labour whining about coal mine and how they are seen as a result of this

Started by Thomas, February 10, 2021, 09:36:35 AM

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Quote from: cromwell on February 17, 2021, 06:30:54 PM
The Bliars have a large property rent portfolio,for the few not the many springs to mind.
I am as critical of that scumbag for that as you are.

In office he continued Thatcherite housing policies unchanged whilst himself profiting from them.

The housing crisis of today is part of the price paid.

Don't assume that he is in any way representative of me. I have the utmost disdain for Blair. He achieved what Thatcher alone could never have. He cemented Thatcherism in place so it became the new normal, any challenge to it erroneously assumed to be extremist.

We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: cromwell on February 17, 2021, 08:29:52 PM
Just because you think that I don't know what is important to ordinary people you compound it by assuming that is the case for me and others on here.

In that thinking you are well suited to labour of today because they talk down to ordinary people,assume they know best and though you'll deny it you are straight out of the emily thornberry school of superiority,arrogance and being up ones own backside.
Talking of backsides, you seem to be talking out of yours again, comparing me to Emily Thornberry. Unlike her I am solidly working class for one thing. Most of my friends and family are too. I do a working class job. for working class pay, and live on a working class estate. I live and breathe the working class. Comparing me to Thornberry has the air of deliberate insult about it.

And just because I recognise many working class concerns and want to see them addressed, you mislabel that as talking down to people. Talk about twisting the facts to fit the desired conclusion.

No surprise Thomas liked this risible shit by the way. It is right up his street.

Zero desire to access whatever shit he posted in response though.

Every time I see Thomas's presence I feel an urge to wave this  Union Flag at him by way of wind up. Not big and clever I know but it brings a smile to my face.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: cromwell on February 17, 2021, 08:29:52 PM
Just because you think that I don't know what is important to ordinary people

what you , an ordinary person , doesnt know whats important to ordianry people , but sir keir knight of the realm starmer does?

Honestly , srb steve is a laugh a minute.

Like most people in his party , he wouldnt know an ordinary working class person if they jumped up and bit him.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on February 10, 2021, 08:20:07 PM
Just because you seem to think that things like more social housing, security of tenure and rent caps in the private sector, a living wage for all, a crackdown on exploitative and insecure work contracts, free university tuition, a green new deal, a roll back of outsourcing in the NHS and elsewhere, don't actually matter to ordinary people, do not make the mistake of assuming you speak for all. Because they do matter for many millions.
Just because you think that I don't know what is important to ordinary people you compound it by assuming that is the case for me and others on here.

In that thinking you are well suited to labour of today because they talk down to ordinary people,assume they know best and though you'll deny it you are straight out of the emily thornberry school of superiority,arrogance and being up ones own backside. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Well as for the coal mine ....If we are importing coal to serve whats left of our heavy industry why not use our own ?  You cant tell me its more Carbon friendly (whatever that means ) to bring it from Australia  .

As for the labour party Im done . I have worked in the construction industry since the 70's when I burnt my school blazer and took up an apprenticeship  and not one party has represented me since . I toyed with UKIP because they were giving it to 'the man ' and it was fun seeing the Tories melt under pressure and Labour become insignificant .
But really all the working man wants is representation  and  fair crack of the whip . That our best option is the tories is a very sad reflection on where the labour party finds itself .

Never mind whining about coal mines , how about representing the working people rather than your own agendas ?


Quote from: cromwell on February 17, 2021, 06:30:54 PM
The Bliars have a large property rent portfolio,for the few not the many springs to mind.

Thats exactly what  the labour party are cromwell . For the few not the many .

After reading this emotive utter feckin guff from steve on here...

Quote from: srb7677 on February 10, 2021, 08:20:07 PM
Just because you seem to think that things like more social housing, security of tenure and rent caps in the private sector, a living wage for all, a crackdown on exploitative and insecure work contracts, free university tuition, a green new deal, a roll back of outsourcing in the NHS and elsewhere, don't actually matter to ordinary people, do not make the mistake of assuming you speak for all. Because they do matter for many millions.

I can't  help pointing out what labour are doing in the real world rather than steves fantasy feel good warm and cuddly labour party make believe world.

Last night in the scottish parliament , The labour party , hater of all things tory as we keep hearing , teamed up with the tories to vote against establishing a national care service in scotland , imrpoved pay for care staff , national pay bargaining , improved support for unpaid carers and scrapping non residential social care charging.

It was only a few weeks back labour politician jackie baillie was being given a platform on the scottish media to scream about demanding care staff get a minmum of £15 an hour and that the nasty snp give them an increase , then when push comes to shove , labour vote it down and hope the media and the public dont notice their about face.

Scum of the earth cromwell , as im sure i dont need to tell you , but if you ever feel yourself slipping into thinking of voting these can't ever again , just remember no matter what sensitive steve says on daft forums like this , labour will never ever change their spots and remain as duplicitous as ever..
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 17, 2021, 09:19:50 AM

This is a laughable post here steve. You and your party dont speak for all either which is why you havent won an election for over ten years.

As morayloon pointed out the last labour government built just over three hundred houses  , yes three hundred houses in scotland never mind their ignoring social housing , and selling off what stock scotland had .

Privte rent boomed under the last labour government , which was part of the key factors in labour unable to meet their very own targets on poverty as cost of living shot through the roof.

The last labour government brought in tuition fees , and then part reduced them and tried to sell the lie they abolished them years later.

The last labour government began the outsourcing of the nhs .People like andy burnham being a key supporter of this .

So you are essentially arguing we have to vote labour in to power to fix the very problems labour caused when last in government in the first place?

Not only that , we now have the very blairites who caused the problems back in charge of your party , and you insinuate you speak for the "people".

You and your party are a laugh a minute steve.
The Bliars have a large property rent portfolio,for the few not the many springs to mind. and affordable,not that hard is it?


LOL well after spending 25 years of my life creating choices, against a system that is geared against choice, I wasn't exactly expecting any lightbulbs. Not like I actually give a flying one, we did what we said we would do, now it is a case for politicians and their elite chums to remove those choices and put people back under the cosh. Vote Westminster party you know it makes no sense whatsoever.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: srb7677 on February 10, 2021, 08:20:07 PM
Just because you seem to think that things like more social housing, security of tenure and rent caps in the private sector, a living wage for all, a crackdown on exploitative and insecure work contracts, free university tuition, a green new deal, a roll back of outsourcing in the NHS and elsewhere, don't actually matter to ordinary people, do not make the mistake of assuming you speak for all. Because they do matter for many millions.

This is a laughable post here steve. You and your party dont speak for all either which is why you havent won an election for over ten years.

As morayloon pointed out the last labour government built just over three hundred houses  , yes three hundred houses in scotland never mind their ignoring social housing , and selling off what stock scotland had .

Privte rent boomed under the last labour government , which was part of the key factors in labour unable to meet their very own targets on poverty as cost of living shot through the roof.

The last labour government brought in tuition fees , and then part reduced them and tried to sell the lie they abolished them years later.

The last labour government began the outsourcing of the nhs .People like andy burnham being a key supporter of this .

So you are essentially arguing we have to vote labour in to power to fix the very problems labour caused when last in government in the first place?

Not only that , we now have the very blairites who caused the problems back in charge of your party , and you insinuate you speak for the "people".

You and your party are a laugh a minute steve.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on February 10, 2021, 09:59:55 AM
TBH Thomas the more and more as it goes along do I see they will never rebuild their red wall,divorced from reality and the people they are supposed to represent.

The core purpose now appears to be return to the eu and thornberry type socialists who despise ordinary people.
Just because you seem to think that things like more social housing, security of tenure and rent caps in the private sector, a living wage for all, a crackdown on exploitative and insecure work contracts, free university tuition, a green new deal, a roll back of outsourcing in the NHS and elsewhere, don't actually matter to ordinary people, do not make the mistake of assuming you speak for all. Because they do matter for many millions.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Streetwalker on February 10, 2021, 07:27:01 PM
I am astounded , discombobulated and mystified how the labour party still   register 38% .  Thats like 1 in 3 people in the UK , well in England think they are still government worthy ????????.

Jesus Boris must be making a right pigs ear of it

I know mate crazy isnt it?

Thinking along the lines of good old and sensitive steve  , or the i voted labour cause my da did tribal voter , although there cant be very many of them left.

Their time is comeing though streetwalker , and as well , the system is in part to blame , where folk think labour are crap , but the tories worse , and vioce versa so vote for dumb instead of dumber in the two horse race especially south of the border.

That will change though through time , its the very system itself that is creaking and close to breaking. Lets be honest mate , if the tories hadnt jumped on the back of the brexit bandwagon after years of being a remain party , they too would be up shit creak.

No matter what the future holds with scotland , labour will never ever get my vote again , in fact i would go out my way to piss on them for the fun of it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I am astounded , discombobulated and mystified how the labour party still   register 38% .  Thats like 1 in 3 people in the UK , well in England think they are still government worthy ????????.

Jesus Boris must be making a right pigs ear of it


QuoteOur latest GB Voting Intention Poll (8 Feb):

Conservative 43% (+3)
Labour 38% (–)
Liberal Democrat 7% (-1)
Scottish National Party 5% (–)
Green 4% (–)
Reform UK 2% (-1)
Plaid Cymru 0% (–)
Other 1% (-1)

Sample Size: 2,000
Changes +/- 1 Feb
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on February 10, 2021, 09:59:55 AM
TBH Thomas the more and more as it goes along do I see they will never rebuild their red wall,divorced from reality and the people they are supposed to represent.

The core purpose now appears to be return to the eu and thornberry type socialists who despise ordinary people.

Cromwell , labour , or whats left of them , in scotland , for years now have refused to officially inform us of their membership its that low.

Looks as you say as if they are going the same way in northern england.

The labour party im told , are largely (by membership) the party of the south east english in and around london , the very champagne socialist types epitomised by starmer and milliband .

Totally devorced from reality.

A simple thing like the opening of this coal mine in what is largely an obscure backwater , howeve beautifull , in cumbria , should be bread and butter stuff for labour. Instead , blairite clowns like milliband make a pigs ear of it .

You go on social media platforms and labour are being ripped to shreds over stuff like this by the very people they claim to represent.

As i often say cromwell this is what the two party stitch up system has left the uk with , benchwarming out of touch clowns totally light years apart from their constituents.

Brexit or scot indy are   obviously mountains labour cannot seem to overcome , but when they cant even connect with the northern english working class over bread and butter stuff like this you know their time is up.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


TBH Thomas the more and more as it goes along do I see they will never rebuild their red wall,divorced from reality and the people they are supposed to represent.

The core purpose now appears to be return to the eu and thornberry type socialists who despise ordinary people. and affordable,not that hard is it?