We live in a post truth society

Started by Barry, October 03, 2021, 01:15:59 PM

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patman post

Quote from: B0ycey on February 21, 2022, 02:26:40 PM
Forget Biden Barry. I'm still waiting on the invasion that was meant to being on the 16th.
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


It's all censorship now, and once one level has been implemented they move down to the next.  We may as well be living under the CCP.


Quote from: Barry on February 21, 2022, 02:19:56 PM
I thought I'd come back to this thread, because, after a look at the meeja today, I've seen Biden saying that Putin is drawing up a murder list of gays in Ukraine, another story that the lack of emissions in 2020 caused floods in China, another - a doctor saying there were 176,000 deaths "due to Covid", so much rubbish that Mrs and I have decided the default position when told anything by the press, radio, is to consider it a lie.
It might be an outright lie, a twist of a lie, or a mix of truth with lies, but lies, nonetheless.

What a sad world we live in. :-[
Forget Biden Barry. I'm still waiting on the invasion that was meant to being on the 16th.


I thought I'd come back to this thread, because, after a look at the meeja today, I've seen Biden saying that Putin is drawing up a murder list of gays in Ukraine, another story that the lack of emissions in 2020 caused floods in China, another - a doctor saying there were 176,000 deaths "due to Covid", so much rubbish that Mrs and I have decided the default position when told anything by the press, radio, is to consider it a lie.
It might be an outright lie, a twist of a lie, or a mix of truth with lies, but lies, nonetheless.

What a sad world we live in. :-[
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: HDQQ on October 18, 2021, 02:42:16 PM
Another thing is that a lot of people have become drama junkies. They like sensational stories and outrageous situations, particularly if they're not directly affected in an adverse way.
Trump was drama and controversy - as is Boris Johnson. Jeremy Corbyn was controversial, so was Nigel Farage. Even Greta Thunberg comes into that category. To the media these people mean juicy stories that inflame opinions, so they get exposure. Alex Salmond was another, as were Ian Paisley and Bernadette McAliskey.

In many ways we'd be better off with more boring and moderate people in charge. That would help defuse the toxic activism culture that is ruining our society.
Listening to you complain about drama queens is like listening to adolf hitler complain about anti semitism.

You rhyme off a list of people/politicians you dont agree with which is fair enough , but as we all know on this forum , you are the biggest anti democrat on here.

You tell us we are better off without these people , but what you really mean is if given half a chance  , you would do away with democracy because you dont like the fact most folk dont agree with your views when it comes to casting votes.

Toxic activism isnt ruining "society". What has ruined society in recent years is the likes of you refusing to accept democracy , while picking and choosing which parts of democracy you wish to be implemented.

Refusing to abide by the tenets of democracy in a so called civilised country brings chaos.

I dont think the mainstream majority are going to take lectures on the way forward from anti democrats like you , who want to smash up the table when they lose the card game.

You just cant accept the majority dont share your views .....so you dismiss the majority as having inflamed toxic opinions somehow"brainwashed" by the individuals you mention.

I was a scot indy supporter long before i listened to alec salmond. There were unionists in northern ireland long before ian paisley came to prominence. People were eurosceptic long before farage  . You simply dont understand people or accept their opinions , so blame the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Thats why so called illiberal democrats like you are in a tiny minority , and your party nothing more than a fringe pressure group on the edges of society bleating about "toxic activism".
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: papasmurf on October 18, 2021, 02:52:48 PM
Is Nigel Farage.
If snogging Jean-Claude Juncker in the European parliament isn't drama, then I don't know what is! Dancing
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Another thing is that a lot of people have become drama junkies. They like sensational stories and outrageous situations, particularly if they're not directly affected in an adverse way.
Trump was drama and controversy - as is Boris Johnson. Jeremy Corbyn was controversial, so was Nigel Farage. Even Greta Thunberg comes into that category. To the media these people mean juicy stories that inflame opinions, so they get exposure. Alex Salmond was another, as were Ian Paisley and Bernadette McAliskey.

In many ways we'd be better off with more boring and moderate people in charge. That would help defuse the toxic activism culture that is ruining our society.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Bloke goes round the shops,likes living in China slags off where and how he used to live.

No surprises a lot of people who go to live elsewhere do that,have family in NZ they slag the uk off and NZ is wonderful.

Ban it,no listen use your brain and make your own mind up.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


I could easily have started a new thread for this, but its close enough to this simply to include it
This is more a matter of despite all the claims that are made by our elite, how much freedom do we really have in the West today?
I heard somebody sum it up perfectly this morning saying that Cancel Culture seeks to Outlaw rather than Outwit there debating opposition.
I think the Trans issue sums this up perfectly, where a man in a dress is able to intrude into the private world of women and indulge in some of the most misogynistic activities, while hiding behind their "gender identification".
The role of big corporations, especially digital/social media in enforcing these sorts of things are also a problem. It rather reinforces the notion of them being just another branch of the establishment, which will always tow the establishment line.

My friend Kirk in Nanning produced a video on the subject of freedom real and perceived the other day. It was banned from YouTube, labeled as "disinformation" and his account was given "A Strike"
I put a link to the video from another platform and you can decide for yourself if you think it was disinformation and whether it was right to ban it.


Quote from: Thomas on October 08, 2021, 08:25:51 AM

Remember sampan , ^^^this is the guy who constantly sees phantoms in the corner and once accussed me of being a russian bot simply for supporting scot indy.

The russian bot thing seemed to be all the rage by the centrist status quoers after brexit and the election of trump post 2016 , while dismissing all the internal problems under their watch as nothing to see here simply because they couldnt accept the world they built wasnt as flawless as they thought.

While everyone accepts nations practice cyber warfare , i think the russian and chinese premiers must be laughing their heads off as the western nations implode under the weight of problems of their own makings.

Totally agree with your earlier post.

Absolutely Thomas
I was simply going to ask how many printed, online or broadcast UK media outlets, how many campaigning NGO's and other pressure groups and how many sitting MPS or Lords are paid by or owned by the Russians, Chinese, Iranians or North Koreans?

We have the yanks complaining that Putin offering to pump more gas at the peak of a global shortage, is somehow an attempt to destablise the energy sector!!??



Remember sampan , ^^^this is the guy who constantly sees phantoms in the corner and once accussed me of being a russian bot simply for supporting scot indy.

The russian bot thing seemed to be all the rage by the centrist status quoers after brexit and the election of trump post 2016 , while dismissing all the internal problems under their watch as nothing to see here simply because they couldnt accept the world they built wasnt as flawless as they thought.

While everyone accepts nations practice cyber warfare , i think the russian and chinese premiers must be laughing their heads off as the western nations implode under the weight of problems of their own makings.

Totally agree with your earlier post.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

patman post

Quote from: Sampanviking on October 04, 2021, 12:26:50 PM
I would only add to the above that people should not be fooled into thinking that these forces are external
They are internal and perpetrated by our own against us.
I don't believe this to be entirely true. While there are certainly individuals and factions within and of the UK "who want to destabilise society and erode what is true" for their own reasons, there are also undoubtedly remunerated agents and the persuaded gullible, who are carrying out the work of external "dark forces". Among these would be China, North Korea and Russia, as they don't confine themselves just to cyber attacks from their home bases...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Barry on October 04, 2021, 02:05:45 PM
I hate to make this about the dreaded v word, but yesterday there was an obituary on Twitter relation to a woman my daughter's age who died from COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT).
Twitter marked it as misleading.
Misleading means it is a lie, but it was not. Who made them the arbiter of truth?

Sorry but the link is written by some sort of religious organisation as a eulogy. I don't believe it has any credibility to say what this young lady died from.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Sheepy on October 04, 2021, 04:16:11 PM
Well, there is a problem to solve Barry, if people only see everything in black and white, they will never get to see full technicolour.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!