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EU telling porky pies

Started by Streetwalker, June 04, 2021, 06:09:24 AM

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Quote from: Sampanviking on June 10, 2021, 07:18:39 PM
No fish is sustainable, you can only catch and eat it once!

Boris has promised us we can have our fish and eat it. He is unlikely to be telling the truth, but I prefer his lies to all the other arse numbingly dull truths.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Sheepy on June 04, 2021, 11:38:58 AM
Not yet but it is a sign of consumers taking note of labelling. I would only buy sustainably fished Tuna anyway.

No fish is sustainable, you can only catch and eat it once!


Quote from: Nick on June 10, 2021, 04:31:42 PM

The U.K. of course can just turn to the US, Brasil, Australia or Argentina to negate the effect.

None of those countries meets UK standards unless Bojo-The-Clown stuffs British farmers the way he has the fishermen.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Beef imports to the U.K. from Ireland down 40% since the transition period ended. Perhaps @GerryT can tell us where Ireland is selling to now, stating quite clearly that Ireland would find new markets over night.
It certainly won't be the Netherlands or Poland cause their exports to the U.K. are down 50%.
The U.K. of course can just turn to the US, Brasil, Australia or Argentina to negate the effect.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on June 10, 2021, 05:10:03 AM
Jeez, talk about an over reaction.

Hang on lets just re cap what happened here.

Borkie and me where pulling each others leg , and at quarter to three in the feckin morning you decided to reply to one of my posts becuase you had obviously taken some sort of "umbrage" at something i said....

Quote from: Nick on June 07, 2021, 02:46:32 AM

No, the mainland is Asia, and all other countries are island to that. As for the references to YOUR country, you pointed out on the old forum that you have lived in England for a few years, when does it become your country??

and it went from there. So who is overreacting ? :D
I merely suggested that you LIVED in England based on a post on the other board, and specifically said you weren't English.

I havent said or suggested anything of the sort nick . I said i "once" lived and worked in the south east many years ago.

Let me clarify for you nick , as you seem to be trying desperately to make what im sure is a prefectly admirable point , but im fecked if i know what it is , and im no sure you do either.

Im scottish.

I was born in scotland.

I was bred in scotland , and i live in scotland.

Scotland is now , has been and always will be my country.

QuoteI don't care where you live, I questioned how long you have to live in a country before it becomes your country.

Like you  ,i  have lived and worked in many countries. They never "become" your country. Your country is a product of where you are born bred grow up and live.
"The gentleman does protest too much methinks"

You think?

You are too sharp for me nick i see. :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on June 09, 2021, 07:33:54 AM
I worked in the print industry in colchester over twenty years ago , and my wife is from the south east . Again....the significance is nick?

You mentioned you once worked in japan many years ago if im not mistaken , and regularly travel to places as diverse as asia. Is japan your country? :D

Feck me nick , you`ll never get a job at MI5 at this rate .

I have family from ayrshire to angus , the outlaws still live in the south east , i have family across the river ribble from you , as well as places as diverse as coleraine , France , and Florida.

We regualrly travel ( prior to restrictions) for both work and lesiure , being of course keen caravaners. You might recall me and sheepwash talking about our cadac barbecues?

Do i need to send a C.V in the post ? :D

Feck me nick i have been called a lot of horrible things on this forum....anti english sweatie , irish fenian barsteward , russian bot. Calling me english thats a new feckin low that is.

I try not to brag about being scottish ...merely whisper it nick.

Jeez, talk about an over reaction.

I merely suggested that you LIVED in England based on a post on the other board, and specifically said you weren't English.
I don't care where you live, I questioned how long you have to live in a country before it becomes your country.

"The gentleman does protest too much methinks"

Never worked for MI5, always enjoyed the foreign travel 😉.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on June 09, 2021, 04:48:50 AM

Never mentioned IP addresses, you mentioned something on the old board that suggested you lived in the England, can't remember what it was now.

I worked in the print industry in colchester over twenty years ago , and my wife is from the south east . Again....the significance is nick?

You mentioned you once worked in japan many years ago if im not mistaken , and regularly travel to places as diverse as asia. Is japan your country? :D

Feck me nick , you`ll never get a job at MI5 at this rate .

I have family from ayrshire to angus , the outlaws still live in the south east , i have family across the river ribble from you , as well as places as diverse as coleraine , France , and Florida.

We regualrly travel ( prior to restrictions) for both work and lesiure , being of course keen caravaners. You might recall me and sheepwash talking about our cadac barbecues?

Do i need to send a C.V in the post ? :D

Feck me nick i have been called a lot of horrible things on this forum....anti english sweatie , irish fenian barsteward , russian bot. Calling me english thats a new feckin low that is.

I try not to brag about being scottish ...merely whisper it nick.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on June 08, 2021, 07:49:07 AMWith respect nick , i think it has been pointed out to you many times before not to judge peoples lives on ip address , which for some reason you seem to think an infallible insight into peoples private lives.

Never mentioned IP addresses, you mentioned something on the old board that suggested you lived in the England, can't remember what it was now.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Borchester on June 08, 2021, 08:43:43 AM
I have to say that HallowedBrexit has been a bit of a disappointment, although it is heartening to see that Gerry knows where Scapa Flow is, assuming he is not confusing it with a chip shop that doesn't strain its cooking oil.

Anyway Tommy, you can forget about independence. Apparently the latest wheeze is to send Will and Kate north of the border and launch a charm offensive on the rebellious Scots. You will be putty in their hands and soon return to your true loyalties  :) :)

I can safely say you are onto a winner there borkie ,with us scottish being clear pro monarchy , you only have to send the queen and co to balmoral and we are swooning in abject subservience to the ard righ.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on June 08, 2021, 07:55:07 AM
I think its the fact we were spoiled borkie between 2011 - 2019 with scot indy , and all the kerfuffle over brexit.  Now the former seems to be in a bit of a stalemate due to limp wristed sturgeon , and the latter wrapped up for now , its all become a wee bit stale and boring.

Then of sourse we have had the never ending screaming about the chinese sniffles , which appears to be slowly dying down , and the media dont really have anything to talk about so we are reduced to talking about patel not doing much with the dinghies in the channel or pappy needing more workers down in cornwall.

Im hoping once covid ends , we can get a few good more brexit arguments going , and who knows maybe gerry and the bhoys will come out of hiding to get behind the european flag.

Apart from that nothing much to look forward to except the euroes , where my country will be competing against yours much to the disapointment of the brit nats , and the ending of restrictions .

I have to say that HallowedBrexit has been a bit of a disappointment, although it is heartening to see that Gerry knows where Scapa Flow is, assuming he is not confusing it with a chip shop that doesn't strain its cooking oil.

Anyway Tommy, you can forget about independence. Apparently the latest wheeze is to send Will and Kate north of the border and launch a charm offensive on the rebellious Scots. You will be putty in their hands and soon return to your true loyalties  :) :)
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on June 07, 2021, 03:30:27 PM
Ain't it just.

I can either sit here dreaming of a constitutional crisis or go and get the fittings to fix the bathroom sink.

So that is no contest. Back in an hour or so.

I think its the fact we were spoiled borkie between 2011 - 2019 with scot indy , and all the kerfuffle over brexit.  Now the former seems to be in a bit of a stalemate due to limp wristed sturgeon , and the latter wrapped up for now , its all become a wee bit stale and boring.

Then of sourse we have had the never ending screaming about the chinese sniffles , which appears to be slowly dying down , and the media dont really have anything to talk about so we are reduced to talking about patel not doing much with the dinghies in the channel or pappy needing more workers down in cornwall.

Im hoping once covid ends , we can get a few good more brexit arguments going , and who knows maybe gerry and the bhoys will come out of hiding to get behind the european flag.

Apart from that nothing much to look forward to except the euroes , where my country will be competing against yours much to the disapointment of the brit nats , and the ending of restrictions .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick on June 07, 2021, 01:53:53 PM
I'm not for a moment suggesting you're English, I would never be that rude. ;)

I just pointed out your geographical location.

.....and the significance is? ::)

With respect nick , i think it has been pointed out to you many times before not to judge peoples lives on ip address , which for some reason you seem to think an infallible insight into peoples private lives.

I have posted on this site , and its predecessor site(s) , from all over western europe in the last 11 years. I spent 6 months or so a good few years back in between work/lesiure posting from the marais poitevin in western France and no one accussed me of being a frog.

We also have a guy who has been spamming this forum and its predecessors for the last four years or so since brexit using a VPN and various so called foreign sock puppets. His latest sock puppet appears to be irish , yet despite me and borkie telling you he isnt irish and is about as gaelic as tony cascarino , you seem to think "his geographical location is Dublin". :D

Funnily enough i havent seen him on here for quite a wee while posting , yet it was only last week another piss taking sock puppet was posting about ( yawn) Brexit

at quarter to two in the morning , presumably with a skinfull of gin , and lo and behold the following day our celtic sock puppet appeared back on to inspect any comments to his trolling post. :D

So unless my "geographical locations " and movement are subjects of scrutiny for me to be able to post on this forum , i will keep my private business firmly under wraps like everyone else ta.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on June 07, 2021, 08:34:58 AM

I think England and Wales should get a referendum on throwing Scotland to the wolves. I suspect many would vote to do so.

At the risk of repeating myself for the millionth time john on this subject , England and its welsh appendage can have a referendum to end the bi lateral 1707  treaty of union any time it wants.

What it lacks is the political willpower of those in westminster to do so.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on June 07, 2021, 07:58:01 AM
What are you going on about now nick?  :D

Are you accusing me of being english?

Borkie and me are just pulling each others legs for a laugh. Politics is boring at the minute , so we need something to talk about.

Ain't it just.

I can either sit here dreaming of a constitutional crisis or go and get the fittings to fix the bathroom sink.

So that is no contest. Back in an hour or so.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Thomas on June 07, 2021, 07:58:01 AM
What are you going on about now nick?  :D

Are you accusing me of being english?

Borkie and me are just pulling each others legs for a laugh. Politics is boring at the minute , so we need something to talk about.

I'm not for a moment suggesting you're English, I would never be that rude. ;)

I just pointed out your geographical location.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.