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So Ner!

Started by cromwell, March 17, 2021, 10:22:16 PM

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Quote from: cromwell on March 19, 2021, 11:06:37 PM
Could they? well why didn't they then..... even von de liar admitted because  we acted like a speedboat instead of the eu lumbering tanker.
Never mind Gerry you keep clutching at your eu straw.
Germany has a seperate order for 30m Pfizer, Hungary has its own order for 2m Spudnik vaccines and has approved the Chinese vaccine and is negioating a contract to buy from them. Slovakia has also purchased Spudnik and Czech republic is looking to buy from Russia also.

In a nutshell any EU country can approve a vaccine and purchase a vaccine if it wishes. Also any EU country can ban a vaccine or decide to partially use it which happened with the AZ vaccine.
The majority of EU countries are small, going alone we wouldnt get the same price and we would face far greater delays in getting our hands on it.

The UK success is mostly attributed to the UK going early, you could argue that the UK didnt properly analyise the clinical trial results, the USA FDA still hasn't  approved AZ, too many issues with the data. But whats not debateable is the reckless attitude of the UK. the clinical trials didnt test the over 70 age group, the uk decided to plough ahead and give it to its people. AZ were happy as Johnson gave AZ full ammunity from prosecution. Then the UK decided to ignore the clinical trials and move the second dose to 12 weeks. Again un tested.
These gambles and they were gambles paid off, with over 25m vaccinated that in itself is a clinical trial to show that the vaccine is safe for over '70's, and EU countries are now using that data to remove the restriction. The UK has also shipped zero vaccines to countries that have ordered UK manufactured vaccines, tying UK companies to first fullfilling UK orders.

Yes the UK roll out is impressive, based on a non science approach, hoarding and gambling. But thats not sustainable.

For the EU and most other countries around the world, getting vaccines is the issue. Manufacturers cant meet demand.

This is a long road, the UK has fully vaccinated less than 2% of its population, one of the worst performing in europe. As the EU looks to countries not exporting & considering resiprocating with them that could change the pucture on our vaccine shortage. Honestly why would the EU ship to the UK when the UK is preventing exports.

And you just keep listening to the BBC and the rag press, facts are facts Cromwell.


Quote from: GerryT on March 19, 2021, 10:44:08 PM
I said brexit benefit. Buying vaccines and injecting people is nothing to do with bexit. [highlight]Any eu country could have done what the uk did[/highlighlight], also the uk could have done exactly what it has done regarding vaccines if it were 2014 and the uk being a full member.

Are the uk going to actually fully vacinate people or is it just a political propoganda iniative, to say how many people are vaccinated when their only half done.
Could they? well why didn't they then..... even von de liar admitted because  we acted like a speedboat instead of the eu lumbering tanker.
Never mind Gerry you keep clutching at your eu straw. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Nick on March 19, 2021, 09:11:18 PM
Tell 30 million Brits who have been vaccinated there are no winners after Brexit.
Gerry, you're a very sore looser, why I have no idea cause you keep telling us that Ireland will not be affected at all.
I said brexit benefit. Buying vaccines and injecting people is nothing to do with bexit. Any eu country could have done what the uk did, also the uk could have done exactly what it has done regarding vaccines if it were 2014 and the uk being a full member.

Are the uk going to actually fully vacinate people or is it just a political propoganda iniative, to say how many people are vaccinated when their only half done.


Quote from: GerryT on March 19, 2021, 06:44:17 PM
Not pissed off, disappointed. They know as I do there are [highlight]only losers with brexit, no winners[/highlight]. And for what, some archaic notion of sovereignty. But to think the EU wants you to pay is ridiculous, you have been told for 5 yrs that there were consequences to brexit, your own doing. Nobody to blame other that brexiteers, the UK national past-time of blaming the EU for everything really needs to stop. Any talk of issues were labelled as project fear. Now that the issues are coming to roost the label has changed to "making us pay". Just face reality, brexit was a bad idea and the fall out is totally down to those that voted for it.

But tell me, what has the EU done to try "punish" the UK. You have nothing.

On the other hand you have the UK breaking international agreements, loosing all credibility on the world stage, even your nurses are seeing the true lies of the Govt you elect. But at least you can build your nuclear arsenal. Sounds very much like what Russia went through.

Well you have most things wrong on Brexit so being consistent you have me all wrong too. You just want to poke at the poster rather than the post. Look at your points in this thread, can you back them up or are they just your opinions.
You opened with "Feck the EU" - their blocking our vaccines agggghh. Just their not your vaccines.
A totally misleading remark, forgetting to mention the EU has exported 38m vaccines, the UK zero. But the EU is the bad guy.
"Just like Mrs Von Der Liar anothe hyopocrite" - why ??
"the UK got companies to make contractual obligations to supply whist the eu sat on its hands and did nowt" - Lie, wheres some evidence to back up your ridiculous claim.
"there is no bar by the UK on vaccine export." - there is in a round about way, a real sneaky way by putting the onus on the supplier. Was it done that way so the UK could say "it's not us, its him.." and the UK blocks over 100 medicines used to make vaccines. AND Gove said there will be no exports of vaccines until the UK is first sorted. But as you say the UK is not blocking nothing.
Then you think the BBC is a reliable source, prob was one day but not on this issue.

If you had a good opposition they would be having a field day.

Tell 30 million Brits who have been vaccinated there are no winners after Brexit.
Gerry, you're a very sore looser, why I have no idea cause you keep telling us that Ireland will not be affected at all.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on March 19, 2021, 08:40:05 PM
everythings great, nothing to see here.

You've seen the light  :P Union Flag and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on March 19, 2021, 07:32:40 PM
Nothing?  Really Gerry not that long ago you were saying "we don't want you back" amongst other vitriol.....well guess what we don't want to come back.
And brexit btw is the best thing we've ever done.
Gerry will scratch your eyes out in a minute.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: patman post on March 19, 2021, 07:48:21 PM
Who knows? It may yet rank alongside Suez and the Second Gulf War for effectiveness in making Britain Great Again...
The emperors clothes, everythings great, nothing to see here.
Obviously mtg free, on a tripple locked pension and caring nothing for the young of the UK who dont want this sh1t fest. Still early days, its going to get worse, maybe at some point the penny will drop.
The 3 benefits of brexit
1. NI rejoins ROI
2. Scotland breaks free
3 Right wing nutters in the rest of the EU and their version of brexit is going to be squashed for good as people look at the UK.


Quote from: cromwell on March 19, 2021, 07:32:40 PM
Nothing?  Really Gerry not that long ago you were saying "we don't want you back" amongst other vitriol.....well guess what we don't want to come back.
And brexit btw is the best thing we've ever done.
In your opinion. Those loosing their job might not agree. Name one benefit to the UK from leaving, other than your notion of industry crippled, financial services getting cut to pieces, your country with a border down the middle. Adding hugh amounts of bureaucracy, added dead jobs in customs/vets/compliance. The cost of brexit in a short number of yrs is now beyond the total cost of EU/EEC membership. Not 1 trade deal thats better than what the UK had before it left. The UK is now a rule taker.

Yep the best thing the UK has ever done.

patman post

Quote from: cromwell on March 19, 2021, 07:32:40 PM
And brexit btw is the best thing we've ever done.
Who knows? It may yet rank alongside Suez and the Second Gulf War for effectiveness in making Britain Great Again...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: GerryT on March 19, 2021, 06:44:17 PM
Not pissed off, disappointed. They know as I do there are only losers with brexit, no winners. And for what, some archaic notion of sovereignty. But to think the EU wants you to pay is ridiculous, you have been told for 5 yrs that there were consequences to brexit, your own doing. Nobody to blame other that brexiteers, the UK national past-time of blaming the EU for everything really needs to stop. Any talk of issues were labelled as project fear. Now that the issues are coming to roost the label has changed to "making us pay". Just face reality, brexit was a bad idea and the fall out is totally down to those that voted for it.

But tell me, what has the EU done to try "punish" the UK. You have nothing.

Nothing?  Really Gerry not that long ago you were saying "we don't want you back" amongst other vitriol.....well guess what we don't want to come back.
And brexit btw is the best thing we've ever done. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on March 19, 2021, 03:56:25 PMYou Know Gerry there are those in brussels pissed off that brexit happened and despite all the "our friends the British" they are driven by spite and determined to make us pay.
Not pissed off, disappointed. They know as I do there are only losers with brexit, no winners. And for what, some archaic notion of sovereignty. But to think the EU wants you to pay is ridiculous, you have been told for 5 yrs that there were consequences to brexit, your own doing. Nobody to blame other that brexiteers, the UK national past-time of blaming the EU for everything really needs to stop. Any talk of issues were labelled as project fear. Now that the issues are coming to roost the label has changed to "making us pay". Just face reality, brexit was a bad idea and the fall out is totally down to those that voted for it.

But tell me, what has the EU done to try "punish" the UK. You have nothing.

On the other hand you have the UK breaking international agreements, loosing all credibility on the world stage, even your nurses are seeing the true lies of the Govt you elect. But at least you can build your nuclear arsenal. Sounds very much like what Russia went through.

Quote from: cromwell on March 19, 2021, 03:56:25 PMSimilarly Gerry your Mammy told you that the English are bastards over things that happened a century ago,you can't get past that and never will......despite what you say to the contrary it's what drives you.
Well you have most things wrong on Brexit so being consistent you have me all wrong too. You just want to poke at the poster rather than the post. Look at your points in this thread, can you back them up or are they just your opinions.
You opened with "Feck the EU" - their blocking our vaccines agggghh. Just their not your vaccines.
A totally misleading remark, forgetting to mention the EU has exported 38m vaccines, the UK zero. But the EU is the bad guy.
"Just like Mrs Von Der Liar anothe hyopocrite" - why ??
"the UK got companies to make contractual obligations to supply whist the eu sat on its hands and did nowt" - Lie, wheres some evidence to back up your ridiculous claim.
"there is no bar by the UK on vaccine export." - there is in a round about way, a real sneaky way by putting the onus on the supplier. Was it done that way so the UK could say "it's not us, its him.." and the UK blocks over 100 medicines used to make vaccines. AND Gove said there will be no exports of vaccines until the UK is first sorted. But as you say the UK is not blocking nothing.
Then you think the BBC is a reliable source, prob was one day but not on this issue.

If you had a good opposition they would be having a field day.


Quote from: GerryT on March 19, 2021, 02:52:52 PM

So your quoting the BBC saying the EU the UK got companies to make contractual obligations to supply whist the eu sat on its hands and then there is no bar by the UK on vaccine export.
First the EU did make contractual obligations, AZ are failing to meet those obligations with not Just the EU. Looking like they are now starting to fail their UK obligations also, as vaccine supply in April to the UK has been reported to be falling short.
Second you say the UK doesn't have a bar on vaccines, I never said they did. I said the UK had it in it's contract with AZ that AZ UK couldn't supply any other country until AZ first meets it's UK commitments. That's effectively the same thing. Also the UK does have a ban on over 100 medicines, which are ingredients used in the making of vaccines. Even Michael Gove said However, he said the government would not be allowing vaccines to go to the EU at this stage.
This is effectively an export ban on vaccines in a round about manner, the BBC doesn't report it though.

Not very good reporting by the BBC, closer to the nationalistic rag mags than an impartial report. While we are on the BBC, why are they on a witch-hunt to have Sturgeon removed from office, is it to stop her from bringing Scotland out of the UK, looks that way. Johnson has lied consistently in Parliament and has to on occasion had to correct the record as he misleads the house. Yet the BBC ignores his actions. He's Teflon man, nothing sticks. He lied to the Queen and tried to prorogue parliament, he stuck by Patel, I didn't hear the BBC looking for him to resign, double standards.

People are not happy with the difficulty in getting vaccines. like I said try get a better source of info, BBC is better than the rags, but not much better.

I never said AZ was producing a unsafe vaccine. I said the AZ trial didn't include many on the over 65 category, so much so that countries decided not to administer people in that age bracket. With good reason as it wasn't proven to be safe. There was a report it may have side affects and this was quickly investigated and it was determined to be safe, no big deal but plenty in the UK coming up with conspiracy theories.

Can you list some of the bile from the EU, would be interested to see what you have to say.
You Know Gerry there are those in brussels pissed off that brexit happened and despite all the "our friends the British" they are driven by spite and determined to make us pay.

Similarly Gerry your Mammy told you that the English are bastards over things that happened a century ago,you can't get past that and never will......despite what you say to the contrary it's what drives you. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Borchester on March 19, 2021, 10:38:38 AMIn short, are Brits are going to die from dodgy flu vaccine.

Oh well, it makes a change from dying of starvation after the Micks turned off the beef supplies

What flu vaccine


Quote from: cromwell on March 19, 2021, 10:33:57 AMThe UK rag press? no actually the BBC, but let's be clear you are swallowing and  then reposting on here the bilge from brussels.
So your quoting the BBC saying the EU the UK got companies to make contractual obligations to supply whist the eu sat on its hands and then there is no bar by the UK on vaccine export.
First the EU did make contractual obligations, AZ are failing to meet those obligations with not Just the EU. Looking like they are now starting to fail their UK obligations also, as vaccine supply in April to the UK has been reported to be falling short.
Second you say the UK doesn't have a bar on vaccines, I never said they did. I said the UK had it in it's contract with AZ that AZ UK couldn't supply any other country until AZ first meets it's UK commitments. That's effectively the same thing. Also the UK does have a ban on over 100 medicines, which are ingredients used in the making of vaccines. Even Michael Gove said However, he said the government would not be allowing vaccines to go to the EU at this stage.
This is effectively an export ban on vaccines in a round about manner, the BBC doesn't report it though.

Not very good reporting by the BBC, closer to the nationalistic rag mags than an impartial report. While we are on the BBC, why are they on a witch-hunt to have Sturgeon removed from office, is it to stop her from bringing Scotland out of the UK, looks that way. Johnson has lied consistently in Parliament and has to on occasion had to correct the record as he misleads the house. Yet the BBC ignores his actions. He's Teflon man, nothing sticks. He lied to the Queen and tried to prorogue parliament, he stuck by Patel, I didn't hear the BBC looking for him to resign, double standards.

Quote from: cromwell on March 19, 2021, 10:33:57 AM
Pathetic really Gerry but people all over the eu are less than happy with the reponse in their respective countries toeing the eu line.

Did you not see how Merkel's party did in recent elections and how unpopular Macron is in France......mostly down to covid,not long ago you were telling us AV were producing an unsafe vaccine now the ema approve it it's all the UK's fault.

Look at the figures now from the Beeb
People are not happy with the difficulty in getting vaccines. like I said try get a better source of info, BBC is better than the rags, but not much better.

I never said AZ was producing a unsafe vaccine. I said the AZ trial didn't include many on the over 65 category, so much so that countries decided not to administer people in that age bracket. With good reason as it wasn't proven to be safe. There was a report it may have side affects and this was quickly investigated and it was determined to be safe, no big deal but plenty in the UK coming up with conspiracy theories.

Can you list some of the bile from the EU, would be interested to see what you have to say.


Quote from: Thomas on March 19, 2021, 08:10:52 AM
That is a laugh.

"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."

George orwell 1984
Well some of us ain't laughing.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!