Keir starmers top ten political mistakes.

Started by Thomas, November 07, 2021, 01:46:52 PM

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I think Starmer's biggest mistake was to become an MP and decide to become Labour Leader. Although he is a gift for the Conservatives all wrapped in Christmas glitter.


Quote from: T00ts on November 10, 2021, 06:36:04 PM
Let's face it Labour need a compass as a Christmas present. They always seem to be travelling the wrong way.
Maybe even a TARDIS 😝 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on November 10, 2021, 06:18:08 PM
Labour has officially adopted the centre ground, unfortunately there is no bugger else there.

Let's face it Labour need a compass as a Christmas present. They always seem to be travelling the wrong way.


Quote from: srb7677 on November 07, 2021, 09:01:33 PM
The Tories have responded to and adapted to the realities of 2021. Those in charge of Labour still seem to think it is 1997.
Labour has officially adopted the centre ground, unfortunately there is no bugger else there.

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


At least the article is honest about them being the Islamic party of choice. 

Hardly surprising given Jack Straws proven ability tomturn a blind eye to child sexual abuse at their hands in his, and several neighbouring constituencies.

And the Jewish Chronicle's statement regarding Corbyn at the time he stood for the leadership,, that no man who is not a friend of Israel can be allowed to become Prime Minister of Britain, surely increased the popularity and definitely upped the ante on the "they hate Semites" bollox. 

Because as Gerald Kaufman showed, only a Jew can criticise Israel in the United Kingdoms House of Commons and get away with it.

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: srb7677 on November 07, 2021, 10:18:25 PM

But Starmer appears to have shat in the faces of the millions Labour under Corbyn offered hope to, in the hope of replacing them with Tory supporters being won over. They don't understand that they can never hope to out-Tory the Tory party without driving away most of their existing supporters. The Labour party is increasingly starting to look like a bunch of mules led by donkeys.
Quite. Another Union is about to withdraw funding from Labour. (I can't find a national media press reference yet.)

Union votes to suspend donations outside of affiliation fees to Labour Party | The National

7th November

trade union has voted to suspend any donations outside of its affiliation fees to the national Labour Party.
Members of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) decided at a special conference to ensure additional funding outside of nominal affiliation fees would instead go to specific Labour candidates.
Funds will also be given to campaigns that support the CWU's industrial and political aims, and to support the selection and election of such candidates.
CWU general secretary Dave Ward said he opposed disaffiliation from Labour but called for a new relationship.

Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Thomas on November 07, 2021, 09:06:19 PM
The tories did that between 2016 amd 2019 , when they went from remain to leave , as they saw the writing on the wall.

labour have been unable to come to terms with brexit in england , and as you know in scotland , no indy supproter wil give either party the time of day and the unions vote is getting behind the tories as the best bet to keep scotland in the union.

Labour are fecked. They have no answer to either of the big constitutional issues in either of our nations , and instead prefer to lie , be decitfull or lecture the opposite to what the public in both countries want.
I  know most people in Scotland hoping for something better threw in their lot with the SNP, and I have said to you before that were I a resident in Scotland I would have done the same. 

But there is no SNP option down here. Corbyn was a flawed leader in numerous ways but under him a policy agenda emerged that offered hope down here to millions who felt forgotten. 2017 was the only election since 1997 in which Labour both gained seats and votes. Corbyn himself, however, was an albatross around Labour's neck for some demographics which, combined with Brexit, still edged it for the Tories. The fact that much of the PLP was at odds with the then direction of the party and open discord was rife, did not help either. Labour was also not trusted on Brexit because many leading figures were known to be opponents of it.

But Starmer appears to have shat in the faces of the millions Labour under Corbyn offered hope to, in the hope of replacing them with Tory supporters being won over. They don't understand that they can never hope to out-Tory the Tory party without driving away most of their existing supporters. The Labour party is increasingly starting to look like a bunch of mules led by donkeys.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Streetwalker on November 07, 2021, 03:19:00 PM

This morning he was talking about Making Brexit work and under no circumstances would re-join the EU .So he has pissed off  The only group of people ,the labour remoaner camp , that still backed him .

Every one else has left the building

Poor little sod.

Despite lacking policies and followers and having all the charisma of a brick, Sir Keith really, really wants to be PM. I reckon I have a better chance of a night out with Emilia Clarke, but hope springs eternal.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: srb7677 on November 07, 2021, 09:01:33 PM
The Tories have responded to and adapted to the realities of 2021. Those in charge of Labour still seem to think it is 1997.
The tories did that between 2016 amd 2019 , when they went from remain to leave , as they saw the writing on the wall.

labour have been unable to come to terms with brexit in england , and as you know in scotland , no indy supproter wil give either party the time of day and the unions vote is getting behind the tories as the best bet to keep scotland in the union.

Labour are fecked. They have no answer to either of the big constitutional issues in either of our nations , and instead prefer to lie , be decitfull or lecture the opposite to what the public in both countries want.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on November 07, 2021, 08:55:38 PMGive the tories what little due you can
The Tories have responded to and adapted to the realities of 2021. Those in charge of Labour still seem to think it is 1997.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on November 07, 2021, 08:25:12 PM
Insofar as Labour can be said to have any kind of functiuoning strategy beyond trying to repeat what worked in 1997 as if nothing has changed, it boils doown to this.....

Saying and doing and promising as little as possible, inspiring no one lest they frighten others off, being bland and boring, hoping that the other lot will reveal themselves to be so shite that Labour will win just by being a little bit less shite.

It won't work of course because Labour actually needs the votes of the forgotten and struggling millions to stand any chance, and ttheir level of trust in politicians of all stripes is so low that only someone of demonstrable honesty and integrity with the ability to inspire them with hope for real change will win them over. Starmer and the entire wing of the party he represents has no chance.

If the idiots truly think that a call to "vote for us, we are a bit less shite than the other lot" will inspire the disenchanted to vote, they are deluding themselves
I have lost count of the number of wishfull thinking labour party supporters who genuinely believe what they call the old adage of " oppositions rarely win elections , but governments lose them" so lets sit tight and do nothing , and we  will win.:D

It really is frightening how politically naive and inept the labour party really are , 11 years into a conservative administration.

The political landscape , for better or worse , has massively changed and labour have not changed with it.

Give the tories what little due you can , they are opportunists who seize the moment while labour are stuck in some rut navel gazing back at a world a quarter of a century ago.

I think a lot of things are similar for starmer now that was similar for milliband leading up to the 2015 electoral hammering.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Insofar as Labour can be said to have any kind of functiuoning strategy beyond trying to repeat what worked in 1997 as if nothing has changed, it boils doown to this.....

Saying and doing and promising as little as possible, inspiring no one lest they frighten others off, being bland and boring, hoping that the other lot will reveal themselves to be so shite that Labour will win just by being a little bit less shite.

It won't work of course because Labour actually needs the votes of the forgotten and struggling millions to stand any chance, and ttheir level of trust in politicians of all stripes is so low that only someone of demonstrable honesty and integrity with the ability to inspire them with hope for real change will win them over. Starmer and the entire wing of the party he represents has no chance.

If the idiots truly think that a call to "vote for us, we are a bit less shite than the other lot" will inspire the disenchanted to vote, they are deluding themselves
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Thomas on November 07, 2021, 01:46:52 PM
Keir Starmer, a defence lawyer who later became Director of Public Prosecutions, was first elected as a Labour MP in the safe seat of Holborn and St Pancras in 2015. He was quickly promoted to Labour's Shadow Cabinet and in April 2020 succeeded Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party. This meteoric rise, and his successful career in law, earned him a reputation for being a smart political operator: strategic, and eminently electable.
But, by both these measures, Starmer's reputation is beginning to fade. After an initial surge in popularity, he slipped behind Johnson in the polls and has remained there for much of this year. In March 2021 YouGov's 'Best PM' poll put Starmer 10 points behind Johnson, while in May this fell to -16. In August the question 'Does Keir Starmer look like a PM in waiting?' came back with a 61% negative response vs. 16% positive. Meanwhile, according to Statista, voting intentions have consistently favoured the Conservatives over a Starmer-led Labour Party – and this is confirmed by the nosedive in Labour votes in this year's council and by-elections.
Starmer's claim to electability is now doubtful. But what explains this decline from a politician so congenial to the establishment, presentable to the middle-classes and acceptable to the right-wing press?
Perhaps the answer lies in Starmer's other alleged capability: strategy.
On the strategic front Keir Starmer has made a series of errors of judgement.
Let's take a look at the top ten.
Sadly, that top ten of Starmer howlers is absolutely spot on. Yet it is not just him but all those around him, backed by the centrist wing of the wider party, all seeming to believe that it is still 1997 and totally failing to engage with the political realities of 2021.

The party leaders and those who still support them in the party are serving now only the interests of affluent metropolitan upper middle class liberal home owner types. Most of these party centrists are drawn from this demographic. They are utterly wedded to Thatcherite/neoliberal economic orthodoxy that has worked so well for them and those they support, whilst imagining themselves to be progressives by obsessing about trans rights and suchlike which affect a small minority. This minority matters but the struggling millions oughtt to matter so much more, because there are so many more of them. But the party leaders of today and their affluent middle class liberal fellow travellers do not understand the working class at all, other than as a carricature of their own imagination, all of us supposedly intellectually challenged racists and bigots or such petty nationalists that waving a few flags in our direction is all it will take to win us over. They haven't got a frigging clue anymore. Starmer will lead the party to a greater disaster than anything they can currently imagine.

Of course, now that they have changed the rules to stitch up the left, giving centrist MPs a stranglehold on who can stand for leader, they'll probably try and replace him with someone more telegenic. But it will be like changing a book by giving it a more eye-catching cover without in any way changing the content. Few will be fooled for long.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Streetwalker on November 07, 2021, 03:19:00 PM
My first date with my wife to be was at a Uriah Heap concert , if Starmer went to that its no wonder he is deaf to the electorate .

(tumble weed )

This morning he was talking about Making Brexit work and under no circumstances would re-join the EU .So he has pissed off  The only group of people ,the labour remoaner camp , that still backed him .

Every one else has left the building
His words are meaningless. The man is a proven liar. In the unlikely event of being elected, he will soon start negotiations to deliver Brexit in name only.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Streetwalker on November 07, 2021, 03:19:00 PM
My first date with my wife to be was at a Uriah Heap concert , if Starmer went to that its no wonder he is deaf to the electorate .

(tumble weed )

This morning he was talking about Making Brexit work and under no circumstances would re-join the EU .So he has pissed off  The only group of people ,the labour remoaner camp , that still backed him .

Every one else has left the building
nutjob. Tactically clueless as i said from day one.

It seems to be damage limitation job now for him instead of doing what he should have done post 2016 and backing the majority of labour constituencies and the electorate isntead of beliving in his own frail abilities , along with westmisnters , to deny democracy.

The pattern is emerging constantly on most interviews now his bleating about "backing brexit" when most of us wouldnt trust him as far as we could spit.

You heard former member srb steve , the left of the party is totally against him  , especially the remoaners , who will now either not vote or go elsehwere , and no tory voting brexiter is going to trust him in a million years with their vote at a general election.

I really am astounded at how feckin utterly stupid the labour party is at this political lark.

Allowing the public a vote at election time is becoming a real inconvenience for them .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!