It’s time for Ireland to stand up to the EU

Started by Thomas, January 31, 2021, 11:18:34 AM

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Quote from: GerryT on February 08, 2021, 06:16:09 PM

I don't hate the English, no matter how often you say that.

No gerry , you are worse than the irish  republican types.

You are an englishman who hates his own people for daring to vote to leave the eu empire.

A contemptable individual.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on February 08, 2021, 04:43:20 PM
No I'm reiterating what I said before,you have a selective memory or is it old age getting to you !

No selective memory here. I remember exactly what you said , and its laughable how you are trying to spin it .

Is this machiavellian "spin " from the labour party book of how to fail at politics?

QuoteWell what did you mean I was mocking the UK govt?

Where did i say you were mocking the uk government in this thread?

QuoteI'm neither a brexiteer or a remainer, that's been said many times.

So as deppity dawg said , you are therefore only on here to try (but dismally fail) to wind folk up?

You arent a brexiter, remainer, uk citizen , or anything to do with us? So why are you on here ?

Honestly gerry full of cac so you are. ;D

QuoteI draw no link, fact is the Uk left and can apply to rejoin if it wishes, but that's prob not going to happen in my life time if ever.

Well the uk wont be rejoining in the near future , certainly not this side of the next GE.

You lost , and as for trying but failing to keep throwing "shit" at brexit like a coward from the sidelines , its a dismall tactic , one that is backfiring spectacularly.

QuoteBrexit is an act of self harm,

Brexit is an act of democracy , which the people of the uk voted for in a free and fair referendum.

Unlucky  , you lost gerry , and continue to lose. Isnt democracy  a bugger when it goes against you. ;D
it was predicted and labelled "project fear"

It was project fear. Even arch europhiles like alec salmond told cameron and co in england to tone down the project fear rhetoric , as it would be the anglo remainers undoing , and so it proved.

QuoteIt wasn't the will of the people, it was the will of the majority that voted to leave.

The two are one and the same.

I dont remember your labour party bleating when only 20 % of the electorate voted labour in 2001 to give tory blair a landslide. That was the will of the people then , as brexit was in 2016.

QuoteI have zero affiliation to any UK political party.


What happened? Did you leave south east england to get a financial services relocation job in dublin? Is starmer no blairite enough for you?

If there is a more cowardly inept bunch than you labour supporters online , i have yet to meet them.

Standing in the shadows lobbing shit at people thinking you are being machiavellian.

QuoteYou make it sound like democracy was at risk, how so. Who was stopping the elections or trying to ignore the outcome of elections ?

Democracy was at risk from starmer and the anti democrats in labour , as well as some europhiles in the tory party , until the voters patience finally snapped.

Well done the voters , you know the people labour and their ilk like you normally despise  , for enacting democracy via the ballot box.

QuoteHow was what happened democratic for the unionist people of NI,

The same as it was democratic for the unionists in scotland. We told them in 2014  that if they voted to stay in the uk , then they were at the mercy of the larger english electorate and so it proved. If you remember  , it was you labour unionist types telling them otherwise.

So here we are .

Quotethey see a border in their country

The uk isnt a country , its a multi national soveriegn state , and northern ireland always has had a border between it and england. Both geographically and legally. So what are you talking about?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on February 08, 2021, 10:10:20 PM
BTW Gerry do you bother to read your links before you post them?
Evidently not,contained within the one about Holland which you claim was all about covid curfew was this
So apart from neither seeing nor hearing all those in favour and against brexit saying we would be leaving the single market which you claimed as lies you can't even read your own links. ::) Butt Kick
First off you brought up those countries and issues and made no point, nothing. I then show the unrest is covid related, which is true. So why dont you make the point you originally started but never finished. Like i said im not here to make your points for you.
Holland--a covid curfew sparked the riots, whats wrong with that ?? Did i say that was the only issue in holland ??
Did i say it was all about covid curfews ??

So whats your point, you brought this up ?


Quote from: GerryT on February 08, 2021, 04:18:53 PM
THe EU is now up to 2.3b vaccines on order.

You're deluded Gerry, not sure what you think the EU is.

It doesn't have a GDP as it doesn't manufacture, buy or sell anything and it certainly doesn't buy and administer drugs to European citizens. It doesn't own any doctors surgeries, hospitals or any other kind of medical facility. In all intents and purposes it doesn't exist.

Take a look on the graph Thomas posted, do you see the EU anywhere on it? No you don't because it's a nothing, a Phoenix, it has no control over anything except what the countries say it can control. And when it's gone there will be nothing left except a lot of paperwork and some bloke in Dublin with a bright red face.

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on February 08, 2021, 05:47:38 PM
You brought it up so why oh why would I make your point for you, but as I have 20min free I'll take a look.

Introduced a covid curfew which sparked their riots.
Fingers being pointed at some new security law banning the filming of police and police drones which caused a kick off, but France also has a curfew which gets a mention
Same thing, new lockdows and a shrinking economy, job losses in certain sectors (hotel, bars etc).
I'm not looking that up as we know current ruling parties in Hungary and Poland don't like the EU laws on, well, anything and don't want their corruption to be stopped. This has nothing to do with Germany, it's an EU requirement and one they will have to eventually comply with. They have a choice, they can leave, but they won't.

Did you have a point, as all of this points to countries difficulties dealing with Covid and how a section of their community react through violence. Excitable bunch in Europe, nothing new.
Are you trying to suggest that all of this is a reaction from countries looking at the UK and thinking they would like o follow the K out of the EU ? well if you are your wrong.

I'm not praising the EU, each EU country is totally independent in how it deals with covid, this is not an area of EU competence and the EU has no say in what each country does. The 26 members decided to purchase together so they could get a better deal and also use that buying power to secure delivery, it's proven effective when AZ tried to welsh on its commitments, a simple shot from the EU and AZ managed to find 9 million additional doses and also started delivery a week early. Around the same time that Johnson said the second shot after the first AZ shot might not be from AZ, are the UK suddenly seeing a slow down in AZ doses, or is that just a conspiracy theory, time will tell.

It's not my love of theEU but your hatred of the EU. Youv'e been brain washed over 40 years with lies about the EU, thinking all the problems the UK had were the fault of the EU. There was a website with tens of thousands of examples but since brexit the EU took it down, pity it was really good.
BTW Gerry do you bother to read your links before you post them?
Evidently not,contained within the one about Holland which you claim was all about covid curfew was this
QuoteEmployment precarity and the rise of flexible contracts, in particular, have demoralised young people. Housing, too, has grown increasingly expensive for many. Discontent with the EU has also noticeably begun to increase

So apart from neither seeing nor hearing all those in favour and against brexit saying we would be leaving the single market which you claimed as lies you can't even read your own links. ::) Butt Kick and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: GerryT on February 08, 2021, 06:16:09 PM

I keep asking for the good news stories of brexit.

Innummerable lives saved.
An economic boost.
Anti democratic assholes removed from office.
Voter satisfaction.
Increased faith in the democratic process.
The primacy of UK courts.
National pride.
Better global trade deals.
Increased foreign investment.
Increased exports.
No more vast taxes sent to the EU.
Increased diplomatic relations with the world. A greater standing on the world stage.
Lower unemployment.
More freedom.
More fish.

And a giant destructive super trawler evicted from UK fishing waters... lol.... and now operating in yours.


Quote from: GerryT on February 08, 2021, 06:16:09 PMRemember the "nobody is talking about leaving the single markt"
You obviouly weren't listening and I suspect are Nick Clegg and I claim my £10
So are you deaf blind and dumb,and yeah there's loads more of others saying the same and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on February 08, 2021, 06:03:18 PM
Do I have a point Gerry?
Yes do you, you brought up the riots and unrest. WHat was your point or were you just pointing out riots and unrest ?

Quote from: cromwell on February 08, 2021, 06:03:18 PM
Yes all you do is come on here and tell us we are self harming and how Johnson is a T@@@ and how we wont be welcomed back and how wonderful the eu is and we are mugs to leave,did you mention what you think of the english recently.
I keep asking for the good news stories of brexit. All I've listened too the past number of years is remoaners and project fear. Well project fear is turning into project reality. But do, please do, post the good news stories, the brexit wins. The better trade deals that were promised, the EU crawling back to the UK as they need you more than you needed them, that sort of thing.

Quote from: cromwell on February 08, 2021, 06:03:18 PM
I don't hate any of the citizens of europe (not the way you do the english) but I do despise the political union which is not what we joined.
Get it through your head,we don't want to come back,we won't bow to the eu and would rather be a little poorer than be part of it?
When you say we you do mean you. You don't want to come back. Nobody is asking the UK to bow to the EU, you just made that up. You will be a lot poorer as the affects of brexit filter through, nice of you to decide on that for the 65m people of the UK, for the one's that didn't have a vote or gold plated triple locked pensions, very nice of you indeed.
I don't hate the English, no matter how often you say that. I have contempt for those that now say that brexit was all about leaving with a bare bones deal and being worse off. That's not what people voted for no matter how you spin it. Remember the "nobody is talking about leaving the single markt" or "we will thrive", "the easiest trade deal in human history", lies, lies, lies.
You shouldn't speak for the people of the UK, less of the "we" and more of the "I" would be more accurate.


Quote from: GerryT on February 08, 2021, 05:47:38 PM
You brought it up so why oh why would I make your point for you, but as I have 20min free I'll take a look.

Introduced a covid curfew which sparked their riots.
Fingers being pointed at some new security law banning the filming of police and police drones which caused a kick off, but France also has a curfew which gets a mention
Same thing, new lockdows and a shrinking economy, job losses in certain sectors (hotel, bars etc).
I'm not looking that up as we know current ruling parties in Hungary and Poland don't like the EU laws on, well, anything and don't want their corruption to be stopped. This has nothing to do with Germany, it's an EU requirement and one they will have to eventually comply with. They have a choice, they can leave, but they won't.

Did you have a point, as all of this points to countries difficulties dealing with Covid and how a section of their community react through violence. Excitable bunch in Europe, nothing new.
Are you trying to suggest that all of this is a reaction from countries looking at the UK and thinking they would like o follow the K out of the EU ? well if you are your wrong.

I'm not praising the EU, each EU country is totally independent in how it deals with covid, this is not an area of EU competence and the EU has no say in what each country does. The 26 members decided to purchase together so they could get a better deal and also use that buying power to secure delivery, it's proven effective when AZ tried to welsh on its commitments, a simple shot from the EU and AZ managed to find 9 million additional doses and also started delivery a week early. Around the same time that Johnson said the second shot after the first AZ shot might not be from AZ, are the UK suddenly seeing a slow down in AZ doses, or is that just a conspiracy theory, time will tell.

It's not my love of theEU but your hatred of the EU. Youv'e been brain washed over 40 years with lies about the EU, thinking all the problems the UK had were the fault of the EU. There was a website with tens of thousands of examples but since brexit the EU took it down, pity it was really good.
Do I have a point Gerry?
Yes all you do is come on here and tell us we are self harming and how Johnson is a T@@@ and how we wont be welcomed back and how wonderful the eu is and we are mugs to leave,did you mention what you think of the english recently.

I don't hate any of the citizens of europe (not the way you do the english) but I do despise the political union which is not what we joined.

Get it through your head,we don't want to come back,we won't bow to the eu and would rather be a little poorer than be part of it? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: GerryT on February 08, 2021, 05:47:38 PM

I'm not praising the EU, each EU country is totally independent in how it deals with covid, this is not an area of EU competence and the EU has no say in what each country does.

They aren't.
They decided to let the EU sort it out for them.

They could have been independent, but they believed in the EU as a superior medium and so chose not to be.
An error of judgement on their part.


Quote from: cromwell on February 08, 2021, 04:47:39 PM
And off we go again with Gerry only interested in brexit and rabbitholes,but praises the almighty and infallible arseholes who are the eu commision.

Did you answer why there are riots in Holland,unrest in France and Italy or how Poland wont be taking any lessons from Germany on the rule of law since they suffered in the past their rule of law which they've never really been compensated for?

You brought it up so why oh why would I make your point for you, but as I have 20min free I'll take a look.

Introduced a covid curfew which sparked their riots.
Fingers being pointed at some new security law banning the filming of police and police drones which caused a kick off, but France also has a curfew which gets a mention
Same thing, new lockdows and a shrinking economy, job losses in certain sectors (hotel, bars etc).
I'm not looking that up as we know current ruling parties in Hungary and Poland don't like the EU laws on, well, anything and don't want their corruption to be stopped. This has nothing to do with Germany, it's an EU requirement and one they will have to eventually comply with. They have a choice, they can leave, but they won't.

Did you have a point, as all of this points to countries difficulties dealing with Covid and how a section of their community react through violence. Excitable bunch in Europe, nothing new.
Are you trying to suggest that all of this is a reaction from countries looking at the UK and thinking they would like o follow the K out of the EU ? well if you are your wrong.

I'm not praising the EU, each EU country is totally independent in how it deals with covid, this is not an area of EU competence and the EU has no say in what each country does. The 26 members decided to purchase together so they could get a better deal and also use that buying power to secure delivery, it's proven effective when AZ tried to welsh on its commitments, a simple shot from the EU and AZ managed to find 9 million additional doses and also started delivery a week early. Around the same time that Johnson said the second shot after the first AZ shot might not be from AZ, are the UK suddenly seeing a slow down in AZ doses, or is that just a conspiracy theory, time will tell.

It's not my love of theEU but your hatred of the EU. Youv'e been brain washed over 40 years with lies about the EU, thinking all the problems the UK had were the fault of the EU. There was a website with tens of thousands of examples but since brexit the EU took it down, pity it was really good.


Quote from: GerryT on February 08, 2021, 04:11:26 PM

It's not often you get to see a country self harm and fall apart, it's better than Netflix and sock drawers !

All those thousands of lives saved, just by leaving the EU.
Oh the "self harm".

Here we are watching more of your people die because you chose to be part of the EU.
Frankly I prefer Netflix to the reality of your situation.


Quote from: GerryT on February 08, 2021, 04:18:53 PM
THe EU is now up to 2.3b vaccines on order.

It's early days, the UK is going for headline numbers, giving the first dose and stretching the second dose. The EU is no doing that. It will come a time when the UK will have to go back and get those 10million people second dosed while the EU continues with it's double dose regime. Hopefully the UK system isn't a breeding ground for a vaccine resistant strain to develop as people are only 50% safe.

The UK approach hasn't saved more lives, it's cost more lives that most countries in the world.

The UK approach has been based on a gamble, keep it, it's not what I would want. So far it has worked out but will it continue to go that way ?

And off we go again with Gerry only interested in brexit and rabbitholes,but praises the almighty and infallible arseholes who are the eu commision.

Did you answer why there are riots in Holland,unrest in France and Italy or how Poland wont be taking any lessons from Germany on the rule of law since they suffered in the past their rule of law which they've never really been compensated for? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on February 08, 2021, 04:18:50 PM
yer flapping about as ever gerry.
plastic paddy speaks with forked tongue. :D
No I'm reiterating what I said before,you have a selective memory or is it old age getting to you !

Quote from: Thomas on February 08, 2021, 04:18:50 PMWhere did i say the eu did or didnt trigger article 16 ? quote please , or we will have to file this away as gerrys latest strawman.

Feck knows what the rest of your paragraph is to do with me.
Well what did you mean I was mocking the UK govt?

Quote from: Thomas on February 08, 2021, 04:18:50 PM
The two are intextricably linked from your point of view.
You as a remainer , are wasting your time bleating on this non irish froum about brexit , as unless starmer and the latest reincarnation of new labour get into power in 2024 , the uk wont be going back into the eu .
I'm neither a brexiteer or a remainer, that's been said many times. I draw no link, fact is the Uk left and can apply to rejoin if it wishes, but that's prob not going to happen in my life time if ever.

Quote from: Thomas on February 08, 2021, 04:18:50 PM
What self harm?
Im proud democracy was finally enacted despite everything that was thrown at brexiters , and the best of it was , it took the tories  , not your beloved labour party , to enact the will of the people.
Brexit is an act of self harm, it was predicted and labelled "project fear". So far it's being negative. Fishing, lamb, financial services, exporting, small local industry, UK immigrants having issues in EU countries. I have yet to see a brexit win story, not 1.
It wasn't the will of the people, it was the will of the majority that voted to leave. Two totally different things. I have zero affiliation to any UK political party.
You make it sound like democracy was at risk, how so. Who was stopping the elections or trying to ignore the outcome of elections ?
How was what happened democratic for the unionist people of NI, I doubt they think the treacherous hand they were given by Johnson was democratic, they see a border in their country and they are tied to EU rules, was that democratic ?

How do you square that circle


Quote from: GerryT on February 08, 2021, 04:18:53 PM
THe EU is now up to 2.3b vaccines on order.

It's early days, the UK is going for headline numbers, giving the first dose and stretching the second dose. The EU is no doing that. It will come a time when the UK will have to go back and get those 10million people second dosed while the EU continues with it's double dose regime. Hopefully the UK system isn't a breeding ground for a vaccine resistant strain to develop as people are only 50% safe.

The UK approach has been based on a gamble, keep it, it's not what I would want. So far it has worked out but will it continue to go that way ?

The eus approach to vaccines has been an absolute disaster. My brother in law in is in the south east of france , and he was saying only the other day how bad many of the french think the eu have handled it.

Thank feck we werent part of any of that .


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!