I am sure three people’s names will also become the norm ....

Started by johnofgwent, December 15, 2021, 11:27:15 AM

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Quote from: Nick on December 16, 2021, 10:41:59 PMwe are starting to move towards the US way of just making up stupid names.
Well  US rocker Frank Zappa called his two kids Dweezil and Moon Unit.

Let's hope we don't quite plumb those depths anytime soon. lol
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on December 16, 2021, 09:22:26 PM
I may be on the other end of the political spectrum from you and I do have an utterly non-judgemental live and let live attitude to those who as informed adults wish to change their genders or whatever. But a lot of this woke crap comes from the faux left, right on affluent liberal types that so dominate Labour right now, having given up on meaningful inequalities. I think people need to be allowed to grow old enough to make an informed decision about gender identities, which they certainly are not at primary school age.

I do actually have a trans work colleague who now goes by a female name but formerly had a male one. She is pre-op and so still has male genitalia but self identifies as a woman, and uses the female staff toilets, which some of the other, mostly older, female colleagues are nlot entirely happy about. But live and let live is my motto so I get along with her ok. It is notable though that in terms of appearance a transgender who is in the process of changing from a man to a woman, can appear almost indistinguishable from a transvestite who is a man with a fetish for dressing up in female clothes. The two are, however, very different.

Biologically though of course - whatever our psychology says - we are born as one of only two genders. One has a penis and nipples which will not - left to their own devices - develop into breasts. The other has a vagina and nipples that will develop into breasts. The former has a scrotum in which sperm is produced. The latter has a womb. It takes a lot of hormonal interference and surgical procedures to try and change any of that. And such decisions are best left to adulthood or something close to it.
It's all very well saying live and let live, but those are the exact same people who are first to point the finger when something doesn't go their way or something they don't like.
My biggest concern with this is that the poor child has been called Valentia, we are starting to move towards the US way of just making up stupid names.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: T00ts on December 16, 2021, 09:41:09 PM
What is the male reaction to a transgender male in those situations? Is it totally comfortable for you?

My reaction is that Nature has played a shit trick on them and they have enough problems without me chucking in my two cents worth.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: srb7677 on December 16, 2021, 09:50:03 PM
Well am loath to give too much away for reasons of confidentiallity. Suffice it to say that I have a relative who is a bisexual male who is dating a male who is transitioning from female and who still has female genitalia. I do not feel the least bit intimidated by him. Were I a female in the presence of a male transitioning to female it is hard to say. I don't know how I would feel because it is outside the possible range of my experiences.
..and maybe that's the problem. I know men hate to feel it but it is still very much a man's world in many ways and it seems to me that, sadly, it is the women of the species who are losing out yet again. It is transgender females who are encroaching on female sports so that women can no longer compete on a level paying field. To suddenly find a broad shouldered narrow hipped 6ft person in the female changing room is intimidating in a way that I don't think men can even start to understand and yet we are supposed to accept it without any knowledge if that person is a genuine transgender and complete. Too often already we are hearing of 'transgender' females raping women and according to Scottish police will still be referred to as women. Like you I have no problem with live and let live. My faith tells me to love all and I try very hard to live that, but where one sector of society is so diminished by another, whatever the gender, then something has to be wrong. 


Quote from: T00ts on December 16, 2021, 09:41:09 PM
Your middle paragraph got me thinking again. So often it is the self identifying female that is the cause of problems. A transgender female who  retains male organs is intimidating to most women I think. Communal changing rooms, toilets, female activities like a swim exercise class and I guess there are others leave women feeling vulnerable even without someone in the room who looks remarkably male. I don't think I have ever heard of men feeling the same about a transgender male. For men the once female is smaller, weaker, and possibly, I suggest, much less of an apparent threat in a male environment.
What is the male reaction to a transgender male in those situations? Is it totally comfortable for you?
Well am loath to give too much away for reasons of confidentiallity. Suffice it to say that I have a relative who is a bisexual male who is dating a male who is transitioning from female and who still has female genitalia. I do not feel the least bit intimidated by him. Were I a female in the presence of a male transitioning to female it is hard to say. I don't know how I would feel because it is outside the possible range of my experiences.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on December 16, 2021, 09:22:26 PM
I may be on the other end of the political spectrum from you and I do have an utterly non-judgemental live and let live attitude to those who as informed adults wish to change their genders or whatever. But a lot of this woke crap comes from the faux left, right on affluent liberal types that so dominate Labour right now, having given up on meaningful inequalities. I think people need to be allowed to grow old enough to make an informed decision about gender identities, which they certainly are not at primary school age.

I do actually have a trans work colleague who now goes by a female name but formerly had a male one. She is pre-op and so still has male genitalia but self identifies as a woman, and uses the female staff toilets, which some of the other, mostly older, female colleagues are nlot entirely happy about. But live and let live is my motto so I get along with her ok. It is notable though that in terms of appearance a transgender who is in the process of changing from a man to a woman, can appear almost indistinguishable from a transvestite who is a man with a fetish for dressing up in female clothes. The two are, however, very different.

Biologically though of course - whatever our psychology says - we are born as one of only two genders. One has a penis and nipples which will not - left to their own devices - develop into breasts. The other has a vagina and nipples that will develop into breasts. The former has a scrotum in which sperm is produced. The latter has a womb. It takes a lot of hormonal interference and surgical procedures to try and change any of that. And such decisions are best left to adulthood or something close to it.
Your middle paragraph got me thinking again. So often it is the self identifying female that is the cause of problems. A transgender female who  retains male organs is intimidating to most women I think. Communal changing rooms, toilets, female activities like a swim exercise class and I guess there are others leave women feeling vulnerable even without someone in the room who looks remarkably male. I don't think I have ever heard of men feeling the same about a transgender male. For men the once female is smaller, weaker, and possibly, I suggest, much less of an apparent threat in a male environment.
What is the male reaction to a transgender male in those situations? Is it totally comfortable for you?


Sadly Steve all too often people are not prepared to live and let live,they expect their mores be respected but think theirs superior to all others and do not return that which they expect.

Old Hippocrates had it right imo "first do no harm" so if people identify as a Venusian lesbian I could care less so long as that is observed.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: T00ts on December 16, 2021, 08:39:04 PM
I really don't know how they could manage to count up to 100 genders any other way. It's a crazy world. My Dad made my first tutu because Mum could barely sew a button on, and always iced cakes for occasions while being just as handy in the garden or building site even though he was a commercial salesman. I really don't know what they would make of him now. I am the female replica of him and always have been. He always used to joke that wherever he was working I would be right alongside from a very early age. If I was born now there is a good chance someone would be talking to me about gender change.
I may be on the other end of the political spectrum from you and I do have an utterly non-judgemental live and let live attitude to those who as informed adults wish to change their genders or whatever. But a lot of this woke crap comes from the faux left, right on affluent liberal types that so dominate Labour right now, having given up on meaningful inequalities. I think people need to be allowed to grow old enough to make an informed decision about gender identities, which they certainly are not at primary school age.

I do actually have a trans work colleague who now goes by a female name but formerly had a male one. She is pre-op and so still has male genitalia but self identifies as a woman, and uses the female staff toilets, which some of the other, mostly older, female colleagues are nlot entirely happy about. But live and let live is my motto so I get along with her ok. It is notable though that in terms of appearance a transgender who is in the process of changing from a man to a woman, can appear almost indistinguishable from a transvestite who is a man with a fetish for dressing up in female clothes. The two are, however, very different.

Biologically though of course - whatever our psychology says - we are born as one of only two genders. One has a penis and nipples which will not - left to their own devices - develop into breasts. The other has a vagina and nipples that will develop into breasts. The former has a scrotum in which sperm is produced. The latter has a womb. It takes a lot of hormonal interference and surgical procedures to try and change any of that. And such decisions are best left to adulthood or something close to it.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on December 16, 2021, 08:19:55 PM
I am a man capable of shedding a few tears over something sad on TV a bit like....well...a woman is expected to do actually. Does that make my gender a metro-sexual manwoman?
I really don't know how they could manage to count up to 100 genders any other way. It's a crazy world. My Dad made my first tutu because Mum could barely sew a button on, and always iced cakes for occasions while being just as handy in the garden or building site even though he was a commercial salesman. I really don't know what they would make of him now. I am the female replica of him and always have been. He always used to joke that wherever he was working I would be right alongside from a very early age. If I was born now there is a good chance someone would be talking to me about gender change.


Quote from: T00ts on December 16, 2021, 10:19:03 AM
Didn't I read recently that they have 'discovered' over 100 genders? The mind boggles! Presumably because I am a real woman who enjoys DIY and those hobbies that used to be a man's prerogative I am no longer considered a true woman. Perhaps it is fortunate that my husband passed before he learned that!
I am a man capable of shedding a few tears over something sad on TV a bit like....well...a woman is expected to do actually. Does that make my gender a metro-sexual manwoman?
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Streetwalker on December 16, 2021, 10:30:30 AM
My heads all over the place with this . My first reaction was this is why poofters should have never been allowed out of the cupboard . The world seemed a more 'normal' place when being gay meant keeping your head down ....... and  hoping nobody noticed .

Now it appears the name of the game is to tell the world and some that you are wired up wrong .  I dont see any good reason to be encouraging them to inflict their abnormal behaviour into the lives of others or the children . Who would feel comfortable growing up without a mum but with three dads? 

Then I stop shaking my head and agree with Cromwell ,  who cares ?  Well the kids will care and is it not societies duty to make sure they have one even if it is just a name on a piece of paper ?   
It did not,I'm old enough to remember it meant being happy or was a dance......for all people called Gordon. :)
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


I could not care less.

I admit that I am saddened that the parents went public. In my experience anything you do will result in toe curling embarrassment for the children, so it is best for parents to keep in the background. As to the rest, my daughter and a nephew are gay and you could not hope to meet better parents. On the other hand, one of my friends has a son who has shagged his way across the US and Europe and produced enough children to populate a small country. And if he ever paid a penny in child support I never heard of it. When asked what he would like for Christmas, my friend said that he would like his son to grow up
Algerie Francais !


My heads all over the place with this . My first reaction was this is why poofters should have never been allowed out of the cupboard . The world seemed a more 'normal' place when being gay meant keeping your head down ....... and  hoping nobody noticed .

Now it appears the name of the game is to tell the world and some that you are wired up wrong .   I dont see any good reason to be encouraging them to inflict their abnormal behaviour into the lives of others or the children . Who would feel comfortable growing up without a mum but with three dads?  

Then I stop shaking my head and agree with Cromwell ,  who cares ?   Well the kids will care and is it not societies duty to make sure they have one even if it is just a name on a piece of paper ?    


Didn't I read recently that they have 'discovered' over 100 genders? The mind boggles! Presumably because I am a real woman who enjoys DIY and those hobbies that used to be a man's prerogative I am no longer considered a true woman. Perhaps it is fortunate that my husband passed before he learned that! 


<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>