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EU telling porky pies

Started by Streetwalker, June 04, 2021, 06:09:24 AM

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Quote from: Thomas on August 01, 2021, 04:03:58 PM
why are you on this forum exlcusively to the point of ignoring all other political issues , including those of your own "alleged " country ireland ,focusing ultimately to the exclusion of all else brexit only related discussion?

That to me is the mark of someone trying and specatcuarly failing to try and somhow win hearts and minds for remainers with this non stop never ending propaganda trail about the folly of brexit.

You might no have the guts to say so , that unsurprisng but the rest of us see it.

Your world has crashed and burned , and you can't accpet that ....i get it.

no one cares about northern ireland outwith the small groups i have mentioned. I suspect the english and scottish will be releived when its finally put out of its misery and becomes dublins/ brussells problem.

..but it isnt , and never has been any sort of impediment to brexit .

Doesnt matter the time lapse between your anti brexit rhetoric , its all you focus on to the exclusion of all else.

thats not normal.

i think i realise better than you the scottish attitude to brexit. thanks.

cat out the bag as i keep saying eh gerry?

Large leap in faith and logic there , relations wont be normalised fro the next decade at least and that preusme both the uk and eu will survive in their current forms to normalise things.

Honestly gerry , you are like a centrist new labour version of john of gwent who thinks the world should never change from a cherry picked moment in time of your approval.

I am only here to discuss Brexit, I said that the day I joined. Brexit is a milestone in history and we are watching it unfold.  I see it as the final demise of a once great empire, others see it as a rebirth, time will tell.
If it does demonstrate that the EU is holding back countries, then others will follow. But it's one hell of a gamble that doesn't look like it's paying off.


Quote from: cromwell on August 01, 2021, 11:36:14 PM
Not even his tie,nuts perhaps?
Mind if he was going to lose anything it would probably be the plot. ;)

He definetly reminds me of a "refined" goodfellow cromwell.

Just on here allegedly from dublin to talk incessantly and re rake over the coals of brexit.

Member goodfellow used to go on and on incessantly defending tony blair and the iraq war years after every one else was laughing at him in disgust for defending the indefensible?

If gerry is half as good as goodfellow was at keeping labour out of power , brexit will last an eternity.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on August 01, 2021, 09:28:50 PM
:) :) :)
Not even his tie,nuts perhaps?
Mind if he was going to lose anything it would probably be the plot. ;) and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: GerryT on August 01, 2021, 03:51:38 PM

I didn't loose anything in 2016, I wasn't involved, I live in IRL.

:) :) :)
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Nick on August 01, 2021, 06:43:49 PM
Any other snippets you want to share? Like immigration?

Yep he is a long time opponent of immigration.

Completely anti Freedom of movement , from memory he always believed the uk could only have sustainable population of around 12 million .

Im sure you have read his comments , even up to today the glimpses where he hints at his virulent opposition to immigration , despite as i always say himself being an immigrant to cornwall doing the locals out of a roof over thier heads.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick on August 01, 2021, 05:42:22 PM
How about you clearly state your position regarding Brexit,

Pappysmurfs position on brexit and anything else is relatively simple nick. Its the opposite to whats in the current conservative manifesto.

If the tories somehow remarkably about turned , and johnson dragged the uk kicking and screaming back into the EU tomorrow morning at 9 am ,i would bet my house pappymsurf would be the forums foremost brexiter within the hour.

Dont waste your breath asking him a question .

Tory bad is all he wants to talk about to the exclusion of anything else. He is beyond any reasonable deabte which is why after years of listening to his garbled shite i , and many other old forum members dont even bother trying .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: papasmurf on August 01, 2021, 06:10:32 PM
As  I have stated many times, I only voted remain because I knew the Tories would screw Brexit up.
They have made an even bigger  disaster out of it than I expected, with worse to come in January 2022.

Any other snippets you want to share? Like immigration?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

patman post

Quote from: papasmurf on August 01, 2021, 06:10:32 PM
As  I have stated many times, I only voted remain because I knew the Tories would screw Brexit up.
They have made an even bigger  disaster out of it than I expected, with worse to come in January 2022.
Face it — Remainer Tories we're also pathetic at leading the Remain cause...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Nick on August 01, 2021, 05:42:22 PM
How about you clearly state your position regarding Brexit,

As  I have stated many times, I only voted remain because I knew the Tories would screw Brexit up.
They have made an even bigger  disaster out of it than I expected, with worse to come in January 2022.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on July 31, 2021, 08:58:36 AM
If history has taught us anything it is that Britain waives the rules.

How about you clearly state your position regarding Brexit, unchecked immigration, political leanings etc. Your views seem to switch at a great rate of knots and I find it difficult to keep up.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on August 01, 2021, 03:51:38 PM
I don't want brexit reversed and I haven't make a case for that, no matter how many times that you say I do, I don't. Your like a broken record "claiming" I say x and y when I don't.

why are you on this forum exlcusively to the point of ignoring all other political issues , including those of your own "alleged " country ireland ,focusing ultimately to the exclusion of all else brexit only related discussion?

That to me is the mark of someone trying and specatcuarly failing to try and somhow win hearts and minds for remainers with this non stop never ending propaganda trail about the folly of brexit.

You might no have the guts to say so , that unsurprisng but the rest of us see it.

Your world has crashed and burned , and you can't accpet that ....i get it.

QuoteI'm talking about the future.

no one cares about northern ireland outwith the small groups i have mentioned. I suspect the english and scottish will be releived when its finally put out of its misery and becomes dublins/ brussells problem.

..but it isnt , and never has been any sort of impediment to brexit .

QuoteEvery waking min ?   haven't been posting here for months.

Doesnt matter the time lapse between your anti brexit rhetoric , its all you focus on to the exclusion of all else.

thats not normal.

QuoteWhat you need to factor in is the brexit shit and impact that is being masked by Covid will start to hit and be seen as covid recedes. This is a long road, Brexit is a death by a 1000 cuts, it's not a short sharp hit but will go on decades. Scottish people will become more and more upset as the yrs pass and that will lead to independence.

i think i realise better than you the scottish attitude to brexit. thanks.

QuoteThe part of brexit where the UK normalises it's relations with the EU has only begun,

cat out the bag as i keep saying eh gerry?

Large leap in faith and logic there , relations wont be normalised fro the next decade at least and that preusme both the uk and eu will survive in their current forms to normalise things.

Honestly gerry , you are like a centrist new labour version of john of gwent who thinks the world should never change from a cherry picked moment in time of your approval.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 12:20:45 PM
It seems that way to me gerry.
The psychology behind what passes as debate in your posts baffles me incredibly.
Brexiters on this forum are a lost cause to you , you wont change opinions on here. On top of that , i have pointed out incessantly to you the stupidity of lecturing folk on how daft they were to vote tory or brexit. Its a self defeating excercise.
Thirdly , as i keep pointing out , there is no realistic possiblity of brexit being reversed or agreements between the westminster establishment and the eu to provide pro europeans like yourself with some sort of BRINO apparatus to work within  in the next decade.
Thats all im saying to you gerry , its apointless task and thankless debate on your part.
I don't want brexit reversed and I haven't make a case for that, no matter how many times that you say I do, I don't. Your like a broken record "claiming" I say x and y when I don't.

Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 12:20:45 PM
This is the very definition of re raking over the old coals.
No one cares about northern ireland in any way outwith a few unionists and brit nats. Sadly for you and other remainers , it hasnt turned out to be the achillies heel you thought would stop or reign in brexit in any way as the majority would rather ditch the place than accept eu membership or BRINO.
Outwith the delusional and other brain dead clowns , we all know how it is going to end for the 6 counties .The place is a ticking timebomb for unionists with the end game reunification and we all know it.
There isnt one single county in northern ireland where unionism has over 50% majority in terms of voting.
Again I'm not looking to reign in Brexit, I'm talking about the future. The UK signed the WA & NI-Protocol and they are binding agreements. The UK saying they didn't understand or the Eu are being over zealous is just fantasy. Moving forward the UK will need to learn it has to live up to it's agreements and the processes within those agreements. This wouldn't be an issue if it were a couple of hundred yrs ago and the English could just railroad over their agreements, but today, being a small nation it's in new territory, a rule taker not a rule maker.

As for reunification that most probably is the end game, but that is separate to the UK stepping up to it's international obligations. The people of Ireland will decide on re-unification when it decides it wants to and nobody on the "main land" can change that.

Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 12:20:45 PM
been over all this before. No one trusts the uk and never have done outside the delusion of a few fantasists. On top of that , the english dont care who does or doesnt trust them.
It all depends what the yanks say as i have said time and again. If the yanks say westmisnter must respect the NI protocol , then westminster will kiss american arse.
If not , then westminster will do as it pleases.
The USA have said there is no trade deal with the UK if the UK doesn't respect the GFA/NI-Protocol. Here's one example

Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 12:20:45 PM
Then why on earth do you spend every waking minute of your time on this forum in the eu section arguing a pro remain / pro eu stance.????
You lost that argument in 2016 , and increasingly have lost the arguments ever since.Move on.
Every waking min ?   haven't been posting here for months.
I'm pro EU, why would I post any other way, it's not perfect & has it's faults. I didn't loose anything in 2016, I wasn't involved, I live in IRL.

Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 12:20:45 PM
i expect the former but arent sure about the latter especially under the sturgeon regime.
Scottish politics is bogged down in internal snp infighting and the yes movement increasingly becoming angered , with the pro union parties now almost exclusively suported by the over 60`s. Labour  , again in scotland , are no where to be seen and on the verge of extinction.
What you need to factor in is the brexit shit and impact that is being masked by Covid will start to hit and be seen as covid recedes. This is a long road, Brexit is a death by a 1000 cuts, it's not a short sharp hit but will go on decades. Scottish people will become more and more upset as the yrs pass and that will lead to independence.

Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 12:20:45 PM
Doubt it very much. The welsh are still bedded to the labour party and seem to be stuck in a perpetual  political coma.
Face it gerry , brexit is done and dusted , and shows no sign in the near future of being reversed or attitudes changing . If anything , i see the EU becoming even more of a bogeyman and the great enemy rather than the reverse sadly for the likes of you.
Brexit has only started, the part of brexit that involved leaving has been done and nobody is trying to undo that, so stop saying they are. The part of brexit where the UK normalises it's relations with the EU has only begun, we will be dealing and talking about brexit for decades.


Quote from: Borchester on July 31, 2021, 03:46:56 PM
Which is a bit rich coming from de Gaulle

Algerie Francais !

But maybe he was just as bored with politics as we are   :) :)

sure but wihtout arguing the merits of de gaulle and the infamous anglo saxon / gaulish rivalry , the point being this idea westmisnter had a godly reputation to maintain before brexit and boris johnson is of course utter guf , and gerry demeans himself and his arguments by insinuating it.

QuoteDo you realise that I am so pissed off that by way of a bit of excitement, I am going to Homebase to buy some fence posts? If the sky falls in send me a letter, I don't want to miss the excitement

good luck, hope you dont have the hassle with supply i had a few months back with trying to source concrete fenceposts.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 03:04:24 PM

De Gaulle famously said what everyone else has long thought many years ago , there isnt a treaty in existence westmisnter hasnt broken or thought about breaking if it suited.

Which is a bit rich coming from de Gaulle

Algerie Francais !

But maybe he was just as bored with politics as we are   :) :)

Do you realise that I am so pissed off that by way of a bit of excitement, I am going to Homebase to buy some fence posts? If the sky falls in send me a letter, I don't want to miss the excitement.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on July 31, 2021, 02:53:48 PM
Not so sure about the influence of the Yanks. Telling Biden to f**k off won't lose Boris many votes.

you could be right borkie , im just no sure westminster has the balls to stand up to washington anymore. the days of thatcher telling reagan to shut it are long gone.

QuoteBut as to the rest I reckon you have a point. We have been lying to Johnny Foreigner for centuries and they have been lying to us and both sides take it in their stride. As Sir Humphrey said, it is called diplomacy.

exactly. All this shite about the uk reputation being tarnished over broken treaties is something for the gullible cretins to get off on while the rest of the world falls around laughing.

De Gaulle famously said what everyone else has long thought many years ago , there isnt a treaty in existence westmisnter hasnt broken or thought about breaking if it suited.

so feck knows what gerry is talking about. All this playing the honourable enemy shite is wearing a bit thin , no cant cares about reputations.

QuoteDunno about Scotland. I reckon it will be given independence in everything but name. Betty Windsor, who is quite fond of the place, will remain Queen but taxation, laws, and such will be devolved to Holyrood. The real problem is that poor little Nick's followers are a hard, literal lot and probably won't give her credit for whatever she manages

scotland could do an australia and gradually detach ourselves from westminster  , but i doubt it. Sturgeon is running on borrowed time , as more and more turn on her and her inactivity and weakness in stadning up to johnson . So cant see much happening soon.

QuoteCome on Tommy. We are reduced to arguing about the UK v EU sausage war and it is getting very dull. What is going on north of the border? Can we expect an SNP civil war? If you don't know make something up. We are bored shitless this end.

same in scotland mate its all getting very dull at the minute. Had craig murray sent down for 8 months last week , causing a bit of uproar in yes circles , for allegedly jigsaw identifying one of the alleged victims in the salmond trial , but apart from that , dissent against sturgeon with in the yes movement grows daily.

watch this space.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!