Biden shuns EU with Asia-Pacific power play

Started by Borchester, September 16, 2021, 11:19:26 PM

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Quote from: GerryT on September 20, 2021, 08:31:48 PM
Are you sure about that, a commission decision, Mutti as you put it isn't in the commission. So has nothing to do with this.
First a WUM now a comedian,but are you worth the effort?

Probably not. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on September 20, 2021, 07:18:07 PM
Well Macron has run off to Mutti (you know the woman who doesn't tell the eu what to do..........chapter2 verse5 the book of Gerry) and looks like they're going to suspend trade talks with Oz.
The French have cancelled a defence meeting with us, Boris has stated we are best buddies and no offence was meant all the while laughing.
Are you sure about that, a commission decision, Mutti as you put it isn't in the commission. So has nothing to do with this.


Quote from: Nick on September 20, 2021, 06:18:29 PM
French Resistance! Isn't that just having more reverse gears than forwards ?
Nothing like your retreat at Dunkirk, while the French stayed to fight, so your lads could scamper after only a couple of days fighting.

You see, you lot can't help yourself slagging off the French. Not nice is it. The superiority complex you have is second to none though.


Quote from: Borchester on September 20, 2021, 06:57:04 PM
I suppose the real question is what form France's vengeance will take. I remember how we all starved to death when Gerry got Ireland to cut off the beef supplies. God knows what the French have lined up for us.
Well Macron has run off to Mutti (you know the woman who doesn't tell the eu what to do..........chapter2 verse5 the book of Gerry) and looks like they're going to suspend trade talks with Oz.
The French have cancelled a defence meeting with us, Boris has stated we are best buddies and no offence was meant all the while laughing. and affordable,not that hard is it?


I suppose the real question is what form France's vengeance will take. I remember how we all starved to death when Gerry got Ireland to cut off the beef supplies. God knows what the French have lined up for us.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: cromwell on September 19, 2021, 10:14:10 PM
History? You are clueless,the French Resistance did not exist at the time of Dunkirk.

You spout foolishness based on a hatred all things English.

French Resistance! Isn't that just having more reverse gears than forwards ?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: cromwell on September 20, 2021, 03:05:40 PM
More anti English bollocks with a grasp of history and grammar of a donkey.
First off it was the Americans coined the phrase cheese eating surrender monkeys.
It's not anti-english if true. Just your perception of reality is warped. You can understand the points I make, for a donkey I'm not doing too bad on here with you superior lot. Maybe the USA did, I never said the UK coined the phrase, but the UK have well worn it out

Quote from: cromwell on September 20, 2021, 03:05:40 PM
Secondly the Royal Navy evacuated 75000 French troops from Dunkirk,more than 40000 British military were captured at Dunkirk,they didn't run away.
But for that and later the Battle of Britain you'd be speaking German.
So why don't you run along and take you anti English bile and hatred with you in a manner normally viewed as the reproductive process.
The navy plus a fleet of civilians(brave men) got those soldiers off the beach, the captured british military were on the beach heading home, not heading to battle. That was the opposite direction. I've nothing against those soldiers, if they were told to march to berlin, they most likely would have, or died on the way. My comments are about Churchill, the leaders who make these decisions. I'm sure the UK Navy/Airforce that were bombing the French didn't want to do it, but orders are orders.
But for the English I'd be speaking Irish. But for the Russians, who broke the back of the Germans I'd be speaking German. No doubt the USA with their minion in tow had a part to play, but the lion's share of the credit would have to go to Russia.
I suppose you'd disagree, you can make a point if you want.
I mention the UK, you keep talking about "English". Do try keep up.


Quote from: GerryT on September 20, 2021, 02:34:57 PM
Your correct, but only 14 days in it. "however, after the Second World War, de Gaulle's speech of 18 June 1940 became enshrined in French history as the starting point of the French Resistance"
Dunkirk finished 4th June.
I stand corrected, as per the attached. It was 40,000 French troops, not the resistance, that stood in front of the advancing Germans so that the troops trapped on the beach could flee. That's French troops saving the UK army, which was the core of my point, which you always miss for trivial detail.

What's interesting is Churchill told his troops to advance to the beach, basically run away, as this article put it. Just days into the battle. The UK only lost 4,206 troops, mostly on the beach, so why were they advancing to the beach (that's running away in laymans talk).

It's just ironic that the UK like to call their French neighbours "Cheese-eating surrender monkeys", after the UK bombs them to bits at Mers-el-Kébir and then the UK runs away at Dunkirk as the French protect them as they leave the battle. I never knew that was a Churchill order just days into the battle, so that he could accept a truce with Germany, you learn something new every day.
It's no wonder Johnson models himself on Churchill, they came from the same mould.
More anti English bollocks with a grasp of history and grammar of a donkey.

First off it was the Americans coined the phrase cheese eating surrender monkeys.

Secondly the Royal Navy evacuated 75000 French troops from Dunkirk,more than 40000 British military were captured at Dunkirk,they didn't run away.

But for that and later the Battle of Britain you'd be speaking German.

So why don't you run along and take you anti English bile and hatred with you in a manner normally viewed as the reproductive process. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Barry on September 19, 2021, 11:13:25 PM
Gerry, I bet you're (you are) proud of this.
So you would agree with this bit:

Sections of the British and American conservative elites were also misled into believing that Hitler was an indispensable tonic for the chaos that Germany experienced during the Weimar Republic before 1933

It's a good article and shows how Ireland pre war was using Germany to help remove the partition that GB had put in Ireland
"Not only that, if Hitler's case for the inclusion of all ethnic Germans within a "Greater Germany" was tolerated, did this not strengthen de Valera's case to end Irish partition?"
from the same article
However, in the final analysis, de Valera drew the line in 1939. The Irish Government did not recognise the German annexation of the rump Czechoslovakia in March 1939. Hitler's employment of force, coupled with the absence of a German national claim on these regions, crossed the Rubicon. Until late 1938, the retention of Bewley may have served de Valera's purposes, but the baring of Hitler's true intent and Bewley's unabashed apologia for the Hitlerite excesses transformed him into a liability. Worse, in an irrevocable bout of insubordination, Bewley criticised de Valera's foreign policy as pro-British, anti-Irish and anti-German. He had to go. De Valera hastily prepared the ground for neutrality as the war clouds gathered over Europe.

You look at a headline and make up the story. The book is Ireland, Germany and the Nazis: Politics and Diplomacy, 1919-1939 by Mervyn O'Driscoll What your reading is mostly pre war, I said DeValera's condolence was wrong, but the above is more interesting than anything.


Quote from: cromwell on September 19, 2021, 10:14:10 PM
History? You are clueless,the French Resistance did not exist at the time of Dunkirk.
Your correct, but only 14 days in it. "however, after the Second World War, de Gaulle's speech of 18 June 1940 became enshrined in French history as the starting point of the French Resistance"
Dunkirk finished 4th June.

Quote from: cromwell on September 19, 2021, 10:14:10 PMYou spout foolishness based on a hatred all things English.
I stand corrected, as per the attached. It was 40,000 French troops, not the resistance, that stood in front of the advancing Germans so that the troops trapped on the beach could flee. That's French troops saving the UK army, which was the core of my point, which you always miss for trivial detail.

What's interesting is Churchill told his troops to advance to the beach, basically run away, as this article put it. Just days into the battle. The UK only lost 4,206 troops, mostly on the beach, so why were they advancing to the beach (that's running away in laymans talk).

It's just ironic that the UK like to call their French neighbours "Cheese-eating surrender monkeys", after the UK bombs them to bits at Mers-el-Kébir and then the UK runs away at Dunkirk as the French protect them as they leave the battle. I never knew that was a Churchill order just days into the battle, so that he could accept a truce with Germany, you learn something new every day.
It's no wonder Johnson models himself on Churchill, they came from the same mould.


Quote from: Barry on September 19, 2021, 11:13:25 PMGerry, I bet you're (you are) proud of this.

forgo it barry" you is waisting you're thyme; 😉
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Gerry, I bet you're (you are) proud of this.
QuoteA phantom hangs over Ireland's relations with Hitler's Germany. Since Eamon de Valera's visit to the Third Reich's minister to Ireland on 2 May 1945, the spectre of pro-Nazism has dogged Ireland's reputation. De Valera's condolences on the suicide of the German head of state, Adolf Hitler, spawned immediate international condemnation. He gifted his critics all the ammunition that they desired to stigmatise Ireland.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: GerryT on September 19, 2021, 10:01:26 PM
I'm talking about one third of France wasn't occupied. I'm talking about the french resistance that died so that the UK army could get off the beach at Dunkirk, which without that help many thousand would have died and I'm talking about many UK people and it seems you included disrespect the French for what the did for your country, shameful.
You have a very slanted view on history, prob because your country through the decades were the bad guys doing the invading and oppression/killing. Why would WW1 and WW2 history in the UK be any different.

That bit in bold, you say Churchill had full backing at the time, from who, the French ? from who ?  who but the UK decided to bomb the french boats with f/French crew and send 1,300 souls to their death ?
Eh? I never told them to round up over 70,000 jews or collaborate with uncle Adolf, have you been at the poteen again?
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: GerryT on September 19, 2021, 10:01:26 PM
I'm talking about one third of France wasn't occupied. I'm talking about the french resistance that died so that the UK army could get off the beach at Dunkirk, which without that help many thousand would have died and I'm talking about many UK people and it seems you included disrespect the French for what the did for your country, shameful.
You have a very slanted view on history, prob because your country through the decades were the bad guys doing the invading and oppression/killing. Why would WW1 and WW2 history in the UK be any different.

That bit in bold, you say Churchill had full backing at the time, from who, the French ? from who ?  who but the UK decided to bomb the french boats with f/French crew and send 1,300 souls to their death ?
History? You are clueless,the French Resistance did not exist at the time of Dunkirk.

You spout foolishness based on a hatred all things English. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Sheepy on September 19, 2021, 05:50:36 PM
Oh, you mean where the French resistance were arrested and shot where after the war the French chased down the collaborators. That part of France. It didn't look like much in the way of freedom. I am sure plenty of French would also agree. Winston Churchill made his decision in a time of war with full backing at the time. now back to understanding some geopolitical politics.
I'm talking about one third of France wasn't occupied. I'm talking about the french resistance that died so that the UK army could get off the beach at Dunkirk, which without that help many thousand would have died and I'm talking about many UK people and it seems you included disrespect the French for what the did for your country, shameful.
You have a very slanted view on history, prob because your country through the decades were the bad guys doing the invading and oppression/killing. Why would WW1 and WW2 history in the UK be any different.

That bit in bold, you say Churchill had full backing at the time, from who, the French ? from who ?  who but the UK decided to bomb the french boats with f/French crew and send 1,300 souls to their death ?