Biden to warn Johnson over NI

Started by Sheepy, June 07, 2021, 12:08:09 PM

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Quote from: cromwell on June 13, 2021, 11:01:22 AM
I need no excuses and I want sod all nor expect anything from the eu.

good then lets hear no more about wanting the uk to fail.

The EU nor anyone else is under any obligation to help you succeed. Brexit meant , as you well know , you wer outside this "political organisation".

So here you are , outside , as you wanted , and by default , in direct competition with them. Which means they owe you , and you owe them..... nothing.

All johnson has to do , as barry suggests earlier , and dan hanna writes , is rip up the NIP , take the 6 counnties out , hard border around northern ireland , problem done and dusted , except a few hundred angry provos.

What are you waiting for cromwell?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on June 13, 2021, 11:00:09 AM
I see the irish are calling johnson "perfidious pfeffel"!!! :D

Well I don't want to be stating the obvious or anything, but he is a politician and is that a break from smashing up Dublin?
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on June 13, 2021, 10:34:32 AM
Your future prosperity is in your own hands , not anyone elses. Is this you getting your excuses in early comwell for brexits failure?

Brexit was about you taking back control you told us , not asking the eu for a helping hand.

The eu or anyone else is under any sort of obligation to help you in any way shape or form. Stand on your own two feet and stop whinging .

Regarding northern ireland , i make the same point over and over and over , no one forced you to sign the NIP. Johnson could have said no , took northern ireland out the eu and went from there , but he chose to kick the can down the road , and then attmept to wriggle out later.

So what are you talking about? You now want the eu to help you with the NIP that your feckin government signed?

You want the eu to save you from yourself are you saying? You are a free and independent "country" im told , so why arent you taking northern ireland out?

you wont see me for dust cromwell.
I need no excuses and I want sod all nor expect anything from the eu. and affordable,not that hard is it?


I see the irish are calling johnson "perfidious pfeffel"!!! :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on June 13, 2021, 10:42:30 AM
Well you can feel embarrassed if you wish, but then Boris has the problem of the EU being boycotted without him even realising it.

Streetwalker has said it for years , never trust a tory , and so it is proving.

Who are they gonnae sell out next is the question , brexiters again , or the northern irish and by default the yanks and eu?

My money is on brexiters , although it depends how much flak the party faithfull are giving johnson.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on June 13, 2021, 10:38:50 AM
I dont know sheepwash , im actually feeling embarressed for you that the tories , the right cheek of the westmisnter party arse , are making such a mess of brexit.

The whole world has just watched priti patel going cap in hand to the french begging them to take dynamis friends in the rubber dinghies back even though brexit means the dublin regualtion no longer applies.

Next week we will have the new embarressing spectacle of your prime minister begging the eu and washington to renegotiate the NIP.

Johnson is going to wear the knees out of his trousers at this rate.
Well you can feel embarrassed if you wish, but then Boris has the problem of the EU being boycotted without him even realising it.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on June 13, 2021, 10:31:23 AM
Suddenly noticed, have you? those populists do have powerful friends in places of heady power. I am just observing my days of getting stuck in to everyone's petty struggles is a past event.

I dont know sheepwash , im actually feeling embarressed for you that the tories , the right cheek of the westmisnter party arse , are making such a mess of brexit.

The whole world has just watched priti patel going cap in hand to the french begging them to take dynamis friends in the rubber dinghies back even though brexit means the dublin regualtion no longer applies.

Next week we will have the new embarressing spectacle of your prime minister begging the eu and washington to renegotiate the NIP.

Johnson is going to wear the knees out of his trousers at this rate.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on June 13, 2021, 10:26:47 AM
Don't be so bloody daft,you know what I was saying that the policy was you can't leave and prosper I hadn't said we hadn't left ::)

Your future prosperity is in your own hands , not anyone elses. Is this you getting your excuses in early comwell for brexits failure?

Brexit was about you taking back control you told us , not asking the eu for a helping hand.

The eu or anyone else is under any sort of obligation to help you in any way shape or form. Stand on your own two feet and stop whinging .

Regarding northern ireland , i make the same point over and over and over , no one forced you to sign the NIP. Johnson could have said no , took northern ireland out the eu and went from there , but he chose to kick the can down the road , and then attmept to wriggle out later.

So what are you talking about? You now want the eu to help you with the NIP that your feckin government signed?

You want the eu to save you from yourself are you saying? You are a free and independent "country" im told , so why arent you taking northern ireland out?

We did our celebrating leaving,this is the aftermath,you ever get Indy and you come on here in the aftermath complaining I'll remind you

you wont see me for dust cromwell.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on June 13, 2021, 10:17:08 AM
From what i can see sheepwash , although the thread is about an american president warning your government about northern ireland , no one is mentioning the fact the largest amount of leverage on the subject is being applied from washington.

I bet your shitebag prime mininster will do nothing to upset your special friends. :D
Suddenly noticed, have you? those populists do have powerful friends in places of heady power. I am just observing my days of getting stuck in to everyone's petty struggles is a past event.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on June 13, 2021, 10:14:57 AM
It was you who mentioned you wouldnt be allowed to leave , not anyone else , so i was merely pointing out you have left. Thats where the delusional bit comes in .

As for spitefull , this translates to me as the british can't get their own way. What the feck did you expect?

Just as you are being spitefull dragging scotland out against our will. ::)

northern ireland voted remain , the uk signed the GFA and the NIP , so surely the people of northern ireland should be consulted rather than listening to the views of a minority in organistation like the DUP?
Thanks for illustrating it , but i havent said anything about it either way , so tell the people who disagree with you not me.

No i wouldnt. I will be too busy celebrating.
Don't be so bloody daft,you know what I was saying that the policy was you can't leave and prosper I hadn't said we hadn't left ::)

We did our celebrating leaving,this is the aftermath,you ever get Indy and you come on here in the aftermath complaining I'll remind you :P :P :P :P and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Sheepy on June 13, 2021, 10:05:52 AM
But then as I said the EU turn up and make the world all about themselves. Good luck trying not to be hypocrite.

From what i can see sheepwash , although the thread is about an american president warning your government about northern ireland , no one is mentioning the fact the largest amount of leverage on the subject is being applied from washington.

I bet your shitebag prime mininster will do nothing to upset your special friends. :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on June 13, 2021, 10:05:06 AM
Delusional? What are you on about.....I know we bloody left and don't regret it either,you of course missed out the spiteful bit on prosper which is pertinent.

It was you who mentioned you wouldnt be allowed to leave , not anyone else , so i was merely pointing out you have left. Thats where the delusional bit comes in .

As for spitefull , this translates to me as the british cant get their own way. What the feck did you expect?

Just as you are being spitefull dragging scotland out against our will. ::)

QuoteIt is about NI being used to ensure that spite works in part,

northern ireland voted remain , the uk signed the GFA and the NIP , so surely the people of northern ireland should be consulted rather than listening to the views of a minority in organistation like the DUP?
and the political project why tell you?.....I was illustrating what a lot of people say isn't happening whether you want to know or not.

Thanks for illustrating it , but i havent said anything about it either way , so tell the people who disagree with you not me.

QuoteFinally Thomas it you left the UK and westminster used such tactics would you sound off on here about it?

No i wouldnt. I will be too busy celebrating.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


But then as I said the EU turn up and make the world all about themselves. Good luck trying not to be hypocrite.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on June 13, 2021, 09:50:38 AM
Cromwell ,what are you going on about now?

You have left in january this year , so who has stopped you leaving? You are starting to sound again like a delusional brexiter denying reality cromwell.

i havent insisted the eu is or isnt a political project , so why tell me? my points on this thread are primarily about northern ireland.

Perhaps you should pop down to number ten downing street and give johnson some of your backbone.

I see even daft macron insulted him allegedly in his own backyard last night regading northern ireland not being part of the uk.
Delusional? What are you on about.....I know we bloody left and don't regret it either,you of course missed out the spiteful bit on prosper which is pertinent.

It is about NI being used to ensure that spite works in part,and the political project why tell you?.....I was illustrating what a lot of people say isn't happening whether you want to know or not.

Finally Thomas it you left the UK and westminster used such tactics would you sound off on here about it? of course you would,but you'd have left nobody stopped you does that make you a delusional  indyref supporter? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Barry on June 12, 2021, 09:24:18 PM
Daniel Hannan, writes in the Telegraph today, that the only way out of this is to cancel the NI protocol, and take any rap that comes our way as a result.
The EU are doing 20% of checks on that border, when only 0.0008% of trade actually crosses that border. It is deliberately disproportionate.
Yes, I know it is paywalled.

well what a suprise. I think it was de gaulle who famously said there isnt a treaty in existence the english havent broken or thought about breaking.

Mays former chief of staff gavin barwell said this....

It's tempting to believe that - despite all the warnings - the
government "underestimated the effect of the protocol", but I'm pretty sure it's not true. They knew it was a bad deal but agreed it to get Brexit done, intending to wriggle out of it later

Johnson and the uk government new it was a bad deal barry , so why sign it? political expediency from a well known liar , and now he is having to deal with the fall out further down the line after his can kicking excercise.

QuoteIt has also long been obvious, and given new weight by Gavin Barwell's comments this week, that Johnson's government agreed and signed up to the NIP whilst always intending, as Barwell puts it, "to wriggle out of it" later. That was done for domestic political reasons – to be able to campaign in an election on the 'oven-ready deal' platform (not, be it noted, a 'this is a terrible deal but we were forced to sign it' platform) – but doing so marked a crucial new moment in the Brexit saga, and one which was deeply dangerous and irresponsible. Before, what was at stake was a horribly dishonest domestic debate about Brexit. Afterwards, that horrible dishonesty got written into an international treaty.

Back to square one if he does renege on it.

I suspect he will go to the eu , despite all the bluster cap in hand begging for help over the NIP.

Failing that , he is back facing the same choice i have said for a number of years , the least worse scenario of pissing off brexiters and northern irish unionists , or pissing off the eu , the yanks and irish republicans and the troubles kicking off again.

brexit is incompatible with the uk remaining intact , but five years on some people still refuse to accept this reality.

Johnson seems to be digging deeper and deeper holes , and eventually will run out of road.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!