Corbyn, led party.
Some did for the reasons you suppose. But it has to be remembered the vast majority of potential Labour voters are nothing like the majority of the actual party members.
One of the reasons for the existence of what is called New Labour is the recognition , even within the party and certainly its supporters that the left of the party has more potential to throw up extremist attitudes.


Would this be an offence in Britain?

He walks the streets of Saint-Malo with a Nazi flag on his back
The young man had been arrested drunk, with a Nazi flag on his back. He was sentenced by the police court to perform 70 hours of community service.

Published 15 January 21 at 5:45 PM
The Saint-Malo Police Court on Tuesday (January 12, 2021) ordered a 22-year-old man to perform 70 hours of community service for displaying a black flag with SS emblemsin public.

The facts date back to last summer. This morning of August 12, 2020, a young man walks the streets of Saint-Malo with a Nazi flag on his back. Shocked bystanders alert the police. The young man was then arrested while intoxicated.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Good old on January 17, 2021, 02:12:31 PMUp to now it's been clowns like me that have insured people obviously of those categories , are  kept out.

Thats a bit of a self congratulatory post isn't it? Are you saying that labour voters "like you" have exclusively kept extremists of all hues out of government in this country? If so, it's a rather elitist view to infer that only people "like you" know the difference between an extremist form of government and a conventional democratic one?

Had it been left to "labour voters", we'd have had an extremist in No10 right now, since he drove most of the moderates out of the party. In fact, it could be said that it was mostly "ex labour supporters" who kept him out of office by refusing to back the party at the last election. Albeit, the alternative was a conservative government, but given the choice most former labour supporters could see the kind of person that Jeremy Corbyn was plain and clear


This from the last election good old ,

QuoteNew polling by BMG, commissioned by the Electoral Reform Society (ERS), found that 84% of people feel that politics is not working well, and 80% feel they have little or no influence on decision-making in the country.

and about the lords...(that labour has failed to abolish in 100 years of promising)

QuoteNo other democracy has a legislative chamber of limitless size, with lifetime membership, appointed solely by the head of the government.

You and your new labour chums good old seem to be out on a limb as ever.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on January 17, 2021, 02:12:31 PM
Never mind I knew you wouldn't be able to answer the actual question.

Im a scottishindy supporter who wants my politicians out of your countries parliament. Why would i do anything to help that parliament ? Will you be asking the snp next for ideas for the lords? ;D

We spend day after day talking about scotlands parliament , how we would like to reform the system once indy , on the scottish forums so what questions arent i answering?

Its not down to me  good old to hold your hand.

What would you do to reform it if at all , and how would you go about reforming it?

Needles to say labour have been talking abour abolishing the house of lords for tha lst century and we are still waiting  , despite the fact they had thirteen years in power  of the last twenty four, all they managed to do was stuff it further full of their cronies and yes men.

so forgive me when a new labour supporter like yourself tells me you have been reforming parliament , or it doesnt need reforming as the case may be , while you indulge in playing the dumb and dumber two horse race that the voters despise.

QuoteI have every confidence in my people to reform our parliament , as we have done for the last two hundred years with all due care and attention, to the best interests of our people.

intersteing though that the majority i come across on froum like this want the westmisnter parliament reformed  , and the FPTP system replaced.

You keep polishing your labour turd as ever though good old.

QuoteAnd that we as a nation will never sanction an extreme regime  whether it be Far right, Nazi, or far Left. Up to now it's been clowns like me that have insured people obviously of those categories , are  kept out.

how magnanimous of you. Only new labour supporters can be trusted to keep the yookay , or england on the straight and narrow?

Stope it good old , im choking here with absolute laughter.

We might not get an adolf in the uk at present , or a pol pot , but given half a chance , we might get some fantasy about wmd and thousands of deaths and a war here and there. Of another bonfire of civil liberties. :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2021, 08:51:50 PM
Im not offering you any workable solution to improve westmisnter. I was telling you what i had read from english posters on forums such as these over the years.

Not content with you labour types wanting to use scotland as voting fodder to prop up your corrupt party at your countries parliament , you now want us to supply you ideas to get you out the shite?


i have every confidence in the english people reforming their own parliament one day , and clowns like you wont stand in their way.

Never mind I knew you wouldn't be able to answer the actual question.
I have every confidence in my people to reform our parliament , as we have done for the last two hundred years with all due care and attention, to the best interests of our people. And that we as a nation will never sanction an extreme regime  whether it be Far right, Nazi, or far Left. Up to now it's been clowns like me that have insured people obviously of those categories , are  kept out.


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Dynamis on January 16, 2021, 08:41:32 PMHmm mass deportations.. what does that remind me of? 

But you carry on, deport every remainer, migrant, whinger etc etc and censor folks. 

I did nazi it coming.

Be honest Dynamics, freedom of speech is under attack in this country and everywhere in the western world now. Some of the most serious issues are college and university "no platforming" and the woke cancel culture where people who express views outside the liberal orthodoxy get sacked or driven from their careers. These are actual real world examples of intolerance and censure driven by so called "nice" people with left of centre views, yet this constantly gets ignored to focus on the "Nazis" and "fascists" who in reality are largely people with ordinary middle ground values. When was the last time a climate zealot, a feminist or a BLM spokesperson lost their job, got shut down or censored in the fecking media as a result of having a view that differed from the average Joe in the street?

You aren't representing reality. I don't believe anyone has ever been banned from here for expressing a view, it's more because of behaviour or because a protocol to do with site operation was broken. No one is out to get you, we all have to abide by the rulz old son.


Beats watching repeats on the TV.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on January 16, 2021, 08:48:01 PM
I couldn't see the answer in that, if you could , be my guest ,Scot, or otherwise, I'm not so proud as to refuse  to listen to  a workable option or improvement to what happens at Westminster. As long as it doesn't include a Nazi, solution.

Im not offering you any workable solution to improve westmisnter. I was telling you what i had read from english posters on forums such as these over the years.

Not content with you labour types wanting to use scotland as voting fodder to prop up your corrupt party at your countries parliament , you now want us to supply you ideas to get you out the shite?


i have every confidence in the english people reforming their own parliament one day , and clowns like you wont stand in their way.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Dynamis on January 16, 2021, 08:44:16 PM

Maybe your posts will come out better and more understandable if you do too.

is that it? Squealing reverse psychology argumetns and mumbling somthing about kilts while crying about immigrants ?

No one else has a problem reading my posts .

QuoteThat the Anglish left want to get me and eat my & Scotland's lunch.

the english left arent out to get me dynamis , we thrashed them and have them polling third for holyrood behind the tories.

Like you they too couldnt handle debate and a few home truths.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2021, 08:35:23 PM
is what what?

I was showing you a link to this current forum where forum members have discussed various reform of your parliament.

The old forum sadly now gone had loads more.

What are you asking me?

Do you want a scottish nationalist to now tell you in england how to reform your own parliament?

I want my politicians out of it remember? :D

I couldn't see the answer in that, if you could , be my guest ,Scot, or otherwise, I'm not so proud as to refuse  to listen to  a workable option or improvement to what happens at Westminster. As long as it doesn't include a Nazi, solution.


Quote from: Dynamis on January 16, 2021, 08:41:32 PM
You tell me?

Not just me is it?

who else is it?

Dont tell me you are reduced down to using pappy smurf for your limp wristed arguments dynamis?

Pappy smurf? The biggest conspiracy theorist and wacko on the internet?

The guy you were slagging off to me by pm about marrying his own cousin ? Thats pappy smurf?

Cromwell has really upset you hasnt he for abandoning your beloved labour and voting in brexit and brexit parties . :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Borg Refinery

Quote from: Thomas on January 16, 2021, 08:36:54 PM
obviously not as last time you tried to write something you used goodle translate.


Maybe your posts will come out better and more understandable if you do too.

Quotespit it out son  ,what  are you trying to say in among all the tears of frustration.

That the Anglish left want to get me and eat my & Scotland's lunch.  >:(