Afghan refugees. Sorry but Britain is full up.

Started by papasmurf, August 17, 2021, 01:15:40 PM

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Ignore Tommy.

He knows that extending a welcome to refugees makes political, social and economic sense, but Wee Krankie and her woke mates think the same way and right now he would rather piss razor blades than agree with them.

Send the refugees to London.We have the space, if they need housing Streetwalker and his mates can build it and the main effect will be a few more Afghan restaurants to challenge the Uyghur ones springing up on the Finchley Road.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on August 26, 2021, 01:32:32 PM
Good. I need some fencing done.

I see tory mp sir Desmond Swayne doesnt agree with you borkie.?

Still i think if i had to live in london , i would try and put a brave face on it. :D

Never mind mate , despite two in every three uk muslims voting labour , im sure the "moving to witham and voting for priti patel " fantasy( useless fecker) is just around the corner. :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteDutch Protest as Government Dumps 800 Afghan 'Refugees' in Small Village

Residents of a village in the Netherlands staged a major protest against the arrival of hundreds of 'refugees' from Afghanistan, according to reports.

The Dutch government is in the process of dumping 800 Afghans at a military camp in Harskamp, a small town with a population of approximately 3,500.

Around 250 people, many of whom were described as 'young,' turned out for a rally opposing the scheme, which is already being executed.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


We hear about the dutch protesting against afghan refugees , americans being told to shut up and accept them , even african nations protesting against accepting afghans. Austrians claiming they have deep rooted problems from first wave in 2015 of afghans they accepted who are having problems integrating into austrian life so no more?

Meanwhile im reading the yanks are demanding China accept their share of islamic afghan refugees ....the same china we were told by the americans who are mass slaughtering and commiting genocide on the islamic uyghurs??

What a mess this world is in.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Most Western societies (with the recent exception being some in Central & Eastern Europe like Poland and Hungary) never tire of preaching their liberal-democratic dogma. They oftentimes aggressively pressure others to emulate their socio-political models, sometimes under the threat of sanctions or even force.

It is therefore incredibly ironic that they are now balking at receiving potentially countless Afghan refugees and instead want to share the burden with regional countries. Quite clearly, these same Western countries are not being all that sincere, which deserves some further elaboration.

It could very well be that they have learned their lesson from the 2015 Muslim Migrant Crisis and realize how domestically destabilizing it would once again be to accept over a million civilizationally, dissimilar migrants.

another interesting read from a differing perspective.

Seems every nation on this earth is beginning to tire of the never ending refugee crises largely inspried by america and its allies.

The yookay could fit inside the state of texas , let the yanks and thier country that spans a continent with vast areas of land take them. Im all out of sympathy...
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Turkey bolsters border against Afghan refugees
Turkey is expecting refugees to arrive from war-torn Afghanistan via Iran and is increasing border security as a result, according to Turkish media.

Read more:

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Austrian chancellor says he's against taking in more Afghan refugees

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said he was against accepting any additional refugees from Afghanistan even as many EU nations rush to evacuate vulnerable Afghans from the country.

"We have taken in over 40,000 Afghans in Austria in the last few years and beyond. We are one of the countries with the largest Afghan community," Kurz told Austrian broadcaster Puls24 in an interview released on Sunday.

He went on to say this meant Austria had "already made a disproportionately large contribution" to relocating Afghans and had one of the largest Afghan communities in the world.

...and all because the yanks and thier lapdogs have went into yet another country , destabilised it , then ran away and left it in a worse state than they found it , europe , and that includes scotland and england , have to do a clear up operation and "do the honurable thing" and accept these refugees into our communities.

How many times does this need to happen ( iraq, syria , libya , afghanistan etc) before people start to critically think about what they are being told and the repercussions.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sampanviking on August 27, 2021, 11:18:08 AM
No surprise that these questions are being ducked and instead we are being force fed refugee anguish instead

and look who is lapping up the "refugee" anguish as ever.

Tell you sampan , the british and western governments have a massive demographic problem on their hands with getting the "narrative" out their once the over 60`s generation is gone.

Mainstream tv is never on in my house now , and the upcoming generations get all their news and info off twitter and other social media the gov doesnt control.

Wonder if in years to come the kids will be mocking old clips of those nice honest men on the bbc telling the mesmerized older generations the news while the young and cynical laugh their heads off .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on August 27, 2021, 10:15:25 AM
No you didn't what you posted was this

Back to the old "he said she said diversion trick cromwell.


You posted to refresh your selective amnesia..

Quote from: cromwell on August 25, 2021, 09:50:19 AM
Blimey you are in a combatative  mood,why is saying these people who worked for our armed forces should be sheltered  from reprisal salving people's consciences?

If you opposed the second Iraqi expedition and Afghanistan you have no conscience to salve but sheltering them is the right thing to do.

and my clear reply to what you said...

Quote from: Thomas on August 26, 2021, 06:42:43 AM
Not got a lot of time to go into this in depththis morning cromwell , but a couple of points.

Of the 5000 or so afghans that have been evacuated , very few worked for the british armed forces.

Of the ones who did , what was their jobs? Water carrier or errand runner?

Final quick point , we are being told the welcome these "loyal" afghans and "shelter " them from reprisal.

Are these the same loyal afghans whom america and its underlings like the uk trained , gave trillions of dollars to and armed to the teeth only for them to turn coat and run at the first sign of trouble?

These loyal afghans , who we are expected to welcome into our communities and trust?

:D Honestly cromwell , i think you should stop voting for politicians mate and start voting for journalists.....they seem to do all you critical thinking for you.

and follow the echange from there , and anyone can see who is diverting and wriggling and who is clearly responding to what was said.

You are merely regurgitating the media narrative , you dont know anything about these afghans and merely assume because the media told you that they worked for the uk armed forces , you havent proved this , and must be sheltered for no other reason than you naively feel sorry for them and tell me in your opinion based on the media narrative its the right thing to do.

well i disagree.

QuoteSo a quick drive by pop

Cant you think up your own original comemnts instead of using others?

You accuse me of drive by posting and pat accuses me of posting over the top 690 word answers. ::) which is it?

We arent all retired with feck all to do but read the media narrative  and give ourselves a pat on the back about saving afghans.

QuoteSo reading exactly what I posted quote me a post where I said that we should take anyone who hadn't worked for UK forces.

you are getting desperate cromwell. Read my synopsis of our previous interaction in this thread above. It isnt difficult .
Are we,so again quote me a post where I said you should do this.

heres what you said..

Quote from: cromwell on August 25, 2021, 09:50:19 AM
but sheltering them is the right thing to do.

Sheltering them isnt the right thing to do.

QuoteEr no

Errr yes cromwell.

when you said this cac...

QuoteSo to reiterate
I never supported the Afghan adventure
Nor the Bliar Bush Iraq mk2
The special relationship (that doesn't exist)

i didnt claim you said any of this or did support the afghan adventure.

QuoteIs this where we're at now you inventing straw men,are you going in your garage to dig out your diversion signs :P
you are contradicting yourself Thomas

clearly you are losing the plot cromwell and now reduced to inventing lies i havent said. When i post made up comments about people , i at least try and do it humourously.

Your posts so far about afhganistan , with the exception of us agreeing on the likes of blair , have been utter rubbish and pure led by the nose media cac regurgitated without a single bit of thought .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on August 26, 2021, 09:29:19 AM

As far as the Afghan army turning and running well they were left without the benefit of the air cover afforded western forces is just a fact.

Why would they need Air Cover? The whole term of Air Cover means protection from enemy air craft. I dont think the Taliban operated an Air Force.
The Afgan Army, we were told numerically superior, were well trained, very well equipped, mechanised, armoured and in parts air mobile.
The Taliban with his AK47 and RPG, traveled either by foot, donkey, motorbike or Toyota Pick up.
The Taliban never had air cover either, but these Afghan fighters managed to stand their ground and endure against the Aerial onslaught of some of the worlds most modern Air Forces.

In addition the Afghan Army were also Afghan Nationals, just like the Taliban and not homesick overseas forces. They should have been able to give a very good and very effective account of themselves.

Why they did not, after so much training and investment is the real story that people should be demanding answers too. No surprise that these questions are being ducked and instead we are being force fed refugee anguish instead


Quote from: Thomas on August 27, 2021, 07:36:48 AM
i read exactly what you posted cromwell ,and replied to it word for word.
No you didn't what you posted was this
QuoteNot got a lot of time to go into this in depth this morning cromwell
So a quick drive by pop

you then go on to say this
QuoteOf the 5000 or so afghans that have been evacuated , very few worked for the british armed forces.

So reading exactly what I posted quote me a post where I said that we should take anyone who hadn't worked for UK forces.

You then go on to say this
QuoteFinal quick point , we are being told the welcome these "loyal" afghans and "shelter " them from reprisal.
Are we,so again quote me a post where I said you should do this.

I think you've been reading to much journalists stuff and then deciding to attribute it to me.
as in you saying this
QuoteYou have simply regurgitated what the media are telling you without much in the way of thought.
And then there's this
Quoteyou are inventing straw men to deflect from the nub of what i have said.

Er no Thomas the only Straw man I have referred to is Jack Straw in post #104 on the blame Boris thread as below

QuoteStraw starts off ok then fondly remembers his part in all this and becomes delusional.

Is this where we're at now you inventing straw men,are you going in your garage to dig out your diversion signs :P
you are contradicting yourself Thomas and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Borchester on August 26, 2021, 11:31:41 AM
And then they move to Witham and vote for Priti Patel.

Honestly borkie , you try and talk a good game mate , but then reality dawns and we realise yet again you are talking cac...

QuoteA 2015 poll showed that 64% of British Muslims voted for the Labour Party, as opposed to 35% who voted Conservative
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on August 26, 2021, 09:29:19 AM
I think you need to read what I post more

i read exactly what you posted cromwell ,and replied to it word for word.

You have simply regurgitated what the media are telling you without much in the way of thought.

I havent said  , or claimed any of the other things you wrote in your post so can only assume you are inventing straw men to deflect from the nub of what i have said.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I just saw a Tweet to the effect that "Trump posted some stupid Tweets", but "Biden has now got 12 troops killed on his watch" with a botched withdrawal.

† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Barry on August 26, 2021, 05:14:33 PM
And the suicide bombings have started. Many dead and reports of ISIS-K (?) fighters entering Kabul. ISIS don't like the Taliban.
The evacuation is now totally unsafe and the next few days are likely to be horrible.

Well done, Joe.
Quite restrained Baz......Biden is a tosser,mind you from a long line of tossers in both the US and here who should be hanging their heads.

But are they? no not a bit,still telling us what's what and lying through their teeth. and affordable,not that hard is it?