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Started by Nick, March 30, 2021, 08:45:14 PM

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QuoteHow Le Pen may beat Macron

Gaining in opinion polls

Early polling for the 2022 election further shows that Le Pen may be gaining.

In 2017, she garnered about 21 percent in the first round. She is now regularly polling in the mid-20s. Additionally, in a head-to-head competition in the second round, Le Pen is polling in the mid to high-40s, which would be another marked improvement for the radical-right.

Given the importance of issue ownership and the public attention to those owned issues, Macron's decision to engage with issues traditionally owned by the radical-right and pursuing Islamophobic and xenophobic policies could strengthen the RN further.

This is a dangerous strategy for Macron given how close the polls indicate the 2022 election could be. It doesn't necessarily mean that we should be getting ready for a president Le Pen, but the research on issue ownership points to this being more likely

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote Marine Le Pen touts national unity government for France
Far-right leader challenges Macron in struggle between 'nationalists' and 'globalists

   Her newfound popularity would make it easier for her to choose ministers for a future government, Le Pen said in a video meeting with the Anglo-American Press Association. "Since I've been put at 47 or 48 per cent in the second round, lots of people have found my phone number."

Under the French system, in order for Le Pen to be able to select her own cabinet, the RN would have to win parliamentary elections following the presidential poll.

Le Pen positioned herself firmly alongside Johnson and the UK's Brexiters — and by implication former US president Donald Trump — as a nationalist pitted against the forces of globalisation.

"There's no more split between left and right, there's a split between the globalists and the nationalists," she said, adding that she stood for "regulating globalisation", "controlling borders" and "protecting citizens by using the tools of the sovereign nation state", whereas Macron was "unashamedly a champion of the internationalist model, in other words deregulation and the death of the DNA of nations".
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteMacron risks election DISASTER & may hand France to far-right Marine Le Pen as she dubs Covid jab chaos his 'Waterloo'
EMMANUEL Macron is risking election disaster as far-right rival Marine Le Pen dubbed France's Covid vaccine chaos his 'Waterloo'.

The French President finds himself under increasing pressure as his hard-hit country enters its THIRD national lockdown

France is now routinely seeing tens of thousands of new coronavirus cases a day - with 41,907 cases recorded on Wednesday alone.

And the total number of Covid patients in intensive care in France surged past 5,000 this week - the highest ICU figure for 11 months.

Now Macron has been branded a "solitary leader" who has failed to listen to the experts, reports The Times.

He has found himself under fire for resisting a full lockdown in January and for worrying delays in rolling out life-saving vaccines.

Le Pen, Macron's closest election rival, said the French are now "suffering the consequences of these delays, his pride, and his inconsistent decision-making, with a heavy price on their daily lives".

The National Rally leader added: "The measures announced by Macron are mainly the consequence of a vaccination Waterloo."

She spoke out as new polls show her closing in on Macron ahead of next April's election.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick on April 02, 2021, 08:06:25 PM
What you think doesn't come into it strangely enough!!

You are spot on nick.

Steve doesnt have a clue about French politics , and what little i know comes from friends and family who live there along with what i read on the interwebby.

I have been listening to steve whinge about racists and fascists on the interwebby for something like getting on for 11 years now across different forums , and in that time , his party has received a severe electoral kicking time and again , and lost a major referendum in 2016 , with the 2019 GE being one of the lowest points in his feeble partys history.

What steve thinks doesnt come into it , neither does it reflect reality either in the yookay or abroad.

Certainly this "tactic" if you can call it that , of running around screaming racist and facist at anyone and everyone who doesnt blindly follow the labour looney left cult or steves hypocritical views doesnt appear to be working does it?

Getting back to France , im not sure le pen will win any major elections in France anytime soon. So in that respect i grudgingly agree with our momentum looney left friend.

Certainly though what i will say is euroscepticism and anger about immigration( and islam ) has grown massivley in France over the last twenty years or so i have been a frequent visitor.

The first time i came across the French far right was twenty years ago in the seaside town of saint malo , where a couple of guys were driving around in an ice cream van type vehicle shouting out of loudspeakers about  immigration. At the time my french mate laughed and dismissed them as crackpots .


Growing anger about the EU and immigration is making people pause and take le pen seriously . The french seem to have had enough of corrupt leaders like sarkozy and tony blair type neo liberal globalists like macron. His shambolic handling of the pandemic in France among many other issues has the french almost up in arms against him.

The amount of times i have heard french people tell me macron is a dangerous dangerous man who should never have gained the reigns of power .

Im not sure the eu is going to collapse anytime soon though , and im also not sure how popular many of these right wing politicians and parties with their populist policies are going to become across europe.

One thig is for sure though , srb steve and his ilks cosy all things rosy view of european countries and the EU while screaming racist and fascist at anyone a fag paper to the right of the looney momentum left is sadly misguided.

Marine Le Pen: French far-right leader to quit as party chief

The far-right populist says she wants to contest next year's presidential election as a candidate for "all French people," while maintaining the support of her Rassemblement National party.

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen on Friday confirmed her departure as leader of the Rassemblement National (RN) or National Rally party as she seeks to broaden her support ahead of the presidential election in 2022.

"With a possibility of victory [in the presidential election] which has never been as important as today, I have to be the candidate of all those who want to lead the national struggle," she told Friday's issue of L'Incorrect magazine.

Le Pen said that she would still seek reelection as the RN's candidate for French president, but would hand over the leadership of the party after the next conference in July.

Le Pen had previously said she wanted to the "candidate of all French people" in next year's election while "obviously being supported" by her populist movement.

Interesting times in both the yookay and abroad.

One thing is for sure though , the looney left look further from power than they have been at anytime over the last decade.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on April 03, 2021, 06:39:13 AM
Where did I say that Le Pen was probably not fascist? She certainly leads a party full of them.

And you yourself seem confused about what I am saying. Just because fascists might be eurosceptics does not make all eurosceptics fascists.

Post 12 of this thread . In reply to me saying she wasnt you replied probably not .

Post 10 I explained that being Nationalist and eurosceptic was not fascism

Your tying yourself in knots srb . 


Quote from: Nick on April 02, 2021, 08:06:25 PM
What you think doesn't come into it strangely enough!!
Le Pen will never win the presidential vote with that level of support. What she will do is get on the ballot of two for the second round, where the anti-fascist majority will massively vote against her and she will lose.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Streetwalker on April 02, 2021, 08:20:10 PM
You seem confused . If we take it that fascists are eurosceptics then surely any party that gives them the best chance of an exit will get their vote . You said earlier that Le Penn was probably not fascist so maybe she does lead the party that has arisen as a reasonable force ect .
Or does attracting fascists votes make her party unsuitable ?
Where did I say that Le Pen was probably not fascist? She certainly leads a party full of them.

And you yourself seem confused about what I am saying. Just because fascists might be eurosceptics does not make all eurosceptics fascists.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on April 02, 2021, 07:52:38 PM
I dont think the majority of people will be stupid enough to vote for racist fascist for any reason. If a serious desire to exit the EU arises in France or Germany, then a reasonable political force will arise to represent that. At the moment these countries sharing in a Brexiteer's wet dream is just so much wishful thinking.

But dream on.

You seem confused . If we take it that fascists are eurosceptics then surely any party that gives them the best chance of an exit will get their vote . You said earlier that Le Penn was probably not fascist so maybe she does lead the party that has arisen as a reasonable force ect .
Or does attracting fascists votes make her party unsuitable ?   


Quote from: srb7677 on April 02, 2021, 07:52:38 PM
I dont think the majority of people will be stupid enough to vote for racist fascist for any reason. If a serious desire to exit the EU arises in France or Germany, then a reasonable political force will arise to represent that. At the moment these countries sharing in a Brexiteer's wet dream is just so much wishful thinking.

But dream on.

What you think doesn't come into it strangely enough!!

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on April 02, 2021, 11:04:19 AM
Do you not get it? When people fall out of love with something they vote for a party that promises to remove them from it. Do you think Thomas and the rest of the Indy supporters give a flying about the SNP? No, it's a vehicle to get them what they want, and the moment France or Germany decide they want out of the EU then they will vote AFD or Le Pen.

What you call fascism is in reality single mindedness.
I dont think the majority of people will be stupid enough to vote for racist fascist for any reason. If a serious desire to exit the EU arises in France or Germany, then a reasonable political force will arise to represent that. At the moment these countries sharing in a Brexiteer's wet dream is just so much wishful thinking.

But dream on.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


 :D ;D
Nandy Insists UK is Institutionally Racist, Despite Report

When asked on Sky News this morning if she accepts the idea that while there is some overt racism in the UK, that does not mean there is institutional racism. It's fair to say she was unimpressed by the research...

    "I just think that would be an extraordinary finding, if that is, in fact, what the report says."

    "There is an institutional problem that has been widely recognised by the head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission and by successive governments as well."

    "What would be a real shame and roll back progress is if today, we ended up in a situation where the government is seeking to downplay or deny the extent of the problem rather than doing what it should be doing, which is getting on the front foot and tackling it."
QuoteSo keen to say Britain is racist, Nandy is dismissing the findings of a report that stresses the complexity of the issue.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick on April 02, 2021, 10:55:50 AM
You're the one labelling people on the right as racist and fascist just cause they don't align with your views.

As we know nick , its nothing new from steve srb and the loony left of labour. Its the language of hypocrisy that bothers me the most rather than the insults themselves.

You have seen yourself steve prejudiced remarks passed off as " a  joke" regarding the scottish and welsh on this very forum for example. I dont mind , water off a ducks back to me , but let those remarks go in the other direction and steve is off running to mummy telling her how the bad man on the internet said something rude to him.

Further highlighting the lefts hypocrisy on w ider scale , have you seen the uproar from the looney left labour and black lives matter supporters on the interwebby , in particular twitter and other social media platforms regarding the recent report by the commision for race and ethnic disparities?

Race baiting race relations types like steve have fired up the angry bus over it and teddies are being machine gunned out of prams in all feckin directions over it.

People like Dr Tony Sewell  ( had to google who he is. Listening to loony lefties like srb on twitter , at first i thought he was some some rich nigerian billionarie  prince....nope , son of jamaican immigrant born in brixton) ::) are being accused of being "house negroes and uncle toms" for their role in the "sell out " report .

Racists fascists and nazis....quaint out of date 1940`s terminology being bandied about in the 21st century by the ususal suspects who ran out of any new ammo a long time ago , and as they slide into irrelevance their shrieking gets louder.

QuoteBLM racists don't speak for me

How have racial slurs become progressive politics?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: srb7677 on April 02, 2021, 10:16:47 AM
Maybe not, but Le Pen's lot have always included many fascists and fascist sympathisers. That's the reality.

Do you not get it? When people fall out of love with something they vote for a party that promises to remove them from it. Do you think Thomas and the rest of the Indy supporters give a flying about the SNP? No, it's a vehicle to get them what they want, and the moment France or Germany decide they want out of the EU then they will vote AFD or Le Pen.

What you call fascism is in reality single mindedness.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: srb7677 on April 02, 2021, 03:35:59 AM
So any opponent of far right fascists from the left must be a communist? Er.....yeah right, lol.

With lines like that you sound a bit like a fascist yourself, imagining everyone to the left of you is some kind of commie, lol

You're the one labelling people on the right as racist and fascist just cause they don't align with your views. I'm merely suggesting if that is the case then you lefties must all be communist.

You do however seem to have a very narrow field of vision.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: srb7677 on April 02, 2021, 10:16:47 AM
Maybe not, but Le Pen's lot have always included many fascists and fascist sympathisers. That's the reality.

Just like the nasty pieces of work that inhabit the labour party like confirmed anti semite and asian rape gang supporter Naz shah

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!