A Salop in the face for Boris

Started by cromwell, December 17, 2021, 07:23:42 AM

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Quote from: Nick on December 17, 2021, 10:43:36 PM
It seems you have some weird view on what damaging a country is:

Selling off all our gold reserves at rock bottom prices damages the country.
Going to war based on total lies, destabilising a region and unleashing the biggest period of terrorist activity in the world's history damages not only our country but the entire world.
Having a couple of dodgy parties does not damage a country, it may damage a political party but I would have thought that was what you wanted.
Yep well said nick .Labour rely on everyones having amnesia and forgetting their past behaviour.

I have a long long memory and never forget. Or forgive.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on December 17, 2021, 09:30:23 PM
I think Labour, can speak for themselves, Borky,  I only try to see the scene as far as one can.
LMFAO. There you go again trying to paint yourself as some impartial observer with everyones best interests at heart when clearly we can all see you are every bit as partisan in your support of blairite labour as the rest of us are with our politics.

Stope it good old, you are fooling no one and neither is your limp wristed party.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on December 17, 2021, 08:02:04 PM
I think you are the one that is suffering from a certain amount of delusion. Now I have said the chances of going back to the EU, is in my opinion remote . That is unless Brexit for whatever reason proves to be a disaster.
The idea that any government , of whatever persuasion would take an already successful economy into the EU on what could only ever be a deal well below what we had is ,total hogwash. If Brexit succeeds it will not need a Tory government to cherish it.Myth politics,.your very good at it.

So you and some others keep trying to say , but clearly not only the public ( as labours dismall performance in the latest by election shows) dont trust starmer irrespective of what he says on the subject of the EU , but labours own former members like forum member srb steve has clearly said time and again starmer is yet another complete utter liar who has backtracked on many of the promises he made to labour members. Why would the public , especially the brexit voters trust starmer when the man spent 3 years trying to anti democratically renege on on a democratic vote ?

As for taking a "successfull economy" i see you qualify your words here , but labour clearly intended to do just that prior to 2019. Even tony blair made fun of labours incompetent ignorant stance of tying the uk economy to the EU by remaining in the CU. He clearly pointed out the madness of an independent uk being unable to do world trade deals.

The only hogwash here mate is what you and your beloved economically illiterate labour party talk , and the public know it.
Brexit was a small percentage wish when it was recommended by referendum.
It doesnt matter how many times you spout this rubbish , and twist reality to suit , it was a clear democratic mandate by a majority . We all knew the rules before we took part , so squealing now about tiny percentages makes remainers look like bad losers , nothing more.

QuoteAt the 2019 election it had become this monster that was clogging up our whole existence, politics, business, and worst of all personal relations
...and whose fault was that? Anti democratic remainers like keir starmer trying to undo a demcoratic reuslt because they couldnt accept losing. At the end , just before the election , people like you were even spinning your fantasy hopes on a mythical remain majority , who we were told from 2015 onwards were always going to appear to stop brexit but never managed it over the course of four elections and a referendum.

Most of us knew fine well the public had had enough of remain anti democrats , but not clowns like starmer , who destroyed labours campaign in the 2019 GE with his inept tactics that saw him spit in the face of 60 % of labours own seats.

What an anti democratic clown that man is.
What they have right now is a government of very doubtful ability led by a man that is now recognised as the unreliable untrustworthy buffoon, her always actually was , before he grabbed the Brexit pol and vaulted himself through the window of 10 Downing Street.
I dont disagree , but as deppity dawg and myself along with many others have pointed out , labour are as far from government now as they were in 2019 , and if labour can't win an outright majority in 2 years time , then clearly they ought to pack politics in.

Starmers problem isnt just that the english public have long memories of his anti democartic remain baggage , but also that he isnt seen as pm material .

QuoteThe truth of Brexit now is ,it is in danger of helping people realise that the real problems for this country were always here .So every bit as much a hindrance to the Tories as a help to remain in power long term.

Well we will see. I predict brexit will haunt labour in england for many years to come just as 2014 has haunted labour in scotland. Clearly you have learned nothing about pissing off your own vote base , and need further kickings at the ballot box.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on December 17, 2021, 09:30:23 PM
What I will say is if Labour get elected at that election , this country might well be damaged beyond repair by that time and Labour will grasp another poisoned chalice.

My memories of politics from 1975 when I first got the vote to the present day is of LABOUR doing the damage and others having to sweep up the shit. Blair's finest nuclear attack on the UK - devolution - will require a civil war to repair.

Its nice to see The Welsh First Fuckwit is right on course to start one
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


One other thing ...

If you think Bojos interview posted by Barry was world class wriggling, get a stiff drink and watch last night s newsnight.

The BBC slaughtered the 1922 committee Spokesman sent to obfuscate.

Time and time again he tried to divert attention saying his constituents wanted to know what the government were doing on X Y and Z.

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>

Good old

Quote from: Nick on December 17, 2021, 10:43:36 PM
It seems you have some weird view on what damaging a country is:

Selling off all our gold reserves at rock bottom prices damages the country.
Going to war based on total lies, destabilising a region and unleashing the biggest period of terrorist activity in the world's history damages not only our country but the entire world.
Having a couple of dodgy parties does not damage a country, it may damage a political party but I would have thought that was what you wanted.

And you can not seem to realise that every frigging government in history will have, and has  got some  things wrong . The decision to attack Iraq, at that time was a bad decision. But it didn't in its self creat a problem the problem was already their and growing. The two towers and over 3,000 deaths was only the tip of the problem up to then. The whole frigging world was suffering atrocities.Sadam, had already  destabilised the Middle East, for gods sake, attacking,Iran, and trying usurp Kuwait . He created nothing. But his actions did not stop the efforts to terrorise the west emanate from the Moslem, world.
None of which can divert from the fact that almost twenty years later we are at such a low point, as we  are encouraged to embrace a totally useless PM, leading what has proved to be a government that is becoming in its self an embarrassment .


Quote from: Barry on December 18, 2021, 10:15:35 AM
I don't think this is the one, but watch this from 45 seconds with the worst example of trying to shift blame and bluster I have ever seen.
If you can find the ITN temper tantrum online I'd love to see it. Funnily enough, Boris and Carrie's neighbours used to complain to the police.


It was part of that very interview because the background, the suit, the mask and the voice of the journo were the same. 

The journo asked if this was now a resigning matter

Boris went on the attack instantly. His stance, his eyes, everything about his body language shifted  and you could see sheer hatred in his eyes and he spat out "I think that is a prime case of a breach of the golden rule"

I will see if the smart TV has it buffered and if I can grab it. It was over in seconds and I have only seen it broadcast in the preamble to the full news show where they ran it over the programme credits.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>

Good old

Quote from: Nick on December 17, 2021, 10:23:47 PM
Are you having a laugh? Labour manufacture poisoned chalice's

I've got a daughter like that, nothing is ever her fault :) :) :)

This country was nowhere near the state it's in now in 2010. Twelve years Nick, of what, 30.000 Tories of long standing. Giving the thumbs down. And only because they know they have rarely seen worse than than what they see now. You go on elsewhere about , the cupboard bare note ,as if it was a fact . 
I If you thought we were actually broke then, what the hell do younthink we are now?  
I have five middle age sons, who think nothings their fault, and I'm convinced they pretty well represent the present malaise that has come over our present predicaments .


Quote from: johnofgwent on December 18, 2021, 08:28:46 AMBecause in the same way as I have witnessed Blair, Brown, Lamont and Major driven to ire and fury when they thought few were looking and all the cameras pointed the other way, so I have seen Boris from his days as Mayor when I was an IT freelancer being paid to sort out TfL's IT (I think it might have been called London Underground Ltd back then) as an angry and unpleasant piece of work and the world almost got a reminder yesterday thanks to ITN. And they should be thanked for it.
I don't think this is the one, but watch this from 45 seconds with the worst example of trying to shift blame and bluster I have ever seen.
If you can find the ITN temper tantrum online I'd love to see it. Funnily enough, Boris and Carrie's neighbours used to complain to the police.

† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Borchester on December 18, 2021, 12:25:26 AM
Crisis? What crisis?:)
The crisis that the Westminster party thought it can rule without doing a thing it said it would do. While creating a crisis as cover. Boris now says we were right, it didn't stop them trying it on though, did it?
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Borchester on December 18, 2021, 12:25:26 AM
Crisis? What crisis?:)

I can see him in my mind right now, stepping out of the plane that flew him back from Guadeloupe into a wall of photographers, and the newspaper headline with those very words.

I lived in a seriously grotty flat 400 yards at most from the eastern end of Cardiff's main shopping street at the time and he was my MP although I did not actually know it, such was my disconnect with politics as a young man.

A few months after that of course, it would all be over for Sunny Jim. I had the pleasure of meeting Screaming Lord Sutch on my doorstep that year, he was then undecided as to whether to stand against Jim or Maggie. I think it was probably that meeting that drew me to further engagement in political things, for he struck me as neither monstrous nor lunatic

As I mentioned in the other post, in a fleeting moment on an ITV News prequel before they ran the main titles and cut to the studio, ITV ran an absolute killer of a piece of VT that shows this setback has CLEARLY rattled Boris to the core.

Because in the same way as I have witnessed Blair, Brown, Lamont and Major driven to ire and fury when they thought few were looking and all the cameras pointed the other way, so I have seen Boris from his days as Mayor when I was an IT freelancer being paid to sort out TfL's IT (I think it might have been called London Underground Ltd back then) as an angry and unpleasant piece of work and the world almost got a reminder yesterday thanks to ITN. And they should be thanked for it.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on December 17, 2021, 07:33:01 AM
Blimey, that was a turn up for the books.

I thought that the Tories would get a hiding, but not a kicking such as this.

Bad news for Bojo, but at least it brings a certain level of interest back to UK politics

I think the most telling point was eight seconds of out take shown on the ITV news about fifteen minutes ago 

Being interviewed and pouring his heart out that he gets it and other similar Bollox, his interrogator asks if he should consider resigning.

Boris, clearly rattled, angrily barks that this is a clear breach of the golden rule and almost does a John Nott.

But as a clearly Tory voter of way past pensionable age, interviewed in the street says, when asked what Boris could do to repair things, the answer was 'nothing, it is too late'

I believe the same.

The only thing keeping Boris in the job is the fact there is no one else with clean hands that could challenge him as leader, and the idea any other party might prevail in a contest is s total joke 

Sorry, but Boris, who never had my respect other than as a man who knew how to play an audience, show d his true mettle when he defended Cummings for his outrageous law breaking that any lesser person would be fined for but Cummings wasn't and this party on down dude, only the plebs need to follow the rules antics has derailed everything 

And the man select d to investigate the partying has himself stood down after being found to have attended one if not be actually organised one ....

God almighty it's Jim Callaghan all over again
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Good old on December 17, 2021, 09:30:23 PMthis country might well be damaged beyond repair

It seems you have some weird view on what damaging a country is:

Selling off all our gold reserves at rock bottom prices damages the country.
Going to war based on total lies, destabilising a region and unleashing the biggest period of terrorist activity in the world's history damages not only our country but the entire world.
Having a couple of dodgy parties does not damage a country, it may damage a political party but I would have thought that was what you wanted.

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Good old on December 17, 2021, 09:30:23 PMthis country might well be damaged beyond repair
Oh feck, not another round of the Westminster party saving us all.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!