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So Ner!

Started by cromwell, March 17, 2021, 10:22:16 PM

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Quote from: DeppityDawg on March 24, 2021, 10:26:37 AM
All you right wing nazi racist brexiteers should be ashamed of yourselves. Stopping poor Gerry from expressing his opinion in this right wing echo chamber...where he's...erm... ...been expressing his views for several years....and all those nice left wing posters that you've banned....(give me a minute while I think of one....never mind)....shocking denial of free speech.

I might form a group and have a "peaceful protest" in which a load of coppers get broken bones.
Ah well, you need to read a few more Independent articles and more Guardian, they won't be doing the ten years of pokey of course but then they might Martyr you and your new group, you could go on social media and say you need to keep fighting the good fight, although of course say it isn't anything to do with you at the bottom of said statement, or you could put up flyers saying don't go on social media and say anything burn your clothes and don't speak on the phone, although of course you are not affiliated to any group, LOL
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


All you right wing nazi racist brexiteers should be ashamed of yourselves. Stopping poor Gerry from expressing his opinion in this right wing echo chamber...where he's...erm... ...been expressing his views for several years....and all those nice left wing posters that you've banned....(give me a minute while I think of one....never mind)....shocking denial of free speech.

I might form a group and have a "peaceful protest" in which a load of coppers get broken bones.


Quote from: GerryT on March 24, 2021, 09:23:09 AM
when their argument turns to personal insults you know you've won the argument. Especially when they breeze over facts pointed out to them.
They should be happy, without the few posters like yourself this place would be just an echo chamber, at least this way theres two sides to the positions discussed.

Anyway work calls goto go make those Euros, i see a ski holiday on the horizon  :)
Everyone else was bored with your pure spite over two years ago, it was actually refreshing knowing everyone in Ireland didn't take your view on everything and most left embarrassed.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: srb7677 on March 23, 2021, 10:28:50 PM
That's what he does. Invents lies and makes false allegations. Not to mention wilful pejorative misinterpretations. And don't expect him to supply any evidence for his bullshit. He never does. Because he can't.

It is why I have him on ignore. I only ever see his bollocks when someone quotes it.
when their argument turns to personal insults you know you've won the argument. Especially when they breeze over facts pointed out to them.
They should be happy, without the few posters like yourself this place would be just an echo chamber, at least this way theres two sides to the positions discussed.

Anyway work calls goto go make those Euros, i see a ski holiday on the horizon  :)


What would you think of a poster who went on an Irish forum for several years, barely able to conceal his hatred and contempt of Ireland, and when challenged, always claimed he "wasn't interested" in Ireland Gerry?

As for the EU, your interpretation of everything it is concerned with is so hopelessly one sided, it's embarrassing to watch. You don't just "like" the EU Gerry. It's almost a fetish. It's no wonder most posters (who don't play victims) view you with deep suspicion.

Or laughter.


Quote from: Streetwalker on March 24, 2021, 07:19:09 AM
The EU health committee took it upon itself to take control of individual nations supply of the vaccine .336M euros is feck all for 27 nations . On par with the UK that should be more like a £Billion .
Best pass the hat around again because as we all know the EU doesn't actually have any money of its own
wrong and wrong.
It started with germany italy and france as they were looking to buy vaccines individually, but they suggested a joint approach. The EU scheme was announced and all EU countries were invited to be involved or not. In fact the UK being a defacto member was also asked if it wanted to participate. Most small EU countries jumped at the chance as the power of the EU not only offered better value for money but also if problems arrise the EU has a lot more clout. Can you imagine if IRL went alone and AZ had acted the way they are with the EU with IRL, we would be powerless to force AZ hand, no point in court cases as that takes years. From what ive read the EU gave on monetary terms far more money to AZ than the UK did. That dismantles the claim that the UK is entitled to the vaccines ahead of everyone else because it funded the research. Well it did fund it but not as much as the EU did or America did.

So the eu funded the research by more, the eu contracted to buy before the uk did and both contracts used "best reasonable efforts" and AZ committed to supplying the EU from its UK manufacturing sites.

So do tell me under what logic do you think the UK deserves all its vaccines ahead of everyone else. Exceptionalism maybe ?


Quote from: Nick on March 24, 2021, 12:16:08 AM
If I walk into a greengrocers before you and ask for 10lb of spuds I get my spuds. If there isn't enough left to fulfil your order then you don't have any right to take mine.
That's how the world works Gerry and you and your buddies better realise you're not dealing with some 2 bit country. No wonder the EU wanted the UK to sign up to their level playing field clause: level playing field meant follow our rules, well guess what, we've cancelled our subscription our now everyone else's is going up.
but you didnt walk in before the EU. The EU contracted to purchase vaccines before the UK with AZ.
As far as i know the UK did sign up to level playing field clauses but you can prove me wrong with your claim if you want, wheres your link and ill check that fact.
Also the contract AZ signed had all sorrs of clauses committing AZ to notify the EU of any reasons AZ couldnt fulfill its order, never happened and when the EU quized AZ they lied about their contract with the UK. Ive linked both contracts go look for yourself.


Quote from: Nick on March 23, 2021, 11:56:10 PM
Thought you'd sold your abacus, did you buy Dianne's old one?

The UK has a population 17 times bigger than Ireland, course we have more deaths. Plus our government is using an over exaggerated calculation: by about 85 thousand deaths.
66m v 5m roughly, thats about 13 and not 17.
Your not using an over exaggerated calc, its the same as IRL uses. Unless you know something that others dont
IRL deaths 4,610 with a 7 day avg of 8
UK deaths 126,000 with a 7 day avg of 85
Multiply irl *13
Equivalent deaths 59,930 and 7 day 104.
So on avg the UK kill total is about twice that of IRL and only since the 16mar has the uk 7day avg dropped below IRL. Which is great for the UK, lets see where things are in june/july. Still very early days. Hopefully everones numbers drop, its not a competition, my point was the UK numbers are only just at the level IRL is at and your going full blown unlock, not very smart.


Quote from: Borchester on March 23, 2021, 11:54:34 PM
Not quite. If you have a college then you have a university because knowledge is universal. Only a lad who could not even get into South Bank Poly wouldn't know that

If it turns you on, why not Geraroidín?
First theres UCD, TUD, DCU, Trinity, Griffith college and many many more. The first three have Dublin and University in their names but none are ever called Dublin University. If you asked anyone in Dublin where Dublin University was they would look at you funny.

Griffith college teaches 3rd level and issues degrees. Your understanding of college and universities is totally flawed.

Secondly i dont think i ever said if i was male or female, so how do you know.


Quote from: Nick on March 23, 2021, 11:48:11 PM
Funnily enough, there is a country that has loads of fishing grounds and is trying to share the catch with those that don't. Strangely enough the EU isn't too keen on that.

Let's see how you EU lot beg when we turn off the Yorkshire batter!!
No what you have is a country that did share the catch, but for its own reasons decided to leave the EU in full knowledge what that meant. The imtroduction of both tariff and non tariff barriers. As its turned out removing the tariff barriers hasnt fixed the problem. Its the non tariff barriers that the UK elected to adopt which is causing the dismantling of not omly the fishing industry but many more.
It was only those with UK exceptionalist thinking that feel the EU should just do business as usual and ignore all their trade rules and regulation, by the way which every other country in the world, including the UK has.


Quote from: Barry on March 23, 2021, 09:29:39 PM
I don't really subscribe to that notion, as their inhalers have prevented both myself and my wife dying of asthma attacks.
Fair point, ill take that back. This is unusual times, az are making the vaccine available for free and the crime is two fold. First they over promised on delivery which again in the circumstances is understandable. Secondly which is where i have a problem with them is they are putting one customer over the other and even their ceo is lying as to the reasons why. Just tell the truth, either hes a uk first fan or the uk govt are giving AZ some back hander.


Quote from: GerryT on March 23, 2021, 09:06:00 PM
The EU also gambled, it put in €336m of which €223m was given at the start of Sept, long before the vaccine was developed. The UK as you say put in €76m (£65m), considerably less than the EU it would seem.

The EU health committee took it upon itself to take control of individual nations supply of the vaccine .336M euros is feck all for 27 nations . On par with the UK that should be more like a £Billion .
Best pass the hat around again because as we all know the EU doesn't actually have any money of its own


Quote from: GerryT on March 21, 2021, 12:32:04 PMUK order 100% and the EU by 30%

If I walk into a greengrocers before you and ask for 10lb of spuds I get my spuds. If there isn't enough left to fulfil your order then you don't have any right to take mine.
That's how the world works Gerry and you and your buddies better realise you're not dealing with some 2 bit country. No wonder the EU wanted the UK to sign up to their level playing field clause: level playing field meant follow our rules, well guess what, we've cancelled our subscription our now everyone else's is going up.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on March 21, 2021, 09:44:23 AMThe fact is the UK death rate is only just getting back to the levels IRL has and your unlocking, good luck with that one.

Thought you'd sold your abacus, did you buy Dianne's old one?

The UK has a population 17 times bigger than Ireland, course we have more deaths. Plus our government is using an over exaggerated calculation: by about 85 thousand deaths.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on March 23, 2021, 07:39:30 PM
There is no such thing as Dublin University, only a foreigner would call it that.

Not quite. If you have a college then you have a university because knowledge is universal. Only a lad who could not even get into South Bank Poly wouldn't know that

QuoteWhy don't you call me a woman?

If it turns you on, why not Geraroidín?

Algerie Francais !