I wonder how the EU really feels about Brexit?

Started by Borchester, August 03, 2021, 05:57:01 PM

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Quote from: cromwell on September 09, 2021, 09:35:58 PM
Wake up Gerry,I'm not talking about Johnson.

Who really opposes Sinn Fein,you know full well and they don't give a toss for the eu Dublin or much anyone else.
no you were, dup and johnson


Quote from: GerryT on September 09, 2021, 09:27:15 PM
agh Johnson and his merry band of twits.
I don't have to deal with the DUP, but the UK does  good luck with them cromwell
Wake up Gerry,I'm not talking about Johnson.

Who really opposes Sinn Fein,you know full well and they don't give a toss for the eu Dublin or much anyone else.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Streetwalker on September 09, 2021, 08:09:52 PM
Are you confusing me with a Tory ?   My Brexit is nothing like whats on offer but then again I didnt expect it to be .never trust a tory and all that .
We are making progress but still a long way to go .
ill agree with that, you are making progress and will continue to do so.


Quote from: cromwell on September 09, 2021, 09:09:27 PM
No Gerry you presume wrong,the other set of nutters who care little for the dup,even less Sinn Fein and the eu.

Good luck with them Gerry.
agh Johnson and his merry band of twits.
I don't have to deal with the DUP, but the UK does  good luck with them cromwell


Quote from: GerryT on September 09, 2021, 09:18:49 PM
just having Dinner. You see the EU isn't the big bad wolf. They got what they wanted, a firm commitment on delivery and penalty clauses for breaching that. But as AZ is not favoured by most EU countries for obvious reasons, there was less reason to press AZ.
;D ;D ;D ;D yeah right Gerry
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on September 09, 2021, 08:06:35 PM
Oh blimey Gerry you left suddenly,must've nowt to say,is it sinking in Gerry  :)
just having Dinner. You see the EU isn't the big bad wolf. They got what they wanted, a firm commitment on delivery and penalty clauses for breaching that. But as AZ is not favoured by most EU countries for obvious reasons, there was less reason to press AZ.


Quote from: GerryT on September 09, 2021, 09:03:16 PM
Support for the DUP continues to drop, it was at 20% but has fallen to 13%. If the DUP causes Stormont to close people will be really upset. People ive spoken to want local Govt and the DUP driving their agenda could finish the party.
The DUP have no real power, the next election will show that. Johnson has his majority without them and will continue to ignore their shouting, as he did when he put up a border in the Irish Sea.
If the DUP are upset, its the current UK govt and the deal they struck with the EU thats upsetting them. Funny that the DUP supported this very same deal and Govt.

The other side I presume you mean Sinn Fein are saying nothing, which is the best thing to do when your foe is shooting itself in the foot.
No Gerry you presume wrong,the other set of nutters who care little for the dup,even less Sinn Fein and the eu.

Good luck with them Gerry.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on September 09, 2021, 07:35:29 PM
Yeah but it's not really about he assembly is it? There's nutters both sides and one side are deeply unhappy and will show it.
Support for the DUP continues to drop, it was at 20% but has fallen to 13%. If the DUP causes Stormont to close people will be really upset. People ive spoken to want local Govt and the DUP driving their agenda could finish the party.
The DUP have no real power, the next election will show that. Johnson has his majority without them and will continue to ignore their shouting, as he did when he put up a border in the Irish Sea.
If the DUP are upset, its the current UK govt and the deal they struck with the EU thats upsetting them. Funny that the DUP supported this very same deal and Govt.

The other side I presume you mean Sinn Fein are saying nothing, which is the best thing to do when your foe is shooting itself in the foot.


Quote from: GerryT on September 09, 2021, 11:04:48 AM
you've been taking orders from USA for decades, thinking there's a 'special relationship. Every trade deal you sign you agree to abide by rules, rules you can't change without agreeing or leaving the deal. So again with trade you're being told what to do, as you can't do what you want. Your govt is crowing about all the trade deals its agreed since leaving. You do realise your goods sold in the UK are still conforming to CE rules. You do know part of the UK is still pretty much in the EU

Are you confusing me with a Tory ?   My Brexit is nothing like whats on offer but then again I didnt expect it to be .never trust a tory and all that .
We are making progress but still a long way to go .


Oh blimey Gerry you left suddenly,must've nowt to say,is it sinking in Gerry  :)
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Almost forgot Gerry all your ranting and raving and then the eu dropped the case over AZ :P :P
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: GerryT on September 09, 2021, 05:15:51 PM
The exact same as I did before reading that. It changes nothing. The UK are the ones that imposed an internal border in their own country, they didn't have to but they did choose to. As I'm constantly told on here "we knew what we were voting for" and the type of Brexit the UK settled on is totally a UK decision. Johnson shafted the DUP after they helped him shaft May, he went to Belfast and told everyone there would be no trade restrictions between the GB and NI, he lied. He said 350m a week was coming back for the NHS, turns out Brexit is costing the UK 650m a week according to the FT, he lied. He promised no increase in taxes, he lied.
The DUP represent a very small percentage of people in NI, having the assembly stalled will play into Johnson's, the EU's and Irelands hands.
Yeah but it's not really about he assembly is it? There's nutters both sides and one side are deeply unhappy and will show it.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Nick on September 09, 2021, 05:39:15 PM
Merkel unilaterally allowed millions of Syrians into German. Some of these individuals were responsible for stabbing, driving vehicles into crowds and many rapes. These are no doubt now some of the individuals coming across in bath tubs. You know this but choose to be a good boy and toe Merkel's policy line.

And what has that to do with the EU. If IRL or Spain wanted to let in 1m turks or Indians that has nothing to do with other EU countries. You really really don't get the EU. It's not a country, let that sink in. But in your example can you show how Merkel mandated the qty of migrants each EU country would take, in her capacity as chancellor of Germany. Or even any capacity, because it never happened. The Europeen Council has all heads of state for each member, these people together make EU council decisions, there is no leader, is it sinking in ? 


Quote from: Nick on September 09, 2021, 05:20:40 PM
A) That is bollox as you well know, show the link!
B) The NHS has and will get much more than that.
I suppose this had nothing to do with him. And who said that £350 was the total for the NHS.

Whats that on the side of the bus "let's fund our NHS instead"

First it didn't cost the UK 350m, it was more like 160m. And as has been shown there is nothing coming back, the cost to be in the EU is far less than the cost outside the EU, and that's BEFORE the UK even starts its border controls, wait until that starts and the shit show and delays at ports. 1St Oct...but my guess is Johnson will again delay that as the UK is not ready for that. Can you picture the state of affairs if there were a no deal brexit.


Quote from: GerryT on September 09, 2021, 05:31:34 PM
Your as bad.
No EU country makes the decisions alone, but you seem to think they do. So give me a couple of examples where one country makes the decisions. This should be good.

How you don't know that some EU decisions require all countries to agree, some need a qualifying majority and some decisions countries can opt out of. But there are no decisions where a single country makes the decision.

Merkel unilaterally allowed millions of Syrians into German. Some of these individuals were responsible for stabbing, driving vehicles into crowds and many rapes. These are no doubt now some of the individuals coming across in bath tubs. You know this but choose to be a good boy and toe Merkel's policy line.

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.