labour party anti semitism.

Started by Thomas, January 23, 2021, 11:03:34 AM

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Quote from: johnofgwent on January 23, 2021, 04:55:50 PM

You sure is not a plan by Saudi's Crown Prince MBS to drop the popularity of the party, and make it ripe for a takeover by his Qatari pals ? I mean, he's a smart guy, and he can see electric cars are going to royally screw the demand for his cartel's product, which wil leave him bach where his great great great grand-daddy was, scratching his bare arse in a flea bitten rat infested tent in a sandy shithole
You sure it didn't go a bit pear shaped for the Prince when Biden got in and he has been doing a lot of back peddling ever since.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 23, 2021, 02:37:45 PM
Well, there goes the Muslim block vote.

You sure is not a plan by Saudi's Crown Prince MBS to drop the popularity of the party, and make it ripe for a takeover by his Qatari pals ? I mean, he's a smart guy, and he can see electric cars are going to royally screw the demand for his cartel's product, which wil leave him bach where his great great great grand-daddy was, scratching his bare arse in a flea bitten rat infested tent in a sandy shithole
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Thomas on January 23, 2021, 03:10:55 PM


No muslims , no scottish indy supporters (potentially 58% of scottish electorate) no brexiters( 55% of english electorate) and potentially some of the more clued up left wingers not blindly following the party like srb steve , and sir keir might just take labour to the dizzy heights or around 240/250 seats in 2024.
We wouldn't do a Lib dumbs on them would we and just wipe them out? just let the Zionists do the job and keep the Cons thinking they have it all under control.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 23, 2021, 02:37:45 PM
Well, there goes the Muslim block vote.



No muslims , no scottish indy supporters (potentially 58% of scottish electorate) no brexiters( 55% of english electorate) and potentially some of the more clued up left wingers not blindly following the party like srb steve , and sir keir might just take labour to the dizzy heights or around 240/250 seats in 2024.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 23, 2021, 02:32:25 PM
its all kicking off again in labour sheep , thats if it ever stopped.

Starmers poor record so far as leader , his purging of the left wing in the party , his hiring this israeli guy , while backing the conservative government and poor polling results are starting to have an effect .

Poor auld keirs feeling the heat.

SRB says nothing to see here lets move on. :D
Well, there goes the Muslim block vote.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 23, 2021, 02:20:43 PM
I bet there is some squawking in the Labour party, because the populists told them exactly what would happen even before the last election, the Zionists are experts at creating illusions and the once you start making waves for Israel look out. It was easy to work out, because we know where the Zionist pies and fingers are.

its all kicking off again in labour sheep , thats if it ever stopped.

Starmers poor record so far as leader , his purging of the left wing in the party , his hiring this israeli guy , while backing the conservative government and poor polling results are starting to have an effect .

Poor auld keirs feeling the heat.

SRB says nothing to see here lets move on. :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 23, 2021, 02:01:51 PM

anything to say on this steve? Or do you intend to spend the next three years till the election in denial about the blairites , telling us how the jury is still out on sir keir , and reminiscing of what could of been regarding labours 2017 manifesto?
I bet there is some squawking in the Labour party, because the populists told them exactly what would happen even before the last election, the Zionists are experts at creating illusions and the once you start making waves for Israel look out. It was easy to work out, because we know where the Zionist pies and fingers are.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: srb7677 on January 23, 2021, 01:05:36 PM
Little to respond to here as the person doing most of the posting has been blocked.

As for Cromwell's contribution, I dispute that the Labour party has been in any way extremist, certainly not in policy terms. Most of it's policies from 2017 for example polled very well, many of them are desperately needed, and all would have been in the mainstream of social democracy pre-Blair.

A number of them have already been carried out by the SNP in Scotland. Others, such as public ownership of the railways and utilities, and effective rent control and security of tenure, are already in place in such non extremist societies as most of western Europe.

anything to say on this steve? Or do you intend to spend the next three years till the election in denial about the blairites , telling us how the jury is still out on sir keir , and reminiscing of what could of been regarding labours 2017 manifesto?

Exclusive: Labour sacks only Palestinian director 'for supporting Corbyn'

The Labour party has been accused of sacking and suspending its West Midlands regional director Fadel Takrouri – the party's only senior Palestinian official – for the 'crime' of being a Corbyn supporter, following a pressure campaign by right-wing MPs and party figures.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 23, 2021, 01:37:10 PM
The blank look on his face is when i tell him the truth about labour  , and he knows its the truth , so cannot answer it , then blocks me and puts me on ignore and trys to run and hide as he sees me a threat to his wee fantasy world of labour party cult membership.

His one card trick is dragging up  the alleged popualrity of labours 2017 manifesto. Despite the fact labour couldnt win in 2017 , against arguably the worst conservative leader and conservative GE strategy in history.

Despite the fact there has been another election since , which his beloved left wing labour were trounced in , and despite the fact his beloved dear leader wurzel has been out of power now for a year , and out the party , and labour are back under control of the blairites and starmer.

The blank look is when he pulls his head out of the sand  , has a look around , and goes into denial.
I read somewhere the other day, that we have had a very British type revolution in politics, nobody actually noticed least of all the Westminster party who seem to think we will put up with business as usual. I like to think there is a new generation on its way who will build on it, the future is what you make it, the opportunities have been created, as for the woke, you couldn't wake them with a bomb up their useless backsides.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 23, 2021, 01:32:14 PM
LOL I just had a vision of the blank look on their faces.

The blank look on his face is when i tell him the truth about labour  , and he knows its the truth , so cannot answer it , then blocks me and puts me on ignore and trys to run and hide as he sees me a threat to his wee fantasy world of labour party cult membership.

His one card trick is dragging up  the alleged popualrity of labours 2017 manifesto. Despite the fact labour couldnt win in 2017 , against arguably the worst conservative leader and conservative GE strategy in history.

Despite the fact there has been another election since , which his beloved left wing labour were trounced in , and despite the fact his beloved dear leader wurzel has been out of power now for a year , and out the party , and labour are back under control of the blairites and starmer.

The blank look is when he pulls his head out of the sand  , has a look around , and goes into denial.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 23, 2021, 01:20:56 PM

srb is a clear advocate of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result sheep.

Some people cannot think out of the box  .
LOL I just had a vision of the blank look on their faces.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 23, 2021, 01:18:25 PM
I don't disagree that there are some obvious policies there SRB, but there is a much larger picture, the Westminster party is so backward in its political thinking anyway, whereas the Chinese look to the future all of the time, they are moving into Crypto which decentralises banking for instance and actually creates more freedom not less. Whereas the US and EU with its followers of fashion are removing freedoms via technology, for the sake of the corporates and banking every single day and have been for a few decades. It will end in tears and has already done so several times. Brexit believe it or not, is a chance of a reset and a new direction.

srb is a clear advocate of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result sheep.

Some people cannot think out of the box  .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on January 23, 2021, 01:05:36 PM
Little to respond to here as the person doing most of the posting has been blocked.

As for Cromwell's contribution, I dispute that the Labour party has been in any way extremist, certainly not in policy terms. Most of it's policies from 2017 for example polled very well, many of them are desperately needed, and all would have been in the mainstream of social democracy pre-Blair.

A number of them have already been carried out by the SNP in Scotland. Others, such as public ownership of the railways and utilities, and effective rent control and security of tenure, are already in place in such non extremist societies as most of western Europe.

corbyn has gone , and the left are out of power in labour , as the right under starmer are back in control. Why do you insist on cherry picking the old manifesto from 2017 , any more than someone else cherry picking the manifesto from 1983 similarly fairly left wing?

Neither manifesto , despite how popualr you tell us they were ,got labour into government , so it wasnt popualr enough.

Further , many of corbyns policies as we discussed were indeed mere copys of snp policy. The same snp policy labour in scotland were describing as tartan tory policy.

Im not sure what you are trying to suggest here. England is more to the right than scotland , hence why these policies never seem to get you into government.

Your final sentence seem to me nothing more than your ususal camouflaged dig at your own country. Are you suggesting england is a an  extremist country simply because they didnt want corbyn and his anti semite momentum party in power?

You never change steve. Insult your own people en masse , and then come election time you wonder why they wont vote for your party.

You keep running and hiding all you want. I will keep pointing out yours and labours lies and hypocrisy.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on January 23, 2021, 01:05:36 PM
Little to respond to here as the person doing most of the posting has been blocked for constant personal attacks and dishonest misrepresentations.

I welcome others of a less troll-like disposition providing something I can respond to. No doubt another dishonest and excessively personal rant which I'll never see will be forthcoming in response.

As for Cromwell's contribution, I dispute that the Labour party has been in any way extremist, certainly not in policy terms. Most of it's policies from 2017 for example polled very well, many of them are desperately needed, and all would have been in the mainstream of social democracy pre-Blair.

A number of them have already been carried out by the SNP in Scotland. Others, such as public ownership of the railways and utilities, and effective rent control and security of tenure, are already in place in such non extremist societies as most of western Europe.
I don't disagree that there are some obvious policies there SRB, but there is a much larger picture, the Westminster party is so backward in its political thinking anyway, whereas the Chinese look to the future all of the time, they are moving into Crypto which decentralises banking for instance and actually creates more freedom not less. Whereas the US and EU with its followers of fashion are removing freedoms via technology, for the sake of the corporates and banking every single day and have been for a few decades. It will end in tears and has already done so several times. Brexit believe it or not, is a chance of a reset and a new direction.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Little to respond to here as the person doing most of the posting has been blocked.

As for Cromwell's contribution, I dispute that the Labour party has been in any way extremist, certainly not in policy terms. Most of it's policies from 2017 for example polled very well, many of them are desperately needed, and all would have been in the mainstream of social democracy pre-Blair.

A number of them have already been carried out by the SNP in Scotland. Others, such as public ownership of the railways and utilities, and effective rent control and security of tenure, are already in place in such non extremist societies as most of western Europe.

We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.