Automatic soap dispenser sparks 'racism' outrage

Started by Thomas, May 01, 2021, 07:37:45 PM

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Quote from: cromwell on May 10, 2021, 10:21:28 AM
Well being anti White is clearly racist,but whatever questions I pose you either say there is no answer or ignore.
What have I ignored, and where did I say there is no answer?  I was just being realistic when I said no party can stand up to this without being cancelled or violently attacked, because that is what always happens.  Maybe black people can challenge it, but those few who have challenged BLM have been racially abused by BLM. 
Quote from: cromwell on May 10, 2021, 10:21:28 AM
Do you have any different solution to funding the police,fire service other essential services other than some form of taxation?
I am not standing against this, I merely mentioned that the councils are full of race-baiting corruption and divisive racial propaganda, paid for by the people who have no choice but to pay or face the bailiffs or prison.

patman post

Maybe a local authority annual levy on automatic soap dispensers would help fund Police, fire brigade, ambulance, etc...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Well being anti White is clearly racist,but whatever questions I pose you either say there is no answer or ignore.
Do you have any different solution to funding the police,fire service other essential services other than some form of taxation? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on May 10, 2021, 09:56:33 AM
So what you're saying is there is no answer to these problems.
Not without reclaiming our language.

BLM exists solely as a means to racially attack everything white.   Its name is propaganda - nobody even suggested black lives didn't matter.   It's only the fact that racism is exclusive to specific racial groups, as noted by Critical Race Theory, that people could even suggest it's anti-racist.  It's one race hitting out at another, so it may as well be anti-white, which isn't racist according to the headbangers that worship these sort of doctrines.


Quote from: B-4 on May 10, 2021, 09:46:46 AM
I never said council tax money was being sent to America.  I am saying council tax money here in this country is being used to support, promote and campaign for an American-founded organisation with its roots in racial identity politics and the Nation of Islam.   

As for parties, there are none that can address this, and if there were then the moment they tried they'd be cancelled and violently attacked.
So what you're saying is there is no answer to these problems. and affordable,not that hard is it?


I never said council tax money was being sent to America.  I am saying council tax money here in this country is being used to support, promote and campaign for an American-founded organisation with its roots in racial identity politics and the Nation of Islam.   

As for parties, there are none that can address this, and if there were then the moment they tried they'd be cancelled and violently attacked.


Quote from: B-4 on May 10, 2021, 09:16:10 AM - Wales too - supports it on the footer of every page.

So tell me, why is BLM, a Marxist organisation that people are getting rich off, rooted in America and the Nation of Islam, being sponsored, supported and campaigned for by government institutions (council tax) and the corporate mega rich?

Also, I may call them Communist types and BLM agitators, others may just call them Liberals. :)
Cobblers council tax money is not being sent to blm in America,read more what councils are saying and they are in fact just supporting uk anti racism initiatives.

So B-4 please outline who or which party if any you would like to see running the local and national govt,the approach that would ensure all people are treated fairly and no group whether they be a minority or majority favoured. and affordable,not that hard is it?



Quote from: B-4 on May 10, 2021, 01:06:46 AM
Sure, if you're a criminal or just hate the police, then you will be full of anti-police rhetoric.  At the end of the day the UK police operate as a social service and are way too ineffective to be the big bad corrupt police force you're desperate to make it into.  If there is any sort of widespread corruption in the police then it's because they're politicised and dropping down onto one knee, whilst arresting people for bad mouthing the BBC on Youtube. However, this is all coming from the government which controls both the police and society. Everyone accepts that there are some bad apples in everything, including the police, but this is a massive difference to your previous wild claim where you asserted that a few TV shows, which most people don't watch or have any involvement in, determine what people are thinking.  Most TV is corporate owned and riddled with the establishment's propaganda - they didn't call it the idiot box for nothing.

The corruption in this country is in the English Councils and higher levels of government, where mandatory council taxes are used to promote and fund BLM propaganda and campaigns in this country.  Obviously, the councils are filled with corrupt Communist types and BLM agitators who are using people's money to promote movements that smash statues and riot whenever their corporate sponsors tell them.   I am sure most people would rather the money went elsewhere.
No the councils aren't filled with corrupt communists and blm agitators, there are problems with councils IMO where they imagine themselves in cabinet or expressing themselves on what are national affairs like nuclear free zones and global warming.

They are there again IMO to keep the street lights on,see the bins emptied,streets cleaned and grids clear and roads pothole free.

They are also responsible for social care which is currently pretty much broken and needs an overhaul.

To complain of a compulsory council tax,what do you expect? a part of that funds the police and fire service would you make all that voluntary?

It's no use complaining that no one votes,they should do and it would be much better were it free of national party control and more independent.

All this corporate this and that is IMO largely bollocks and promoted in so many YouTube vids to discredit.

The future and well being of this country will never be best served by the far left or right. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Sure, if you're a criminal or just hate the police, then you will be full of anti-police rhetoric.  At the end of the day the UK police operate as a social service and are way too ineffective to be the big bad corrupt police force you're desperate to make it into.  If there is any sort of widespread corruption in the police then it's because they're politicised and dropping down onto one knee, whilst arresting people for bad mouthing the BBC on Youtube. However, this is all coming from the government which controls both the police and society. Everyone accepts that there are some bad apples in everything, including the police, but this is a massive difference to your previous wild claim where you asserted that a few TV shows, which most people don't watch or have any involvement in, determine what people are thinking.  Most TV is corporate owned and riddled with the establishment's propaganda - they didn't call it the idiot box for nothing.

The corruption in this country is in the English Councils and higher levels of government, where mandatory council taxes are used to promote and fund BLM propaganda and campaigns in this country.  Obviously, the councils are filled with corrupt Communist types and BLM agitators who are using people's money to promote movements that smash statues and riot whenever their corporate sponsors tell them.   I am sure most people would rather the money went elsewhere.

patman post

Anti-Police feeling predates BLM by many, many decades. The Victorian music hall song: "If you want to know the time ask a Policeman" traded on the knowledge that most police on the beat probably had a good pocket watch they'd lifted from a drunk they'd arrested. 

In 2015, The Spectator (a Telegraph sister publication) wrote:
Imagine you lived in a country which last year had 3,000 allegations of police corruption. Worse, imagine that of these 3,000 allegations only half of them were properly investigated — because for police officers in this country, corruption was becoming routine. Imagine that the police increasingly used their powers to crack down not on criminals but on anyone who dared speak out against them. What sort of a country is this? Well, it's Britain I'm afraid — where what was once the finest, most honest service in the world is in danger of becoming rotten. 
Just this week, in fact, it emerged that the Met suspended 73 coppers, community support officers and other staff on corruption charges in the past two years. They cited drug crimes, bribery, theft, fraud, sexual misconduct and — everybody's favourite — un-authorised disclosure of information. Eleven were convicted in court, but what happened to the others? The Met spokesman said rather blandly that some were allowed to resign or retire (presumably with full pension rights) and some were dismissed.   

The parliamentary report on Operation Tiberius might also be an eye opener:   

And just to show the Met is not alone: 
CORRUPT cops, sex offenders and violent officers are among 86 North-East police workers to have been arrested in recent years, The Northern Echo can reveal. 

Google <<UK Police corruption>> and sort through the 39 million plus results. Even discounting 99% of them as biased, irrelevant or untruthful leaves too many valid reports — even so, it validates my assertion that "there is wide-spread sense of justification of anti-Police feeling", despite ignoring any soft soap dispensers...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on May 06, 2021, 03:32:32 PMUnfortunately, there is wide-spread sense of justification of anti-Police feeling — people rejoice in and enjoy TV dramas showing corrupt and criminal officers because they believe it's what happens (and for some of them it is).
What do you base this on?  The fact that the government and the councils promote BLM on their websites and the fact that the media are also promoting BLM does not mean the people do.  The people are not allowed to have an opinion unless it's pro-BLM.  Sure, if you take this perverted and highly corrupt situation at face value then you would think the government, the councils and the media all speak for the people.  They don't, and none of them are interested in what the people think, they only tell you what to think.

The same is true in regards to the police, as in the propaganda that is forced onto the people by these corrupt institutions, with no means of challenging it, does not represent the voice of the people.

We live in a time of extreme censorship pushed by fascistic hypocrites, where Marxist racial movements are weaponised and used by the government, the councils and the media against the people though manipulation and threats.  People's careers and even lives are destroyed for daring to have a different opinion to these Marxist race baiting corporate owned bigots.

There's no point pretending we live in a functional democracy when only one view is all that is allowed, and this is why few people even bother to turn up and vote in local or general elections. 

patman post

Quote from: Barry on May 01, 2021, 10:13:43 PM
OK, so we've gone from a bit of a jokey racism claim based on the inability of a detector to respond to movement rather than colour to a more serious thread about what is perceived to matter in murders in America.

OK, while we're at it I'll just pop in the recent murder of a PCSO in Kent. She was working from home, took a walk with the mutt and was found killed in a wood. Mutt was with the dead body.
Now, when Sarah Everard from London was killed in Kent, there was uproar, which I suspect was more about the line of the employment of the alleged murderer.
There's all sorts of isms at work. I've not heard the term police-ism but it does exist.
Police-ism does exist, but maybe not as a familiar term. It's been earned over the years by a significant number of Police officers — and the antipathy is not only among one part of the population of this country. Unfortunately, there is wide-spread sense of justification of anti-Police feeling — people rejoice in and enjoy TV dramas showing corrupt and criminal officers because they believe it's what happens (and for some of them it is).

In my view, it's going to take a years of effort by the authorities and the Police themselves, to retrieve the situation back to where the Bobby is liked by law abiding citizens, and is universally respected. This is regrettable because, in my view, the British Police are still probably among the world's best civilian law enforcement agencies... 

PS: Can't say I've noticed problems with automatic soap dispensers, taps, or hand driers — but then, the palms of my hands are several shades lighter than the backs, so maybe I've learned how to use this discrepancy to operate to my advantage in a White world...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Nick on May 06, 2021, 02:12:17 PM
Has he tried putting his hand in the same postcode as the dispenser? Me thinks that this is another staged event.

Who's to say they aren't turning the breaker off between takes? I believe IR or Ultra Sonic doesn't see colour.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: johnofgwent on May 02, 2021, 02:25:01 PM
Actually I think this is a serious system failure.

As an engineer I expect a soap dispenser to recognise filthy hands as more in need of a scrubbing.

Have they tried painting their hands with woad like the May Day Morris Men had to Blueface their faces with this year ??

Has he tried putting his hand in the same postcode as the dispenser? Me thinks that this is another staged event.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.