latest snowflake outrage

Started by Thomas, January 31, 2021, 10:02:07 AM

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Quote from: srb7677 on January 31, 2021, 06:18:01 PM
Because my post acknowledged the obsession some have with identity politics to the exclusion of all else and stated what we should be focussing more attention upon and in that sense is a relevant expansion of the subject.

You however seem to want it to be restricted to a narrow moan about one particular person to encourage a futile exercise in backslapping mutual ranting by all the usual suspects, untainted by any more thoughtful or nuanced interjection.

Well, to coin a phrase, you can feck off! Because I will post whatever the hell I like within any rules, and if I break any report me. If I don't, suck it up.

My post was a reasonable expansion of the topic of identity politics and issues thereof, especially insofar as it relates to the Labour party.

Don't have a kitten ffs, Steve. I never said you couldn't post what you like, and couldn't care less if you tell me to feck off. I prefer passion to anal retention any day. I don't do "reporting" either, thats for the likes of wallflowers who can't take robust argument

As for what you said, its bullshine. Identity politics, racism, sexism, homophobia and the usual victim group, metropolitan agendas DOMINATES the Labour party now. Its blown out of all proportion and people in those old seats have had enough of it. Most of the ****s down there in Islington don't even fecking know where places like Redcar are, let alone care two fecks about them. Like you, they are too busy calling people who don't share their twee but everso nice views bigots and gammons. But you're so far up the virtue signalling tree, you don't even notice.

Thoughtful and nuanced. Don't make me laugh. If it isn't a trendy right on thing to say, you don't say it.


Quote from: Sheepy on January 31, 2021, 04:39:41 PM
At a guess you have had an idea of Labours latest plans to con the voters, it all relies on the electorate believing a word they have said which you obviously know. So do the rest of us, as it happens.
Since you quoted it, I saw Thomas's risible dig at Labour quoting a party policy poster from 1910 proposing to abolish the House of Lords.

Am presuming he is actually aware that Labour won neither of the 1910 elections, being as it was then a new party struggling to gain traction under FPTP? The reason the Lords were not abolished is down to Labour not gaining power at the time. There was in fact to be no Labour majority government for another 35 years, and abolishing the Lords was not then in the manifesto it won by.

So the attempt to portray this as yet another Labour betrayal is another typically risible example of Thomas distorting reality to fuel his own mouth-frothing hate, as usual.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


You cannot trust the labour party on practically any subject , as good old gloriously points out.

it was only acouple of years back under wurzel    , labours policy on giving scotland an indy ref was lauded wiht much fanfare by the uk media.

by the sunday morning of the latter part of the same week....

Vote for us boys and girls , honestly trust us this time we mean it. :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on January 31, 2021, 04:57:58 PM
Exactly. It was a blunt reply, because what has anything this woman is complaining about got to do with [to quote you] "making things better for the struggling and economically oppressed millions"?
Because my post acknowledged the obsession some have with identity politics to the exclusion of all else and stated what we should be focussing more attention upon and in that sense is a relevant expansion of the subject.

You however seem to want it to be restricted to a narrow moan about one particular person to encourage a futile exercise in backslapping mutual ranting by all the usual suspects, untainted by any more thoughtful or nuanced interjection.

Well, to coin a phrase, you can feck off! Because I will post whatever the hell I like within any rules, and if I break any report me. If I don't, suck it up.

My post was a reasonable expansion of the topic of identity politics and issues thereof, especially insofar as it relates to the Labour party.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Good old on January 31, 2021, 04:37:04 PM

What you don't take account of is that  this country will embrace controlled change, even some small R radical change .It gets frightened at  big R radical.

Wait .What!?

So its now the voting publics fault labour havent honoured their hundred year old pledge to abolish the house of lords as the stupid public arent ready for radical change?

Honestly good old , you are a breath of foul air on this forum so you are.

Poor auld srb at least has his heart in the right place however misguided , whereas ther is no level you wont stoop to to justify labours misconduct and duplicity.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on January 31, 2021, 02:55:22 PM
None of which in any way alters the points I was making.

But your typically polite and erudite rebuttal is duly noted.

Exactly. It was a blunt reply, because what has anything this woman is complaining about got to do with [to quote you] "making things better for the struggling and economically oppressed millions"?

The answer is, nothing. As usual, someone claiming to have the interests of thee "oppressed" working class cannot see how divisive and offensive this kind of sh*te is. The Labour party is full of people, like Dawn Butler, David Lammy, Dianne Abbott etc, constantly playing victim group agendas, instead of representing ALL of us.

As an example, Redcar was a Labour seat for generations, but that never saved the steel works, or attracted any meaningful investment in all the years they represented that place. I still don't trust the Tories, but in a few months, they've done more for Teesside in investment terms than Labour did in years. Why? Because they are all words Steve. Because they are too busy playing identity politics games for people like David Lammy to give a flying feck what happens to places like Redcar.


Quote from: Thomas on January 31, 2021, 04:16:32 PM

labour poster from 1910 talking about abolishing the lords....

Honestly boys this time in three years we will all be millionaires under labour. :D Just vote for us you can trust us this time honest guv!
At a guess you have had an idea of Labours latest plans to con the voters, it all relies on the electorate believing a word they have said which you obviously know. So do the rest of us, as it happens.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 31, 2021, 03:56:19 PM
Well on the subject of electoral reform , lets look at the labour parties track record.

This is the same party that stood on a ticket to abolish the house of lords for the last century , and did feck all about it each time they got into power , either kicking the can down the long grass or tinkering with it.

One of the things i hear about starmer from labour activists is starmer wants to appear a pair of safe hands to the establishment to get elected , so based on labours past record of fialing to deliver , and starmer wanting the status quo two party fptp stitch up , anyone who thinks starmer will deliver electoral reform needs their head examined.

Thankfully good old , we arent all dreamers like steve , much to you dissapointemt of just vote for us and put your blind trust in labour. :D

What you don't take account of is that  this country will embrace controlled change, even some small R radical change .It gets frightened at  big R radical. And no matter who holds sway in the H of C , the institutions will not be moved much outside of revolutionary action . Wherever and however that was to be manifested it would be resisted ,and resisted to the degree of a full blown revolution.
It may be a long process but evolving slowly is the only way outside of what I have just described , and that  always has  been the process , with broken  promises and disappointments the territory of  all parties ever to have had power.
You seem to want to promote the idea that Labour, should have no sins. And a revolutionary zeal. Or they have no future. It's pie in the sky. Unless what you want to see is a revolution. But that's not very democratic is it Thomas.


QuoteAnd as for the House Of Lords, well, this poster is from 1910 and they've promised to abolish it at just about every election ever since, but we're pretty sure they'll get round to it the next time they're in power, right?

labour poster from 1910 talking about abolishing the lords....

Honestly boys this time in three years we will all be millionaires under labour. :D Just vote for us you can trust us this time honest guv!
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Remember when labour promised to ban zero hours contracts in 1989

thirty years on , and after a three term labour government over thirteen years , labour were still promising to ban zero hours contracts if only we would put our faith in labour once again... :D

The absolute crap this party comes out with time and again is unreal.

Trust us boys and girls. Jam tomorrow , electoral reform , house of lords abolished , money trees for the poor and lashings of ginger beer for steve.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 31, 2021, 04:00:54 PM
ah but sheep , labour sir keir and the likes of good old and steve want you to forget all about how they disrespected your brexit vote for 3 feckin years , and demanded you vote time and again till they got the right answer.

As i said , starmers brexit baggage will be a noose around that guys neck in three years time.
Yeah well be assured I ain't getting dragged into gutter politics by them or anyone else either, even if I do know how Owen Jones was set up.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


QuoteThe Lords is to be abolished, we're told, and replaced with a new elected "Senate", which will conveniently also serve as some  form of regional devolution, though its specific responsibilities and powers have – readers will doubtless be quite astonished to hear – not been laid out.

Mr Miliband's only problem will be getting anyone to believe it.

Because Labour has been promising House Of Lords reform and/or abolition pretty much for as long as Labour has existed, and it never seems to get round to doing a great deal about it.

member when ed told us the same thing about the lords getting abolished? :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on January 31, 2021, 03:56:56 PM
Well on the brightside, it amuses the hell out of me that after their performance and how they have treated the electorate we will handing them a free chance. But hey ho, whatever floats their boat, as for the establishment they are a big a part of it as much as any Conservative and when it comes to the EU a bigger part of it. When in reality they have about the same chance of retaking Glasgow.

ah but sheep , labour sir keir and the likes of good old and steve want you to forget all about how they disrespected your brexit vote for 3 feckin years , and demanded you vote time and again till they got the right answer.

As i said , starmers brexit baggage will be a noose around that guys neck in three years time.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 31, 2021, 03:36:39 PM
Trust in labour , everything will be fine once we blindly vote for them.

Mind the last time that happened?

Bonfire of civil liberties , tuition fees , iraq war etc etc.

These people like good old and their labour cronies honestly think voters are feckin daft.
Well on the brightside, it amuses the hell out of me that after their performance and how they have treated the electorate we will handing them a free chance. But hey ho, whatever floats their boat, as for the establishment they are a big a part of it as much as any Conservative and when it comes to the EU a bigger part of it. When in reality they have about the same chance of retaking Glasgow.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on January 31, 2021, 03:46:37 PM

Are you sure it's not the door that bothers you. ?As against how to open it and enter. In a democracy that's all you need to do.  They will not need to offer all things, just some things, And the chance of  a better outlook to being stuck with the Tories for more time than they deserve.

Well on the subject of electoral reform , lets look at the labour parties track record.

This is the same party that stood on a ticket to abolish the house of lords for the last century , and did feck all about it each time they got into power , either kicking the can down the long grass or tinkering with it.

One of the things i hear about starmer from labour activists is starmer wants to appear a pair of safe hands to the establishment to get elected , so based on labours past record of fialing to deliver , and starmer wanting the status quo two party fptp stitch up , anyone who thinks starmer will deliver electoral reform needs their head examined.

Thankfully good old , we arent all dreamers like steve , much to you dissapointemt of just vote for us and put your blind trust in labour. :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!