A Salop in the face for Boris

Started by cromwell, December 17, 2021, 07:23:42 AM

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The Tories joined up thinking? LOL Take the Napoleon Brandy away and the coke plus the brown envelopes I don't reckon their joined-up thinking is quite what everyone thinks it is. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Remember that BJ was the only candidate who looked as though he had the backbone to get us out of the EU and so it proved. The alternative was Jeremy Hunt, a nice enough chap but simply didn't have the spirit that BJ showed. I can't help but feel that Boris has been let down by his private life which has crept into his political position and that is simply unacceptable to the electorate. He is a changed man from the one who campaigned for Brexit and perhaps he is just a one trick pony.

He has always looked a mess but it was only physical a while back. Since he got covid and babies he is different and lacks coherency. Having two youngsters at a time when he thought that role in his life was over must be taking a toll and by all accounts home life is not a bed of roses. He looks constantly shattered and with the best will in the world expecting a man in the job he has, to rush home and change nappies is ridiculous. If his wife is expecting that she is married to the wrong man. This simply won't do at a time when the nation is in need of very joined up thinking. Behind every great man is an even greater woman and this chap looks to me as if he is struggling to survive on all fronts. 

Will he jump before he is pushed? I'm not sure. 


Quote from: B0ycey on December 17, 2021, 09:57:56 AM
Sure there are going to be MPs who want to return to the EU. But nobody would do that in the next election cycle given the public opinion is still split on that issue and the wounds are still deep. That is two or three election cycles away before EUREF3 becomes the hot topic. And you are right May won't be returning. But she is still a credible alternative.

My instinct is BoJo is just waiting for the "party enquiry" to put the final nail into his coffin  he will then resign and the Tory backbenchers will get behind Truss. I don't even see her leadership being challenged given Sunak is more concerned with public finances than anything else and everyone else is about as popular as ebola.
Well I suppose a Truss would be a good fit for the hernia that is the tory party. ;D
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on December 17, 2021, 09:42:05 AM
Can't see May making a come back,she only ever pretended brexit means brexit,tories were a means to an end for those who voted leave,forget the red wall or even blue wall,theres a whole wall of MP's who would see us back in or as close as close can be till they get their way.
Sure there are going to be MPs who want to return to the EU. But nobody would do that in the next election cycle given the public opinion is still split on that issue and the wounds are still deep. That is two or three election cycles away before EUREF3 becomes the hot topic. And you are right May won't be returning. But she is still a credible alternative.

My instinct is BoJo is just waiting for the "party enquiry" to put the final nail into his coffin  he will then resign and the Tory backbenchers will get behind Truss. I don't even see her leadership being challenged given Sunak is more concerned with public finances than anything else and everyone else is about as popular as ebola.


Quote from: B0ycey on December 17, 2021, 09:36:10 AM
The problem is that people are seeing through the clown act. Sure boosters in a big factor for voters, but it wasn't the reason they wanted to make a point so f**k off Dowden. Is a Leave constituency going to vote Lib Dems because of Davey or their policies? Nope. They are voting for them because they don't like hypocrites and don't trust Johnson and hate Labour more. So if they get him out they might have a chance in taking the seat back in a few years time. Keep him and the party will be lucky to keep any seat in two years. And yes Cromwell, there are credible alternatives to BoJo the Clown. Not to me as I don't like the Tories. But alternatives who might appeal to the rural voter. Truss is the obvious candidate. Sunak is another. But even May is liked by Tory voters and you never know, she could return like the phoenix she is.
Can't see May making a come back,she only ever pretended brexit means brexit,tories were a means to an end for those who voted leave,forget the red wall or even blue wall,theres a whole wall of MP's who would see us back in or as close as close can be till they get their way.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: T00ts on December 17, 2021, 09:22:01 AM
This reminds me of what happened in Cheltenham many years ago. It had been Conservative for decades and the word went out to vote Liberal - as it was then - to oust Conservative.

I don't think this is a vote against Conservative as much as a vote against BJ. Come the GE they will revert and the Conservatives will take the seat back. What is important now is that Conservatives have a major clean up and get back to being Conservatives and disciplined.

The problem is that people are seeing through the clown act. Sure boosters in a big factor for voters, but it wasn't the reason they wanted to make a point so F@@@ off Dowden. Is a Leave constituency going to vote Lib Dems because of Davey or their policies? Nope. They are voting for them because they don't like hypocrites and don't trust Johnson and hate Labour more. So if they get him out they might have a chance in taking the seat back in a few years time. Keep him and the party will be lucky to keep any seat in two years. And yes Cromwell, there are credible alternatives to BoJo the Clown. Not to me as I don't like the Tories. But alternatives who might appeal to the rural voter. Truss is the obvious candidate. Sunak is another. But even May is liked by Tory voters and you never know, she could return like the phoenix she is.


Quote from: Good old on December 17, 2021, 09:24:56 AM
Maybe they should work for devolution.? A northern national party ? That would thrill Thomas,
Devolution? not looking at the clown we have for mayor......a recognition we are here might be a start.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on December 17, 2021, 08:59:26 AM
As I said in a post on another thread labours only hope is a coalition with the lib dims.

What I'm not sure you appreciate good old is that for so many in the north Tory is not their natural home but they've shown their displeasure by voting for them on what seems to me now a hollow promise of levelling up.

The people of the north feel largely ignored and neglected by patronising politicians and won't put up with it forever.
Maybe they should work for devolution.? A northern national party ? That would thrill Thomas,


This reminds me of what happened in Cheltenham many years ago. It had been Conservative for decades and the word went out to vote Liberal - as it was then - to oust Conservative. 

I don't think this is a vote against Conservative as much as a vote against BJ. Come the GE they will revert and the Conservatives will take the seat back. What is important now is that Conservatives have a major clean up and get back to being Conservatives and disciplined.


Quote from: cromwell on December 17, 2021, 09:15:03 AM
And welcome back BOycey,I guess most people see Boris a goner now,the problem is finding a credible alternative.
Cheers Cromwell. Always liked this forum but there hasn't been much going on with UK politics until recently so been surfing the international forums as the big news right now is Ukraine and Taiwan. But its great to read some posts on here and interesting that BoJo is losing popularity even on here.


Quote from: cromwell on December 17, 2021, 08:59:26 AM
As I said in a post on another thread labours only hope is a coalition with the lib dims.

What I'm not sure you appreciate good old is that for so many in the north Tory is not their natural home but they've shown their displeasure by voting for them on what seems to me now a hollow promise of levelling up.

The people of the north feel largely ignored and neglected by patronising politicians and won't put up with it forever.
The North voted Tories because of Brexit. There is absolutely no chance Boris can retain those seats right now given Brexit is over and we are out. But what is worse given those seats might have been lost in the next election whatever, is they can't even be sure they will retain the rural vote either. So there is nothing left for the Tories. Lib Dems just came in and took a leave constituency because BoJo the clown is about as adorable as Chuckie right now. :lol:


Quote from: B0ycey on December 17, 2021, 09:09:08 AM
Massive lol at Boris right now. This wasn't just a defeat. It was convincing Lib Dem majority. Dowden is trying to palm off the jab bollocks on all the news outlets to cover up the fact that if BoJos polls tank any further down, they won't even be the party of opposition next year. They will be in the basement where the Lib Dems used to be. It will be interesting to see how the f**k BoJo can cling on after this. Not that his back benchers have a back bone to oust him out of course, but the realisation that he is single handedly giving out free votes by breaking every rule in the book.
And welcome back BOycey,I guess most people see Boris a goner now,the problem is finding a credible alternative.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Massive lol at Boris right now. This wasn't just a defeat. It was convincing Lib Dem majority. Dowden is trying to palm off the jab bollocks on all the news outlets to cover up the fact that if BoJos polls tank any further down, they won't even be the party of opposition next year. They will be in the basement where the Lib Dems used to be. It will be interesting to see how the F@@@ BoJo can cling on after this. Not that his back benchers have a back bone to oust him out of course, but the realisation that he is single handedly giving out free votes by breaking every rule in the book.


Quote from: Good old on December 17, 2021, 08:47:22 AM
The sort of Tories that made that seat a Tory one for almost two hundred years , would never vote Labour. Yes the result could be seen as a condemnation of both main parties. But only one suffered an over 30% swing.
The moment it was realised the Libs could do this , a large number of the Labour vote were always going to do a ,Smurf, and back the Liberal up. That accounts for at least a percentage of loss in the Labour vote.
What this shows is the only real chance for shifting the Tories is a coalition of politics containing a small c.
Once more we see the potential for coalition being the biggest threat to the Tories, because Labour could never win a seat like Shropshire, but they could regain much of the traditional Labour areas, and marginals.
What this vote says most is people will not accept rank bad government from any quarter.
As I said in a post on another thread labours only hope is a coalition with the lib dims.

What I'm not sure you appreciate good old is that for so many in the north Tory is not their natural home but they've shown their displeasure by voting for them on what seems to me now a hollow promise of levelling up.

The people of the north feel largely ignored and neglected by patronising politicians and won't put up with it forever.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Good old on December 17, 2021, 08:47:22 AM
The sort of Tories that made that seat a Tory one for almost two hundred years , would never vote Labour. Yes the result could be seen as a condemnation of both main parties. But only one suffered an over 30% swing.
The moment it was realised the Libs could do this , a large number of the Labour vote were always going to do a ,Smurf, and back the Liberal up. That accounts for at least a percentage of loss in the Labour vote.
What this shows is the only real chance for shifting the Tories is a coalition of politics containing a small c.
Once more we see the potential for coalition being the biggest threat to the Tories, because Labour could never win a seat like Shropshire, but they could regain much of the traditional Labour areas, and marginals.
What this vote says most is people will not accept rank bad government from any quarter.
And no Thomas , I have not said only two party politics. I said have said coalition, several times, and I am saying it again , that means more a broader range of parties involved.

I so knew this was coming, a coalition of the Westminster party or in other words, we don't care as long as the Westminster party stays in power. The voters must never be allowed free votes. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!