Afghan refugees. Sorry but Britain is full up.

Started by papasmurf, August 17, 2021, 01:15:40 PM

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Quote from: Sheepy on August 29, 2021, 01:00:09 PM
No I fecking didn't, I wasn't voting for more of the same, doing the same thing expecting a different outcome, is plain insanity. I wanted to bring the whole thing down using Theresa May's joke leave policy. Except they put Boris up to keep the whole thing chundering along.

plenty on here seem to support the westmisnter party and their ideology. At least you are being honest sheepwash.

I see the tories have tripled net immigration from outisde the EU all on their watch , and no one else to blame , and have them close to the highest levels ever recorded. We havce simply swapped EU immigration for non EU immigration , with the numbers rising all the time , yet those who were telling me immigration to "england" was bad , lack of housing etc and infrastructure , are now either incredbily silent or paying lip service to the wesminster parties propaganda?

Im simply asking why the silence from many of the westmisnter party brexit supporters? If this was a labour gov or the eu all hell would be breaking loose , instead johnson seems untouchable.

Still , all ammo for the future. Wont be forgotten come next election i can tell you.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 29, 2021, 12:53:57 PM
well they are all signed up to the demographic "ever expanding" ponzi scheme sheepwash. If the english and scottish lassies arent having enough babies to produce an even larger "next generation " of worker ants ,they will simply look to the third world and import them with whatever appropriate excuse is available.

Did you vote for boris johnsons and the tories mass immigration ?

No running away and blaming the eu for this  , this is purely and squarely on the uk governments doorstep...

No I fecking didn't, I wasn't voting for more of the same, doing the same thing expecting a different outcome, is plain insanity. I wanted to bring the whole thing down using Theresa May's joke leave policy. Except they put Boris up to keep the whole thing chundering along.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on August 29, 2021, 12:43:22 PM
I was listening to Blair the other day, one of their mouthpieces, he was saying they had made a few mistakes, how's that I thought, just because you have displaced millions of people, put millions of others in early graves, took down borders so there was no defence against mass immigration, left several countries as failed states, confused people so much they no longer even know what gender they are, destroyed about one third of the Worlds infrastructure and sent it to the Chinese. Created the largest ever monetary gap, while creating mass poverty not seen since the 30's around parts of the globe. While at the same time using democracy as their excuse, I don't anyone who voted for any of the above. A few mistakes, feck knows what it would look like if they really fecked up!

well they are all signed up to the demographic "ever expanding" ponzi scheme sheepwash. If the english and scottish lassies arent having enough babies to produce an even larger "next generation " of worker ants ,they will simply look to the third world and import them with whatever appropriate excuse is available.

Did you vote for boris johnsons and the tories mass immigration ?

No running away and blaming the eu for this  , this is purely and squarely on the uk governments doorstep...

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 29, 2021, 10:04:13 AM
pretty much sheep. Silence on here from all those who have railed against mass immigration for years , as globalists try and tear down borders , dissolve nations , mix up populations and destroy cultures as they try and turn us all into mindless worker robots in slave to global coporations.

cromwell thinks i sound like enoch powell for pointing out a few truths. you couldnt make it up.
I was listening to Blair the other day, one of their mouthpieces, he was saying they had made a few mistakes, how's that I thought, just because you have displaced millions of people, put millions of others in early graves, took down borders so there was no defence against mass immigration, left several countries as failed states, confused people so much they no longer even know what gender they are, destroyed about one third of the Worlds infrastructure and sent it to the Chinese. Created the largest ever monetary gap, while creating mass poverty not seen since the 30's around parts of the globe. While at the same time using democracy as their excuse, I don't know anyone who voted for any of the above. A few mistakes, feck knows what it would look like if they really fecked up!
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Afghanistan crisis leaves no way out for Boris Johnson
After 18 months of Covid and now the Afghani-shambles, there is no let-up in sight for a good-news PM trapped on the bad-news treadmill

The full gravity of the Afghanistan debacle hit Boris Johnson when he gathered his team in the Cabinet Room on Thursday. As the meeting began, word came through that there had been an explosion.

Later, at the 5pm Cobra emergency committee meeting, Johnson was connected to Sir Laurie Bristow, the British ambassador, and the military commanders on the ground. "Have any British personnel been hurt?" he asked.

media starting to turn on johnson more and more , as opinion polling now has 55% thinking johnson is doing a bad job as uk prime minister.

Silence from the forums tories and brexiters ( barry and possibly toots excluded who highlighted johnson as a liability )

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on August 29, 2021, 11:32:16 AM
Oh F F S the amount of invective and name calling you've done over the years and you come over all hurt because I called you a wacist,no I didn't and don't think you are but no doubt you'll come back with how dishonest I am (I'll get over it)


im not hurt cromwell. I have been called far far worse on this forum than a racist. Im simply pointing out your complete hypocrisy on the subject you old ukip voter you.

you wont wash that stain off in the years to come easily cromwell .

QuoteAs to the link you really do sound like smuirfy,it's on the beeb go and look.

im not doing your work for you cromwell , you made the claim you link to it and back it up so i can have a look. If you cant , then we can simply take it as another empty comment of yours and ignore as ever.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on August 29, 2021, 11:07:14 AM
You mean he sounds like Smurfy? :D :D :D stand by for fireworks,perhaps stuff in bold with a pinch of cognitive dissonance. ;)

i do love the mental gymnastics on this forum at times though to deflect onto anything and everything but the inconvenient topic at hand. :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 29, 2021, 11:15:43 AM
The hand wringing liberal is generally but not exclusivley used against you by deppity in a humourous fashion .

The fact remains you are throwing about empty accusations of racism with comparisons to a well known figure from english politics  associated with anti immigration views while trying to whitewash your own part of physically voting in anti immigrant parties and voting for brexit , which was in a large part voting to stop immigration.

I havent done either ,so when measuring "racism" which is worse? A few out of context words on some obscure forum , or someone who deliberately goes out and uses his vote to put people with arguably racists views into power ?

the original quote was taken from cameron former uk prime minister , but i stand by all i have said or insinuated. Many supproters of brexit and ukip were are closet racists , but i retracted some of what i previously said  in the past when i agreed overall brexit was a far more complicated issue foir the english than simple racism.

That doesnt detract from our current discussion , where you are being a total hypocrite.

I have never once ever voted for nicola sturgeon in my entire life. I support scot indy as you well know ,( and have given my scottish vote to numerous parties over the years , not just the snp) irresepctive who is in charge . You on the other hand went out in your constituency and voted ukip/brexit party , and voted for a well known anti immigrant party .

I dont agree with all scot indy supporters , but i dont run around insinuating they are racist everytime i disagree with them to clutch at straws.
third time now please?

Oh F F S the amount of invective and name calling you've done over the years and you come over all hurt because I called you a wacist,no I didn't and don't think you are but no doubt you'll come back with how dishonest I am (I'll get over it)

As to the link you really do sound like smuirfy,it's on the beeb go and look.

Lastly as per Borkys thread I need to go and do some stuff for she who must be obeyed,yeah I know you'll call me a coward I ran away :P.....I'll be back in a bit to see w your reply/ies and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on August 28, 2021, 03:54:09 PMwhich iirc was first used by DD as was diversion one of Ugandas favourites but no one has a copyright over them eh?

What am I guilty of now? :D

In relation to the thread, I think its already been said (in a different thread?), but its maybe worth saying again. Whether these "tribesmen" were or were not beaten in a conventional war (which they were), they are in control on the ground now. Which after 20 years of fighting and billions (if not trillions) spent, tells its own story. Once again, we should learn from it, but we won't. As has also been pointed out, winning a conventional conflict against a known enemy is one thing. Controlling or occupying somewhere in the face of a determined insurgency, is something completely different.

We want to go into these places and tell these people how to live, by our "morals" and our standards. But when the pictures and tv footage of what the reality is like, and when the bodies start coming home, we are unable to grasp that neither morals nor money can win these conflicts against a motivated cause - whether that cause is abhorrent to you or not is irrelevent. Whoever wins makes the rules.

In other news this morning, it seems western media sources are making news of the Talibans lack of cash which is probably the only remaining influence we have left there. Another article includes a commentary about disaffected young western men who now feel so alienated by our own western woke culture that they actually admire the Taliban. The west is so disunited now that the very people you'd need in any future conflict with the likes of a superpower like China would not fight for it anymore

Whichever way you look at it, the US's handling of this disaster and the political fall out is dreadful for the West, for the UK, for NATO allies, for Europe and for democracy in general. I always joked about liberalism eating itself. I wish I'd been wrong.


Quote from: cromwell on August 29, 2021, 11:03:37 AM
I voted to leave the eu my record on not being an enthusiast for all things right wing on here is clear,hence the number of times called a hand wringing liberal. That presumably means I sound like one and am not as you at the mo sound like Powell but aren't him)

The hand wringing liberal is generally but not exclusivley used against you by deppity in a humourous fashion .

The fact remains you are throwing about empty accusations of racism with comparisons to a well known figure from english politics  associated with anti immigration views while trying to whitewash your own part of physically voting in anti immigrant parties and voting for brexit , which was in a large part voting to stop immigration.

I havent done either ,so when measuring "racism" which is worse? A few out of context words on some obscure forum , or someone who deliberately goes out and uses his vote to put people with arguably racists views into power ?

QuoteIf anything you insinuated that people who voted for brexit were de facto closet racists.

the original quote was taken from cameron former uk prime minister , but i stand by all i have said or insinuated. Many supproters of brexit and ukip were are closet racists , but i retracted some of what i previously said  in the past when i agreed overall brexit was a far more complicated issue foir the english than simple racism.

That doesnt detract from our current discussion , where you are being a total hypocrite.

QuoteAs you don't support everything Sturgeon believes but vote for a means to an end

I have never once ever voted for nicola sturgeon in my entire life. I support scot indy as you well know ,( and have given my scottish vote to numerous parties over the years , not just the snp) irresepctive who is in charge . You on the other hand went out in your constituency and voted ukip/brexit party , and voted for a well known anti immigrant party .

I dont agree with all scot indy supporters , but i dont run around insinuating they are racist everytime i disagree with them to clutch at straws.
As far as numbers I gave those posted on the BBC supplied by HM govt.

third time now please?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry on August 29, 2021, 10:59:38 AM
6 posts in a row. He's trying to beat the Smurf into 1st place. :)

You mean he sounds like Smurfy? :D :D :D stand by for fireworks,perhaps stuff in bold with a pinch of cognitive dissonance. ;) and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on August 29, 2021, 10:45:58 AM
cromwell no one was talking about racism till you threw in the "enoch powell " comparison with the obvious insinuation.

If i said you sounded like hitler in a thread about jews , then the intent would be perfectly clear.

Its a cowardly way of debating and you know it. You dont get to go all lefty huggy regarding immigration and try and whitewash your voting record over the last 5 years of voting for clear right wing anti immigrant parties like ukip , then throw accusations of racism at others.....

For the record , as you well know , i have been pro controlled immigration into scotland all my life. I simply said given the choice , i would rather choose europeans who are similar in values to us than non europeans , and asked the pertinent questions and played devils advocate in this thread which brexiters like yourself cannot answer.

let me know when you have a link over exact numbers i can read over army employees who require asylum rather than vague figures made up and tossed into the forum please.

I voted to leave the eu my record on not being an enthusiast for all things right wing on here is clear,hence the number of times called a hand wringing liberal. That presumably means I sound like one and am not as you at the mo sound like Powell but aren't him)

If anything you insinuated that people who voted for brexit were de facto closet racists.

As you don't support everything Sturgeon believes but vote for a means to an end. :P

As far as numbers I gave those posted on the BBC supplied by HM govt. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on August 29, 2021, 09:51:52 AM
Bloody hell Thomas,you sound like Ench Powell.
6 posts in a row. He's trying to beat the Smurf into 1st place. :)
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: cromwell on August 29, 2021, 10:40:24 AM
No I didn't I just said you sound like him and apparently the numbers given for interpreters by the govt was 2500 to 3000 not 1000,my memory fail. :P

cromwell no one was talking about racism till you threw in the "enoch powell " comparison with the obvious insinuation.

If i said you sounded like hitler in a thread about jews , then the intent would be perfectly clear.

Its a cowardly way of debating and you know it. You dont get to go all lefty huggy regarding immigration and try and whitewash your voting record over the last 5 years of voting for clear right wing anti immigrant parties like ukip , then throw accusations of racism at others.....

For the record , as you well know , i have been pro controlled immigration into scotland all my life. I simply said given the choice , i would rather choose europeans who are similar in values to us than non europeans , and asked the pertinent questions and played devils advocate in this thread which brexiters like yourself cannot answer.

let me know when you have a link over exact numbers i can read over army employees who require asylum rather than vague figures made up and tossed into the forum please.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 29, 2021, 10:34:41 AM
With the clear insinuation of racism.

I havent voted for right wing racists , and british exceptionalism , yet you have. Enoch would be proud of you cromwell.
No I didn't I just said you sound like him and apparently the numbers given for interpreters by the govt was 2500 to 3000 not 1000,my memory fail. :P and affordable,not that hard is it?