Modern English women and their European counterparts

Started by Baron von Lotsov, November 24, 2019, 09:12:35 PM

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Quote from: "Baron von Lotsov" post_id=7617 time=1574885547 user_id=74
It should have said but. I left the t off.

If I wrote it for you I'd have to adapt it. It's kind of shorthand.

I'm wondering if that is meant to be humour?

The thing is, it is you who are the one who is trying to educate the rest of us. You might as well not bother if we can't understand your use of language.

On topic, I'm happy with my wife of 45 years. Relationships are give and take, for better for worse, with a bit of effort on both sides they will last a lifetime, as per our marriage vows. Part of her heritage is French.   :thup:
† The end is nigh †

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: Barry post_id=7615 time=1574884694 user_id=51
Did you proof read this? I've read it more than once and don't really get it. Perhaps it's me...  :shrg:

It should have said but. I left the t off.

If I wrote it for you I'd have to adapt it. It's kind of shorthand.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Quote from: "Baron von Lotsov" post_id=7610 time=1574881484 user_id=74
Once you stop using Americans as any kind of role model then things come far more into focus. They are extremist, so you'll find it swings from one extreme to the other, and never finds peace. I think the medallion man was probably a poof anyway. You ladies are biologically adapted to sniff out real men, so it never fools anyone bu the person wearing it.

Did you proof read this? I've read it more than once and don't really get it. Perhaps it's me...  :shrg:
† The end is nigh †

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: T00ts post_id=7543 time=1574853598 user_id=54
I remember many films where the 'macho' lead would put 'his woman' across his knee, then stride off with her running behind after him. John Wayne springs to mind. Perhaps some mistakenly think that's a 'MAN'.

I know what you mean. You might drive a 1.6 lire car but an American driving down a 55mph highway, as they call them, has to have a 7 litre car.

Once you stop using Americans as any kind of role model then things come far more into focus. They are extremist, so you'll find it swings from one extreme to the other, and never finds peace. I think the medallion man was probably a poof anyway. You ladies are biologically adapted to sniff out real men, so it never fools anyone bu the person wearing it.

I think Gandhi probably had more balls than John Wayne.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: Nalaar post_id=7541 time=1574853239 user_id=99
There's a lot of nonsense to unpack in the OP, cut cutting through it all I'm happy to say that my partner has no desire to be subservient, unequal, or any similar trait, just as I have no desire for her to be so.

That is indeed the modern British view in a nutshell. Equality has become a kind of master ethic of the secular.

Are you aware of the differences, like say in Italy for example? Italy is an interesting place and has a long history of academic enquiry into ethics, and has always played an influential part on the wider Europe. In the old days if you wanted the finest art money could buy, you would get it in Italy. So what you find is the girls are more cultured and sophisticated in that sense. They are also very traditional, and you can see why if you look around the country, as the past is magnificent. Not like say looking at old Manchester where the past was slave factory jobs. They have a deep connection with their culture, and their culture is far from your modernist secular position. They will go to church on Sundays and at Christmas. The church is often the centre of the town's social life. I suppose in their eyes it was Dante's Beatrice who was the perfect model lady. You seem to get mixed up here. A lady wants to be a lady, not a man. They would probably think some of the things you do are nuts!
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Quote from: T00ts post_id=7543 time=1574853598 user_id=54
I remember many films where the 'macho' lead would put 'his woman' across his knee, then stride off with her running behind after him. John Wayne springs to mind. Perhaps some mistakenly think that's a 'MAN'.

Lets be honest Toots, that kind of thing still sells in women's literature, ala the jokes about Mills and Boon. Its fair to say many women have a complex relationship with their sexuality, and there are plenty of articles, surveys and studies to show that many fantasies are politically incorrect to say the least

The OP on the other hand is an attempt at normalisation of some seriously misguided thinking posed as "ideas". Its wrong on so many levels.

patman post

Quote from: T00ts post_id=7543 time=1574853598 user_id=54
I remember many films where the 'macho' lead would put 'his woman' across his knee, then stride off with her running behind after him. John Wayne springs to mind. Perhaps some mistakenly think that's a 'MAN'.

TV, Films, Rap Music, and much else has been blamed for glorifying and promoting violence in one way or another. My opinion is that it is inherent in a significant number of people, and it's only education that has kept it mainly out of sight and not spoken of in polite society. Now so many are vying for attention — even via keyboards from behind drawn curtains in their bedrooms — outrageous claims and actions are more frequent...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=7529 time=1574850071 user_id=50
You mean bluntness, Lotsov. Because I won't blow sugar up your arse and and tell you you're special or play silly games with you and your "propositions". I've told you what I think about your "ideas", and I wholly reject them. Keep bleating about me being "rude" to you, and all the while failing to address the points put to you. You're a sham poster. As I've told you now twice, this thread isn't the only example I've seen of your dubious attitude towards women.

The reason why people who talk like you do anger me, is because I grew up with domestic violence. The fact that outwardly my father acted little differently to any other guy didn't change the fact that he was a ****. He "went out with the lads" whenever he liked, but we, and especially my mum, lived in fear of him returning. She couldnt go out when she wanted, she couldn't even express an opinion he didn't agree with. He treated her like his own personal property. And God forgive her if he ever got "displeased".

I might be wrong. You might not be the abusive, wife beater type. But you sure talk like one. And if I was a woman, I'd be extremely wary of going anywhere near you.

I remember many films where the 'macho' lead would put 'his woman' across his knee, then stride off with her running behind after him. John Wayne springs to mind. Perhaps some mistakenly think that's a 'MAN'.


There's a lot of nonsense to unpack in the OP, cut cutting through it all I'm happy to say that my partner has no desire to be subservient, unequal, or any similar trait, just as I have no desire for her to be so.
Don't believe everything you think.


Quote from: "Baron von Lotsov" post_id=7477 time=1574794505 user_id=74
I object to your rudeness. Anyone who disagrees with me is more than welcome to say why. Some ideas i put forward are indeed more propositions where one can support or reject. I often have not made up my mind completely, so i put the arguments forward that I have. You appear to me to be incapable of it. I often think that each time you think it hurts, and you feel I'm the pain that causes it. Well it is not my problem. I'm just conventional with regard to debate. It does not hurt me when I have to think, and on the contrary i enjoy thinking. I enjoy constructive criticisms as well. I learn more by someone explaining why I'm wrong than stating obvious stupid facts. You always flop. Why not meet the challenge like a sportsman?

You mean bluntness, Lotsov. Because I won't blow sugar up your arse and and tell you you're special or play silly games with you and your "propositions". I've told you what I think about your "ideas", and I wholly reject them. Keep bleating about me being "rude" to you, and all the while failing to address the points put to you. You're a sham poster. As I've told you now twice, this thread isn't the only example I've seen of your dubious attitude towards women.

The reason why people who talk like you do anger me, is because I grew up with domestic violence. The fact that outwardly my father acted little differently to any other guy didn't change the fact that he was a ****. He "went out with the lads" whenever he liked, but we, and especially my mum, lived in fear of him returning. She couldnt go out when she wanted, she couldn't even express an opinion he didn't agree with. He treated her like his own personal property. And God forgive her if he ever got "displeased".

I might be wrong. You might not be the abusive, wife beater type. But you sure talk like one. And if I was a woman, I'd be extremely wary of going anywhere near you.

Baron von Lotsov

I object to your rudeness. Anyone who disagrees with me is more than welcome to say why. Some ideas i put forward are indeed more propositions where one can support or reject. I often have not made up my mind completely, so i put the arguments forward that I have. You appear to me to be incapable of it. I often think that each time you think it hurts, and you feel I'm the pain that causes it. Well it is not my problem. I'm just conventional with regard to debate. It does not hurt me when I have to think, and on the contrary i enjoy thinking. I enjoy constructive criticisms as well. I learn more by someone explaining why I'm wrong than stating obvious stupid facts. You always flop. Why not meet the challenge like a sportsman?
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Quote from: "Baron von Lotsov" post_id=7457 time=1574784909 user_id=74
All you have ever done all your time in communicating with me is to express your hate. You seen to think this makes you mature and complain bitterly that I do not act like you. My normal response would be to ignore you, since you really do not want me to tell you what I think of you. There's no point in me doing so either.

For pity sake, you're utterly fecking pathetic. You haven't even got the courage to answer the post already put to you, and instead go back to bleat about the previous one again.

Listen carefully Lotsov , and for the record. I don't "hate" you. I'm not "complaining" about you. I don't give a flying feck either way for you, but I do STRONGLY disagree with the utter fecking rubbish you have written on here, and I have TOLD you why. In my opinion, you are a misogynist, and I have told you why - your attitude towards women fecking stinks. Got that? It FECKING STINKS. It is the language of the abusive partner, the language of the wife beater. If you don't like that opinion, then too bad. I don't like yours, and because this is a discussion forum I will SAY so. You aren't a "special" little person who can get away with writing bullshit and not be challenged on it

As for you telling me what you "think" of me? Go ahead, Lotsov. Do it. Fill your fecking boots. Otherwise, don't expect to be able to post controversial and offensive opinions and think the rest of us have to tolerate you. This is a discussion forum, not a hidey hole for bigoted misogynists.

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: "patman post" post_id=7417 time=1574770692 user_id=70
An issue from the opening post — why do I feel it's different when a woman says "My man", from when a man says "My woman"?

My wife and mother of our children sometimes refers to me as her man and, I admit, it has made me feel good right from the first time I heard her say it. But I would never think of calling her "My woman"...

Perhaps it is in recognition that you are a man. I think it is a compliment as well, in that she thinks you have balls and wont run away from trouble, but would face it like a man and so on. I guess there is a difference between woman and lady. I reserve the latter for those who are ladies at all times. Likewise I've had women refer to me as a gentleman, and that it a good compliment as well in the same way. A gentleman is one who manages to maintain his politeness at all times and will never let injustice pass him by. It's a very 19th century concept, much sort after today on account of its rarity.  The British gent abroad, like on the continent, is one which will have the ladies queuing up. Trust me!!!
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: "Bright Young Thing" post_id=7351 time=1574710696 user_id=49
And all British men look like Adonis I suppose? Misogynist crap as usual.


Why does everything need to be all?

Lets say I say, "Ooo ahhh there be cabbages over in that there field lov."

Then your reply would be

"And all British fields have cabbages in I suppose? West Country crap as usual."
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=7353 time=1574710924 user_id=50
And that's the best you can come up with? At least you didn't wait till everyone else had gone to bed first like you usually do, before formulating that stunning response

Listen Lotsov. I doubt this woman of "yours" even exists. At least, not one you don't have to inflate first. Quite what any woman would see in someone with the mental age of a teenager, and the borderline offensive opinions of a barely concealed misogynist is laughable. Not like this is your first visit down this street either.

All you have ever done all your time in communicating with me is to express your hate. You seen to think this makes you mature and complain bitterly that I do not act like you. My normal response would be to ignore you, since you really do not want me to tell you what I think of you. There's no point in me doing so either.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>