Time to move on ?

Started by Streetwalker, July 26, 2021, 06:32:14 AM

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Quote from: Sheepy on July 31, 2021, 03:53:25 PM
I just amuse myself with it.

I fink gerry is missing a trick here.

To reverese brexit  , all he has to do is convince tony blair to come out in support of it and the public will run to rejoin. :D

poor auld labour , some state at the minute.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on July 31, 2021, 03:53:25 PM
You know how it is, you could point it out until your last breath, but once they believe it is for their own good and they are somehow convinced it is what they want, I don't even get mad about it, I just amuse myself with it.

its simply remainers continuing to run around throwing barriers in the road to de rail brexit at every opportunity , and when the barrier is smashed , the move onto the next one in a gradual never ending retreat.

I see nothing more has been said about chinese made goods in the eu from our earlier points?

I was just reading there china is the biggest single exporter into the eu , with the figures for 2020 showing a fifth of eu goods are chinese made , with the largest part being pre manufactured goods , vehicles and machinary , with chinese exports continuing to grow massivley year in year out , hence my point about the eu in large part being nothing more than a staging ground middle man forwarding on chinese goods to the uk.

On and on it goes.

Wonder what the new brexit bogeyman will be tomorrow? feckin hilarious.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 03:46:28 PM
Well i hope gerry keeps coming on and posting about the eu for a long time to come sheep. With him and pappysmurf on the same remain labour party bandwagon , how can brexiters or the tories lose?

We are at the bottom of the barrell now when someone is trying to insinuate european politicans are angelic in nature. They helped invent the book on corruption and political manouvering , and are no better in many areas than uk politicians.
You know how it is, you could point it out until your last breath, but once they believe it is for their own good and they are somehow convinced it is what they want, I don't even get mad about it, I just amuse myself with it.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on July 31, 2021, 03:34:08 PM
I am only teasing him; he will have to come on and tell us how it is their own faults because they didn't listen to the Brussels mafia. Which they are only doing it for their good, they need to get their minds right. Silly peasants playing up the Brussels master race.

Well i hope gerry keeps coming on and posting about the eu for a long time to come sheep. With him and pappysmurf on the same remain labour party bandwagon , how can brexiters or the tories lose?

We are at the bottom of the barrell now when someone is trying to insinuate european politicans are angelic in nature. They helped invent the book on corruption and political manouvering , and are no better in many areas than uk politicians.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on July 31, 2021, 03:30:36 PM
Got it in one,Emmanuel Bliar

exactly cromwell. Its one thing coming on this forum defending the eu as an organisation and trying to sell its merits , its another to try and punt a halo around the rank and file european political class compared to the uk when we know they are as corrupt venal and self serving as any other.

We have discussed france and von der lying herself , but what about in gerrys own alleged home in the emerald isle itself?

North to south , full of corrupt venal self servivng politicans from arlene foster and  her cash for ash scandal , to those purist in the dail . Remember it wasnt that long ago gerry hadnt heard of a prominent irish politician from dublin i named , never mind vouch for the behaviour of dail eireanns inhabitants.

Remember the banking crash in ireland , and the subsequent bailout out of its banks by westmisnter among others?

The irish public were going mental at the corruption and lies that led to years of austerity on the island, but not a peep about that from gerry.

As i said , good and bad everywhere including gerrys beloved holier than thou EU , and there are thousands of boris johnsons who lie in every language spoken in the eu on a daily basis . Westminster is as good or bad as any eu parliament in terms of vice and corruption.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 03:25:12 PM
macron is a can't sheep whose days are numbered. The average frenchman thinks macron "is a dangerous man" who must be outed from office as soon as.

Another serial liar who pisses on his own peoples back like many uk politicians we could name.

A few months ago , he was playing politics with covid vaccines encouraging the french not to take the astrzenica one ,now he demands the french have thier two jabs of vaccine , any vaccine , to have a semblance of freedom from the chinese sniffles.

I would say macron is hated in France on a par with tony blair in the uk , and both similarly regarded as compulsive slimy liars so no sure about this holier than thou eu politician wheez gerry is attempting to spin.
I am only teasing him; he will have to come on and tell us how it is their own faults because they didn't listen to the Brussels mafia. Which they are only doing it for their good, they need to get their minds right. Silly peasants playing up the Brussels master race.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 03:25:12 PM
macron is a can't sheep whose days are numbered. The average frenchman thinks macron "is a dangerous man" who must be outed from office as soon as.

Another serial liar who pisses on his own peoples back like many uk politicians we could name.

A few months ago , he was playing politics with covid vaccines encouraging the french not to take the astrzenica one ,now he demands the french have thier two jabs of vaccine , any vaccine , to have a semblance of freedom from the chinese sniffles.

I would say macron is hated in France on a par with tony blair in the uk , and both similarly regarded as compulsive slimy liars so no sure about this holier than thou eu politician wheez gerry is attempting to spin.
Got it in one,Emmanuel Bliar
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Sheepy on July 31, 2021, 03:15:49 PM
No idea these days as I ignore most of the Brussels mafia idealism, I did hear on the grapevine though Macron has a few problems stamping his foot down, while in Poland and Hungry the EU were having a problem or two, I am sure though they will come around. Just a case of slapping them down in the right way. Oh wait, I just realised that was what you were saying about the UK.

macron is a cant sheep whose days are numbered. The average frenchman thinks macron "is a dangerous man" who must be outed from office as soon as.

Another serial liar who pisses on his own peoples back like many uk politicians we could name.

A few months ago , he was playing politics with covid vaccines encouraging the french not to take the astrzenica one ,now he demands the french have thier two jabs of vaccine , any vaccine , to have a semblance of freedom from the chinese sniffles.

I would say macron is hated in France on a par with tony blair in the uk , and both similarly regarded as compulsive slimy liars so no sure about this holier than thou eu politician wheez gerry is attempting to spin.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on July 31, 2021, 03:03:55 PM
I don't see EU politicians carrying on like UK ones, maybe you can give some examples
No idea these days as I ignore most of the Brussels mafia idealism, I did hear on the grapevine though Macron has a few problems stamping his foot down, while in Poland and Hungry the EU were having a problem or two, I am sure though they will come around. Just a case of slapping them down in the right way. Oh wait, I just realised that was what you were saying about the UK.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: GerryT on July 31, 2021, 03:03:55 PM
I don't see EU politicians carrying on like UK ones, maybe you can give some examples

do you mean politicians within the eu or politicians specifically at brussells.?

Macron and his bullshit is a prime example of politicians being of the same stripe more or less the world over , and the french are extremely irate with him , with hundreds of thousands marching against him in the streets over his covid hypocrisy.

We have discussed ineptitude at brussells over the years , with von der lying famously making a tit of her self over the spat regarding covid vaccines and northern ireland.

Not sure what your point is , you remind me of another poster who used to go on defending tony blair abour iraq years after the public mood had long turned against him and he had ran out of office.

there are good and bad within the eu and many other countries and supra national organisations as we all know  , so no point trying to punt a holier than thou line regarding the eu simply because you dont accept brexit. The EU has its faults too , as tony blair and many other pro remain politicians have said repeatedly over the years.

No organistation nor its staff is ever perfect without flaw.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on July 31, 2021, 11:50:06 AM
The EU is no less full of bullshit than our own politicians they are fronting exactly the same thing, the difference is we are smart enough to see it and admit it.
I don't see EU politicians carrying on like UK ones, maybe you can give some examples


Quote from: Sheepy on July 31, 2021, 02:14:08 PM
I laughed my tits off a while back, German build Quality, made in China when it arrived, sort of said it all. Mrs bucket is just looking at her Covid test kit, made in China.

i was told years ago that all japanese cars for example had thier electrical components made in china , and im going back a long time.

speak to any car mechanic and they will tell you when you want bits for your car , any car , they come in pre assembled ready made packages from the far east.

want a water pump or new filter and you have to buy the whole ready made part rather than the bit you need as you used to years ago.

As for german cars lmfao , a german customer of mine said they are the biggest heaps of shite on the market. Assembled , not made in germany.

If china wanted to it could probably collapse the west in a week if it stopped exporting.

fire flood and death they said of you voted to brexit , an still the porkie pies keep coming from the usual suspects.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on July 31, 2021, 02:09:29 PM
Well despite telling us that so much stuff can only be bought from the eu this is one of a few posts where he's gone where they're really made.

headcase cromwell as we both know. He forgets what he has written 5 minutes ago never mind a week or more.

somehow , i cant see brexit being overturned simply because some muppet fancies a bottle of french red or two weeks in benidorm .

just another pointless brexit thread by the same bleating remoaners and opportunists like pappy wanting a platform to scream tory bad.

covid has taken the wind out their sales over the last  year half , and they are now getting geared up for the next project fear . The boys who cried wolf indeed.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 01:40:49 PM
Most of those vehicle spare parts come in bits on a boat from china and go onto middle men in the eu before reaching their final destination.

I laughed my tits off a while back, German build Quality, made in China when it arrived, sort of said it all. Mrs bucket is just looking at her Covid test kit, made in China.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 01:52:23 PM

i caravan for example , and have owned many caravans down the years. Baileys of bristol and many other so called british caravans come in bits on a boat from china and get to be called british as they are assembled in plants in the uk by eastern europeans.

when parts need replacing , cracked window for example , i had to order the window from the middle man in the eu , (netherlands) which in turn had come to the eu from a boat from china.

You are conflating assembley plants in the eu with where the actual components are made , much of which as said comes from the far east not europe.

you voted brexit to stop eu immigration remember so why ae you bleating about it now after you you won brexiters the referendum?

Nothing more than opportunistic anti tory shite as ever from you pappy , where you dance on the head of a pin and cast what little principles you have aside to scream tory bad.
Well despite telling us that so much stuff can only be bought from the eu this is one of a few posts where he's gone where they're really made.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?