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Djokovic deported

Started by Streetwalker, January 05, 2022, 11:17:45 PM

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As I have probably already mentioned, despite all the jabs and lockdowns, the fatality rate for the last five months appears to be pretty much constant.

If I were a tad cynical instead of being a gullible chap who believes everything that those whom the good Lord have seen fit to place in authority tell me to believe, I would be inclined to think that our politicians and scientists don't know hay from a bull's arse and are just making a fuss to hide the fact.

Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, I am so f**king bored with this bug.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Thomas on January 08, 2022, 01:33:20 PM
Did you actually read your own link streetwalker?

Let me quote you part of it.

Similar peak viral loads
A study in medical journal The Lancet followed 602 primary close contacts of 471 people with COVID. It documented transmission and viral load in the group.

It found there were no differences in peak viral loads between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. It also showed only a small decrease in the number of infections in household members between vaccinated and unvaccinated people, suggesting a similar level of infectiousness.

Another unpublished pre-print, which is yet to be reviewed by other scientists, suggests a similar trend in viral load between vaccinated and unvaccinated people, as does a CDC report in the US from July which analysed outbreak data from Massachusetts.

(Don Bloodstained 40 year old Lab Coat)

(Ignore tut tut remarks from nephew that they have detergents that can shift those ancient blood stains these days)


So what this report says is they took vaccinated people and unvaccinated people and took blood and tissue samples and measured them to determine the degree to which those samples were infected with the pox presumably through measuring some active ability of the pox in those samples because counting viruses in a sample under a serious microscope is SO eighties it's almost as ancient as my lab coat

And they found what ? The blood of the vaccinated has pretty much the same serum concentration of pox as the unvaccinated.

BIG deal

Here's a question

Do the needle biopsies of the liver of the said cohorts show the same reaction to the presence of Angiotensin Inhibitor as measured by fluroscopic marker bound to sephadex as reported by Voisey, A in the Journal of Oncology 2015 (ish) as a technique for measuring the degree of invasion of mouse cancer cells after said hepatic cell biopsies are broken open as per the methods of Howe, Voisey and Winterburn (Biochem Soc Transactions 1982).

I'd be prepared to bet a postdoctoral research grant application to teach my nephew us oldies still have the magic, that they don't.

Because the entire point of having the f**king jab is to entrench resistance to the invasion of the cell cytoplasm by the active virus not stop you getting a runny nose

(Takes bow, removes lab coat and chucks it into vat of vanish to prove to nauseating nephew that some chemical bonds between proteins and cotton fibres are NEVER going to be broken and a bloody good job too otherwise loads of murderers would walk)

Thank you and goodnight. Or good afternoon anyway
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 07, 2022, 03:43:38 PM

.COVID-19: How do vaccinations help stop the spread? | World Economic Forum (

Have a good evening , Im off to the club for some beer  (vaccinated only )
Did you actually read your own link streetwalker?

Let me quote you part of it.

Similar peak viral loads
A study in medical journal The Lancet followed 602 primary close contacts of 471 people with COVID. It documented transmission and viral load in the group.

It found there were no differences in peak viral loads between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. It also showed only a small decrease in the number of infections in household members between vaccinated and unvaccinated people, suggesting a similar level of infectiousness.

Another unpublished pre-print, which is yet to be reviewed by other scientists, suggests a similar trend in viral load between vaccinated and unvaccinated people, as does a CDC report in the US from July which analysed outbreak data from Massachusetts.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on January 07, 2022, 09:25:21 AM
Well I can't say I don't give a toss but this has polarised opinions,if the Oz have a rule he should've stuck to it or not gone there.
I completely agree.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 07, 2022, 11:56:20 AM
Yes its a tennis tournament where 99% of the participants are vaccinated .The 1% left is Serbian
....and? You admitted yourself he isnt a threat to australians or anyone else , and wether all or none are vaccinated as we know doesnt stop the virus spreading or people catching it.

QuoteI don't care what anybody else decides to do
Quite clearly you do , with the amount of time you spend debating it with scott and jumping on the coercion bandwagon regarding djokovic.

QuoteAlso having had the bastard I don't want it again and if the vaccine ,wearing a mask on the bus  and standing 2feet away from the bloke I'm talking to in the pub makes that just a fraction of a % less likely I'm having some of it .
I personally think you are being hypocritical.

Djokovic isnt more of a threat to anyone than a vaccinated person is. The only person he is putting at risk is himself , and thats his choice.

You tell us you go  into pubs , and cabaret clubs , needlessly during a pandemic wave , putting yourself at risk despite the precautions you say you take , all to have a pint and socialise. You have come to the conclusion that life has to go on , and you are prepared to accept risks in doing so. Yet you castigate djokovic for doing the same?

Sorry mate, none of your arguments stack up to me. Live and let live.
The science would appear to support my take on it

From day one of this pandemic , we have had spurious so called scientific claims made that have turned out to be utter horseshit. This latest one , that vaccines are "supposed" to reduce transmission seems to me that last redoubt of coercionists after all the other claims have fell by the wayside.

Quite clearly whatever the claims about vaccines "reducing " transmission are very clearly negligible , when you consider the virus is spreading like wildfire among the highly vaccinated by the highly vaccinated.

Scotland is the third highest vaccinated country on earth , and sturgeon has still put scotland into severe ongoing restrictions because the virus is spreading among the vaccinated. My own family members , in both the delta wave and now omicron , have been single, double, and triple vaccinated and all have caught and transmitted the virus.

In percentage terms , despite scotland being highly vaccinated , sticking with mask wearing and vaccine passports when england didnt , still had similar daily cases . So quite clearly the vaccine reducing transmission is yet another empty so called "scientific fact" to coerce the non vaccinated.

Quite clearly the non vaccinated are being singled out and demonised by the elite and their pet media as people look for someone to blame. How many times do we see this age old propaganda trick in action?

Well not from me mate. Im not jumping on the outrage bus to victimise someone for excercising their personal freedom and right to do as they see fit.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on January 07, 2022, 09:25:21 AM
Well I can't say I don't give a toss but this has polarised opinions,if the Oz have a rule he should've stuck to it or not gone there.

Its now being made out he's some sort of political prisoner,he isn't but if that's the line they're taking it's a pity this isn't taking place in China where they're taking a much tougher line.

I have mostly kept out of these exchanges because it's pointless,stances taken have become ridiculous to the point any sense of balance has gone out of the window.
Australia have form for being less than polite to any who try to screw with their border control process.

I suppose it is actually somewhat fortuitous that others have pulled out of this tournament citing medical fitness among other reasons. I can't say I blame them.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 07, 2022, 10:17:26 PM
Some of the links within the link I posted ARE from the Lancet , your chosen bible of covid , Either you treat the lancet as gospel or you do not . Personally I use many sources to get a balanced view but Im happy to use the Lancet as a reference if you agree to use ALL its research not just the bits that fit you theories

Yeah, and the Lancet paper is the one that shows the transmission is insignificantly affected by the vaccines.  As posted before: "SAR was not significantly higher in unvaccinated (38%, 95% CI 24–53) than fully vaccinated (25%, 18–33) household contacts."

It's not my bible, it's peer-reviewed science.  So where is the peer-reviewed science that contradicts this?  The WEF disagrees, but that's just their opinion.  The WEF also has the opinion that you should own nothing and be happy.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: Scott777 on January 07, 2022, 06:21:07 PM
Miss who?  I like the way you can't actually address the point with any evidence for your claim, but instead deflect, deflect, deflect.  Your WEF article provides no scientific evidence to contradict the evidence from the Lancet.  It merely gives an opinion.  I expect you will run away, like they all do, rather than admit that you cannot support your claim.  It's called denial.  I would respect your opinion, but I can't respect false claims.
Some of the links within the link I posted ARE from the Lancet , your chosen bible of covid , Either you treat the lancet as gospel or you do not . Personally I use many sources to get a balanced view but Im happy to use the Lancet as a reference if you agree to use ALL its research not just the bits that fit you theories 


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 07, 2022, 03:43:38 PM
You bounce around scott from thread to thread with your miss information and conspiracy theory ,cherry picking snippets from  reports to suit your anti vax agenda not to mention the completely random sun article about a guy not feeling up to the challenge of a tennis match 

Many have tried to show you reports and  National health associations advice from around the world and you still think its some sort of global conspiracy .

I would agree some of the measures taken by governments have been it seems out of kilt with the science , over cautious or down right stupid . I didn't  agreed with the universal lockdown measures for instance and never really seen the point of masks but there is no question that the vaccine has saved us that particular restriction .

The vaccine works and is why non vaccinated people are not welcome in Australia nor at home at  night clubs ,football grounds and West End theatres just a few of my outings in the past fortnight

For the last time

.COVID-19: How do vaccinations help stop the spread? | World Economic Forum (

Have a good evening , Im off to the club for some beer  (vaccinated only )

Miss who?  I like the way you can't actually address the point with any evidence for your claim, but instead deflect, deflect, deflect.  Your WEF article provides no scientific evidence to contradict the evidence from the Lancet.  It merely gives an opinion.  I expect you will run away, like they all do, rather than admit that you cannot support your claim.  It's called denial.  I would respect your opinion, but I can't respect false claims.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: Scott777 on January 07, 2022, 02:32:39 PM
The science actually shows the reduction in transmission is insignificant.  So, will you also be walking, running, driving more slowly, to reduce the chance of bumping into someone by 1% and reduce the chance of injury by 0.01%?
You bounce around scott from thread to thread with your miss information and conspiracy theory ,cherry picking snippets from  reports to suit your anti vax agenda not to mention the completely random sun article about a guy not feeling up to the challenge of a tennis match  

Many have tried to show you reports and  National health associations advice from around the world and you still think its some sort of global conspiracy .

I would agree some of the measures taken by governments have been it seems out of kilt with the science , over cautious or down right stupid . I didn't  agreed with the universal lockdown measures for instance and never really seen the point of masks but there is no question that the vaccine has saved us that particular restriction .

The vaccine works and is why non vaccinated people are not welcome in Australia nor at home at  night clubs ,football grounds and West End theatres just a few of my outings in the past fortnight

For the last time 

.COVID-19: How do vaccinations help stop the spread? | World Economic Forum (

Have a good evening , Im off to the club for some beer  (vaccinated only ) 


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 07, 2022, 11:56:20 AM
The science would appear to support my take on it , nobody has said the Vaccine stops transmission what it does is reduce transmission so the Aussies have taken a  stance on it I would agree with

The science actually shows the reduction in transmission is insignificant.  So, will you also be walking, running, driving more slowly, to reduce the chance of bumping into someone by 1% and reduce the chance of injury by 0.01%?
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: Scott777 on January 07, 2022, 11:01:40 AM
Most people have been jabbed, so it is reasonable to assume that.
No its not . It could easily be anxiety  or another  different virus .  Putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 19  again . 


Quote from: Thomas on January 07, 2022, 08:15:20 AM
So what is the problem then? Clearly political science , rather than medical science once again. The threat here is nothing more than symbolism , an alleged unvaccintated man sending the "wrong" message out to the plebs and the political elite dont like it.
...and djokovics vaccine status , or lack of , wont make a blind bit of difference to australias outbreak one way or the other.

Its a tennis tournament mate , and 99% of the participants are not australian. If they dont like foreigners travelling in their country , then why the fack hold an international tennis tournament?
It is a surprise , for the reasons given above , and the fact the rules are an arse.

Im surprised at your stance on covid streetwalker , given

1. Your long standing commitment to personal freedoms

2.Your long standing opposition to authoritarian measures

3. The lack of common sense and medical science in those arguments , as someone i regard as normally being sensible and taking a measured view.

If this vaccine stopped the virus spreading , stopped people contracting it , then i would acknowledge you and others like you have a point. It doesnt , and you dont.

No and after two years of political meddling we are back where we started. Except they have jabbed millions with mRNA. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on January 07, 2022, 08:15:20 AM
So what is the problem then? Clearly political science , rather than medical science once again. The threat here is nothing more than symbolism , an alleged unvaccintated man sending the "wrong" message out to the plebs and the political elite dont like it.
...and djokovics vaccine status , or lack of , wont make a blind bit of difference to australias outbreak one way or the other.

Its a tennis tournament mate , and 99% of the participants are not australian. If they dont like foreigners travelling in their country , then why the fack hold an international tennis tournament?
It is a surprise , for the reasons given above , and the fact the rules are an arse.

Im surprised at your stance on covid streetwalker , given

1. Your long standing commitment to personal freedoms

2.Your long standing opposition to authoritarian measures

3. The lack of common sense and medical science in those arguments , as someone i regard as normally being sensible and taking a measured view.

If this vaccine stopped the virus spreading , stopped people contracting it , then i would acknowledge you and others like you have a point. It doesnt , and you dont.
Yes its a tennis tournament where 99% of the participants are vaccinated .The 1% left is Serbian 

My long standing commitment to personal freedoms  continue . It has been my choice to follow the advice of  Public Health England ,the NHS and my private  health care provider .  I don't care what anybody else decides to do though would argue a fully vaccinated population would make it a safer population for all .
Also having had the bastard I don't want it again and if the vaccine ,wearing a mask on the bus  and standing 2feet away from the bloke I'm talking to in the pub makes that just a fraction of a % less likely I'm having some of it . 

The science would appear to support my take on it , nobody has said the Vaccine stops transmission what it does is reduce transmission so the Aussies have taken a  stance on it I would agree with 



Quote from: Barry on January 06, 2022, 06:00:57 PM
Are we to assume the unsaid thing is that this was post jab? If so, can we have some clarity. If not, you are just fishing.

Most people have been jabbed, so it is reasonable to assume that.

Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.