The EU is forcing Poland to choose between money or the constitution

Started by Thomas, December 24, 2021, 01:19:56 PM

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Germany is trying to turn the EU into a 'Fourth Reich', says head of Poland's ruling party as Brussels SUES to stop the country over-ruling European laws

  • One of Poland's leaders said Germany is trying make EU a 'German Fourth Reich' 
  • Jaroslaw Kaczynski, 72, is the head of Poland's ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party 
  • He added: 'If we agreed with this modern-day submission we'd be degraded'

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I genuinely don't believe that there is anything in the EU treaties about judicial appointments requiring EU approval.
To say that Poland signed up to this seems to me to be stretching it somewhat.


Quote from: cromwell on December 25, 2021, 03:04:12 PM
Well whatever pee you took Borky the facts are the Polish squadrons flying British fighters were the most successful,they gave no quarter and hated with a passion because of what they'd seen happen to their country.

After the war they were treated abysmally by the British govt. 

Merry Christmas btw.  😝

Very true Ollie and I like to tell my Polish chums that there is nothing personal in it, the British treat everyone like shit, where upon they sort of agree, but insist that the Poles had a worse deal than most.


Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on December 25, 2021, 02:42:34 PM
It is Christmas so no need to wind up our Polish friends. That said, I did once suggest that the Battle of Britain was won by Winged Hussars flying PZL P.7s and it took some time before my audience realised that I was taking the urine. Good folk the Poles, but they tend to take themselves a bit seriously. 
Well whatever pee you took Borky the facts are the Polish squadrons flying British fighters were the most successful,they gave no quarter and hated with a passion because of what they'd seen happen to their country.

After the war they were treated abysmally by the British govt.   

Merry Christmas btw.  😝 and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Streetwalker on December 25, 2021, 02:23:56 PM
Polish deputy PM says Germany wants to turn EU into 'fourth reich' | Poland | The Guardian

The Polish wont put up with Germany leading the EU either  or turning Europe into a German fourth reich . German /Polish relations have never been great  (as my decedent's would testify )

Yes they have benefitted greatly from the transfer of funds from other nations via the EU but they are realising that the price for that will be a high one to pay and if  push comes to shove they will leave the EU

It is Christmas so no need to wind up our Polish friends. That said, I did once suggest that the Battle of Britain was won by Winged Hussars flying PZL P.7s and it took some time before my audience realised that I was taking the urine. Good folk the Poles, but they tend to take themselves a bit seriously.
Algerie Francais !


Polish deputy PM says Germany wants to turn EU into 'fourth reich' | Poland | The Guardian

The Polish wont put up with Germany leading the EU either  or turning Europe into a German fourth reich . German /Polish relations have never been great  (as my decedent's would testify ) 

Yes they have benefitted greatly from the transfer of funds from other nations via the EU but they are realising that the price for that will be a high one to pay and if  push comes to shove they will leave the EU 


You might find it difficult, not to mention dangerous, to get to see a real meeting between an irresistible force and an immovable object. But if you're looking for the next best experience over Christmas, you could well take a look at the ballooning legal spat between Poland and the EU.
To remind you of the background, it is part of Brussels's catechism that its law must at all times and in all places trump the law of a member State. True, the principle doesn't appear in the treaties; but the Court of Justice, from which there is no appeal, has said so since 1963. And the rule is unyielding: were the most basic and entrenched constitutional norm to clash with a Euro-regulation on the packaging of bananas, the flick of the Eurocrat's pen would still take precedence.
Last October, the Polish government asked its own Constitutional Tribunal what it would do faced with a conflict between Euro-law and the Polish constitution. No particular issue was mentioned in the request, which was deliberately framed as something more like an intellectual question or student essay. But the answer was unequivocal: whatever Brussels thought, in Warsaw  the Constitution had to win out.

The EU's response, announced yesterday, was equally forthright. It has engaged a mechanism for the Court of Justice to tell Poland that this decision is illegal under European law. It wants the court to order Poland to put things right, and if it does not to fine its government heavily for disobedience.
Who is right on the intellectual question isn't clear. The EU line is that Poland signed up to the EU knowing all about the rule that EU law was sacrosanct. But the Poles can equally plausibly retort that their constitution of 1997 came before their EU membership in 2002, and did not empower any government to sign away to an outside body the right casually to override or amend it. But it doesn't really matter. This is increasingly a matter not of law but of raw politics. And here you may well think that the EU is not scoring well.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!