Yesterday UK had highest number of new covid cases of any country.

Started by HDQQ, October 04, 2021, 08:16:20 AM

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Tell me why I should take any notice of someone who condemns me for wanting a second EU referendum while they demand a second referendum of Scottish independence. There is absolutely now way you can square that. I expect you'll try but I'm unlikely to bother to read it.

Now let's get this thread back to the serious original topic.

The government, or at least the health secretary, seems to be getting the message - covid is getting really big again, it's still killing lots of people despite the successful vaccination programme saving many more lives. If it carries on, other countries will ban British people from visiting. Morocco has just done that. 
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Quote from: HDQQ on October 19, 2021, 03:16:15 PM
I'm afraid I'm not going to waste my time picking through the nonsense and vitriol you've posted on these forums over the last 11 years.


...but then you do anyway...

QuoteAnyway you have a lot of your facts wrong in the post quoted above.

QuoteI didn't say the silent majority would overturn Brexit, I said we needed a second vote when we know what the Brexit deal consisted of and what it meant for Britain.
You are arguing semantics .

The vast majority of people saw through your "second vote " nonsense , which is why it was rejected categorically by the electorate.

More to the point , it showed as we mentioned many a time your utter hypocrisy in action ......where you told me scotland shouldnt have a second referendum vote , but you demanded one for brexit.

Half the forum ridiculed you for that  , as well as the fact your heroine jo swinson had her arse ripped by the voters of dunbartonshire for telling scots the same.

Your usual stance of ignoring posts was probably a better tactic quack , then trying to defend the indefensible.

I know i cant help myself at times pointing out the insane rubbish you spout from your ivory tower in la la land on this forum  , but getting back on topic , what exactly is your proposal for coping with covid 19 going foward?

The vast majority of people have now been vaccinated , especially the vulnerable groups , we have vaccine passports in place , facemasks are still in use , freedoms restricted etc etc so what more do you want done?

Are you suggesting we lock down every three months ? Put the popualtion under house arrest to relieve your delicate sensibilities?

All criticism , but no practical solution from you as ever. As i have said many a time , there is nothing liberal or democratic about you quackers.

People like you should stop your whinging , and learn to live with what is in effect a nasty flu , as you have done with any other viral outbreak all your life , and of not , join pappysmurf in hiding under your beds while the rest of us get on with our lives.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on October 18, 2021, 07:54:47 PM
Quackers ,  i have been spending the last 11 years on this forum and its predesscessor picking up your toys after your many failed predictions and tantrums .

2010 , remember you went into meltdown about  your heroine nick clegg u turning over tuiiton fees? You went on a hunger strike abandoning your favourite muesli for two days and ripped up your favourite blouse in protest , and resgined from the lib dems?

Or what about 2011 , when you told me the snp honeymoon was over  , and they won a landslide?:D Talk about egg on the ducks face?

Or 2015 , you told us no one would vote cameron in on a brexit referendum , and how milliband would win. How did that go again?

2016 , you got the brexit ref wrong.

2019 , yet another large omellete on face when you told us the silent uk remain majority was going to overturn brexit ,and what happened?

Feck me quack , but if there is a master at failed political predictions on this forum and subsequent toy throwing competition , you are indeed the feckin daddy.
I'm afraid I'm not going to waste my time picking through the nonsense and vitriol you've posted on these forums over the last 11 years.

Anyway you have a lot of your facts wrong in the post quoted above.

I don't remember predicting what the outcome of the 2016 referendum would be. If I remember right, most people thought 'remain' would win. 

I didn't say the silent majority would overturn Brexit, I said we needed a second vote when we know what the Brexit deal consisted of and what it meant for Britain.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Quote from: Barry on October 18, 2021, 09:29:09 PM
There is far too much focus on "cases". By definition, people without symptoms do not have Covid-19.

I was chatting to a teacher on Saturday who reckons that 10% of the kids are off with the lurgy. I wondered if they were ill and he said "they've had positive tests", which didn't answer the question, so I asked again:
Some have a runny nose, others nothing.

My grandson keeps getting coughs and today he had what is becoming a regular PCR test. It's abusive, but necessary to keep him in school.

It would be better if the NHS just treated the sick and tested people on arrival at hospital, so that they can keep the infectious separate. Why healthy people need to be tested now - after all that wish to be have been jabbed, I do not know. The threat has been mitigated.
Totally agree Barry. We are told we have to learn to live with this , and most folk , especially the vulnerable have been jabbed.

So why the focus on "cases" as you say?

Its getting ridiculous now.

Mass forced testing , jabs , vaccine passports and restrictions , its like some sort of orwellian nightmare.

The more we try and pacify hysterics , the more hysterical they become. It really does lead you to wonder what is governments alterior motives behind all this shit?

We should now be trying to "normalise" coronavirus , like we do when we talk about "flu " every year , instead of hysterically pointing fingers at it , with the impending threat of yet more lockdowns being touted by the media.

When are people going to stop putting up with this shite? Or should i say when are the sheep going to?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


There is far too much focus on "cases". By definition, people without symptoms do not have Covid-19.

I was chatting to a teacher on Saturday who reckons that 10% of the kids are off with the lurgy. I wondered if they were ill and he said "they've had positive tests", which didn't answer the question, so I asked again:
Some have a runny nose, others nothing.

My grandson keeps getting coughs and today he had what is becoming a regular PCR test. It's abusive, but necessary to keep him in school.

It would be better if the NHS just treated the sick and tested people on arrival at hospital, so that they can keep the infectious separate. Why healthy people need to be tested now - after all that wish to be have been jabbed, I do not know. The threat has been mitigated.

† The end is nigh †


Quote from: HDQQ on October 18, 2021, 01:09:14 PM
Taking time off from throwing toys out of your pram?
Quackers ,  i have been spending the last 11 years on this forum and its predesscessor picking up your toys after your many failed predictions and tantrums .

2010 , remember you went into meltdown about  your heroine nick clegg u turning over tuiiton fees? You went on a hunger strike abandoning your favourite muesli for two days and ripped up your favourite blouse in protest , and resgined from the lib dems?

Or what about 2011 , when you told me the snp honeymoon was over  , and they won a landslide?:D Talk about egg on the ducks face?

Or 2015 , you told us no one would vote cameron in on a brexit referendum , and how milliband would win. How did that go again?

2016 , you got the brexit ref wrong.

2019 , yet another large omellete on face when you told us the silent uk remain majority was going to overturn brexit ,and what happened?

Feck me quack , but if there is a master at failed political predictions on this forum and subsequent toy throwing competition , you are indeed the feckin daddy.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: papasmurf on October 17, 2021, 02:48:35 PM
The rules from an organisation whose events my wife and I regularly attend:-
For anyone 12 years of age and over you will be required to take a NHS approved Lateral Flow Test before you leave home (WITHIN 36 HOURS PRIOR TO ARRIVING )
Valid Proof is : Negative Lateral Flow/Rapid Antigen test within 36 hrs
We only accept the NHS Email/Text results NOT THE PHYSICAL TEST or photo

Still using lateral flow?  You are well behind.  The correct test is now called flatulent blow.  You just fart into bag, and an 'expert' smells it and says: you fail the wind, or you pass the wind.  If your wind passes, you just need to kiss Boris Johnson's ass, pay some money, and then fill out an application form, which the DVLA will process within a year.  😁
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: Barry on October 18, 2021, 01:20:40 PM
A bit confused by that. How do you provide proof of a negative LF test?
I wasn't aware that the NHS email or text anyone over LF tests.  Are you sure they know what they are talking about?
Speaking as someone who has never stuck these Chinese kits up their noses when they are not sick.
They do, email within minutes, (My wife at I have used the system several times to attend events.)

Dear (Redacted)
Birth date: (Redacted)
Test date: 26 August 2021

Your coronavirus lateral flow test result is negative. It's likely you are not infectious. But a negative test is not a guarantee, and there's still a chance you may be infectious.
Keep following coronavirus advice including:

  • regular handwashing
  • social distancing
  • wearing a face covering where recommended
If you've been traced as a contact of someone who tested positive, you may need to self-isolate.
Find out at and read 'Self-isolation and treating symptoms'.
Reporting your results
It is important that you keep reporting all of your test results, whether they are positive, negative or void.
Reporting every test result:

  • helps the NHS to monitor the spread of the virus
  • helps scientists learn more about the virus
  • provides more accurate data that saves lives
  • supports people and communities across the UK

Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on October 17, 2021, 02:48:35 PM

Valid Proof is : Negative Lateral Flow/Rapid Antigen test within 36 hrs
We only accept the NHS Email/Text results NOT THE PHYSICAL TEST or photo
A bit confused by that. How do you provide proof of a negative LF test?
I wasn't aware that the NHS email or text anyone over LF tests.  Are you sure they know what they are talking about?
Speaking as someone who has never stuck these Chinese kits up their noses when they are not sick.
† The end is nigh †


Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Quote from: patman post on October 17, 2021, 02:41:11 PM
Surely there's nothing surprising about a surge in cases since schools returned and vaccine roll out to pupils hasn't happened that quickly?  Also the misinformation being spread to children and parents around school gates hasn't helped.   

Despite the relaxing of precautions by many people and organisations, Covid is still with us and can be serious and fatal — even for children and teenagers. Everyone can follow sensible precautions — they don't greatly impact daily life...

The rules from an organisation whose events my wife and I regularly attend:-
For anyone 12 years of age and over you will be required to take a NHS approved Lateral Flow Test before you leave home (WITHIN 36 HOURS PRIOR TO ARRIVING )
Valid Proof is : Negative Lateral Flow/Rapid Antigen test within 36 hrs
We only accept the NHS Email/Text results NOT THE PHYSICAL TEST or photo
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

patman post

Surely there's nothing surprising about a surge in cases since schools returned and vaccine roll out to pupils hasn't happened that quickly?  Also the misinformation being spread to children and parents around school gates hasn't helped.   

Despite the relaxing of precautions by many people and organisations, Covid is still with us and can be serious and fatal — even for children and teenagers. Everyone can follow sensible precautions — they don't greatly impact daily life...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Borchester on October 17, 2021, 01:00:31 PM
Oh alright.We were going to invite you but you can be such a wet blanket at times. Maybe next year?

Sensible precautions against the spread of Covid are going to be long term.
16 OCT 2021
A surge in coronavirus cases in Devon and Cornwall's schoolchildren is driving the spike in cases across the South West, new data has revealed.

The data from the UK Government's coronavirus dashboard shows that the case rate per 100,000 up to October 11 is in the thousands for 10 to 14-year-olds in Devon, Cornwall, Torbay and Plymouth.

With cases high in the majority of under-19 age groups, it is the driving factor in the spike seen across Devon and Cornwall, with the latest data from the Government also revealing that the surge from these age groups is also contributing to a rise in cases in age groups commonly associated with that of those particular age groups parents - suggesting that outbreaks spread in schools could be infecting other individuals in their households.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on October 17, 2021, 11:13:31 AM
That could end in tears.

Oh alright.We were going to invite you but you can be such a wet blanket at times. Maybe next year?
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Barry on October 17, 2021, 11:00:28 AM
Had a great birthday party at the village hall yesterday - loads of kids, Mums, Dads, grandparents all interacting normally. Not the new normal, the old normal. No one gives a monkeys when there's a bouncy castle. All getting on with life and having fun, about 50 in all.

That could end in tears.

Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe