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Macron is really miffed

Started by T00ts, September 17, 2021, 09:36:33 PM

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Quote from: GerryT on September 20, 2021, 12:27:55 PM
Easily fixed with a new Govt. I'm not advocating any party, just get Johnson out.
That answers Thomas's question. We know why you are here.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: GerryT on September 20, 2021, 12:17:26 PM
Which it seems the EU truly struggle with accepting.  How so, I don't think the EU has any opinion or comment on who the UK wants to pal with. I might comment but, has the EU ?  maybe you could clarify.
So we do all know it is about geopolitics over in EU land then Who said anything about geopolitics ?  I said the EU has their strategic plan for dealing with China, it's very different to the USA one. This above most is the most likely reason that USA and EU aren't in a pact together, they wouldn't agree on the strategy. So that answers that question.
The UK doesn't seem to have a plan on China either, but it's falling in line behind the USA and will do what it's told.
I did, we will just turn up and take a pragmatic approach without panic and drama just like on the tarmac in Afghanistan. Which I am sure will go down as a great achievement at some point. Our reporter Barry on the spot will report on progress as usual.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: GerryT on September 20, 2021, 12:27:55 PM
Easily fixed with a new Govt. I'm not advocating any party, just get Johnson out.
When Smurphy and Murphy have finished, oh my little secret.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: papasmurf on September 20, 2021, 12:20:28 PM
Would appear to be the reality.
Easily fixed with a new Govt. I'm not advocating any party, just get Johnson out.


Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Sheepy on September 20, 2021, 10:36:37 AM
So we do all know it is about geopolitics over in EU land then, the EU has chosen its path and may it be a rocky one, true the fallout from the US corporate globalism is not pretty and no I don't always agree with them, but when it comes to choosing my friends, I will make my own choice. Which it seems the EU truly struggle with accepting. Why the feck they would expect me to accept the view of a political student who doesn't know his arse from his elbow, is probably another matter.
Which it seems the EU truly struggle with accepting.  How so, I don't think the EU has any opinion or comment on who the UK wants to pal with. I might comment but, has the EU ?  maybe you could clarify.
So we do all know it is about geopolitics over in EU land then Who said anything about geopolitics ?  I said the EU has their strategic plan for dealing with China, it's very different to the USA one. This above most is the most likely reason that USA and EU aren't in a pact together, they wouldn't agree on the strategy. So that answers that question.
The UK doesn't seem to have a plan on China either, but it's falling in line behind the USA and will do what it's told.


Quote from: GerryT on September 20, 2021, 10:18:06 AM
So the EU with a very slightly larger market than China has a strategic plan to trade and build relations with China, that makes us their lap dog ?  would that then make the UK is Canada's lap dog for striking a trade deal with them ?
The UK has followed the USA around the globe doing what they say. The weapons of mass destruction being the best example, the UK being used to legitimise unlawful acts by the USA and also by the UK.  Their your best buddy, what trade deal did they give you then ?
So we do all know it is about geopolitics over in EU land then, the EU has chosen its path and may it be a rocky one, true the fallout from the US corporate globalism is not pretty and no I don't always agree with them, but when it comes to choosing my friends, I will make my own choice. Which it seems the EU truly struggle with accepting. Why the feck they would expect me to accept the view of a political student who doesn't know his arse from his elbow, is probably another matter.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: GerryT on September 20, 2021, 08:42:34 AM
Im on mobile so i'll shorten my reply.





Christ, I thought I was the long post king.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Sheepy on September 20, 2021, 08:59:28 AM
Don't that make the EU Chinas lap dog then? I wouldn't bother answering, because they already said they would be for a trade deal with China.
So the EU with a very slightly larger market than China has a strategic plan to trade and build relations with China, that makes us their lap dog ?  would that then make the UK is Canada's lap dog for striking a trade deal with them ?
The UK has followed the USA around the globe doing what they say. The weapons of mass destruction being the best example, the UK being used to legitimise unlawful acts by the USA and also by the UK.  Their your best buddy, what trade deal did they give you then ?


Quote from: GerryT on September 20, 2021, 08:56:29 AM
Did you read that article,
EU's approach to China is different, more about co-operation.
EU comment that the last time a USA & UK venture was Afghan, and we know how that turned out.
EU dissapointed there was no discussion, not that the EU weren't involved, as it seems the USA/UK approach is not what the EU wants.

Looking more like the UK being the US lap dog again, but time will tell, early days yet.

Don't that make the EU Chinas lap dog then? I wouldn't bother answering, because they already said they would be for a trade deal with China.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on September 20, 2021, 08:37:07 AM

not just the uk press gerry , the EU is getting bad press worldwide. :D

Did you read that article,
EU's approach to China is different, more about co-operation.
EU comment that the last time a USA & UK venture was Afghan, and we know how that turned out.
EU dissapointed there was no discussion, not that the EU weren't involved, as it seems the USA/UK approach is not what the EU wants.

Looking more like the UK being the US lap dog again, but time will tell, early days yet.


Quote from: Thomas on September 20, 2021, 08:15:28 AM
Thats what various articles have said , why is France surprised when the arguing and problems have been going on and getting worse for 15 months if not more?

As i said , smacks more of delusion and macron using it to distract the massive issues he has.

wel aye , France couldnt meet autralias strategic need , so they said non.

Maybe someone  should send macron a little pink dress and a pack of tampons.
france and Aus might well have been arguing but that doesn't mean alot. I argue with my wife , we prob all do, doesn't mean we all get divorced.
As for meeting spec, I read somewhere that the French sub is a copy of their nuclear sub design with the diesel electric alteration. If AUS had wanted nuclear from the start that was an option or the Aus could have gone to USA from day 1. Are you suggesting that Aus did no due dilligence when awarding the contract.
The press are quick to jump and in the UK turn it into a brexit think, which it doesn't seem to be from what i've read.


Quote from: Thomas on September 20, 2021, 07:52:12 AM
Everything about you Gerry is "untruthfull".

You try and play the concerned "irishman" in Dublin , but your sole purpose of posting on here is to rubbish brexit to the exclusion of all else , and defend the EU.

I have never heard of  , nor met an alleged irishman from the republic so concerned with the uk and its current dealing s as you are. You arent just some "ordinary " poster on here to discuss political issues , you are like a bad smell that surfaces every time the EU/Brexit is mentioned .

Your posting style , despite your dismissal , is reminiscent of an old poster from our previous forum , who incidentally also had a "sister" living in my country.

What actually is your motive for being on here ?

You originally said brexit was done , thats it , we left back at the start of the transition period when you thought the uk could still be tied to some eu deal , now the transition is over ,you claim "brexit isnt done" because you didnt get the stitch up you wanted.

You claim you dont want the uk to rejoin , or BRINO or whatever , so i assume you are trying to win over hearts and minds to rubbish brexit and hope your old party labour can get back into power and stitch the uk up by signing us back into the EU by the back door?! I would physically crawl to the polling station to vote to stop the labour party getting back into power such is my contempt and hatred for them , like most of the uk.

Most of us on here can discuss various political issues , that what the forum is for. You however are like a broken down record player saying the same thing , the same tired old arguments , over and over again and again , simply because you cannot accept democracy. Not that its anything to do with you of course , not being a uk citizen.......

....very reminicent of that same old despised former poster who used to post on this forums predesscessor regarding new labour and defending tony blairs legacy long after they were kicked out of power and blairs legacy reduced to ashes.......
Im on mobile so i'll shorten my reply. Wheather you believe i'm Irish or not is irrelavent, my points stand, remember attack the post not the poster.
I've consistently said im interested in Brexit which is why I came to a UK site to get a UK viewpoint. Where I post in IRL there are only one or two that are pro Brexit and  they put forward very weak arguments, just like on here. But if you think I'm a lone voice in IRL then you don't know much about posters on Irish sites, there is strong interest in brexit.
Brexit isn't finished, the UK leaving the EU is finished. Brexit is the UK functioning outside of the EU systems and processes, the UK has only started that journey,
If you look at import controls, the UK haven't yet started these. That has WTO issues as the EU can ship everything to the UK unchecked while other countries can't, this breaks WTO least favoured nation terms. The UK gave itself an extension from Jan to Oct but it doesn't look ready so may give itself a further extension. This is great for EU countries as the checks are only UK to EU and not the other way. But if the UK continues with delays some WTO countries will get upset with the preferential treatment the UK is giving the EU.
Why is this happening, well the UK aren't ready, no adequate port infrastructure, not enough customs/vet staff, the promised computer systems haven't materialised, the list goes on.
I dont want, have never tried to argue to keep the UK in the EU. I wanted to try understand the motivation of the UK to chart this course of self harm which is why i'm here.
I've never been a poster on this or the previous site. Does it bother me if you believe that, not in the slightest.


 :D and paddy goodfellow is off.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteAmerica's deal with UK and Australia leaves France bruised and Europe in the cold on China

The surprise announcement that the United States, United Kingdom and Australia have agreed a defense pact that will go some way toward countering China in the Indo-Pacific region sparked an array of emotions. In Europe, it left the French government furious and European Union officials somewhat confused as to what the bloc should do about China.

not just the uk press gerry , the EU is getting bad press worldwide. :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!