So we are treacherous?

Started by cromwell, January 23, 2021, 10:02:51 PM

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Quote from: DeppityDawg on January 24, 2021, 12:15:09 PM
Thinking about an Independent Scotland, the major argument of YooKay remainer/unionist/small c conservatives is that Scotland would be worse off financially.

Norway is a similar in population size to Scotland and has an off-shore oil industry. Its GDP per capita is among the highest in Europe

He's scared in reality, Thomas, because in practice an Independent Scotland would be a massive blow to the status quo for the wealthy South East

I think if the truth be known deppity , every single country that was once part of the empire has been told the same by london , you will be poorer without us.

You only need to look at the island of ireland. The part that is independent of london and south east england is far far wealthier than the part that is controlled by london and south east england. If the unionist argument of being better together  and all that holds any water , why is british ireland far far poorer than independent ireland.?

Thats all unionists have to offer scotland.......project fear. The same project fear that the english stuck two fingers up to when they tried the same old cac with you over the last five years and leaving the eu.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 24, 2021, 11:58:39 AM
Typical illogical illiberal democrat deppity.

As you can see , despite the never ending beatings quackers has taken at both the ballot box and online during debate , he has learned nothing.

No one takes him seriously . Dont know if you read it , but did you see yesterday quackers has never heard the term red tory directed at blairite labour and thought red tory was some alt right term?

Absolute space cadet.

Nothing more than another post of his cherry picking the principle of demcoracy when and if it suits.

Thinking about an Independent Scotland, the major argument of YooKay remainer/unionist/small c conservatives is that Scotland would be worse off financially.

Norway is a similar in population size to Scotland and has an off-shore oil industry. Its GDP per capita is among the highest in Europe

He's scared in reality, Thomas, because in practice an Independent Scotland would be a massive blow to the status quo for the wealthy South East


Quote from: Sheepy on January 24, 2021, 12:07:56 PM
I doubt we are treacherous. when from the start we declared the EU referendum as an overall vote on leave or stay, the Remainers within 24 hours divided it up into regions as a wedge against leaving, the media and Westminster had a field day with it, you reap what you sow. It wasn't until after the EU elections they realised we were serious, but then it was past the point of no return then for remain. So they relied on spiteful politics as usual. Just like the EU do daily, by the way why do you need an EU ambassador anyway, they are not a sovereign state. Well that is what you tried to tell us.

Sheep , your first line doesnt make any sense in the context of the thread. Northern ireland isnt leaving the eu , its staying in it.

Thats what unionists are all in a flap about , they feel betrayed by johnson over the border in the irish sea.

Thats not me saying this , im pointing out to you what northern irish unionists are saying. More to the point its making a total mockery of brexit being a uk vote to leave when the whole uk isnt leaving.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I doubt we are treacherous. when from the start we declared the EU referendum as an overall vote on leave or stay, the Remainers within 24 hours divided it up into regions as a wedge against leaving, the media and Westminster had a field day with it, you reap what you sow. It wasn't until after the EU elections they realised we were serious, but then it was past the point of no return then for remain. So they relied on spiteful politics as usual. Just like the EU do daily, by the way why do you need an EU ambassador anyway, they are not a sovereign state. Well that is what you tried to tell us.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on January 24, 2021, 11:52:33 AM
Its not just you being against "Scottish and Welsh independence", you have stated numerous times that you are against even the chance to express a choice by another referendum - something which you argued multiple times should be given TWICE in the case of EU membership. I simply do not understand how you can sit in front of your computer screen and argue such a grossly hypocritical stance and expect people to take you seriously?

Typical illogical illiberal democrat deppity.

As you can see , despite the never ending beatings quackers has taken at both the ballot box and online during debate , he has learned nothing.

No one takes him seriously . Dont know if you read it , but did you see yesterday quackers has never heard the term red tory directed at blairite labour and thought red tory was some alt right term?

Absolute space cadet.

Nothing more than another post of his cherry picking the principle of demcoracy when and if it suits.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: HDQQ on January 24, 2021, 11:18:54 AM

So, I hear some people say: "How does this fit with you being against Scottish and Welsh independence?"

Its not just you being against "Scottish and Welsh independence", you have stated numerous times that you are against even the chance to express a choice by another referendum - something which you argued multiple times should be given TWICE in the case of EU membership. I simply do not understand how you can sit in front of your computer screen and argue such a grossly hypocritical stance and expect people to take you seriously?


QuoteThe UK is facing a constitutional crisis that will strain the Union as new polls reveal a majority of voters in Scotland and Northern Ireland want referendums on the break-up of Britain.

A four-country survey we commissioned, based on separate polls in Scotland, Northern Ireland, England and Wales, also found that the sense of British identity that once bound the country together is disintegrating.

And in another significant move, the Scottish National Party (SNP) announced that it is prepared to call a wildcat referendum of its own if Boris Johnson refuses to grant one himself — a move that puts the two governments on a constitutional collision course.

In Northern Ireland, a majority — 51 per cent to 44 per cent — want a referendum about the border within the next five years. And unionists hold only a slender lead over those who want a united Ireland now — 47 per cent to 42 per cent — but another 11% are undecided, enough to threaten the future of the UK.

The LucidTalk survey in Northern Ireland found that among those aged under 45, supporters of Irish reunification outnumber those who want to stay in the UK by 47 per cent to 46 per cent...

The polls show that voters in all four corners of the land expect Scotland to become independent within the next 10 years — by margins far in excess of two to one in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Northern Irish voters also think there will be a united Ireland within 10 years by a margin of 48 per cent to 44 per cent.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Northern Ireland's future should be decided by its people.  Self-determination by means of a referendum is the UK government's policy.  Historically the unionists, mostly protestant, have been the majority but that's been declining so that if held now, a referendum could well be close. Unlike any other referendums in UK, a Northern Ireland plebiscite would be legally binding on the government. So while I think a referendum would be a good idea, best not to hold it at a time when the result could be very close, especially when there's a long-term trend in one direction.

So, I hear some people say: "How does this fit with you being against Scottish and Welsh independence?"

There are two islands, Great Britain and Ireland. I believe that Great Britain should remain united as a sovereign state, so I can fully understand that a lot of Irish people think their island should be one sovereign state. Also the choice in Northern Ireland is between being part of one existing sovereign state or another and not about whether Northern Ireland should become an independent country.

Incidentally, if Scotland and Wales ever leave the Union, I wonder what Ulster unionists would think of being in a union with just England.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Is this where Gerry gets his bile?
Handing Hong Kong back to China was treachery? Well apart from the fact of telling China to sod off was mad,even if we were that mad we'd have been labelled filthy colonialists.

Now the idea that NI may rejoin the republic is more perfidious Albion,if we said no way it would be the same.

Whatever we do we are treacherous bastards and affordable,not that hard is it?