Boris to blame?

Started by cromwell, August 18, 2021, 11:21:27 PM

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The only word I think of to describe the Parliamentary debate and the attitude of the Political Class in this country is Delusional.
I beggars belief that the so called leaders of this country can indulge is such utter fantasy.
The Puff, Spin and empty PR of the West has just come into contact with hard reality in Afghanistan, where is evaporated into the ether from which it was constructed.

Listening to talk of taking over the mission and going back in, is more comical than anything else.
A grand plan, hatched in the 90's, by the yanks, at the height of the unipolar moment, has failed dramatically and come to nothing.
Those that still think they can cling to the tatters need to be sectioned.


Keir Starmer Is Dragging Down the Labour Party

Labour held on in Batley and Spen in spite of Keir Starmer's unpopular leadership, not because of it. An effective local campaign kept him as far away as possible. In thrall to focus groups and media groupthink, Starmer is still guiding Labour onto the rocks.

much to postmans dismay , i think boris johnson may just actually be the luckiest politician alive in having an opponent like keir starmer and his shambolic party. :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on August 21, 2021, 05:49:25 PM
Blimey, I never thought about that.

So even the SNP don't like Starmer? Poor sod. If he put his hand in the till at the Royal Mint he would come out with a dodgy fiver  :)

Borkie , half the uk public think labour should change leader to have a chance in 2024 , and even 48 % of labour supporters think starmer should go.

I fink the snp and everyone else outside the labour party love starmer. The longer he stays at the helm of labour  , and annouces his adoration of blair , the better.

Never have i seen a labour leader as loathed as keir starmer is , even wurzel had his moments before it all fell in on him.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 21, 2021, 04:58:31 PM
well maybe your best hope is someone internally can take over the helm of the tory party , because i can't see starmer getting elected in 2024.

No matter how bad johnson may appear to you to be , no brexiter in england or scot nat in scotland is going to vote labour into power.

Maybe johnson just isnt as good at decline management as his forebears

Blimey, I never thought about that.

So even the SNP don't like Starmer? Poor sod. If he put his hand in the till at the Royal Mint he would come out with a dodgy fiver  :)
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Sheepy on August 21, 2021, 05:39:53 PM
I care about the people who we gave an obligation after they met their side of the bargain, that would make them eligible, I care that after the last 20 years of war for geopolitical politics the Aghan people find some peace and prosperity, they deserve at least that,  as for the goat herders landing today on the beach, I don't give a feck for and they should be sent back for their fecking cheek of denying anyone who does deserve a place in the UK that spot, because they think that somehow paying a people smuggler gives them rights of demand.

good for you sheepwash but unfortunately i couldnt give a feck and i suspect neither could most.

Thats the trouble with this world today too many cants sticking their beaks into other countries business ,and if the yanks are hanging  that hat up it can only be a good thing in my opinion.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 21, 2021, 05:31:57 PMsheepwash , lets cut to the chase here.

No one gives a flying feck about afghanistan. Not you , not me , not krankie or johnson no one.
I care about the people who we gave an obligation after they met their side of the bargain, that would make them eligible, I care that after the last 20 years of war for geopolitical politics the Aghan people find some peace and prosperity, they deserve at least that,  as for the goat herders landing today on the beach, I don't give a feck for and they should be sent back for their fecking cheek of denying anyone who does deserve a place in the UK that spot, because they think that somehow paying a people smuggler gives them rights of demand.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on August 21, 2021, 05:16:51 PM
I cannot say I am particularly bothered by it, we are keeping our obligations in Afghanistan despite Boris and his crew, every time remain stick up their heads, they get a good backside kicking and Boris is only there because Theresa May pretended, she would represent Brexit and if Boris hadn't stuck his nose in, we would have let her put through her idea of Brexit, the populist vote would have been united against it and we would have direct democracy by now. They are only filling their pockets as fast as they can and waving the power stick around, they know it is inevitable in the end.

sheepwash , lets cut to the chase here.

No one gives a flying feck about afghanistan. Not you , not me , not krankie or johnson no one.

The big story behind the whole thing is americas apparent volte face and sign it is about to stop acting the worlds policeman as the ordinary yank voters are getting the hump paying to protect eveyones elses interests and watching their sons  coming home in body bags.

I think it fun watching the globalists and all the other groups you go on about crying their eyes out as change happens in front of thier eyes where they once thought normal service would resume.

Someone said to me the other day they remember blair saying the uk was going in to afghanistan to stop the opiate trade........and data shows the yanks and the rest of the boys had poppy cultivation and opiate production through the roof the last twenty years showing yet again what a pack of lies that man spoke.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 21, 2021, 04:50:51 PM
Well if the yanks , the worlds foremost military and economic superpower with intellingence services that dwarf the uk , thought it was a good idea to leave afghanistan in the hands of those they had trained up to do the job sheepwash , im not sure what johnson could have done about this spectacular level of misjudgement?

The mistake of the uk was made twenty years ago , by mr blair and his ego as we all know , and since then , all the uk could do was tag along behind big brother in washington and try to save face as best it could.

The entire western world didnt anticipate what happened any more than johnson did , so he seems to be in good company.

Biden is taking the flak , and angry anglo remainers are trying to pin some of it on johnson , not because they care about afghanistan or anything else , simply because johnson is the anti christ for delivering brexit and upsetting them.
I cannot say I am particularly bothered by it, we are keeping our obligations in Afghanistan despite Boris and his crew, every time remain stick up their heads, they get a good backside kicking and Boris is only there because Theresa May pretended, she would represent Brexit and if Boris hadn't stuck his nose in, we would have let her put through her idea of Brexit, the populist vote would have been united against it and we would have direct democracy by now. They are only filling their pockets as fast as they can and waving the power stick around, they know it is inevitable in the end.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: patman post on August 21, 2021, 04:53:38 PM
The Johnson Government has presided over a dire couple of weeks of GB reputation dismantling in the ROW. Reports from Afghanistan show the British military is having to cope with inept political command in London, in addition to having been dropped in it by the US.   

I'm beginning to believe Johnson is vulnerable if he cannot deflect blame for the withdrawal debacle onto a specific person or department. If criticism of the govt continues at its current level for much longer. I predict there will have to be a change in management, or Gobal Britain will be regarded as a lightweight has-been on the UN Security Council and in other international organisations...

well maybe your best hope is someone internally can take over the helm of the tory party , because i cant see starmer getting elected in 2024.

No matter how bad johnson may appear to you to be , no brexiter in england or scot nat in scotland is going to vote labour into power.

Maybe johnson just isnt as good at decline management as his forebears
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

patman post

The Johnson Government has presided over a dire couple of weeks of GB reputation dismantling in the ROW. Reports from Afghanistan show the British military is having to cope with inept political command in London, in addition to having been dropped in it by the US.   

I'm beginning to believe Johnson is vulnerable if he cannot deflect blame for the withdrawal debacle onto a specific person or department. If criticism of the govt continues at its current level for much longer. I predict there will have to be a change in management, or Gobal Britain will be regarded as a lightweight has-been on the UN Security Council and in other international organisations...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Sheepy on August 21, 2021, 04:38:07 PM
The yanks didn't pull the plug as such they said they were leaving and left the country in the hands of a well-armed and trained forces, that decided they weren't going to put up any real resistance to the Taliban, so I guess those said forces had decided the Taliban were the better choice with their new found worldly view. Which it seems Boris and all his security services didn't have a clue about or the Americans for that matter, although all the signs had been around for a while, maybe they needed a few more meetings. But I am told Boris is finally catching on.

Well if the yanks , the worlds foremost military and economic superpower with intellingence services that dwarf the uk , thought it was a good idea to leave afghanistan in the hands of those they had trained up to do the job sheepwash , im not sure what johnson could have done about this spectacular level of misjudgement?

The mistake of the uk was made twenty years ago , by mr blair and his ego as we all know , and since then , all the uk could do was tag along behind big brother in washington and try to save face as best it could.

The entire western world didnt anticipate what happened any more than johnson did , so he seems to be in good company.

Biden is taking the flak , and angry anglo remainers are trying to pin some of it on johnson , not because they care about afghanistan or anything else , simply because johnson is the anti christ for delivering brexit and upsetting them.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 21, 2021, 04:29:40 PM
im not sure what he could have adapted to when the yanks pulled the rug out from under the western forces.

As i said sheep its the same thinking from the same suspects that thought once they removed trump it would be back to business as usual. Once they remove johnson , they think it will be back to normal too , and brexit can be overturned etc etc etc.

Criticism is fine when it is merited , but its not being directed at the right person in this case.

The only alternative is starmer and his party , do you see those muppets doing any better?

The yanks didn't pull the plug as such they said they were leaving and left the country in the hands of a well-armed and trained forces, that decided they weren't going to put up any real resistance to the Taliban, so I guess those said forces had decided the Taliban were the better choice with their new found worldly view. Which it seems Boris and all his security services didn't have a clue about or the Americans for that matter, although all the signs had been around for a while, maybe they needed a few more meetings. But I am told Boris is finally catching on.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on August 21, 2021, 04:25:16 PM
Probably not his fault, but his ability to adapt was sorely lacking.

im not sure what he could have adapted to when the yanks pulled the rug out from under the western forces.

As i said sheep its the same thinking from the same suspects that thought once they removed trump it would be back to business as usual. Once they remove johnson , they think it will be back to normal too , and brexit can be overturned etc etc etc.

Criticism is fine when it is merited , but its not being directed at the right person in this case.

The only alternative is starmer and his party , do you see those muppets doing any better?

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on August 21, 2021, 03:43:29 PM
I dont like johnson , and have never voted for his party as you know cromwell , but the idea he is to blame for this is of course laughable sour grapes from al lthe usual suspects.

The spectre of blair as you have said hangs all over this , like it hangs over many many problems the uk currently faces , and the mans infamy grows daily despite being out of office for well over a decade now.
Probably not his fault, but his ability to adapt was sorely lacking.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: cromwell on August 18, 2021, 11:21:27 PM
I think not,watching proceedings in the HoC show the opportunists,those out for blood or revenge.

Boris may not be the ideal but he is right it is delusional to think this country could do anything once the yanks ran away.

Any guilt for this lies in the past leaders and the lesson we didn't learn not to blindly follow Washington.

There is a lesson though and hopefully learned we can't rely on the yanks,I have no regrets on leaving the eu but Europe and nato must prepare to plan for their own security and defence.

I dont like johnson , and have never voted for his party as you know cromwell , but the idea he is to blame for this is of course laughable sour grapes from al lthe usual suspects.

The spectre of blair as you have said hangs all over this , like it hangs over many many problems the uk currently faces , and the mans infamy grows daily despite being out of office for well over a decade now.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!