lammy turncoat gets the boot in on corbyn

Started by Thomas, December 29, 2021, 09:16:49 AM

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Lardy is a professional black man who represents a constituency where barely a fifth consider themselves white British, so he has been able to make a good career out of representing suntanned victimhood. However, I suspect that the penny has dropped and he now realises that there is a world outside Tottenham and the pushy bugger is thinking of making a run for a job in the top flight of the Labour party. Actually, he is always thinking of a job in the top flight of the Labour party and invariably screws up.
Lammy is a complete tosser, but he does cheer us all up :)
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: johnofgwent on December 30, 2021, 08:23:11 AM
Lammy is a loudmouth racist whose moanings are best summed up by his complaint that one can never find a policeman on the streets when one needs one, a rant made to a camera crew whose shot of him clearly shows a uniformed copper in a yellow hi Vis not 100 yards from the camera.

I think he was near the broadwater farm estate when he said it, too ....
I just turn the TV or Radio off when I hear him so I have no idea what he stands for recently. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: srb7677 on December 29, 2021, 10:14:25 PM
Lammy has been a good outspoken politician on certain issues in the past on which he felt strongly, notably the Windrush scandal and the Grenfell fire disaster (where the victims included one of his personal friends).

However, I could never support such an obvious turncoat and would never now vote for him or for anything he led.
Lammy is a loudmouth racist whose moanings are best summed up by his complaint that one can never find a policeman on the streets when one needs one, a rant made to a camera crew whose shot of him clearly shows a uniformed copper in a yellow hi Vis not 100 yards from the camera.

I think he was near the broadwater farm estate when he said it, too ....

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Lammy has been a good outspoken politician on certain issues in the past on which he felt strongly, notably the Windrush scandal and the Grenfell fire disaster (where the victims included one of his personal friends).

However, I could never support such an obvious turncoat and would never now vote for him or for anything he led.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


This is it. Its not just the leader, is it? Its the David Lammys. Its the Jess Phillips. Its the Angela Rayners. These are the people who now make up the party. Out side London, outside of the victim group value exchange system where skin colour, gender and sexuality make up 99% of all all grievances

If you are a working class person in a place like South Bank or Sunderland (where you are likely to be white and male), you are wasting your time with these people. You simply do not matter to them anymore.


Lardy's problem is that in his constituency of Tottenham he is king, but outside he just another fat dick.I imagine he does not expect Starmer to last much longer and is making a play for the middle ground and the Labour leadership. I doubt that he will make it. He has a genius for saying things that will get him cheered to the echo in Hackney and make him look a total C@@@ anywhere else.

No need to get worried about this. Dave may be a rubbish politician, but he is a great addition to the gaiety of the nation.:):)
Algerie Francais !


Whoever said politics is a dirty game had it spot on . With friends like david lammy , who needs enemies?

The guy is symptomatic of the talentless bench warming greasy pole climbing politician who currently inhabits that westminster parliament.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


The Talleyrand of Tottenham apologised to his audience for being one of the 35 Labour MPs to nominate Jeremy Corbyn for leader in 2015, declaring that 'If I knew what I do now, I never would have nominated him... I never believed he would become leader. That was a mistake and I am sorry for that.' Criticising antisemitism within the party, Lammy claimed he was 'staggered' that some individuals with such views remain in the party, but added he was 'fully behind' Keir Starmer's leadership, saying: 'I don't believe the overall culture is toxic any more ... but until the party is genuinely welcome for everyone, we remain on a journey.'

Such earnest hand-wringing went down well with some sections of the press, convinced such 'honest' abasement is necessary to 'move on' from the Corbyn years. Harder cynics noted that's it easy to be contrite after the event and that, if Lammy really was so concerned about the Magic Grandpa's leadership, he could quite easily have joined his Change UK colleagues in defecting. Instead of course, he opted to remain a Labour backbencher campaigning to put Corbyn, Milne et al in No. 10, tweeting praise of his dear leader and keeping shtum for much of the past five years. 
For the fawning tributes which Lammy paid to Corbyn during the latter's reign of error are still online, such as his praise for his leader's 2017 conference speech: 'Bloody brilliant. Jeremy Corbyn is heading to No. 10.' In July 2018, four months after Corbyn's craven response to the Salisbury poisonings, Lammy told Alastair Campbell in GQ magazine that:
Quote"He's a bloody good constituency MP. We work on a number of things together. So is he still my friend? He is. We text each other. We talk about theatre, things way beyond politics... I think Jeremy Corbyn is going to be prime minister. I've been saying that for a long time... I have avoided the party warfare stuff and I am not about to get into it now. It is not in the interests of my constituents. It is not really David Lammy. It is not what people expect from David Lammy.
Even after the humiliating 2019 defeat, Lammy was able to tell an event dedicated to Bernie Grant in March 2020 that 'I so wish Bernie had been alive to see his great friend Jeremy Corbyn become leader of the Labour party' before salivating over Corbyn's speech: 'I know the words are going to be powerful, I can't wait for every single sentence and hope that this speech will be published.' Fine words – all the more jarring in light of Lammy's local Haringey branch having a well-publicised problem with antisemitism during the Corbyn years.

Steerpike looks forward to the Tottenham MP demonstrating similar fealty to the leadership of Starmer, who he's now 'fully behind' – until he loses. After all, it is what people expect from David Lammy

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!