No surprises on their threats to cut the power

Started by cromwell, May 04, 2021, 10:57:55 PM

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Quote from: Thomas on May 15, 2021, 09:51:04 AM
I know it must seem strange to you in England seeing a politician stand up for fishermen , but believe it or not in many normal countries this does actually happen.

The french would of course be stupid to cut the electric. If it was me , i would simply ramp up the price they are charging the channel islands  , which in turn would force them to go elssewhere , having the same effect as cutting electirc , without taking any of the direct blame and being seen to be so harsh.

Another thing which i dont quite get is why the english press and government dont have the mother wit to turn this around to their advantage?

Why can't they go behind the EU backs , try and do a deal with the french over fishing rights , which the EU will then turn around and stop , and then you can blame the eu and the french fishermens anger will be directed at brussells and not angleterre?

As i said , a storm in a manc vimto glass. ::)

This is all about LW(P)S and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on May 15, 2021, 09:32:38 AM
As it

I know it must seem strange to you in England seeing a politician stand up for fishermen , but believe it or not in many normal countries this does actually happen.

The french would of course be stupid to cut the electric. If it was me , i would simply ramp up the price they are charging the channel islands  , which in turn would force them to go elssewhere , having the same effect as cutting electirc , without taking any of the direct blame and being seen to be so harsh.

Another thing which i dont quite get is why the english press and government dont have the mother wit to turn this around to their advantage?

Why can't they go behind the EU backs , try and do a deal with the french over fishing rights , which the EU will then turn around and stop , and then you can blame the eu and the french fishermens anger will be directed at brussells and not angleterre?

As i said , a storm in a manc vimto glass. ::)

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on May 15, 2021, 09:27:35 AM

Has the electric been cut yet? :D

As it
Has Putin cut the gas yet?
It was the threat wasn't it? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on May 13, 2021, 03:45:42 PM
Having seen your reply to Borky I aren't a nationalist

The comment wasnt directed specifically at you , and yes you are a nationalist . You believe in the british "nation " dont you as you tell me time and again.
and TBH somewhere you'll find a post of mine where I say I quite admire the French that they won't be pushed around.......that's in general terms I don't condone hijacking Lorraine's or burning animals alive.

And yeah the French are as good as anyone but like here with them there's some French don't like the English.

I've holidayed there a lot and most are friendly.....even the ones who took the piss out of the daft old Englishman who wore socks with sandals :P

Bit of banter but that doesn't mean I won't defend our own.

I know its hard cromwell , but sometimes you just have to hold your hand up and admit the english media yet again have made a fool out of you.

Has the electric been cut yet? :D

The simple fact here is instead of the english media riling the tory blue rinse brigade about "the frogs" , surely their time would be better spent actually trying to justify their profession by actually reporting investigative journalism ?

The world knows the english media talk bollocks cromwell , thats a given  , but every now and again surely they should print a fact based story instead of inventing lies and half truths?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on May 13, 2021, 08:05:31 AM
Has the channel islands electric been cut yet?

Another day passes .......

Having seen your reply to Borky I aren't a nationalist and TBH somewhere you'll find a post of mine where I say I quite admire the French that they won't be pushed around.......that's in general terms I don't condone hijacking Lorraine's or burning animals alive.

And yeah the French are as good as anyone but like here with them there's some French don't like the English.

I've holidayed there a lot and most are friendly.....even the ones who took the piss out of the daft old Englishman who wore socks with sandals :P

Bit of banter but that doesn't mean I won't defend our own. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on May 13, 2021, 08:05:31 AM
Another day passes .......

Ha ha ha,
That reminds me of waiting for my new British Gas smart meters monitor to start working. The Smurf said they were evil, well, they are not, but they are worse than useless. But at least the gas and electric are still on, as in Jersey.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Borchester on May 13, 2021, 08:39:05 AM
It would not make any difference if it were. They all have their own back up systems. If you want to have a go England Tommy that is fair enough, but I reckon you need a better ally than some dimwit at the French Ministry of Ag and Fish.

Im having a go at brit nats , and those who blindly believe the guff written in the press.

The french are good decent people , no better or worse than anyone in yours or mine. Most french i know couldnt give a flying feck about brexit or what england is doing , being too consumed with issues in their own country and what affects thier own daily lives . Those issues and their fall out is directed at macron  , not you or yours.

If you want to indulge in the anglo saxon pastime of french baiting , go ahead. Dont expect me on your side.

The french arent my enemies.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on May 13, 2021, 08:05:31 AM
Has the channel islands electic been cut yet?

Another day passes .......

It would not make any difference if it were. They all have their own back up systems. If you want to have a go England Tommy that is fair enough, but I reckon you need a better ally than some dimwit at the French Ministry of Ag and Fish.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: cromwell on May 12, 2021, 06:42:54 PM
Note that you ignore the facts surrounding the livestock and fish,I'm still not outraged at all or harking back to an empire long gone.....why are you btw? ;)

And why are you going on about Dunkirk when not long ago you were pulling me up about me talking about the end of WW2 and it was all in the past and shouldnt be talked about? :P :)

Has the channel islands electric been cut yet?

Another day passes .......

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on May 12, 2021, 04:23:03 PM

Have "the French" cut the channel islands electicity supply?

Answer.? NON!


Have we established this minor French politicans "alleged " outburst ( as yet its merely words taken out of context with inserted insinuation for dramatic effect) is official policy of the French government acting on behalf of the evil EU to punish the poor misunderstood anglo saxons?

Answer ? NON.

There we have it cromwell , the facts of the matter as it stands.

Have a cuppa tea cromwell , and calm down. Let the usual suspects like john of gwent drive the outrage bus.

Johns been talking about nuking dublin for the insult of the 1916 uprising for as long as i can remember.

If you decide to stay on the outrage bus with him , let me know when the french cut the supply and the empire responds in kind.

Until then , i will put this in the " latest manufactured grievance box" by the holier than thous anglo press.
Note that you ignore the facts surrounding the livestock and fish,I'm still not outraged at all or harking back to an empire long gone.....why are you btw? ;)

And why are you going on about Dunkirk when not long ago you were pulling me up about me talking about the end of WW2 and it was all in the past and shouldnt be talked about? :P :) and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: johnofgwent on May 12, 2021, 09:32:23 AM

Macron on the other hand surrenders when he hears a 41 gun salute ....

While johnson surrenders in the island of ireland.

Feck me , a welshman whose mind is that colonised he thinks he is an englishman talking about surrendering?

Remind me john in your "empty" historical dig at the French , whose army capitulated in 1940 with the French and ran away at dunkirk ?

Remind me again , on the subject of the channel islands , who stood helplessly by while the germans occupied their territory in the channel islands for 5 years ?

If the French are surrender monkeys , then that label can be laid at the door of many countries across europe. The only country i see that stood toe to toe with the germans and didnt have twenty miles of water to hide behind were the russians .

Facts are chiels that winne ding as that poet once said.......except in the minds of the delusional.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on May 12, 2021, 08:56:33 AM
Great Thomas so we aggree we disagree  :)

The only one suffering outrage is you,see the op "two can play at silly buggers" the outrage was palpable.

To reiterate,they complained about Putin threatening to cut fuel supply and said it was no way to conduct relations (which is true) then hypocritically do similar.....fact

I also pointed out another fact the burning of livestock alive and the hijack of transport carrying fish from your country deliberately spoilt with diesel all whilst the French authorities turned a blind eye....fact.

I then commented that they had form for such action and we need to be firm/robust in our reply action toward this.

Now you disagree,construe it as outrage or whatever you like and witter on about the Anglo press and put your own spin on it including for reasons unknown reference a long lost empire which is irrelevant to the here and now......that's all good.....meanwhile I'll go take my outrage out on a kettle and have a brew. ;) :P


Have "the French" cut the channel islands electicity supply?

Answer.? NON!


Have we established this minor French politicans "alleged " outburst ( as yet its merely words taken out of context with inserted insinuation for dramatic effect) is official policy of the French government acting on behalf of the evil EU to punish the poor misunderstood anglo saxons?

Answer ? NON.

There we have it cromwell , the facts of the matter as it stands.

Have a cuppa tea cromwell , and calm down. Let the usual suspects like john of gwent drive the outrage bus.

Johns been talking about nuking dublin for the insult of the 1916 uprising for as long as i can remember.

If you decide to stay on the outrage bus with him , let me know when the french cut the supply and the empire responds in kind.

Until then , i will put this in the " latest manufactured grievance box" by the holier than thous anglo press.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

patman post


Parliament is rightly urging restraint over bombing and rocket firing between Israel and Gaza. But this is after the UK got its warships embroiled in a confrontation over fish.

Perhaps a bit more regular old world statesmanlike diplomacy is required, rather than old world gun boat diplomacy...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Sampanviking on May 12, 2021, 10:33:20 AM
Damn you Cromwell, you are making sound as if I am defending the French  Puke
No I'm not accusing you of defending the French.....but damn me if you wish I'll just put another brew on  :)

QuoteThere are logical fallicies in your arguments, common to having to fall back onto emotive rhetoric. Was the burning of livestock a matter of French state policy or was this criminal behaviour by French Farmers? Are the Channel Islands facing the threat of power being cut off by Protesting French Power Workers or is it just the empty gesture flailing of a Junior Minister wanting to avoid a lorry load of ripe John Dorey being dumped on her door mat by those she is supposed to represent?

People talk bollocks all the time and this is a prime example. Papers print bollocks all the time and this is another prime example.
It isnt just about the threat to cut power,but the possible criminal intent of the french fishermen (please see reply #2 & #4 on first page) and do you deny french officialdom turns a blind eye to such criminal behaviour? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on May 12, 2021, 10:23:49 AM
Oh OK so you say we are seeing degrees of hypocrisy here?

And talking of python oh how we laughed when they burnt that livestock alive,despoiled fresh produce,set up blockades every time they don't get their way causing delay and inconvenience even when the dispute has bugger all to do with us as has happened in the past.......yeah what a hoot.

Damn you Cromwell, you are making sound as if I am defending the French  Puke
There are logical fallicies in your arguments, common to having to fall back onto emotive rhetoric. Was the burning of livestock a matter of French state policy or was this criminal behaviour by French Farmers? Are the Channel Islands facing the threat of power being cut off by Protesting French Power Workers or is it just the empty gesture flailing of a Junior Minister wanting to avoid a lorry load of ripe John Dorey being dumped on her door mat by those she is supposed to represent?

People talk bollocks all the time and this is a prime example. Papers print bollocks all the time and this is another prime example.