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So Ner!

Started by cromwell, March 17, 2021, 10:22:16 PM

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The people who had one jab all have appointments for 12 weeks, Gerry, so the number of vaccines required is known.
No appointments have been cancelled, yet, but I suppose it could happen.
† The end is nigh †


Quote French authority says AstraZeneca vaccine should only go to those over 55

The recommendation comes just a day after the government announced that vaccination with the jab would resume.

PARIS — The AstraZeneca vaccine should only be administered to those older than 55 years of age, according to the latest review by the French national health agency unveiled on Friday.

The authority's recommendation adds to the confusion in the country just a day after French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced that AstraZeneca vaccinations would restart following advice from the European Medicines Agency that the vaccine was "safe and effective."

Castex himself, who is just 55, is due to receive the jab Friday afternoon in an effort by the government to restore confidence in the vaccine.

The health authority justified the decision by pointing out that all three French patients who have suffered blood clots after receiving the vaccine were younger than 55 years old.

To this day, there is no established causality between the vaccine and these blood clots, but health authorities have erred on the side of extreme caution in Europe.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) once again Thursday cleared the vaccine for use without age limits, describing it as "safe and effective."

This is the third time French authorities have changed their recommendation about how to use the AstraZeneca vaccine.

In early February it had recommended it for use only for those younger than 65 years of age. Then in early March, it reversed course and recommended it for use in the general adult population.

On Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron announced France was suspending the use of the vaccine, "out of an abundance of caution," after Germany and other European countries did too. The German health ministry said it suspended it following three deaths from unexplained blood clots in some patients who had been vaccinated.

People like the zany illiberal forum members like quack quack often post on this forum over the last year talking about selfish conspiracy theorist nutters holding back the fight against coronavirus.

Whats noticeable though is how silent our pro european friends like quackers are over people like emmanuel macron , merkel and many other european leaders who have done more damage to the fight against covid 19 than all the illegal ravers and social media "selfish nutters" quckers goes on about put together as the guy in the video says.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Gerry , your posts sadly read as nothing more than desperate muck raking and puerile attempts at deflecting from the richly deserved criticism of the eu over covid 19.

Im not a brexiter , nor english , nor any of the other labels you regularly toss about . The fact of the matter is , on the ground , while covid 19 has been a disaster for all governments including scottish irish british and wordwide , and extremely difficult to deal with , the eu has come out of this pandemic looking particularly poor , and most of it is all of their own making.

This is the perception on the ground among pro european scots never mind elsewhere , for example my pro european english brother in law in France.

Last march at the beginning of this crises , we witnessed the desperate calls from the italians , at first going largely ignored , to the european countires especially the germans asking for help and talking about where is the eu solidarity between member nations?

Thats was the first pr disaster for the bloc.

Then on the issue of vaccines , we had the eu trying to look united and calling for vaccine roll out as one european union. The second pr disaster when it all went tits up and the bloc looked like one slow lumbering elephant falling far behind the uk and others.

Then , again trying to save face  , they about turned once more and started trying to pass the buck , as you have done , over to individual member nations saying it was up to them , and laying blame at drug companies feet , in some puerile attempt at deflection.

All in all its a very poor look , inaction , then re action , twists and turns and blame game over extremely poor decisions , espcially the rubbishing of the oxford vaccine.

As i said , once more , brexiters have the moral high ground and their decision to leave the lumbering block is looking vindicated.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on March 21, 2021, 09:44:23 AM
The fact is the UK death rate is only just getting back to the levels IRL has and your unlocking, good luck with that one.
Yes the EU is seeing deaths rise, due to the UK variant, thanks for that. Is this new tactic of half vaccinating people a great british world record attempt in trying to develop a vaccine restistant strain ? Looks like it.
Any clocks need winding up in Dublin? Because it's not working here. Butt Kick and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Nick on March 20, 2021, 01:05:33 PM
You're seriously clutching at straws Gerry, the fact is the U.K. is opening back up and you're beloved EU is going into lockdown 3.
I'll be having a pint at my local within a matter of weeks, you'll still be in lockdown.
How'd you like them apples?
The fact is the UK death rate is only just getting back to the levels IRL has and your unlocking, good luck with that one.
Yes the EU is seeing deaths rise, due to the UK variant, thanks for that. Is this new tactic of half vaccinating people a great british world record attempt in trying to develop a vaccine restistant strain ? Looks like it.


Quote from: GerryT on March 21, 2021, 09:25:53 AM
The EU has shipped 38million vaccines to countries outside the EU.
Your ignoring the facts, the UK could as an EU member gone and done exactly what ot did. In fact last yr the UK was a member of the EU and it did purchase its own vaccines.
You ignore the list of EU countries that i mentioned that also bought their own vaccines.
Its still early days, the UK should double back and give more second jabs to the over 20million people. That will take alot of time & vaccines. Other countries will catch up.[hghlight] The only reason the UK is doing that is a political exercise to they can say 'look at us '. Getting people fully vaccinated is the goal, not half vaccinated
Why do you keep posting this rubbish? Oh I know because you're both desparate to see brexit fail and some sad desire to turn what has been a disaster for the eu in the eyes of many of its own people in to a wont,but I can give you the satnav co-ordinates of a very large barn full of more straw for you to clutch at. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Barry on March 20, 2021, 12:37:26 PM
Makes you wonder why Ursula has such a fit of pique about it, then.
seems logical, countries that manufacture should be sharing with countries that dont have the ability. Thats what the EU is doing.
The EU is considering, as the UK isn't then the EU will stop sending vaccines there thus having more to give to EU people and also countries crying out for vaccines.
I heard some politician (dont know his name) saying the UK is giving millions to the global fund to help 3rd world countries get vaccines but thats useless if you then wont sell them any vaccines.
On top of that pharma companies wont share the receipt with other companies in these regions to make the vaccine more available, very greedy. And yes some companies have the capability.


Quote from: Nick on March 20, 2021, 10:23:05 AM
If we say for a minute you're right, would the EU have allowed us to do that? No chance so yes Brexit played a massive part in our vaccine rollout.
The EU has shipped 38million vaccines to countries outside the EU.
Your ignoring the facts, the UK could as an EU member gone and done exactly what ot did. In fact last yr the UK was a member of the EU and it did purchase its own vaccines.
You ignore the list of EU countries that i mentioned that also bought their own vaccines.
Its still early days, the UK should double back and give more second jabs to the over 20million people. That will take alot of time & vaccines. Other countries will catch up. The only reason the UK is doing that is a political exercise to they can say 'look at us '. Getting people fully vaccinated is the goal, not half vaccinated


You are a good lad Gerry and one day we will all club together and buy you an atlas so that you know where Ireland actually is. You should not spend your whole life not knowing that there is a world outside Catford.

That said, you are wrong, Tommy is right and the only worry is that so many Brits are satisfied with the government. Brits are never satisfied with anything the government does. That is why we grow empires and the Micks just grow spuds.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: GerryT on March 20, 2021, 09:19:24 AM
Germany has a seperate order for 30m Pfizer, Hungary has its own order for 2m Spudnik vaccines and has approved the Chinese vaccine and is negioating a contract to buy from them. Slovakia has also purchased Spudnik and Czech republic is looking to buy from Russia also.

In a nutshell any EU country can approve a vaccine and purchase a vaccine if it wishes. Also any EU country can ban a vaccine or decide to partially use it which happened with the AZ vaccine.
The majority of EU countries are small, going alone we wouldnt get the same price and we would face far greater delays in getting our hands on it.

The UK success is mostly attributed to the UK going early, you could argue that the UK didnt properly analyise the clinical trial results, the USA FDA still hasn't  approved AZ, too many issues with the data. But whats not debateable is the reckless attitude of the UK. the clinical trials didnt test the over 70 age group, the uk decided to plough ahead and give it to its people. AZ were happy as Johnson gave AZ full ammunity from prosecution. Then the UK decided to ignore the clinical trials and move the second dose to 12 weeks. Again un tested.
These gambles and they were gambles paid off, with over 25m vaccinated that in itself is a clinical trial to show that the vaccine is safe for over '70's, and EU countries are now using that data to remove the restriction. The UK has also shipped zero vaccines to countries that have ordered UK manufactured vaccines, tying UK companies to first fullfilling UK orders.

Yes the UK roll out is impressive, based on a non science approach, hoarding and gambling. But thats not sustainable.

For the EU and most other countries around the world, getting vaccines is the issue. Manufacturers can't meet demand.

This is a long road, the UK has fully vaccinated less than 2% of its population, one of the worst performing in europe. As the EU looks to countries not exporting & considering resiprocating with them that could change the pucture on our vaccine shortage. Honestly why would the EU ship to the UK when the UK is preventing exports.

And you just keep listening to the BBC and the rag press, facts are facts Cromwell.

I have to say gerry , this post of yours has to be one of the most desperate attempts at spin i have seen on this forum or any other for a very long time.

The fact of the matter is  , the vast majority of people dont agree with you.

Quote Citizens blame EU and national governments for slow coronavirus vaccine rollout: Poll

More than half of Germans polled said the EU has handled the vaccine rollout badly.

One of many articles covering polling that show the vast majority dont share your views .
Citizens in Germany, France and Sweden are directing blame at Brussels over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic and vaccine rollouts, according to polling carried out in mid-February that also points to a drop in support for national governments and leaders.

With nearly 30 percent of people in the U.K. having received at least one dose, but vaccine distribution progressing much more slowly across most EU countries, there are signs that frustration among EU citizens is being directed at politicians rather than pharma companies.

According to the survey, which was carried out by Kekst CNC and shared with POLITICO ahead of publication, 51 percent of German respondents said the European Union has handled the vaccine rollout badly, a view shared by 35 percent of French and 24 percent of Swedish respondents.

In the U.K., 45 percent said the EU has done a bad job, while 77 percent said they approved of their government's track record on vaccination. By contrast, only 23 percent of Germans, 19 percent of Swedes and 18 percent of French respondents took a similarly generous view of their respective national vaccine rollouts.

No matter how you try and fail to spin things , its quite clear across europe the vaccine roll out has been a pr disaster for the eu and many respective national governments , while the uk government has come out looking on the ball.

On top of that , not only are the eu receving the lions share of the blame for the poor vaccination roll out , but despite the desperate attempt by the eu to blame manufactureres not meeting demand , big pharma arent getting any flak from eu citizens ...

QuoteDespite the explosive fight between the European Commission and AstraZeneca over the drug company's inability to fulfill its contract to supply vaccines, pharma companies seem to have so far received less flak from citizens. In both France and Germany, net support for the pharmaceutical industry was higher in February than it was in September, though it dropped significantly from 60 percent support to 34 percent net support in Sweden in the same period. In the U.K., net support rose from 51 percent to 78 percent between September and February.

all in all , i would say yet again to remoaners like yourself gerry , its a big job well done once more. The eu , and thier lickspittle supporters , are doing brexiters work for them once again.

The decision to leave the eu has once more been vindicated in many peoples eyes from what i can see.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on March 20, 2021, 09:19:24 AMThis is a long road, the UK has fully vaccinated less than 2% of its population, one of the worst performing in europe.

You're seriously clutching at straws Gerry, the fact is the U.K. is opening back up and you're beloved EU is going into lockdown 3.
I'll be having a pint at my local within a matter of weeks, you'll still be in lockdown.
How'd you like them apples?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on March 20, 2021, 09:19:24 AMThis is a long road, the UK has fully vaccinated less than 2% of its population, one of the worst performing in europe
Makes you wonder why Ursula has such a fit of pique about it, then.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: GerryT on March 20, 2021, 09:19:24 AM2m Spudnik vaccines
Are they the Irish ones? Sorry, no they're SpudMick.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: GerryT on March 20, 2021, 09:19:24 AM
Germany has a seperate order for 30m Pfizer, Hungary has its own order for 2m Spudnik vaccines and has approved the Chinese vaccine and is negioating a contract to buy from them. Slovakia has also purchased Spudnik and Czech republic is looking to buy from Russia also.

In a nutshell any EU country can approve a vaccine and purchase a vaccine if it wishes. Also any EU country can ban a vaccine or decide to partially use it which happened with the AZ vaccine.
The majority of EU countries are small, going alone we wouldnt get the same price and we would face far greater delays in getting our hands on it.

The UK success is mostly attributed to the UK going early, you could argue that the UK didnt properly analyise the clinical trial results, the USA FDA still hasn't  approved AZ, too many issues with the data. But whats not debateable is the reckless attitude of the UK. the clinical trials didnt test the over 70 age group, the uk decided to plough ahead and give it to its people. AZ were happy as Johnson gave AZ full ammunity from prosecution. Then the UK decided to ignore the clinical trials and move the second dose to 12 weeks. Again un tested.
These gambles and they were gambles paid off, with over 25m vaccinated that in itself is a clinical trial to show that the vaccine is safe for over '70's, and EU countries are now using that data to remove the restriction. The UK has also shipped zero vaccines to countries that have ordered UK manufactured vaccines, tying UK companies to first fullfilling UK orders.

Yes the UK roll out is impressive, based on a non science approach, hoarding and gambling. But thats not sustainable.

For the EU and most other countries around the world, getting vaccines is the issue. Manufacturers can't meet demand.

This is a long road, the UK has fully vaccinated less than 2% of its population, one of the worst performing in europe. As the EU looks to countries not exporting & considering resiprocating with them that could change the pucture on our vaccine shortage. Honestly why would the EU ship to the UK when the UK is preventing exports.

And you just keep listening to the BBC and the rag press, facts are facts Cromwell.
Sadly Gerry you wouldn't recognise a fact were it cast in concrete letters 10 foot high unless of course your blessed eu told you it was a fact. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: GerryT on March 20, 2021, 09:19:24 AM
Germany has a seperate order for 30m Pfizer, Hungary has its own order for 2m Spudnik vaccines and has approved the Chinese vaccine and is negioating a contract to buy from them. Slovakia has also purchased Spudnik and Czech republic is looking to buy from Russia also.

In a nutshell any EU country can approve a vaccine and purchase a vaccine if it wishes. Also any EU country can ban a vaccine or decide to partially use it which happened with the AZ vaccine.
The majority of EU countries are small, going alone we wouldnt get the same price and we would face far greater delays in getting our hands on it.

The UK success is mostly attributed to the UK going early, you could argue that the UK didnt properly analyise the clinical trial results, the USA FDA still hasn't  approved AZ, too many issues with the data. But whats not debateable is the reckless attitude of the UK. the clinical trials didnt test the over 70 age group, the uk decided to plough ahead and give it to its people. AZ were happy as Johnson gave AZ full ammunity from prosecution. Then the UK decided to ignore the clinical trials and move the second dose to 12 weeks. Again un tested.
These gambles and they were gambles paid off, with over 25m vaccinated that in itself is a clinical trial to show that the vaccine is safe for over '70's, and EU countries are now using that data to remove the restriction.[highlight] The UK has also shipped zero vaccines to countries that have ordered UK manufactured vaccines, tying UK companies to first fullfilling UK orders.[/highlight]

Yes the UK roll out is impressive, based on a non science approach, hoarding and gambling. But thats not sustainable.

For the EU and most other countries around the world, getting vaccines is the issue. Manufacturers can't meet demand.

This is a long road, the UK has fully vaccinated less than 2% of its population, one of the worst performing in europe. As the EU looks to countries not exporting & considering resiprocating with them that could change the pucture on our vaccine shortage. Honestly why would the EU ship to the UK when the UK is preventing exports.

And you just keep listening to the BBC and the rag press, facts are facts Cromwell.

If we say for a minute you're right, would the EU have allowed us to do that? No chance so yes Brexit played a massive part in our vaccine rollout.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.