How about a free for all board/forum/whatever?

Started by Borchester, August 23, 2021, 11:24:35 AM

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Quote from: srb7677 on September 11, 2021, 04:21:27 PM
I pretty much agree apart from the fact that I think ever effort made by any of us to be just a lkittle less quick to anger is worthwhile.

people are people steve , and the point is you have to accept all the different characteristics.

Even pappysmurf has been let back on the forum after his lifetime ban for banal posting and talking bollocks in every other post , so the mods are becoming fairly relaxed , although wont let things go too far.

If you can survive a pappysmurf trolling session , or a sneering patman post wankfest , then a few angry words quickly forgotten in the heat of debate should be no problem.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 11, 2021, 04:15:24 PM
Good for you if true , so the moral of what is being said is no more blocking, give as good as you get , quick to laugh , quick to anger , quick to forget.

Its the interwebby , and at the end of the day , none of it matters in the grand scheme of life.

Im sure we all have far more important issues going on that require our attention than a few muppets on a politics forum talking bollocks about the world.
I pretty much agree apart from the fact that I think ever effort made by any of us to be just a lkittle less quick to anger is worthwhile.

The fact that I go long periods without visiting this site is itself testimony to the fact that I do not let it become a serious part of my life. Have spent longer here today than I have done for ages but must depart soon to connect with the forums I reach out to comrades on.

Anyway, life is too short for stressing on sites like this.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on September 11, 2021, 04:08:55 PM
I am not going to dispute that. But I have learned from that. I take it a lot less seriously these days.

Good for you if true , so the moral of what is being said is no more blocking, give as good as you get , quick to laugh , quick to anger , quick to forget.

Its the interwebby , and at the end of the day , none of it matters in the grand scheme of life.

Im sure we all have far more important issues going on that require our attention than a few muppets on a politics forum talking bollocks about the world.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 11, 2021, 03:14:36 PM
im simply offering up another explanation to what you are punting .

Like i said steve , im not trying to belittle you   , but you have to admit you have gained a reputation over the years of being particularly thin skinned and taking debate far too seriously at times.

...and here we are.
I am not going to dispute that. But I have learned from that. I take it a lot less seriously these days. I have long since learned that forums like this mean nothing in the big scheme of things beyond being places where people of differing views can debate with each other just because they want to. The important stuff that really matters takes plce offline, and in as much as anything online matters it is as part of organised parties or campaigns, often in cooperation compatriots working together in pursuit of a cause. Forums like this are just for fun.

If Insignificant set of Pixels A rocks up and says such and such should be done and Insignificant set of Pixels B responds by saying he is being idiotic, it matters not at all. In the real world, in cooperation with real life compatriots or comrades, we can sometimes help to make a difference, however small. Here, you and I are just another couple of sets of insignificant pixels, mattering not at all and changing nothing.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on September 11, 2021, 02:52:59 PM
Thomas, all blocking you said about me was that I found you tiresome to deal with. This was largely for reasons relating to constant misinterpretings and misunderstandings, leading quite frequently to you attacking me for things I hadn't said and didn't think. When I tried to correct you as to what I was actually saying and thinking, you'd often just double down and insist that what you said i was saying and thinking was the truth. And we'd have a whole tiresome argument about that. It was not honest debating. I found this tiresome and chose to block you.

You see, unlike with many of you, this forum is not a big part of my life. I am only here for the pleasure of it and nothing more. If it ceases to be enjoyable I will leave or possibly simply block any overly antagonistic elements that are making honest debate - which I enjoy - difficult by not honestly debating.

There is nothing more to it than that. It has nothing to do with disagreeing with you. I have not blocked anyone else I have disagreed with. I have in any case unblocked you now so there really is no further need for long winded whinges about it.

im simply offering up another explanation to what you are punting .

Like i said steve , im not trying to belittle you   , but you have to admit you have gained a reputation over the years of being particularly thin skinned and taking debate far too seriously at times.

...and here we are.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Thomas, all blocking you said about me was that I found you tiresome to deal with. This was largely for reasons relating to constant misinterpretings and misunderstandings, leading quite frequently to you attacking me for things I hadn't said and didn't think. When I tried to correct you as to what I was actually saying and thinking, you'd often just double down and insist that what you said i was saying and thinking was the truth. And we'd have a whole tiresome argument about that. It was not honest debating. I found this tiresome and chose to block you.

You see, unlike with many of you, this forum is not a big part of my life. I am only here for the pleasure of it and nothing more. If it ceases to be enjoyable I will leave or possibly simply block any overly antagonistic elements that are making honest debate - which I enjoy - difficult by not honestly debating.

There is nothing more to it than that. It has nothing to do with disagreeing with you. I have not blocked anyone else I have disagreed with. I have in any case unblocked you now so there really is no further need for long winded whinges about it.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on September 11, 2021, 12:46:52 PM
Thomas, there you go again, lol, misinterpreting. If you think the reason I barely come here is because of you, who were blocked anyway, you clearly have delusions of significance.

I dont steve honestly , and thats clearly what im saying to you. Im not significant enough to warrant blocking , or mentioning in every other post. These are just words on a debating board on an obscure politics  forum in the darkest corners of the interwebby , and as such , as i have always said to you , not worth taking seriously in the grand scheme of things.
Hate to break it to you, but blocking you is not a sign that I view your rantings with any significance. It has a lot more to do with me not having wanted to hear from you at all.

I think it was people like uganda , and others  , on forums like this who said they couldnt see the point of blocking anyone.

The whole point of the forum is debate , and debate entails hearing the good bad and ugly , and generally things we often vehemently disagree with , as well as all the tactics of debate involved.

Blocking anyone says a lot more about you than the individual involved.

May i suggest a "weakness" of character?

Some people , like quackers , just want a platform to make announcements unopposed. Some like me come for the arguments.

Others like to look down their noses on people they clearly despise  , as in patman post.

Some merely are looking for a friend in the world and universal agreements.

The bottom line is , though , we get all sorts  with all sorts of views and behaviour . Generally the mods are fairly decent and even handed , and deal with it before it gets too out of hand and at the end of the day steve no one forces you to come here..

Like i said, i think personally you take it all a wee bit too seriously. maybe it just means you care , i dont know , but you shouldnt let it worry you or obsess about it.

I can assure you steve , the last thing i think about is this forum , who has offended me or who i have offended , or what point has been scored for or against me.

I couldnt care less , and i suggest you should too , and you might feel debating on adult forums a more enjoyable pastime.......
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Thomas, there you go again, lol, misinterpreting. If you think the reason I barely come here is because of you, who were blocked anyway, you clearly have delusions of significance. I rarely come here because most of the time I have little free time and more important stuff to fill it with....but it just so happens I have had this week off.

Hate to break it to you, but blocking you is not a sign that I view your rantings with any significance. It has a lot more to do with me not having wanted to hear from you at all.

But feel free to continue with your delusions of significance, lol.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on September 11, 2021, 11:56:26 AM
What makes you think you are important enough for me to hate? .

Two things really ,

1. the fact you thought me important enough to block

2. the fact that barely a post goes by you dont mention my name .

You really need to get over things and stop taking words so seriously.
You are in fact so insignificant to me that I barely bother coming here anymore.


That sentence implies i was the main reason you came on here in the first place.

im flattered stsve  , no really , but im honestly not that important.

QuoteAs for speaking the truth about me, I am not going to say that every single word you utter is a lie because that would be silly. But you have delighted in lying about me in the past, and contimued to do so when I pointed out that you were incorrect. Eg my alleged ddope=smoking habits when I havent touched the stuff since I was a young man.

You have just damned yourself with your own words. So i wasnt lieing when i said you smoked dope , as you admit above? Dearie me steve , talk about stringing yourself up.

QuoteI lack the inclination to go searching for specific posts from many months ago

So "the lies" in plural you claim i said about you turned out to be one thing you self admit is true , not a lie and you can't offer any other "evidence"?

There you go steve , i rest my case.

debate if thats what you are here to do , dont whinge , block and make up silly stories and fantasy you can't prove then run away crying about it as though you are the victim.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on September 11, 2021, 11:43:06 AM
i havent insulted you on this thread stsve , and you havent responded to my polite invitation to show me via the quote tags where i have allegedly lied about you.?

You talk of meaningfull debate , yet as borkie hints are quite carefree with you own insults aimed at others that you disagree with , but merely can't handle the heat when it is returned in kind.

No one is more hated than the man who speaks the truth , and that certainly applies in your case with me.

You seem to merely come on here these days not to deabte , but merely whinge in my opinion  , which is sad. Perhaps if you recognised your own part in what you complain about in terms of "lack of debate " we could all move on , but you wont , so here we are.
What makes you think you are important enough for me to hate? lol. I couldnt really care less about you but certainly harbour no malice. You are in fact so insignificant to me that I barely bother coming here anymore.

As for speaking the truth about me, I am not going to say that every single word you utter is a lie because that would be silly. But you have delighted in lying about me in the past, and contimued to do so when I pointed out that you were incorrect. Eg my alleged dope-smoking habits when I havent touched the stuff since I was a young man. I lack the inclination to go searching for specific posts from many months ago - am not going to waste my time on such tasks because I have a life - but you know full well you have blatantly lied and/or misremembered things about me. You also frequently misrepresent or misinterpret what I am saying so debates between us end up with you attacking straw men whilst I point out that you are attacking something I never said or thought.

And this entire thread began as a whinge by your sidekick that he wasn;t allowed to call people bad names. I merely gave my opinion that such juvenile playground crap has no place on any intelligent forum. So for you to moan - on a thread like this - about me whinging is laughable really.

All of which is why you were blocked for so long. But enough of this. I'm bored now.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on September 11, 2021, 11:33:22 AM
The reason TOP doesn't exist is because of pointlessly insulting and provocative posts like yours. But at least you have successfully demonstrated how utterly idiotic it would be for any sensible forum to allow such a place. Neanderthals like you and Thomas would be free to express all your most reptilian brained impulses, just generating more bullshit and little meaningful debate and the forum would suffer.

i havent insulted you on this thread stsve , and you havent responded to my polite invitation to show me via the quote tags where i have allegedly lied about you.?

You talk of meaningfull debate , yet as borkie hints are quite carefree with you own insults aimed at others that you disagree with , but merely cant handle the heat when it is returned in kind.

No one is more hated than the man who speaks the truth , and that certainly applies in your case with me.

You seem to merely come on here these days not to deabte , but merely whinge in my opinion  , which is sad. Perhaps if you recognised your own part in what you complain about in terms of "lack of debate " we could all move on , but you wont , so here we are.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Moderator Notice

This topic was not intended to be a source of abuse. I will be editing it shortly, so stop the personal attacks, now, please.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Borchester on September 11, 2021, 10:43:59 AM
The usual provocative crap, blah,blah, blah...

The reason TOP doesn't exist is because of pointlessly insulting and provocative posts like yours. But at least you have successfully demonstrated how utterly idiotic it would be for any sensible forum to allow such a place. Neanderthals like you and Thomas would be free to express all your most reptilian brained impulses, just generating more bullshit and little meaningful debate and the forum would suffer.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on September 09, 2021, 06:24:35 AM
A place where people are free to insult and wind each other up with impunity will create animosities that leak out onto the rest of the forum. And it would become an eager playground for trolls.

Yes it can be mildly irritating when some mod slaps us down for getting a bit carried away and close to the knuckle. But that is the necessary price of a forum where reasonable debate takes place.

I know I blocked Thomas for repeatedly lying about me and misrepresenting what I was saying all the time, an annoyance I didn't feel like I wanted to have to bother with. Hence the block. Though I am here so infrequently these days that I have just unblocked him again and will see how we get along. I do dread to think though how he'd behave to those he disagreed with in a forum with no rules.

Such a forum would I am sure do more harm than good. I remember what it could be like in there when we had one. If someone annoyed you, you could go there and make all sorts of attacks on their character, their intelligence, or whatever which of course they would respond to in kind. It was often ugly and I remember no good coming from it.

Don't be such a wimp.

You are continually rattling on about what a bunch of arse holes your political opponents ( who currently appear to be another bunch of blameless lefties) are, and now you are complaining  about a few high words.

Comments removed by Barry
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: HDQQ on September 10, 2021, 09:25:53 PM
I'd already thrown most of my teddies out of my pram before the referendum. With your talent for creative reinterpretation of the past I'd have thought you, of all people, would remember that!

What i do fervently remember is your creative reinterpretation of democracy when it suits you , who can and cant have referendums , no matter how hypocritical it makes you look , and which democratic decisions you think should be implemented or not as the case may be based purely on your own selfish beliefs .

What was it? Five electoral kickings at the ballot box before it finally dawned on that fevered mind of yours that maybe , just maybe , the voting public didnt agree with quackers warped view of the world ?

There is a reason why the  illiberal antidemocrats are viewed as a comedy cult across the disunited kingdom , and you certainly fit right in there with your zany views and constant incorrect predictions we have come to amuse ourselves reading over the years.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!