Something interesting for once

Started by Sheepy, March 28, 2021, 10:14:14 AM

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Quote from: HDQQ on March 30, 2021, 10:05:34 PM
A chance to do a back-to-back comparison of the quality of Sheepy's and Thomas's responses! Second thoughts . . . my time would be better spent counting dust particles on my desk.

I know quackers.

We are beneath you. The forum is beneath you.

If i may ask m`lord , this is a "debating " forum , not a "dear diary " forum to platform your inner thoughts without reply.

It does beg the question of why you are on here.?

The majority of the uk doesnt agree with you on brexit , the majority doesnt agree with you on your definition of democracy , and the majority laugh at your fellow zany liberal democrat crackpots so i suppose i can actually see why you come on online forums to talk to yourself as you appear to be some zany crank on the extreme of mainstream view unable to defend the zany world you live in by debate .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


A chance to do a back-to-back comparison of the quality of Sheepy's and Thomas's responses! Second thoughts . . . my time would be better spent counting dust particles on my desk.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Quote from: HDQQ on March 28, 2021, 11:08:55 AM
Brainwashing knows no political or social boundaries. Trumpwashing might be the current hot partisan issue in USA but even something as humble as advertising can be a form or mild brainwashing. In Britain, Brexiters and Extinction Rebellion both used brainwashing and over-emotive concepts such as 'taking back control' and 'killing the planet' to gain support.

Even in day to day situations we experience a form of brainwashing. Like if one belongs to two social groups, perhaps in connection with hobbies or sports. If one group is right-wingers and the other are more leftish, if one's own views are somewhere between the two, then one tries to fit in with both, by not actively disagreeing with them.
Indeed ducky, somebody elses fault.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: HDQQ on March 28, 2021, 11:08:55 AM
Brainwashing knows no political or social boundaries. Trumpwashing might be the current hot partisan issue in USA but even something as humble as advertising can be a form or mild brainwashing. In Britain, Brexiters and Extinction Rebellion both used brainwashing and over-emotive concepts such as 'taking back control' and 'killing the planet' to gain support.

Even in day to day situations we experience a form of brainwashing. Like if one belongs to two social groups, perhaps in connection with hobbies or sports. If one group is right-wingers and the other are more leftish, if one's own views are somewhere between the two, then one tries to fit in with both, by not actively disagreeing with them.

Are you an example of "guardianwashing" quackers?

We could accuse anyone anywhere of being brainwashed and unable to think for themsleves simply because they dont share your view and political outlook , but unfortunately for people like you , the world is a far more complicated place than that.

The idea that 55 % of england for example was brainwahsed by nigel farage into voting brexit , or 45 % of scotland into voting for independence in 2014 is quite demonstrably  a pretty feckin stupid way of looking at things.

Same with trump in america.

Ask yourself this question , if your world and political view is correct , and everyone elses wrong , why is it you are constantly on the wrong side of political votes , on the losing side every single election , and your crystal ball gazing about the future wrong in practically every occassion?

Are you seriously telling us its because you beleive us monotone robots out there cant think for ourselves? Are all the people wrong all of the time?

You yourself are a complete oddball on this political forum never ind the world at large , where one minute you berate those who dont hold your political views as right wing extremsits , while yourself posting extreme views on democracy( which should only be implemented according to you when  you agree with it) or say covid restrictions .

Could it be you that is the oddball brainwashed extremist?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Brainwashing knows no political or social boundaries. Trumpwashing might be the current hot partisan issue in USA but even something as humble as advertising can be a form or mild brainwashing. In Britain, Brexiters and Extinction Rebellion both used brainwashing and over-emotive concepts such as 'taking back control' and 'killing the planet' to gain support.

Even in day to day situations we experience a form of brainwashing. Like if one belongs to two social groups, perhaps in connection with hobbies or sports. If one group is right-wingers and the other are more leftish, if one's own views are somewhere between the two, then one tries to fit in with both, by not actively disagreeing with them.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!

But then it is only Trump and Trump supporters affected, not that any other politics is involved, now we are all woke and some gender or another.  Gluing ourselves to roads to save the planet etc and creating a pure victim culture. But hey we saved the NHS didn't we?
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!