
Started by cromwell, December 31, 2021, 11:50:30 PM

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Quote from: Good old on January 08, 2022, 12:11:28 PM
If you like.  More a case of for f**k sake, we don't agree, and won't . As far as Blair is concerned. Let's see what happens.
I think in general terms I do agree with your thoughts on the honours system .But  I can see where Davey ,is coming from though. If you start trying to reverse the monarchs decisions on one of the few of her obligations .it's only a short distance from , questioning the Crown, the throne., and it's relevance . Which is what the monarch represents.
As you say all these things need thinking about.  Maybe questioning. As long as people can see the wood from the trees, because the answers have to actually be better in all respects than what is originally questioned
Well just because we don't agree is every reason we should talk about it isn't this what this sites all about ? anyway the monarchy like the pope isn't infallible.

Why shouldn't the crown be questioned? it has been before and if it wants to survive needs to listen and whilst you deride that it's only just over a million bear in mind there are several of these petitions all with numbers in tens of thousands signing,there is one supporting the award and Bliar and it has attracted a smidge over a thousand votes  

Because you are in a minority of one  on this no need to give up :o   Cue one or two now declaring support for you.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on January 08, 2022, 11:02:33 AM
What you really mean is please shut up and leave our Tone alone.

Ermmm no,the honours system is seriously out of date because we have no empire need no more lords or barons.

The whole thing needs an overhaul,of course politicians don't see it that way and old Ed Davey thinks people are being disrespectful to her maj questioning this award to Bliar (why is a Ed a sir btw) No Ed you like a lot of politicians think these awards are some rite of passage.

What cannot be escaped is these things need an overhaul,the lords the political system of course it needs a thinking about and will take time and then we should start on the charities.......that aren't.

If you like.  More a case of for F@@@ sake, we don't agree, and won't . As far as Blair is concerned. Let's see what happens.
I think in general terms I do agree with your thoughts on the honours system .But  I can see where Davey ,is coming from though. If you start trying to reverse the monarchs decisions on one of the few of her obligations .it's only a short distance from , questioning the Crown, the throne., and it's relevance . Which is what the monarch represents.
As you say all these things need thinking about.  Maybe questioning. As long as people can see the wood from the trees, because the answers have to actually be better in all respects than what is originally questioned 


Quote from: Good old on January 07, 2022, 02:37:30 PM
Well God knows how long it will take before the petition gets anywhere near reflecting Steve's Poll. As the Poll at face value is supposed to represent the nation, not the actual voting public.the petition is still Approx 42 million short of reflecting his poll. Ain't it about time we sat back and just watched the game.;D
What you really mean is please shut up and leave our Tone alone.

Ermmm no,the honours system is seriously out of date because we have no empire need no more lords or barons.

The whole thing needs an overhaul,of course politicians don't see it that way and old Ed Davey thinks people are being disrespectful to her maj questioning this award to Bliar (why is a Ed a sir btw) No Ed you like a lot of politicians think these awards are some rite of passage.

What cannot be escaped is these things need an overhaul,the lords the political system of course it needs a thinking about and will take time and then we should start on the charities.......that aren't.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Good old on January 07, 2022, 02:37:30 PM
Well God knows how long it will take before the petition gets anywhere near reflecting Steve's Poll. As the Poll at face value is supposed to represent the nation, not the actual voting public.the petition is still Approx 42 million short of reflecting his poll. Ain't it about time we sat back and just watched the game.;D
The Establishment is never wrong, even it were caught out they would close ranks and cover it up, that it is how it works don't you know.  
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on January 07, 2022, 02:37:30 PM
Well God knows how long it will take before the petition gets anywhere near reflecting Steve's Poll. As the Poll at face value is supposed to represent the nation, not the actual voting public.the petition is still Approx 42 million short of reflecting his poll. Ain't it about time we sat back and just watched the game.;D

Like you say, it is only a million people so far.Butt Kick
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on January 07, 2022, 02:22:29 PM
Of course you saw the link from a Steve and the poll that said 61% disapproved and only 14% approved.

Hardly sluggish or confined to those that just don't like him more that they're appalled that his actions when PM were disgraceful yet he is still given an honour.

Well God knows how long it will take before the petition gets anywhere near reflecting Steve's Poll. As the Poll at face value is supposed to represent the nation, not the actual voting public.the petition is still Approx 42 million short of reflecting his poll. Ain't it about time we sat back and just watched the game.;D


Quote from: Good old on January 07, 2022, 01:10:34 PM
Considering this petition does little more than give an outlet for those that just don't like the man, a bit sluggish then.
Of course you saw the link from a Steve and the poll that said 61% disapproved and only 14% approved.

Hardly sluggish or confined to those that just don't like him more that they're appalled that his actions when PM were disgraceful yet he is still given an honour.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?

Good old

Quote from: Sheepy on January 07, 2022, 12:29:54 PM
I hear on the grapevine we are reaching a million signatures and still going. Removing consent isn't so hard then.

Considering this petition does little more than give an outlet for those that just don't like the man, a bit sluggish then. 


I hear on the grapevine we are reaching a million signatures and still going. Removing consent isn't so hard then. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Good old on January 07, 2022, 10:37:21 AM
That sounds like he ain't the only liar, or maybe scumbag. If so I,ll take that. I personally would not cry in my beer if they removed the whole honours sham. In particular the idea of knights, and peerages. More particularly if they are obvious political appointments.
I've never said he's the only liar,what I have said is I actually voted for him and hope turned to detestation where he did any good far outweighed by the harm.

Most appointments are politically or financially motivated,that tossers like Archer remained in place bear testament to that.

All those of note or service have like the rest of us human failings,they can be accepted where the service given is outstanding,sadly the opposite seems to be the norm.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on January 07, 2022, 10:22:57 AM
As I've pointed out more than once his honour looks to have been cleared to enable more of the liars and hopeless receive theirs.

Giving him an honour merely highlights what a sham the whole thing has become,it needs a rethink to be used to reward those whe have been outstanding not as I've pointed out like a bus pass awarded because you've reached a stage in your life.

That sounds like he ain't the only liar, or maybe scumbag. If so I,ll take that. I personally would not cry in my beer if they removed the whole honours sham. In particular the idea of knights, and peerages. More particularly if they are obvious political appointments.


Quote from: Good old on January 07, 2022, 10:12:41 AM
Going on my previous post, I think it's pretty clear , much of the world certainly don't see him as a sick joke.
I know what he and others really are. But I wouldn't pick him him out as the only one to get a kicking of the magnitude dished out to him . The savaging of Blair is for home consumption, and the fact that Tories can take his advice should tell you why.
As I've pointed out more than once his honour looks to have been cleared to enable more of the liars and hopeless receive theirs.

Giving him an honour merely highlights what a sham the whole thing has become,it needs a rethink to be used to reward those whe have been outstanding not as I've pointed out like a bus pass awarded because you've reached a stage in your life.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on January 07, 2022, 10:01:31 AM
And Tones pursuit of fame,glory and not least money were pointed out in a timely link by Sheepy regards Kazakhstan where his pursuit of them turns to more like infamy and blood money.

You keep defending him good old the rest of us see him and others for what they really are and it isn't pretty.
Going on my previous post, I think it's pretty clear , much of the world certainly don't see him as a sick joke.
I know what he and others really are. But I wouldn't pick him him out as the only one to get a kicking of the magnitude dished out to him . The savaging of Blair is for home consumption, and the fact that Tories can take his advice should tell you why.


Quote from: Good old on January 07, 2022, 09:40:07 AM
Well if it was a sick joke. It was organised by the UN, the US, the EU, and Russia.Yes the UN, the very people he is supposed to have poked in the eye.  And all in all a pretty broad consensus of approval. As for ambassadors to Israel, they to have given him one of their highest honours. Them and a number of other nations.  Yes he has been known to converse, and even advise certain dubious characters, even lowered himself to advise a decent number of Tory politicians . So I'm told.
And Tones pursuit of fame,glory and not least money were pointed out in a timely link by Sheepy regards Kazakhstan where his pursuit of them turns to more like infamy and blood money.

You keep defending him good old the rest of us see him and others for what they really are and it isn't pretty.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?

Good old

Quote from: srb7677 on January 06, 2022, 08:36:12 PM
That he - so complicit in the Iraq war that did so much lasting damage in the region - should ever have been appointed a peace envoy for the Middle East was a sick joke from the start, oozing with hypocrisy and contempt. It was a two fingered salute to anyone with an ounce of morality and international knowledge. As for appointing the right man for the role, appointing him for that one would be right up there with appointing Heinrich Himmler as ambassador to Israel. Or Keir Starmer as an advocate for the oppressed Palestinians, for that matter.

Well if it was a sick joke. It was organised by the UN, the US, the EU, and Russia.Yes the UN, the very people he is supposed to have poked in the eye.  And all in all a pretty broad consensus of approval. As for ambassadors to Israel, they to have given him one of their highest honours. Them and a number of other nations.  Yes he has been known to converse, and even advise certain dubious characters, even lowered himself to advise a decent number of Tory politicians . So I'm told.