Afghan refugees. Sorry but Britain is full up.

Started by papasmurf, August 17, 2021, 01:15:40 PM

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Quote from: Thomas on August 29, 2021, 10:00:59 AM

Streetwalker seems to want to play the violin and otherwise remain quiet over his long held views

My long held views remain intact Thomas . Maybe I just see the difference between economic mass migration and some asylum
cases .
I wouldnt entertain the former and any of the latter that arrive via the English Channel . The Afghanis who helped to initially drive the death cult that ruled their land into the hills  and found themselves thrown under the bus by various persons including  the Yanks and their own government have a case though IMO .
What are /were we supposed to do , just leave them at the mercy (not seen much of that in the past ) of the Taliban ?


Quote from: cromwell on August 29, 2021, 03:56:35 PM
Wow whataboutery not heard that since that duo used it to shut people down,anyway you enjoy yourself and Goodfellow chased me nowhere.
I ultimately came back, the reason I went I ain't going in to but you make it up if you like.

Now whose all butthurt? :D

Dont throw empty accusations about via linking a poster with a known racist if you cannae back it up.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 29, 2021, 03:41:32 PM
Dont try that shit on me cromwell. Im defending myself against a baseless accusation from someone who is an ultimate hypocrite.

Trying to emotionally shout me down as some thin skinned poster like sensitive stve is just more of your usual whataboutery , and again , coming from you , a guy who goodfellow chased off a forum years ago is hysterical.

You are a hypocrite , and an enabler of anti immigrant parties , and me casting it up is hitting you hard as we can see.

can't let the opportuniyy go to miss now can i ? Rank hypocrisy is always pleasurable to take apart.

;D :D

now who is being a "soft sod"???
Wow whataboutery not heard that since that duo used it to shut people down,anyway you enjoy yourself and Goodfellow chased me nowhere.
I ultimately came back, the reason I went I ain't going in to but you make it up if you like. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Sampanviking on August 29, 2021, 02:52:51 PM

A new spin cycle has already begun trying to rewrite history and blaming, of course, everybody else.

i see over in yank land the recriminations and investigation into bidens order to withdraw has already begun with the senate demanding to see all the documents and hear the  reasoning behind  the abrupt withdrawal.

Democrats are despertately trying to focus blame on Trump or punt the fact they believe no one will remember kabul next month....or so they hope , while the fall out continues over here for johnson.

..and you know the worst of it sampan? Much of the public will lap up the lies and bullshit , and on and on it will go.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on August 29, 2021, 03:36:48 PM
Do you,considering some of the things you've posted didn't have you down as a soft sod

Dont try that shit on me cromwell. Im defending myself against a baseless accusation from someone who is an ultimate hypocrite.

Trying to emotionally shout me down as some thin skinned poster like sensitive stve is just more of your usual whataboutery , and again , coming from you , a guy who goodfellow chased off a forum years ago is hysterical.

You are a hypocrite , and an enabler of anti immigrant parties , and me casting it up is hitting you hard as we can see.

QuoteAnyway haven't you got another bone to chew on.

Cant let the opportuniyy go to miss now can i ? Rank hypocrisy is always pleasurable to take apart.

QuoteBTW left you a message on chatbox,that wasn't serious either.

;D :D

now who is being a "soft sod"???
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 29, 2021, 03:29:40 PM
i have a good sense of humour , but when someone accuses me of sounding like enoch powell , i sort of take it a wee bit seriously

Do you,considering some of the things you've posted didn't have you down as a soft sod

Anyway haven't you got another bone to chew on.

BTW left you a message on chatbox,that wasn't serious either. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on August 29, 2021, 03:20:24 PM
No having a laugh actually

i have a good sense of humour , but when someone accuses me of sounding like enoch powell , i sort of take it a wee bit seriously

At least i didnt vote for those who glorify powell unlike you .

QuoteOh get over yourself

thats the best retort you can do?  :D Truth must fecking hurt.

QuoteNo I don't feel anything about myself,just said for those who acted as interpretyers it was the right thing to do

The vast majority of evacuated afghans werent interpretors , making your continued bleating about doing the right thing for them nonsense.

QuoteDid I ?,well you find one post of mine where I've said that....another fact? plucked out of your fevered imagination

now that the old forum no longer exists to quote , as you well know ,that would be kinda hard to do wouldnt it cromwell. I do remember though many of your arguments  ,so now claiming you  DIDNT disagree with EU FOM is up there with the other horshit you came out with  on this thread like the taliban werent defeated conventionally which even deppity dawg "diplomatically " pointed out was horsepiss.
If only it were true

You wont deflect that easily.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 29, 2021, 03:09:12 PM
I take it you glossing over my point
No having a laugh actually

Quoteabout who has the moral high ground to lecture others about "racism" and who hasnt is you acknowledging my point ?

Lets re clarify , i have never voted for any individual , political party or movement that could in any way shape of form be described as anti immigrant and racist. The opposite is generally regarded to be true.

The fact remains you have , so linking me with enoch powell in some cowardly attack is quite clearly not just laughable , but hypocritical in the extreme.

Oh get over yourself

QuoteSo cromwell feels good about himself when an afghan who may have no connections with the uk military whatseover is "saved" and allwoed into blighty , .
No I don't feel anything about myself,just said for those who acted as interpretyers it was the right thing to do

Quotewhile cromwell railed for years about french doctors or bulgarian lorry drivers coming to work here simply because the uk once had an agreement of freedom of movement with the "hated " EU
Did I ?,well you find one post of mine where I've said that....another fact? plucked out of your fevered imagination

QuoteLost for words cromwell.
If only it were true :P and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Sampanviking on August 29, 2021, 02:52:51 PM
A new spin cycle has already begun trying to rewrite history and blaming, of course, everybody else.

Well if you want to see history being re written sampan you have come to the right place on here.

The yookay is world famous for its spin and re writing history...

I see they are reporting the yanks have targeted an airstrike on a suspected suicide bomber outside kabul airport. Meanwhile i was just reading this and thought it a good article about biden terrible misjudgement on the afghan withdrawal and its implications for america and the west...

The terrible cost of the tragedy at Kabul airport

QuoteAmerica's frantic, confused exit from Afghanistan was a humiliating shambles even before Thursday's terrorist attack. Now, it is something much worse. It is a deadly tragedy, leaving victims dead and injured and trapping thousands of Americans and friendly Afghans in a lethal environment, where terrorists roam free.

There will be a huge political price to pay for this disaster, and President Biden will pay it. This deadly fiasco didn't just happen on his watch. It happened because of his decisions, a series of fundamentally bad ones, taken by the President himself.

Gone are the days when the administration could trot out a press secretary to try and spin away the unfolding catastrophe, Jen Psaki could quibble over whether Americans were 'stranded'. Now, there are far more pressing questions the President himself must answer. He cannot just turn his back on the press corps and walk away. Those questions are 'how the hell did this happen?' and 'how on earth are you going to safely evacuate the rest of our own people and our friends? How can we prevent this from becoming a hostage crisis?'

Beyond those immediate questions lie larger ones about how to repair America's standing in the world now that the world's greatest military power has been visibly defeated.

The consequences for the Biden presidency are equally grave. Only a month ago, President Biden privately told his Nato allies that Kabul would be stable during the exit. He overrode their entreaties to leave a residual force. Only a month ago, President Biden held a press conference (you know, the kind where he actually answers questions) and told Americans he expected the friendly Afghan army to perform well against the Taliban and to prevent the terrorists from winning for many months, perhaps years. This was different from America's loss in Vietnam, he said, where Americans lined up on the embassy roof to escape by helicopter.
He was proved right. It is different. It's far worse.

Biden himself overruled the generals who wanted to keep a small residual force in Afghanistan to provide intelligence and air support for the Afghan army. Biden himself decided to execute this withdrawal in the middle of the fighting season, not during the winter lull when Taliban commanders traditionally pull back temporarily to Pakistan. Moreover, America tried to execute the entire withdrawal from a single airport, having abruptly abandoned the major airbase at Bagram literally in the middle of the night and apparently without arranging for local partners to replace US troops there. That left the US with only one location to stage its evacuation and provided terrorists with a rich target to attack. His perceived weakness and the lack of military resources on the ground invited attacks by US enemies and endangered every American who remained.

The Biden administration will pay a huge price for this slaughter and humiliating defeat. So too will America herself and her friends abroad.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on August 29, 2021, 01:31:31 PM
Well here you go smur sorry Thomas :P

I take it you glossing over my point about who has the moral high ground to lecture others about "racism" and who hasnt is you acknowledging my point ?

Lets re clarify , i have never voted for any individual , political party or movement that could in any way shape or form be described as anti immigrant and racist. The opposite is generally regarded to be true.

The fact remains you have , so linking me with enoch powell in some cowardly attack is quite clearly not just laughable , but hypocritical in the extreme.

QuoteDuring Operation Herrick (2003-2014) the UK employed approximately 7,000 local Afghans to assist British forces in overcoming language and cultural barriers and to help them forge relationships with local communities in areas they were deployed in. Of those 7,000 locally employed civilians, 2,850 worked as interpreters and translators for British forces on the frontline, largely in Helmand province. Some of these people are entitled to relocation in the UK, or elsewhere in Afghanistan, and financial support

The article actually states that originally the scheme was designed to help  1200 afghans , not 7000 , and that only half , not 5500 would be allowed to settle in the uk.
At that time, it was estimated that around 1,200 local staff would qualify for a redundancy package, and around half of those people would be eligible for resettlement in the UK.

The scheme then came under review due to home grown political criticism , ad for political reasons as a pr stunt , it was then reviewed and the numbers increased.

So what i originally said wasnt far from the truth.

The vast majority of these afghans didnt hold any sort of major role ( water carrier) with only a minority employed in meaningfull positions with in the armed forces , the vast majority being let in for no other reason than some feel good pr stunt to cover over the dismall failure of western forces and retreat with a victorious taliban taking over as america and its underlings face world wide humiliation.

So cromwell feels good about himself when an afghan who may have no connections with the uk military whatseover is "saved" and allowed into blighty , while cromwell railed for years about french doctors or bulgarian lorry drivers coming to work here simply because the uk once had an agreement of freedom of movement with the "hated " EU.

Lost for words cromwell.

Reap what you sow.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 29, 2021, 11:21:38 AM
Another article includes a commentary about disaffected young western men who now feel so alienated by our own western woke culture that they actually admire the Taliban. The west is so disunited now that the very people you'd need in any future conflict with the likes of a superpower like China would not fight for it anymore

Whichever way you look at it, the US's handling of this disaster and the political fall out is dreadful for the West, for the UK, for NATO allies, for Europe and for democracy in general. I always joked about liberalism eating itself. I wish I'd been wrong.

The key quote in your post DD
Yes the basic fact that those values that the establishment tell us are "our values" are nothing of the sort. They are alien and frankly ridiculous, which is why an ever increasing number regard them and those which disseminate them, with nothing but total contempt. I certainly would not fight for the so called values of our establishment and would encourage all others not to do so either.

There's is a through the looking glass world through a badly warped mirror, brainwashed into us through a 24/7 spin cycle of media puff and pretension. Afghanistan has bleakly exposed the puff for what it is and just how insubstantial it is against hard reality.
A new spin cycle has already begun trying to rewrite history and blaming, of course, everybody else.


Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 29, 2021, 11:21:38 AM
What am I guilty of now? :D
Nowt........well apart from being AWOL for long stretches :P and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on August 29, 2021, 01:17:17 PM
Apart from all that he's not a bad bloke  ;) :D
That was the scaled down version, the list is a lot longer be under no doubt, just a few mistakes, you couldn't make it up though, could you?
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on August 29, 2021, 11:35:50 AM

im not hurt cromwell. I have been called far far worse on this forum than a racist. Im simply pointing out your complete hypocrisy on the subject you old ukip voter you.

you wont wash that stain off in the years to come easily cromwell .

im not doing your work for you cromwell , you made the claim you link to it and back it up so i can have a look. If you can't , then we can simply take it as another empty comment of yours and ignore as ever.
Well here you go smur sorry Thomas :P
During Operation Herrick (2003-2014) the UK employed approximately 7,000 local Afghans to assist British forces in overcoming language and cultural barriers and to help them forge relationships with local communities in areas they were deployed in. Of those 7,000 locally employed civilians, 2,850 worked as interpreters and translators for British forces on the frontline, largely in Helmand province. Some of these people are entitled to relocation in the UK, or elsewhere in Afghanistan, and financial support.

From here,satisfied? course not. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Sheepy on August 29, 2021, 12:43:22 PM
I was listening to Blair the other day, one of their mouthpieces, he was saying they had made a few mistakes, how's that I thought, just because you have displaced millions of people, put millions of others in early graves, took down borders so there was no defence against mass immigration, left several countries as failed states, confused people so much they no longer even know what gender they are, destroyed about one third of the Worlds infrastructure and sent it to the Chinese. Created the largest ever monetary gap, while creating mass poverty not seen since the 30's around parts of the globe. While at the same time using democracy as their excuse, I don't know anyone who voted for any of the above. A few mistakes, feck knows what it would look like if they really fecked up!
Apart from all that he's not a bad bloke  ;) :D and affordable,not that hard is it?