You thought Labour had lost it? The Tories have too!

Started by Barry, October 09, 2021, 10:05:48 AM

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It wasn't Tory voters that decided to over-react to a virus (they still are) stopping people from going to work, ruining jobs in hospitality, spreading a blanket of fear through the country. Nor was it the Tory voter who threw money like water at stupid schemes, such as track and trace, eat out to help out, the furlough scheme and extra money for benefits.
If the government had held their line as per Boris in March 2020, we would have got through it by June.
The jury is out whether more people may have died. Sweden says not.

However, it is the globalist response which is a worry to any right thinking person.
Have you seen people being oppressed in Australia?
Have you seen Trudeau in Canada stopping people travelling with a jab. (It's not a vaccine).

It's too late now, we are doomed, as we move from restrictions from a virus to restrictions caused by lack of energy, caused by a ridiculous green agenda of net zero - which Tory voters did not vote for.

Manifestos. What a waste of ink.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: cromwell on October 09, 2021, 05:23:27 PM
Well if many get their way......back in the eu.

I don't think that's possible - at least while Macron stands in the photos for France. No too much water has passed and we are still finding our feet. So many have never experienced the freedom of living outside the EU umbrella and suddenly we are having to be much more proactive. We have sat back and taken job seekers allowances while cheaper immigrants have taken the jobs that our university graduates deemed too low for them. Yet many of those graduates have mickey mouse degrees that don't prepared them for the work place. Thank you Tony.
We have business leaders who have thrived on that cheap labour and shareholders have bled companies dry. There will have to be some painful reality checks for all of us. We simply need to work through it and find our grit and determination. We are beginning to see just what a mess the EU have made with their one nation dream.


Quote from: T00ts on October 09, 2021, 05:17:18 PM
LOL - the world we live in now isn't the same one that existed in 2019. To hold the Government's feet to the fire on promises they expected to fulfil then is pointless and impossible. We have debt and priorities currently that need all our focus. To hark back to the last ballot however much we hoped it was written in stone is simply pointless. Let's face it if the Government was so rigid that it was unable to adapt to current situations where would we be?
Well if many get their way......back in the eu. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Streetwalker on October 09, 2021, 05:12:05 PM
Is an extremist is someone who delivers what the Tory's promised in 2019  ?

LOL - the world we live in now isn't the same one that existed in 2019. To hold the Government's feet to the fire on promises they expected to fulfil then is pointless and impossible. We have debt and priorities currently that need all our focus. To hark back to the last ballot however much we hoped it was written in stone is simply pointless. Let's face it if the Government was so rigid that it was unable to adapt to current situations where would we be?


Quote from: T00ts on October 09, 2021, 04:59:11 PM
I can't help but feel that this might all be a bit of a knee jerk reaction. Patience is not a strong point with those commenting in the media etc. We have a whole nation that is suffering from the Covid hangover. We have to grasp the fact that Brexit is not an event but a process. It will take time to evolve.

I agree that Boris gave a performance at the Conference but his instincts tell him that the country is suffering from a type of depression that many are only too thrilled to exacerbate to their own ends. There are still some very angry people in high places who have been a bit thwarted by the Covid distraction. If I was him I too would be looking to lift spirits especially amongst the party faithful. Whoever had the helm over the last couple of years would be in the same pickle. No-one has really functioned properly.

Patience people - patience. If ever there was a time to pull together this is it. If we just continue carping - well we get what we deserve and into that empty space would jump the ready extremist.

Is an extremist is someone who delivers what the Tory's promised in 2019  ?


I can't help but feel that this might all be a bit of a knee jerk reaction. Patience is not a strong point with those commenting in the media etc. We have a whole nation that is suffering from the Covid hangover. We have to grasp the fact that Brexit is not an event but a process. It will take time to evolve.

I agree that Boris gave a performance at the Conference but his instincts tell him that the country is suffering from a type of depression that many are only too thrilled to exacerbate to their own ends. There are still some very angry people in high places who have been a bit thwarted by the Covid distraction. If I was him I too would be looking to lift spirits especially amongst the party faithful. Whoever had the helm over the last couple of years would be in the same pickle. No-one has really functioned properly.

Patience people - patience. If ever there was a time to pull together this is it. If we just continue carping - well we get what we deserve and into that empty space would jump the ready extremist.


Quote from: Streetwalker on October 09, 2021, 04:17:23 PM
Never trust a Tory .  The globalist chums of Johnson ,many with hankerings of re-joining the EU have much influence in where he will take the country . He says he's getting Brexit done but has done little of substance , 5 years later we are still joined by the hip , still under European courts and still paying  VAT . (an EU instigated tax on goods ).

After months of big business complaining of staff shortages , the public given a taster of empty shelves and the petrol 'crisis' the public will be thankful for the deal that will be made with the EU which will be akin to the Brino that Mayhem had on the table 3 years ago

Immigration is still running at record levels , the green agenda is front and centre and the national debt is out of control along with the ever growing chances of inflation joining in .  Richie Rich will be  taxing us until the pips squeak while reigning in public spending

Not that I did but people didn't vote for any of that ,  Never trust a Tory , labour are a joke as are  the limp dims , we really have never been in a worse place  .

Welcome to the politically homeless club .
Well SW there's a lot there that rings true,there always was the plan that the referendum would be ignored or in name only.

But and there is a big but that we need to follow the path out of it (the eu that is) that doesn't give credence to the loonies out there......and there's plenty of them. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Barry on October 09, 2021, 10:05:48 AM
Excellent article.

But read it all.

This is no longer the Tory party. It is a globalist puppet. Will never get my vote, but nor will Labour.

Yours sincerely, Politically Homeless.

Never trust a Tory .  The globalist chums of Johnson ,many with hankerings of re-joining the EU have much influence in where he will take the country . He says he's getting Brexit done but has done little of substance , 5 years later we are still joined by the hip , still under European courts and still paying  VAT . (an EU instigated tax on goods ).

After months of big business complaining of staff shortages , the public given a taster of empty shelves and the petrol 'crisis' the public will be thankful for the deal that will be made with the EU which will be akin to the Brino that Mayhem had on the table 3 years ago

Immigration is still running at record levels , the green agenda is front and centre and the national debt is out of control along with the ever growing chances of inflation joining in .  Richie Rich will be  taxing us until the pips squeak while reigning in public spending

Not that I did but people didn't vote for any of that ,  Never trust a Tory , labour are a joke as are  the limp dims , we really have never been in a worse place  .

Welcome to the politically homeless club .

patman post

I guess both were in the (supposed academic?) styles of their time. They we're both references at uni, but their influences led me to discover how fairly reasoned points of view could so easily be turned into total cancellation of any dissent by their disciples, both in their historical contexts, and how they were/are being applied cotemporarily...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on October 09, 2021, 01:16:00 PM
Politicking has always been knockabout staged fun, and only sometimes serious. Currently the Tories have an ebullient, jovial, optimistic clowning leader who's a proven vote winner.

Labour has a fair share of worthies, but it's stymied in its quest for power by an uncharismatic leader and another party in its midst that's aiming for hard-core socialism and, in the process, tearing the party apart.

There's also the Liberal Democrats.

Problem for some of the electorate is that they cannot reconcile the idea that their widely differing expectations and views can be catered for by voting for either of two main UK-wide parties (and their soulmates) or a dissenting bolt-hole.

All this is leaves the political scene wide open for nutters and extremists — not least among them, commentators. Personally, although I'm sympathetic to some of the espoused ideals of socialism, I find those who would enforce them too mechanistic and inhuman. That's why I am an unashamed Conservative supporter — Conservatism allows me the freedom to disagree, have my own views, and make choices in my own life without having to slavishly follow the ideas of either Mein Kampf or Das Kapital...

I could never get into Mein Kampf. It always reminded me of the querulous drone of a young foggie sipping on a glass of Sainsbury's port. And Das Kapital spent the first chapter going on and on about the fact that anything would do as a medium of exchange (no shit Charlie!) and the second that the value could change. Marx never used one word when fifty would do.

Not particularly bad books, but both would have done a lot better with some serious editing. 
Algerie Francais !

patman post

Politicking has always been knockabout staged fun, and only sometimes serious. Currently the Tories have an ebullient, jovial, optimistic clowning leader who's a proven vote winner.

Labour has a fair share of worthies, but it's stymied in its quest for power by an uncharismatic leader and another party in its midst that's aiming for hard-core socialism and, in the process, tearing the party apart.

There's also the Liberal Democrats.

Problem for some of the electorate is that they cannot reconcile the idea that their widely differing expectations and views can be catered for by voting for either of two main UK-wide parties (and their soulmates) or a dissenting bolt-hole.

All this is leaves the political scene wide open for nutters and extremists — not least among them, commentators. Personally, although I'm sympathetic to some of the espoused ideals of socialism, I find those who would enforce them too mechanistic and inhuman. That's why I am an unashamed Conservative supporter — Conservatism allows me the freedom to disagree, have my own views, and make choices in my own life without having to slavishly follow the ideas of either Mein Kampf or Das Kapital...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Barry on October 09, 2021, 10:05:48 AM
Excellent article.

But read it all.

This is no longer the Tory party. It is a globalist puppet. Will never get my vote, but nor will Labour.

Yours sincerely, Politically Homeless.

So someone has his 5 minutes of fame. It's a lot of waffle to frighten those who see no future. There will always be those who play on fears real or imagined and the trick is to see what it is. This is just more of the subversion and division being promoted as truth in order to drive as many as possible into confusion. We need clear heads and strong loyalties.

Excellent article.

QuoteBritain is as moribund, ruined, doomed as any terminal cancer patient. Its people have been zombified by months of petty diktats and the loss of self-esteem which comes from having no job to go to because it was killed during lockdown and will never come back. Really this is no time for Boris Johnson's trademark jauntiness (if indeed there ever was a time for Boris Johnson's trademark jauntiness). Rather it's the time for a plan to get the country out of this mess. But unfortunately, there is no such plan, because getting the country into this mess always was the plan.

But read it all.

This is no longer the Tory party. It is a globalist puppet. Will never get my vote, but nor will Labour.

Yours sincerely, Politically Homeless.
† The end is nigh †