The New Cold War with China

Started by Sampanviking, February 09, 2021, 12:30:37 PM

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This one is very interesting. Daniel discusses his off camera meeting and discussion with a former attendee at a Vocational Training Center. A very balanced discussion.


The next installment from Daniel Dumbrill in Kashgar. This is a visit to a Kyrgyz community recently relocated from the Mountains to the City outskirts. These are not Uighurs, but it does show the Chinese states development/property alleviation programs in action.


This is priceless! Young Candian guy finds an old WW2 US propaganda movie about China. It draws out all of China's borders which includes.....
Well, watch and see for yourselves....


The next installment from Daniel in Kashgar - here he interviews the Imam of a main City Mosque, translation is clearly difficult, but it is rewarding to hear what he has to say.


Daniel Dumbrill is in Kashgar (Kashi) Xinjiang and this is a very good walk and talk through the old city. Good balanced commentary and a wealth of incidental background detail of normal everyday life.


Rushan Abbas is a leading member of the Uighur Genocide narrative. She is also funded by CIA/NED and is a former torture facilitator at Guantanamo bay.
Most of the time she when she appears on Western Media, she is allowed to make any claim she likes without being subjected to any form of due diligence or other scrutiny.
She was not so lucky on RT


Moving on to the General Propaganda War - Daniel Dumbrill produces a very concise talk on the subject and shows video evidence from leading Neocon talking heads to illustrate just how available, information really is, if you spend five minutes to look for it.


Native Chinese follows in the footsteps of Sudworth and rips the p out of the BBC


Typical bollocks from sky news just repeating long debunked bollocks from CIA and MIC funded ASPI
Recruitment of Uighur labour for work in other provinces is no different to the experience of rural populations in any other Province over the last forty years.
Its the way it works over there and it works very well too, no different from Norman Tebbit telling people to get on their bikes. The difference is that they don't leave it to the individual to sort out themselves, but do all the heavy lifting for them.
The big winners of course are young women, who finally find themselves with some life choices.
So, is lifting a backwards minority out of Poverty and the Middle Ages Cultural Genocide?
Is giving young women a chance to avoid arranged marriage and motherhood before 20 Genocide?
Is giving people from remote areas the chance to move and work in the wealthiest parts of the country Genocide?

The claims from the US shills get sillier and more shrill the more desperate they seem to get.
One minute Xinjiang is an open air prison you cant get into to, the next (after hundreds of people go there and video a very normal life) its transportation to other parts of the country
One minute its forced labour in the Cotton Fields, the next (once that's blown out of the water by promotional footage from John Deere re their there Cotton Harvesting machines) the next "oh its not the cotton fields its in the Solar Panel Industry.
One minute they are all locked up, the next they are all over the country.
The saddest part is that a genuinely free and impartial media in the West would rip this Genocide nonsense to shreds in minutes if they had any integrity left. Instead we see collusion with the production of fake news, typified by CNN blurring out the renewal date of the passport of a Uighur activist, to hide the fact that it was renewed when she claimed she was under house arrest.

I could go on, but all is examined in detail in the videos posted previously, its why I posted them.
Finally some advice for the Fraudulant Researcher and Born Again Christian Adrian Zenz, who believes that taking down China is his mission from God. "Thou shalt not bear false witness" Especially when claiming to do so in the name of the Lord. Somewhere warmer than even the Gobi in Summer awaits this gentleman methinks.


† The end is nigh †


Sorry, cant help myself. This is the young Canadian guy who went last year. Simply walking through a nice Uighur district in Urumqi with a concealed camera and just capturing the ambience of everyday life. Again, no sign of any sort of oppressive security operation and no sense of stress within the populace.
Genocide? there is not even any simmering social unrest! Compare to Gaza, to Minneapolis or even Northern Ireland!


Just one more....
This is from a Dutch woman who visits the majority Uighur city of Urumqi, Xinjiang, two years ago. Its a simple travelogue, but shows plenty of Uighur people and culture, very clearly on display.


Another video from Fernando who is currently visiting Kashgar Xinjiang where he talks about the issues raised about the region.

Sorry for posting lots of videos, but they do between them present direct evidence in effective rebuttle, far better than I could simply by writing about them.

This video does also lead to the next area that I think is ready for discussion:
The rather unpalatable truth (for many I am sure) is that not only is China is peer competitor to the West and that it has a very different system to the West, but that system is proving iteself, for more capable, effective and resilient in all critical forms of Governance. A bitter pill many of our Political Class seem unable to swallow...


Fernando is currently in Xinjiang. This is a video taken in Kashgar (Kashi) which is probably the most Westerly major city in China and quite close to the Afghan border. It is a mainly Uighur City.


The Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman hands BBC ladies bottom back to her on a plate.
A good expose of the tricks BBC gets up to with its distortions of the truth.