Jon Cruddas: Labour guru's plan to win back the working class

Started by GBNews, May 30, 2021, 07:00:16 PM

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I agree with what the forum member B4 wrote above. This article by cruddas ( who is he anyway? Another south of england out of touch labour politician largely unknown north of the watford gap) is the biggest pile of shite since the last biggest pile of navel gazing shite written by a labour politician soul searching about the electorate rejecting their crap out of touch politics.

I mean looking up to sleepy joe biden? ::)

The labour parties decades long infatuation with the american democrats is precisely part of the problem with modern labour.

You will get better answers from people like deppity dawg and cromwell on forums like this than you will from arseholes like cruddas regarding the english voting publics wholesale rejection of labour , and i have went over and over why the scottish reject labour now for at least a decade if not more.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on June 06, 2021, 02:28:45 PM
The only way the brothers and sisters will win is if the party moves to the centre.

bollhocs borkie.

how did bojo win then? Are you trying to argue bojo is a centrist tory and only centrist parties can win westminster?

This is the most right wing tory party in government for many a year , and of course wurzel nearly squeaked past lamentable may in 2017 offering left wing politics.

All this centrist cac is all so old hat regurgitated by the london bubble media.

The fact is the centrists like blair are the ones who have fecked labour over .

Honestly borkie you were predicting only a wee while back ruth davidson was going to be the next tory leader  , so when it comes to more political predictions i think i will take all this centrist guff of yours wae a pinch of salt.

The public dont want a nice but dim safe but boring centrist.

Otherwise bojo wouldnt have won the 2019 general election punting a risky hard brexit , and sir keir would have mopped up at your english local elections.

...and what about nice but boring centirst millionaire anas sarwar?


Remember him? Your latest great centrist hero who was going to set the world to rights?

Borkie wee tip mate , stay away from the bookies.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: B-4 on June 06, 2021, 01:07:01 PM
The guy is clearly totally detached from the working class.  Only a total moron would try and take inspiration from Biden and Blair, but then this is to be expected from a party this desperate.  The only party for the working class will be the one that replaces Labour, since Labour is now a Woke middle class cesspit full of tumours.  How this comes about won't be easy, considering Labour's main purpose today is to oppress the people with their far-left stormtroopers.


Cruddas represents Dagenham, which meant cars and assembly lines when they weren't on strike. It was a traditional Labour fiefdom where votes were weighed not counted. But things have changed along with the traditional working class. The only way the brothers and sisters will win is if the party moves to the centre. And the only bloke who could do that was Tony Blair.

But these days even Blair isn't Blair any more and he is not facing decent but dim John Major. He will be up against Boris, who is an even bigger bastard than Blair, but more fun
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: B-4 on June 06, 2021, 01:07:01 PM
The guy is clearly totally detached from the working class.  Only a total moron would try and take inspiration from Biden and Blair, but then this is to be expected from a party this desperate.  The only party for the working class will be the one that replaces Labour, since Labour is now a Woke middle class cesspit full of tumours.  How this comes about won't be easy, considering Labour's main purpose today is to oppress the people with their far-left stormtroopers.

i have been hearing labour and thier muppets tell the voting public that lessons have been learned all my life.

insulting the scottish and english voters by calling them thick racists isntly really cutting through for the brothers and sisters is it?

Blair  , contrary to popular fantasy in the london press , not corbyn , destroyed the labour party in scotland .

It was blairite starmer  , not corbyn who lost hartlepool by standing saudi paul in the seat , an  out and out pro european in a brexit constituency , ........but lessons have been learned they tell us  , and the new plan is all set by offering everyone more of the same.


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


The guy is clearly totally detached from the working class.  Only a total moron would try and take inspiration from Biden and Blair, but then this is to be expected from a party this desperate.  The only party for the working class will be the one that replaces Labour, since Labour is now a Woke middle class cesspit full of tumours.  How this comes about won't be easy, considering Labour's main purpose today is to oppress the people with their far-left stormtroopers.


Jon Cruddas: Labour guru's plan to win back the working class

Veteran Labour thinker Jon Cruddas says the answer to the party's woes is staring it in the face.

Source: Jon Cruddas: Labour guru's plan to win back the working class