Labour Party elder statesman Baron (Wreck it and Run) Reid Warts & all

Started by Thomas, December 24, 2021, 04:45:28 PM

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Quote from: Thomas on December 29, 2021, 05:28:14 PMSteve , he is currently a labour lord serving in the upper house of your parliament , who can and does vote on legisaltion affecting us all. I take your point he is long gone from front line politics in he commons , but i hardly think sitting in the lords renders him of no importance at all. He was a vocal opponent of both scot indy in 2014 and brexit two years later , using his profile , such as it was to influence anyone who took him serious.
Fair point, but then the House of Lords is itself  largely a House of Has Beens and Cronies. That someone like him sits in the Lords is of course a disgrace, but it is not the first nor the last time that such types get sent there. Yes he has a vote, but probably little influence.

And it seems he has been on the wrong side of history throughout most of his career, an ardent opponent of meaningful change and defender of the status quo. Yes he opposed Scottish independence. And he opposed Brexit. But I also remember him vehemently opposing even the pitifully poor offer of electoral reform the Tories allowed a referendum on as part of their offer to buy the Lib Dem's souls.

You can be sure that if there is meaningful change on the table anywhere, Reid will oppose it.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on December 29, 2021, 05:23:15 PM
trying to wash your hands of labour party filth and run away is the norm from you we have come to expect.

Are you seriously trying to say the new labour government from 97 to 2010 had nothing to do with the "alleged" mess your country is in?

By christ that takes some red neck to come out with that guff.

Lets put sex pest reid to the side for the moment , and concentrate on your latest "dodge".

New labours mass immigration under tony blair inflamed the natives of especially england , and in turn in my opinion and many more , in part led to the rise of ukip and brexit.

John of gwent on here has repeatedly claimed new labours devolution settlement , which came about after the disasterous stitch up they left behind in 1979 , and which simmered for 20 years , has led to the uk being on the brink of being torn apart. His words not mine.

Practially every single problem this multi national state has currently can be traced back to the disaster that was the new labour government. That is of course the mess , the collosul debt and pfi legacy you left behind ( £30 billion in my country alone ) governing in the sunshine of an economic boom the tories left you in 1997 .I dread to think what it would have been like had you had to deal with a pandemic , and of course had labour been in power , your anti democratic party wouldnt have even allowed a brexit referendum , never mind honoured the result.

As for reid , is drinking and Sex pest rumours are long established going back to the 70`s. He might never have faced the music , the same as the likes of saville or smith , but thats doesnt mean it didnt happen either.

No I am not saying that our present situation has nothing to do with New Labour, every government has left some sort of mark. But for a start since 1979 Labour have only been in power for twelve years.. simple maths tells that the Tories. Have spent at least thirty years achieving what ? I would like to know? It was Heath, that took us into Europe, it was Maggie, that followed up .and took it forward , it was Major, that defended it to this day. And I live in a mainly rural extremely Tory area and I can tell you that in the main the people that made the most use of immigration, and welcomed it most as a cheap Labour opportunity were the Tories that now say immigration not us. And if it wasn't for Nigel, and UKIP,  there would be no Brexit , because these fellers didn't want it and still don't. And they couldn't be further away from Blair, or Starmer . But my god how they enjoyed having those people here.j
The colossal debt you talk of was not Labours  fault completely, and would have most certainly happened with the Tories in. As it is well recorded they had constantly called for less restraints on the banks. So it may well have landed on us sooner.
The Tories had made just as many serious mistakes in the financial activities of this country in their twenty odd years in power. And nothing changes , just this past year or so , billions down the drain in tests and equipment for Covid. Even the  cutting in the period 2010/19 could be considered reckless , there was no money tree they said, right up to the day , Boris, was threatening to spend in more or less the same way as Corbyn, had promised. The Money tree had miraculously appeared, and my god we get some idea of how big it was under generous Ritchie.  Yes he had to actually borrow , £400 billion and it was warranted, but then so was the £100 billion  back in 2008/10. But what happened to that £800 billion they borrowed before covid raised its head?  When according to them there was no money tree.


Quote from: srb7677 on December 28, 2021, 07:14:41 PM
I an not questioning what is alleged about Reid. I do not rate the man at all highly for his politics and never did, and suspect that in many cases his and his fellow travellers' so-called politics displays a lack of any underlying moral compass. So allegations such as this do not surprise me, and the reports I have so far seen sound credible.

However, he is a political has been, a man of no importance anymore.
Steve , he is currently a labour lord serving in the upper house of your parliament , who can and does vote on legisaltion affecting us all. I take your point he is long gone from front line politics in he commons , but i hardly think sitting in the lords renders him of no importance at all. He was a vocal opponent of both scot indy in 2014 and brexit two years later , using his profile , such as it was to influence anyone who took him serious.

QuoteIt might be more effective if you could dig up dirt on the current party 
Watch this space. Dirt is normally held back for election time steve , not mid way through a parliamentary term.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on December 29, 2021, 05:13:09 PM
It would be all the same if it had anything to do with the mess this country is presently in. It really does not. Even if there was any truth in the accusation, which as it has never been more than a sordid piece of unsubstantiated journalism, or what passes for journalism. Seems likely it's not even true enough for anyone to try proving it.
It is propaganda, based on another time, not on a parties behaviour, but on a man's personal behaviour.  Nothing more.
trying to wash your hands of labour party filth and run away is the norm from you we have come to expect.

Are you seriously trying to say the new labour government from 97 to 2010 had nothing to do with the "alleged" mess your country is in?

By christ that takes some red neck to come out with that guff.

Lets put sex pest reid to the side for the moment , and concentrate on your latest "dodge".

New labours mass immigration under tony blair inflamed the natives of especially england , and in turn in my opinion and many more , in part led to the rise of ukip and brexit.

John of gwent on here has repeatedly claimed new labours devolution settlement , which came about after the disasterous stitch up they left behind in 1979 , and which simmered for 20 years , has led to the uk being on the brink of being torn apart. His words not mine.

Practially every single problem this multi national state has currently can be traced back to the disaster that was the new labour government. That is of course the mess , the collosul debt and pfi legacy you left behind ( £30 billion in my country alone ) governing in the sunshine of an economic boom the tories left you in 1997 .I dread to think what it would have been like had you had to deal with a pandemic , and of course had labour been in power , your anti democratic party wouldnt have even allowed a brexit referendum , never mind honoured the result.

As for reid , is drinking and Sex pest rumours are long established going back to the 70`s. He might never have faced the music , the same as the likes of saville or smith , but thats doesnt mean it didnt happen either.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: srb7677 on December 28, 2021, 07:14:41 PM
I an not questioning what is alleged about Reid. I do not rate the man at all highly for his politics and never did, and suspect that in many cases his and his fellow travellers' so-called politics displays a lack of any underlying moral compass. So allegations such as this do not surprise me, and the reports I have so far seen sound credible.

However, he is a political has been, a man of no importance anymore. It might be more effective if you could dig up dirt on the current party 
It would be all the same if it had anything to do with the mess this country is presently in. It really does not. Even if there was any truth in the accusation, which as it has never been more than a sordid piece of unsubstantiated journalism, or what passes for journalism. Seems likely it's not even true enough for anyone to try proving it.
It is propaganda, based on another time, not on a parties behaviour, but on a man's personal behaviour.  Nothing more.


Quote from: Thomas on December 28, 2021, 02:51:15 PMWhat an absolute scumbag that man reid is.
I an not questioning what is alleged about Reid. I do not rate the man at all highly for his politics and never did, and suspect that in many cases his and his fellow travellers' so-called politics displays a lack of any underlying moral compass. So allegations such as this do not surprise me, and the reports I have so far seen sound credible.

However, he is a political has been, a man of no importance anymore. It might be more effective if you could dig up dirt on the current party bigwigs.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


The second incident, shortly before the death of then Labour leader John
Smith in 1994, when Mr Reid was Shadow Defence Secretary, was witnessed by
several people. One said: "John came lurching up and said to Dawn 'I want to
have sex with you, I want to f*** you, you want it as well." Ms Primarolo's
friend and neighbouring Bristol Labour MP Jean Corston intervened and, according
to a source, told Mr Reid: "You are a disgusting creature. Get away from her,"
adding: "That's it, I'm going to report him." Ms Corston, who is now a Baroness,
told colleagues she raised the matter with John Smith, commenting: "It won't be
happening again." One Labour insider said: "Dawn was on the verge of tears. She
said Reid had been harassing her over a period of years and had propositioned
her in the bar. It was very painful for her." When Mr Reid was summoned by the
Labour leader, he gave Mr Smith a sealed envelope containing his resignation and
told him that if he misbehaved again, Mr Smith should open it.

What an absolute scumbag that man reid is.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on December 28, 2021, 02:45:00 PM
Right so you complain I call you a hypocrite but I never did but you think it ok to call me one,that's fine I can live with it.

? Dont know what you are talking about cromwell. You need to quote where i complained you call me a hypocrite. Im saying you are being hypocritical on the matter , not that you called me a hypocrite.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Right so you complain I call you a hypocrite but I never did but you think it ok to call me one,that's fine I can live with it.

Merry Christmas and an happy new year to you too. and affordable,not that hard is it?


The allegations against john reid have been well known for over a decade , and made headline news in the uk papers.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Sunday, May 13, 2007
The Dirty Past of Dr John Reid

Last Sunday I wrote THIS about John Reid's announcement that he wouldn't stand against Gordon Brown and would be leaving the Cabinet. I gave several reasons, and ended the piece with these words...
QuoteBut even worse than that, he got to hear of a big tabloid scandal brewing, which portrayed him, shall we say, in a less than chivalrous light. It was clear that the newspaper concerned was preparing to run the story if and when he announced his candidacy.
The newspaper concerned was the Mail on Sunday, although I didn't know it at the time. Today they run the story on page 5. If Reid had still been in the running it would have been front page. Apparently Reid has been guilty of sexually harassing Dawn Primarolo. On several occasions he tried to get her to go to bed with him. The full story is HERE. Here's an extract...
QuoteThe second incident, shortly before the death of then Labour leader John
Smith in 1994, when Mr Reid was Shadow Defence Secretary, was witnessed by
several people. One said: "John came lurching up and said to Dawn 'I want to
have sex with you, I want to f*** you, you want it as well." Ms Primarolo's
friend and neighbouring Bristol Labour MP Jean Corston intervened and, according
to a source, told Mr Reid: "You are a disgusting creature. Get away from her,"
adding: "That's it, I'm going to report him." Ms Corston, who is now a Baroness,
told colleagues she raised the matter with John Smith, commenting: "It won't be
happening again." One Labour insider said: "Dawn was on the verge of tears. She
said Reid had been harassing her over a period of years and had propositioned
her in the bar. It was very painful for her." When Mr Reid was summoned by the
Labour leader, he gave Mr Smith a sealed envelope containing his resignation and
told him that if he misbehaved again, Mr Smith should open it.
What a disgusting individual Reid is. British politics will be better off without him. The MoS will have had to be very sure of their facts to have published this story. There's certainly nos ign yet of a writ from Reid.
He's been a Cabinet Minister in nine different departments and left a trail of destruction behind in each of them. No wonder he's known as "Wreck it and Run". He's just done the same at the Home Office.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on December 28, 2021, 01:36:12 PM
Oh don't start quoting goodfellow,and fyi I used to quote that Bliar should be tried but never will be,the results of the Iraq war are in plain sight and also I did not call you a hypocrite,if you can find where I did you will be lucky,what I did say was you are being unfair is all.
Im not being unfair.

Whilst trying and failing to take the moral high ground on this subject , im pointing out your outright hypocrisy on the subject.

You have been more than happy at times (ie;blair for example) to throw innuendo and rumour if not outright lies to smear someone you dont like , so im not sure why you are hypocritically defending john reid here.

Thats part of the art of politics , and we all do it including you , so im not taking hypocrticial double standards from you over it.

The allegations against john reid have been mentioned many a time.

The day leadership rival John Reid propositioned the young Brown ally Dawn Primarolo - and never drank again

Just days before, as bruiser Mr Reid was positioning himself to take on the Chancellor, his enemies in the Labour Party were queueing up to reveal why they considered him a liability.

Their accounts centred on drink-fuelled indecent proposals he allegedly made to one of Mr Brown's closest allies, Treasury Minister Dawn Primarolo.
And the claims are thought to have been one of the reasons Mr Reid pulled out of the Labour leadership contest and announced he is to resign as Home Secretary when Tony Blair steps down next month.
Mr Reid is said to have asked Ms Primarolo to go to bed with him during a Parliamentary trip to Berlin when he phoned her at a hotel bar from his room.
And later at a bar in the Commons he is alleged to have told her: "I want sex with you" and "You want it too."

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on December 28, 2021, 12:25:52 PM
Blair , like reid  , hasnt been charged with anything. You were trying him  , like i and the author of the article on reid , by rumour and innuendo.

Reids actions as the article makes clear are as much in plain site as blairs , so why is one acceptable and not the other?

As i said cromwell , i take your point but im also saying your a hypocrite on the subject of innocence until proven guilt. We all throw mud , including you , at people we dont like. So dont say do as i say and not as i do , when you were trying blair rightly or wrongly for years by rumour and innuendo long before anyone had heard of chilcot.

Goodfellow used to say repeatedly to you on the old forum blair had not been found guilty of anything as you are hinting at me with reid.
Oh don't start quoting goodfellow,and fyi I used to quote that Bliar should be tried but never will be,the results of the Iraq war are in plain sight and also I did not call you a hypocrite,if you can find where I did you will be lucky,what I did say was you are being unfair is all. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on December 28, 2021, 12:10:30 PM
I didn't say I was better than anyone,as regards Bliar the result of his actions are in plain sight I need no article to reference that.

It wasn't a lecture it was an observation that whatever he is or isn't is speculation as in Salmond and unfair.
Blair , like reid  , hasnt been charged with anything. You were trying him  , like i and the author of the article on reid , by rumour and innuendo.

Reids actions as the article makes clear are as much in plain site as blairs , so why is one acceptable and not the other?

As i said cromwell , i take your point but im also saying your a hypocrite on the subject of innocence until proven guilt. We all throw mud , including you , at people we dont like. So dont say do as i say and not as i do , when you were trying blair rightly or wrongly for years by rumour and innuendo long before anyone had heard of chilcot.

Goodfellow used to say repeatedly to you on the old forum blair had not been found guilty of anything as you are hinting at me with reid.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on December 28, 2021, 11:55:26 AM
Salmond was tried in a scottish court and acquitted by a majority female jury on charges of sexual assault.  There is no comparison .

I take on board your point , but as i say , the rumours abour reid keep circulating like one mr saville , and have done for years. If you dont like the article , take it up with the author , dont shoot the messenger.

You yourself have many times tried tony blair , as have i , by innuendo and rumour over his time in power and his role in the iraq war. So you are no better than me in this regard.

As ever , it boils down to personal like and dislike cromwell  , and when ever the cap fits. So im not taking any lectures from you on innocence until proven guilty regarding the despicable lord reid.
I didn't say I was better than anyone,as regards Bliar the result of his actions are in plain sight I need no article to reference that.

It wasn't a lecture it was an observation that whatever he is or isn't is speculation as in Salmond and unfair. and affordable,not that hard is it?